TAQE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1912. TEN PAGES Save Your Oarpots KeeoHaoDraues,,SS fresh as new. Thousands of housewives who are now using DOMESTICS are en thusiastic in their praise of them and would not part with them at any co6t. Call and see them. There is nothing to get out of order nothing to wear out. For Sale By JESSE FAILING Main Street Near Bridge. Lumber and Building tVJ a 1 A Large and Complete Stock Al 1 iCl ICllal ways on Hand and PRICED RIGHT 1 " 111 ....... - i. -- The Best Mai Work to be Obtained in the Northwest Let Us Figure With You on Your Next Order Pendleton Planing Mill and Lum- hnr Varrl J-A- BORIE LUUBER CO., Proprietors UUI I dill PHONE MAIN 7 nri Having decided to retire from the Im plement Business in Pendleton we of fer our entire line of Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, Plows, Harrows, Drills, En gines and Pumps Now is the time to get the bargains. Come while the stock is complete. Main Street. I ML It Is hard on your carpets to sweep them with a stiff broom or a carpet sweeper. They tear and Injure the nap of the carpet more by one sweeping than walking over, it a month would. Beating a carpet on a line Is ruinous too. It breaks the warp, takes the natural stiff ness out and causes it to wear out much quicker than it should. If you run over your carpets and rugs every day or two with a DOMESTIC VAC UUM CI.KANKR (runs like a carpet sweep er) you will keep them as clean as your table linen every day and you will never have to take them up off the floor. Not only this, but you will add many months and years to their life. Think of the sav ing in money, time and hard work it will mean to you. The DOMESTIC rolls over the floor and sucks up the dirt without the slightest wear to the carpet no brushes no bristles just a strong blast of air rushing through your carpet up into the cleaner carrying all the dust, dirt, moths and microbes with it and not one particle of the dust escapes from the cleaner to settle again In the room as it does with the old fashioned meth ods. It keeps the nap raised, making the carpet soft to walk upon and the original colors are kept bright and (ft mm UVJIS AT COST Dmploiioit Pendleton, Oregon. Illd'J RHV 111 urn TIM 1 1 UUI III IIULIUII H0l.lt AT ADAMS (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., March 23.--Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Nolton of Adams, on Wednesday night a fifteen pound baby boy. Dr. Newsom of Athena, was attending physician. Mother and babe are doing nicely. Mr. Nolton is connected with the O.-W. It. & N. here. Mrs. French and Mr. and Mrs. L. Labadoe were Pendleton visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lieuallen were Athena visitors Friday. Mrs. E. C. Bowling was the guest of Mrs. Dr. McFall Tuesday. Mrs. E. G. Marquis was a Pendle ton visitor Tuesady and Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. T. I.leuallen are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Lieuallen of Pilot Hock for a few days this week. WHAT SAVED HER LIFE Hrs. Martin Tells About a Painful Experience that Might Have Ended Seriously. RlTesriUa, W. Va. Mrs. Dora Martin, In a letter from RlTesvllls, write!: "For three rears, I suffered with wo manly troubles, and had pains In my tack and side. I was nerrous and could not sleep at night The doctor could not help me. He said I would have to be operated on be fore I could get better. I thought I would try using CarduL Now, I am entirely well. I am sure Cardui eared my Ufa, will never be without Cardui In my home. I recommend It to my friends.' For fifty years, Cardui has been re lieving pain and distress caused by wo manly trouble. It will surely help you. It goes to the spot reaches the trouble relieves the symptoms, and drives away the cause. If you suffer from any symptoms of womanly trouble, take CarduL Tour druggist sells and recommends It. Get a bottle from him today. N. B. Writs to: Udtes' Advisory Devi., Ourtta ooci MedlclM Co., Chaiunoora, Twin., tar Special Jmtruetumt, and D4-pa book, Hon 1 im kw Wonn." mm la plain wrapptr. oa want. Hot Mat,. Covr Tank. Sail Hnmlalin.. thick PAID V N.rwrr Satm lamp, (. monwta.. bt EmiAL cmwmetiM si Ikrtt w.lb all ow wttfc nkiml QUAIWftO b.cwa mch mH. o atmait that ak.bod. cu bmT. btfUtciMt Cm oar ntaloffw and low felffrtfad bk I. Him !.? w St. HotofM Irwubator Co., Tolodo, Wahlnton V II li tr.ctoMT Mrs. T. C. Rled of the Commercial hotel, returned to her home In Adums after visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Kldwell of Portland, for the past two months, while she was under a doc tor's care. She is greatly improved in health. , COUSIN'S WK1); SKPAHATK. Still liovo Kach Other, but Find the Union Is Illegal. Laporte, Ind. Though the wed ding was the culmination of a true love affair there was a Revering of neart strings when John T. Emmons brought action in the Lanorte circuit court for the annulment of his mar rlage to Mary D. Emmons. The proceeding was nmmttvl lw the decision of both husband and ife that they wanted to livn nnnni. ing to law, and because of. the fact that the laws of Indiana and Michi gan do not sanction the marriage of nrst cousins. The couple were married in Dow. aglac. Mich.. June 4. 1911. Justice of tne i'eace Edwards officiating, and they believed they were legally mar led until Investigation proved oth erwise. The couple parted th Imst n friends, each vowing love for the other. CLANK'S "DAWC BUTTON" ONFUSEI REPUBLICAN Washington. Representative Roo her of Missouri, one of the orlginn Champ Clark boosters, walked down the center aisle of the house smiling, On the lapel of his coat he wore a button about the size of a butte plate. "You've got to stop kickin my dawg aroun- " was written upon the but ton. "Well, what do you think of it? Mr. Booher asked Minority Leacle Mann. "Of what?" asked Mr. Mann. "Of our new campaign button said Mr. Booher. "So that's a campaign button. Is it? said Mr. Mann. "I suppose it's all right, but when I saw you coming down the aisle T thought you were candidate for the position of officla dog catcher of the District of Colum bia." . Later mutual friends offered their good offices to the gentleman from Missouri, but he said he harbored no ill-feelings against the republica leader. PKIEST IS ATTACKED WHILE IX rULlMT Friction Iletweeii Parishioner ami Trustees of Russian Orthodox Holy Trinity Cliurcli ResultH in a Xear Hiot I'olli-e Club Crowds. Chicago, ill. Friction between pa rishioners and the trustees of the Rus sian Orthodox Holy Trinity church, 1121 North Leavltt street, resulted in a new riot at the church when over a dozen angry members of the congre gation rushed up on the altar and at tacked the pastor, the Rev. Valdimir V. Alexandrof. An auto patrol filled with police men hurried to the church after the priest had locked himself in a room behind the altar and appealed to the police for aid. Five of the men who took a prominent part in the disturb ance were arrested. Police Club the Rioters. Police waded through the thrutig of excited foreigners with their clubs and many of them were felled before the outbreak was quelled. Some of the men were suffering from bleeding heads when they fled from the scene. The congregation had cormd In line and the march was on to the altar to kiss the crucifix shortly after noon. Father Alexandrof was on the altar. Suddenly about fifteen men, the po lice assert, broke from the line, rush ed upon the altar, and several seized the priest. Father Alexandrof In his struggles to break away was thrown d.nvn, his head striking against the wall. priest PIioiich for Help. Policemen Histrlcky and Domlnskl dashed upon the altar and clubbed the more militant foreigners. ,The crowd shouted threats against the two bluecoats and when Father Alexan drof heard these threats he went to a telephone and called up the West North avenue station. When the prisoners were arraigned before Municipal Judge Cottrell at the Shakespeare avenue court all of them demanded Jury trials. Father Alex androf was present but no testimony was introduced. EXGIJSH WOMEN WINDOW SMASHERS DESERTKD London, March 22. Dismayed by the action of the members of parlia ment in renouncing their pledges In favor of votes for women, officials of the National Union Woman Suf fragette societies are trying to coun teract the effect of the recent "Hooli gan" campaign of their militant sis tprs. "Wo are filled with sorrow." said Mrs. Mlllicent Fawcett. president of the organization, over the conduct or these misbuided women and hone the statesmen will not forget Justice to our cause, because of the actions of a few." ANONYMOUS WRITER CLAIMS TO HAVE STOLEN JEWELS San Francisco, March 22. Post office Inspectors and police are try ing to find the sender of an anony mous letter, offering to return the 150,000 worth of Jewels recently stolen from the Palace Hotel, from Mrs. Eugene De Sabla if given 110,- 000. Strikebreaker Slioota Ilystander. San Francisco, March 22. As the result of firing into a crowd of union sympathizers, who he alleges stoned him, Nicholas France, a Southern Pacific strikebreaker, was arrested on a charge of attempted murder. En rice Imperarl, a non-combatant, was badly wounded by two bullets In his body. Seaman Inherit! SI 00,000. Vallejo, March 22. Chief Gunner's Mate B. Towke of the cruiser Denver, now at Mare Island, Is the richest sea- OLIVE VAIL .,.,.: ";.::.'::' J r buC ....vS'.'V.v. s. - 'A Prima Dopna, in "Miss Nobody From Starland" at the Oregon The atre Tomorrow Night. man In the world. Ills grandmother, in Strasburg, Prussia, (eft him $100, 000. Tomke fought in the Spanish American war and the boxer uprising He will serve out the two years re maining of his present enlistment nilYAX WILL NOT VOTE FOR GOVKUNOK HARMON Kearney. Neb., March 22 William J. Bryan under no circumstances would vote for Governor Harmon as a democratic candidate for president Mr. Bryan says lr Harmon carries the democatic primary in Nebraska and if Hryan is elected a delegate to Baltimore, the latter will, resign. Capture One of Allen Gang. Hillsville, Va., March 22 Word has been received -that Sldna Allen, nephew of Sldna Allen, the leader of the Allen gang, has been captured at Mount Airy, N. C, where he was ov erpowered by detectives without blood shed. ( He will be brought to Hillsville at once, according to reports. Still Elude Capture. Hillsville, Va., March 22. The Al len outlaws are believed to have elud ed their pursuers in the Hlue' Ridge mountains and crossed to the state line to North Carolina. Floyd Allen and son, Victor, will both be tried next week for murder In connection with the shooting of Judge Massles In the courtroom. Suffers Strauxe Malady. Kvansvllln. Ind. William Oentl'V. aged 50, living at 904 upper Fourth street, this city. Is suffering from a strange malady which has baffled physicians for several weeks. Hunirv hopam, h(iIt hafnr Phrlst- ha.s since been confined to his bed. A few davs ago he lost the control of his arms. Next he lost control of his tongue and Jaws. Since then it has been necessary for Gentry a wife to feed him. Gentry's tongue is swell ing to twice its natural size. He craven fond and become his jaws be came set he was unable to satisfy his abnormal appetite and continuously nsKeu ior more-io eui. CHINESE IS OUT OP RACE. CuiMlidnte for Alderman In Colorado Not IrM,rl.v Naturalized.' Georgetown, Colo. Leo Gow, a Chinaman, who recently announced his candidacy for alderman on what Is known as the "booster" ticket, has received notification from Thomas F. Shumaker, chief naturalization ex aminer of the daptrtment of com merce anil labor that his natural! zntion papers were void because they were issued before the federal stat utes were revised. Gow has with drawn from the race. Yuan to Start Shake-np. Tien Tsln, March 21. President Shi Kai, determined to be rid of Un desirables" In high government post tlons, has started a shake-up and many changes are expected. Stars ami Strl.Htt Umler Run. Winnipeg, Man., March 21 The board of control today decided to bar all moving picture films display ing the American stars and stripes, from Winnipeg theaters. Claude C. Covey Warm Spring, Crook Co. Candidate for Democratic Nomination Representative in Congress. Second District. (Paid Advertisement.) Horace Walker Republican Candidate for Nomination for County Commissioner Present Incumbent. My platform: "Good Roads and Per manent Improvements." If VJ (00 WITH THE CANDIDATES (Paid Advertisements.) GEO. T. COCHRAN Progressive Republican Candidat for nomination Representative in Congress Second District. JAMES. P. NEAL Candidate for Republican Nomination for District Attorney H. A. Waterman Of Hermlston, Oregon, Republican Candidate for Nomina tion for COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner, sub ject to the approval of the people at the Republican Primaries. I stand for an economical admin istration of county affairs as a busi ness basis, and for permanent Im provement of our public roads. J. F. WALLAN Of Adams Candidate for County Clerk Subject to wishes of the voters In Republican primaries. "Let The Good Things Go Round." If elected I will give accurate and straight-forward servlc. to all the people. A native-born Umatilla county man I ask you to give me your support and influence. Candidate for the Republican Nomi nation for County School Superintendent. FRANK K. WELLES The Children's Friend" "For the past twenty years Mr. Welles has given his entire time and energy to public school work In Uma tilla county. He Is devoting his Ufa to the education and welfare of our boys and girls." T. D. TAYLOR Democratic Candidate for Nomination at the Primary Election For Sheriff Present incumbent. FRANK SALING Republican Candidate for Nomina tion at the Primary Election For County Clerk Present incumbent. The Pendleton Drug Co. is la business for Your Good (Health" REMEMBER" THIS WHEN YOU HATS FRESCRiraoifa, OB WANT PURE MKDICDTE8