East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 26, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Be mm
lllWE .1.
I mGI V E .. ,
Bring as Many Books as You Have to the Premium Parlor and Get
in every Book . These stamps are entirely free. You need nut buy a thing to get
them, simply ask for them. RED LETTER DAY is the last Wednesday of every month.
When you save Green Trading Stamps you are actually saving money because they are given as a discount for
cash. Therefore whenever you make a purchase in this store, no matter how small, ask for S. & H. trading stamps'
when you have filled one or more books with stamps bring them to our Premium Parlor, any article for furnishing or beautifying the home will be given in return. Begin saving
Til KM NOW. You will be both pleased and surprised to find how easily and quickly many articles which would otherwise, hav( been impossible to secure can be had.
Full line of new fjg fjn.0C, Ufies New Spri Ox-
Florsheim Oxfords Jst Arrived tords C. P. Ford Fine
. Just Arrived Shoes. Smaltz Goodman
. ' i
New Mallory Hats H(IJj W 10 more shopping IB me oes
Mc r 1 IS VSJ UJ LLa 11 days until Easter HI 12, 16 and 20 Button White
m new bpnng Colors iami uuuuu wane
Fownes Gloves
Full new line of Cream and light colored
I- ff kb You ought to see those
Boys Suits and Shoes LadlS SlllfS for Easier Spring Goats and Dresses
ft- 1
An extra good program fir Tues-
luy'il change. Four full reels of tlio
best pictures.
1. i"An Antique Uis.' Lubin.
Joseph Simpson la a cnndldate for re
election for governor. Jim Dixon is
on tho opposition ticket and he and
his pnriy brlbo Simpson's clerks to
invent a story that will hurt his cm
pSoyer in the- public eye. Simpson
has a ring in his drawer which he
Intends to present to his wife. They
hint to Mrs. Simpson that her hus
band is flirting with his stenograph-.
r. With the aid of the Kill, brings
in the ring as a proof. The plot Is
discovered and nil Is explained satis
factorily to the couple.
2. "The Hell Illngor of the Abby."
l'atlie. A beautiful legend of old
lirlttainy tells tho ?tory of an aged
bell rliiKer who finds, one dark night,
tho bell of the bell of the refuses to
ring and the devil appears before
him. He Is saved by an angel who
in the garb of a ragged urchin begs
for food.
3. "Across the Polar Seas." Pathe.
An Interesting view of the frozen
4. '"Tho Grip Snatcher." Essn
nay. Jlmmie, u loiter about the rail
road stations relieves an old man of
his grip,. He later finds out that he Is
a physician returning from Africa. All
he finds in the grip are two glass
tubes, containing what tastes like
Kin. Ho 'goes to tho doctor at onco
and tells him he has drunk the germs.
Tho doctor puts him to bed and one
week later Is released ns cured. He
did not drink tho germs but some raw
!. "The Rattle of Pottsburg
liridge." Knlom. Tho story of a
southern girl's bravery and tho way
sho saved her brother when ho Is
discovered bv a sentry, badly wound
ed. Musical program:
1 Paid In Full. Walt:. W. V. re
fers. Liza Schottlseho. Van Alstyne.
3 Love Sparks. ' Waltz. Cabe
4 Yankee Kid Twtistep. C. Blake.
5 Sly Cupid Waltzes. 15. Sern.
Tho Pastime.
The home of good pictures. Tues
day's change of program Includes two
big feature films.
"Winning Is Losing." Vitagraph.
Featuring Maurice Costello as her
sweetheart. Winning a fast racing
trot on the track, a young man loses
his sweetheart, but by a happy
thought, wins her back again. ThisN
horso wins when it is expected to
lose, but little Ian Cupid takes the
reins anil brings the happy couple un
dc r the vire"prize winners in the race
of love.
"Far from Frill's Isle " Kalem.
This is a production which will lin
ger in the mind, (lone Gauntier as
Kathleen tho Irish girl, who U dis
satisfied with her simplo surround
ings tells Brian her lover of her am
bition to go to America. A vein of
pathos, woven through this drama,
will touch the hearts of every one
ami the picture of Irish life and the
Btrifo in a large American city are
vividly portrayed,
"Ordered to Movo On." Eclipse.
Showing the adventures of a young
musical genius following the death of
his father,
"Indian Blood." American rathe.
A stirring drama, full of thrills. ,
"Maderia, Portugal," Kclipso. A
scenic novelty. .
Musical program.
No.; 1 St. Patrick's Day In the
Morning. Variations.
No. 2 Wearing of the Green. Va
riations, y ,
Xo. 3- Come Back to Erin. Varia
tions. No. 4 B cky Boad to Dublin. Va
riations. '
No. 5 Killarney. Variations.
The Cosy.
Monday and Tuesday feature west
ern and lots of comedy,
"That Man from the Foot Hills."
Nestor. Snappy western story ful of
hard riding and daring incidents. A
cowboy, uccuHcd of , theft, was cap
tured by the posse after some wild
riding, but his innocence was proven
in a dramatic way.
"Cardinal Farley's Return." Pow
er. Showing good views of his em
inence, tho immense crowds, and also
some fine views of the big steamship
"An Expensive Bide " Majestic.
Amusing story of an auto ride and its
nerve-racking sequel. The party ran
over a woman and were forced to pay
her hush money for weeks. The clev
er way in which they finally got out
of the mess is both laughable and un
expected. "An abundant Candle." Itala. The
man was sent for a candle but be
coming somewhat tipsy brought home
a fullgrown lamp post.
"Mania for Caricature." Ita'a. In
troducing a very clever, rapid fire ar-ti.-t
who draws your picture while you
"Beautiful Christianla." Powers.
Views of tho city and wild country
surrounding it taken from a moving
The firnntl Theater.
Opening tonight, vaudeville:
Doronto, the Chinese Impersonator.
2. Harry Linton, tho original
lloosier Boy.
Photoplays, consisting of all fea
tures: 1. . "The Heart of Nichette,"
an Edison feature; 2 "A Reformed
Santa Clans. Another Vitagraphic fea
ture; 2 Too Much Realism. A Ka
lem comedy.
Doronto has worked the Orphcfim
circuit and conies highly recommend
ed as the best in his line.
issrr.s ;i: m Tio
Sensible Women Know
Foundation of Health
As health talks to women become morel
general, both In the newspapers nnd on the
platform, the mass of women are begin
ning to realize what the more cultivated
hnve nlwnvs known, that good health can
not be found In a powder box. The ex
ternals of health may be obtained In that
way, but the basis of health lies deeper,
nnd yet Is just as easily obtained .
The most Important thing that a wo
man can do for herself, nnd nbout which
Hlie Is often most neglectful. Is to watch
the condition of her stomach nnd bowels.
The weary eyes, the bad breath,- the fre
quent headaches, the pimples, the general
air of lassitude In nine times out of ten
the result of constipation or Indigestion, or
both. Many simple remedies can be ob
tained, but tho best In the estimation cf
most women Is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep
sin. It la mild, pleasant to tho tasto and
exactly suited to her needs. It U far
superior to salts, carliartlc pills, waters.
etc., whirl! are entirely too violent.
Women should see to It that-they have
at. least one movement of the bowels each
day, nnd when showing any tendency to
const Ipnt ion should take Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup lVpsin In the sninll dose prescribed.
A Drier use or it will so train tlie stomach
and bowel muscles Hint nil forms of medi
cine can be dispensed with. These opin
ions nre voiced by thousands of women,
after personal experience, among them
Aim M. Lilly, ltedwlue. Calif., aud Mary
A. Iteelie. St. Thomas, Nevada.
Anyone wishing to lunka a trlnl of this
remedy before buying It Io the regular
way of a druggist at fifty cents or one
dollnr a bottlo (family 'size) can have a
sample bottle sent to the borne free of
charge by simply addressing Dr. V. K.
Caldwell. 405 Washington St., Montlrello.
JU. Your name and addresa on a postal'
card will do.
l'liMsilion Not as Settlors Wished
and Sought for in Amendment
Solimiltitl by Water I'sors' Asso
tt rms
terms of the act of February 13,
1911 (36 Stat., 902). for the water
users to st cure easier terms of pay
ment, and at the same time recover
.'or tho Reclamation Fund, as re
quired by the terms of the Reclama
tion Act the cost of building, operat
ion and maintenance of the irilgition
works as now estimated;
"Now, therefore, the following pub
lic notice is issued under the terms
of Section 4 of the Reclamation Act
and of the said Act of February 13,
All applications for water
heretofore filed under the
of the public notice heretofore
may be continued under the
thereof, if the said public no
tices be fully complied with by pay
ment or otherwise within two months
trom the date hereof.
"2. For the purpose of avoiding
the cancellation of entries and water
right applications for which the en
trymen or owners shall have failed
within two months from the date
hereof, to comply by payment or oth
erwise with the public notices nnd or
ders under which their water right
applications were made, it is hereby
ordered that water right applications
at the increased rates herein named
may he made within two months
from the date hereof as amendatory
to water right applications hereto
fore filed, and original entries and
water right applications shall be
made at the new rates when none
have been heretofore filed. The new
rates shall apply also in case where
prior entries are canceled and new
entries made without written as
signment of credits for payments
therefore made. Tho portion of the
charge on account of building the ir
rigation system shall be $70 per
acre of irrigable land and shall he
due and payable in not more than
ten annual payments."
A table, covering the graduation
and classification, accompanies the
The stockholders of the Umatilla
association will take the matter up
at their annual meeting which will
oe held at Skinner hall next Satur
day afternoon. It Is not generally
looked upon as a favorable propo
sition to the settlers.
(Special Correspondence. )
I lermiston, tire., March 2i. Ad-
luring to the plan of graduation of
water right payments as arranged by
tho reclamation service and which
the I'matila Water I'ser.s' association
sought to have amended which was
refused the department of the in
terior has Issued the public notice ofi
March " which reads ns follows:
"Whereas, under the provisions
the Reclamation Act ot" June
1902 (32 Stat., 3SS), works tor
ligation have been constructed or are
In contemplation for the irrigation
and reclamation of lands under the
rmatilla project, Oregon, and the
cost thereof must be paid by the wa
ter users, as required by said act, in
not exceeding ten annual instalments,
"Whereas,' It has been decided ifl
offer such opportunity as may be
reasonably and possible under tho
Far Rent to a lady, a large, well
furnished room, with sewing machine,
very close in. 'Cheap. Inquire 719
IliliMuy i:.M'rts Advocate Construc
tion by Men Who Know How.
Kansas City, Mo. That working
of roads by farmers Is a mistake and
should be discouraged, is the opinion
of the Missouri Association of County
Highway Engineers. Instead of al
lowing the farmers to pay poll tax by
working the roads it is advocated by
the engineers that he should pay the
cash and let men who know how
build the highways.
"More money and more inteligent
work are needed to make good roads, '
siiid one engineer In his speech. "The
money we spend each year in a small
way is wasted."
"Turn the money over to persons
who know how- this, work ought to be
done," was the advice of C. C. Racine,
master of the State Grange.
Mrs. (). 11. p. liclmont IU'lligv rent in
Prtx lift ins Suffragist Methods.
New York. Not stones, but shot
guns; not broken windows, but brok
en beads.
That is the war cry of the militant
women suffragists in the United
That these women will form an
."riny, equip themselves for battle and
engage in warfare to the death with
the corrupt politicians who are with
holding the right of the ballot, is the
startling prediction of Mrs. O. H. P.
Itelmont, president of tho Political
Equality Association of New York.
She ad, Is significantly:
"And it will he soon."
No Headache, HiliouMicxs. I'psrt
Stomach. i,uzv i,Ver tr onstlatcl
Dowels by Morning.
' A good treatment tor a cold settled
in the lungs is a HERRICK'S RED
plied to the chest to draw out In
flammation, and rtALLARD'S HORE
HOL'XH SYRUP to relax tightness
You get the two remedies for the ;
price of one by buying tho dollar size !
Horehound Syrup; there is a porous j
plaster free with each bottle. Sold ,
by A. C. Koeppen & Uros. I
'Are you keeping your bowels, liver
and stomach clean, pure and fresh
with Cascarets, or merely forcing a
passageway through these alimentary
or drainage organs every few days
with salts, cathartic pills, castor oil
or purgative waters.
Stop having a bowel wash-day. Let
Cascarets thoroughly cleanse and
regulate the stomach, remove the un
digested, sour and fermenting food
and foul gases, take the excess bile
from the liver and carry out of the
system all the decomposed waste mat
ter and poisons in the intestines and"
A Cascaret tonight will make you
feel great by morning. They work
while you sleep never gripe, sicken
or cause any inconvenience, and cost
only 10 cents a box from your drug
gist. Millions of men and women
take a Cascaret now and then and
never have a headache, biliousness,
coated tongue, indigestion, sour stom
ach or constipated bowels Cascarets
belong in every household. Children
just love to take them.
Tablets. Druggists Tifund money If it
tails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S slgna
cure la on each box Zlz.
Bronchial Troches
Save the voice in all kinds of weather. Inriilua--Me
tn siltpei-s and speiikprs for clearing the voice.
T!ht' U nettling inoro ettVotivef.-r Throat Irrita
tion, Hoarseness atut Coughs. Sixty years' repu
tation. SoMoulyin U-xes. Sample mailed free
lOlIN I. BKOWX & SON. lioton. Mas.
There Is more Catarrh In this section of
the country than all other diseases put
together, and until the Inst few yenrs was
supposed to be Incurable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced It a local
disease nnd prescribed locnl remedies, nnd
by constantly falling to cure with locnl
treatment, announced It Incurable. Science
has proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease and tlierofore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Cntnrrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., To
ledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure
on the market. It Is taken luternally In
doses from 10 drops to a tenspoonf til. It
acts directly on the blood nnd mucous snr
faces of the system. They offer one hun
dred dollars for any case it falls to cure.
Scud for circulars nnd testimonials.
Address : F. J. CHEXKY 4 Co., Toledo,
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Italia Family Pills for constipation.
Bottled inBond
-- l nil "uM
Since 1780