East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 23, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    rp-n-vT t a nro
r " 1 ' " - t ' " "
How Mrs. Reed of Peoria, III.,
Escaped The Sur
geon's Knife.
Feoria, III. "I wish to let every one
know whatLydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable
i Compound has done
I or me. t ortwoyears
I suiTered. The doc
tor said I had a tumor
and the only remedy
was the surgeon's
knife. My mother
boupht me Lydia E.
I ?9 Ti rinkham's Vegeta
Wf ; U Compound, and
today I am a well and
1 healthy woman. For
months I suffered
from inflammation, and your Sanative
Wath relieved me. I am glad to tell
nvnne what vour medicines have done
for me. You can use my testimonial in
any way you wish, and I will be glad
to answer letters." Mrs. CHRISTINA
Reed, 105 Mound St., Peoria, 111. I
Mrs. Lynch Also Avoided
Jessup, Pa.-"After the birth of my
fourth child, I had severe organic inflam
mation. I would have such terrible pains
that it did not seem as though I could
stand it. This kept up for three long
months, until two doctors decided that
an operation was needed.
" Then ova of my friends recommended
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and after taking it for two months
I was a well woman." Mrs. Joseph A.
Lynch, Jessup, Pa.
Women who suffer frcm female ills
should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
' We Compound, one of the most success
ful remedies the world has ever known,
before submitting to a surgical opera-lion.
CtnW th eovernors of the rock
ribbed republican states of Pennsyl
vania, Rhode Island and Vermont
lire sure of Taft winning: the clec-
s in their states. 4 7 in all.
the pocket borough of the
owder trust, is one of the
doubtful states whose governor pe
lieves Taft can win its 3 electoral
Here ls the line-up of the gover
nors on the chances for republican
success in November.
Believe Taft cannot carry their
Governors. Elec.votes
Juhnson, California 13
Stubhs. Kansas 1
Osboin, Michigan ls
Hardey. Missouri ... IS
Hass. New Hampshire
Mdrich. Nebraska 8
Vessel, South Dakota
Hooper. Tennessee 12
Hay. Washington
masscook. West Virginia 8
McOovern. Wisconsin 13
Carey, Wyoming 3
Twelve states 116
Doubt that Taft can carry their
Peneen, Illinois ., ' 29
Carroll, Iowa 13
Goldsborough, Maryland 8
Kberhart. Minnesota 12
Oduie, Aevaaa i
Spry, Utah 4
Six states 69
Relieve that Taft can carry these
Pennewill, Delaware 3
Tener, Pennsylvania 38
Fothler, Rhode Island 5
Mead, Vermont
Four states 50
All of these governors, either de
clare that Roosevelt can carry their
states in November,' or do not ex
press, any doubt about his ability to
win the whole 235 votes of these
states in the electoral college.
TDdo " ffimfly ' PiiriFfflasflffliafl sup
of today
is the 0S02
12 G. 0. P. STATES
lXur Are Iwheved Safe for President
These Are Opinions of Governors
of Twenty-two Normally Republi
can States.
A monem car that stands in a class
by it's self for
Ask any Cadillac ow ner, notice the car on the street or request
a demonstration and learn why the Cadillac is becoming more
popular than any car of like price.
"The Car that Cranks Itself"
"Washington, March 23. There was
R good reason why Chairman Mc-
Kinley, director of the Taft campaign
abandoned his Idea of calling a meet
ing of republican governors here. He
could not get together enough of
them who are for Taft to make a
tespectable showing. Those who are
not openly for Roosevelt are, most
of them, uncertain of their ability to
rarrj- their states for Taft.
There are now twenty-two states
that have republican governors.
None of these say that Roosevelt
tannot carry his state.
"Twelve say that Taft cannot win
In their states, which have 116 el
- ectoral votes.
Six doubt that Taft can carry their
states, but do not deny that Roose
velt can win the 69 electoral votes
in their states.
Washington, March 23. Highly
encourfeging reports were received
from three western-central states, at
Wilson headquarters. Wisconsin,
Iowa and Illinois sent the cheering
news that Wilson strongly predomi
nates among Wisconsin democrats.
The telegram said:
"Sentiment for Wilson strongly
predominates among Wisconsin dem
ocrats. We recognize in him the
strongest and best candidate. The
coalition of Clark and Harmon sup
porters here la supported by many
standpat republican bosses who rec
ognize Wilson as the foremost foe
man of special privilege. The peo
ple are aroused."
T. J. Cunningham telepgraphed
from Chippewa Falls, Iowa: "Wood
row Wilson will have the solid del
egation from Iowa notwithstanding
the desperate efforts being made by
the Clark-Harmon organization."
F. M. Hubble of Dea Moines, wired:
"Wilson sentiment in Iowa, In my
judgment, is Increasing. Governor
Wilson is recognized as one who
would make an excellent executive
officer. The only county holding a
convention yeterdaj- "Instructed Cor
Irving Shuman of Sullivan, 111.,
said: "Sentiment in" Illinois ls strong
ly for Wilson. Central and southern
Illinois ls almost solid for him."
Has been Adopted as OFFICIAL by the
National League for Twenty Tears
-Ml World Series games are played
with Cork Center balls and will be for
Twenty Years more, as only Cork
Center balls can be used.
"NoreaVIy enterprisingLeagueplays with
- anything but a Cork Center Ball.
" Wheu you pay to see a game of Base
Sail you are entitled to see a game as
near like a World Seriesgame as possible,
and such a game can be played only with
a Cork Center Ball.
Spalding "Official National League"
CORK CENTER Ball. SI .25 tach
Coir of Spmldin Catalogue free on rctjueit
' ' to any a.Mress
Send for wmp'.w of Iiae Ball Material!
lur i'uiform. Free.
Only 881, 233 Balden in Knjrluml ami
Wales in 1911527,864 Deaths.
London. A serious decline in the
natural increase of population in
England and Wales during the year
1911 Is revealed in the return of the
registrar-general. The births regis
tered numbered 881.233; the deaths
numbered 527.864. The increase of
population thus shown is 352,369,
whereas the average for the preceding
five years was 405,559.
The birth rate shows a further de
cline, being 24.4 per 1000, or 0.7 per
1000 below that of 1910, lower than
the rate In any other year on record
and 2.8 per 1000 less than the aver
age of the ten years preceding. The
death rate was 14.6 per 1000, which
in 1.1 per 1000 above the rate In 1910
which was the lowest on record.
Oregon lotor Garage
Kn.-t Court Street.
Auto extras of all kinds.
Phone Main 4C.S
Advantages Cadillac Owners Enjoy
and Disadvantages They Escape
The nresenee or the absence of the Dualities described herein
qualities traceable to properly applied standardization and the re
sulting correct alignment; qualities traceable to skillful design and
advanced manufacturing methods and the results of scientific re
search and development, explain:
Why the owner of one car has to crank and crank his engine
to get it started while the Cadillac owner gets into his car, presses
a button, disengages the clutch and his engine starts.
"Why the owner of one car, even with a so-called ."self-starter,"
can start the engine only some of the time while the Cadillac elec
tric cranking device is fully as efficient und fully us dependable as
every other part of the Cadillac car.
Whv the owner of one car must get out often in the rain and
mud open his lamps, fumble for matches, turn on and regulate
the gas and light up while the Cadillac owner without delay or an
noyance simply closes the switches and the electric lamps a
Why one car starts with a Jerk and a lungo while the Cadillac
can be started off with the smoothness of an ocean liner.
Why in one car about all the driver's strength Is required to
operate the clutch and brakes while with the Cadillac, slight foot
pressure Ls all that Is necessary.
Why in one car the change of gears Is accomplished by a crash
and a grind while with the Cadillac the change can be made so
that it is scarcely perceptible.
While one car Is difficult to keep in the road while the Cadillac
seems almost to steer Itself.
Why in one car with a steering gear which has no provision for
taking up wear, lost motion develops making steering uncertain
and unsafe while in the Cadillac steering genr the adjustments
provided are more adequate than will probably be required. .
Why one car rides hard and stiff, the springs seem unyielding
and the car is less comfortable to ride in over a paved street than
Is the Cadillac over an ordinary road.
Why one car may run quietly nnd smoothly when new but soon
becomes noisy and shakes and rattles while the Cadlllas often after
years of service runs ns smoothly as when new. 1
Why one car runs all right on level roads but when It comes to
sand nnd hills it has not the power to make the pulls while tho
Cadillac has an abundance of power for all reasonable require
ments and with its standardization, the correct alignment and th
substantial construction, the maximum of that pojer is delivered
at the rear wheels.
Why one cur shows only S or 10 miles on n gallon of gasoline
while thel'adillac averages 60 to Ml per cent greater mileage.
Why one car after a few months begins to evidence a loss of
power while Cadillacs frequently show an improvement.
Why in one car the engine overheats and the water Moils while
with Cadillac construction and the Cadillac cooling system the
causes of over-heating are practically eliminated.
Why one car einUs volumes of smoke and it becomes necessary
to clean the engine and especially the spark plug every few weeks,
while the Cadillac with Us efficient lubricating system and the ac
curate fit of the cylinders, pistons and ri'igs emits no' smoke at
all and frequently runs for a year or more without even having
a spark plug removed.
Why the oil consumption of one car Is from two to fuor times
that of the Cadillac.
Why the owner of one car must be continually tinkering with
his car to keep it going while many Cadillac owners rarely open
their tool kits.
Why one car after a few months' use depreciates In selling val
ue to half of its original cost or less while depreciation In tho
Cadillac is reduced to an absolute minimum.
So many "Whys" indeed, which evidence the pre-eminence of
the Cadillac that we cannot here cite even a tenth part of them.
was spending his days in the prison
One night he contrived, unnoticed,
to slip into the carpenter's shed. There
he obtained possession or a large
bundle of string and a folding ladder.
Before effecting his escape it was
necessary for him to climb two walls
An accomplice was. however, waiting
for him outside. Thomas proceeded
to tie a weight to one end of the
string and then threw a line over the
two walls.
His friend then attached a thick
piece of rope to the string, and threw
It back to the prisoner, who with the
aid of this hastily extern porameo;
ladder, climbed to a grilled window
opening on one of tho prison corri
dors. Tying the rope to the bars, ne
waited for it to be pulled taut by his
confederates, and swunjs himself on
to It.
Then he managed to work his way
alone the rope, and, finally, scramb
ling overthe two walls slipped, Dy me
heln of a rope, into the street, whence
a motor car conveyed him to within
a safe distance from the prison. Since
then nothing has been heard of him.
his marriage, some one at a dinner
spoke of trees that had been planted
the day that Empress Eugenie was
born. "They must be pretty old now,
thirty-six at least," said Napoleon.
"How insolent of youl" replied the
young empress, laughing; "you want
to make me out much older than I
Napoleon III understood nothing
about painting, but he took great
pride in praising Horace Vernet, Mels-
sonnier and Rosa Bonheur.
If you have trouble In getting rid
of your cold yon may know that .you
are not treating it properly. There is
no reason why a cold should hang on
for weeks and It will not if you take
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For
sale by all dealers.
li-cm-h Socialist KffurtH Unprewili'iit
ol Feat by Aid of Hope.
Paris. A daring escape from pris
on has just been effected by a mill
tant socialist named Thomas. Tho
man had been serving a term of im
prisonment for five years in Chartres
prison. An appeal had been lodged
and, pending the decision, Thomas
man's hospital on January 1 outlived
Its mother only a day. the husband
and father, W. Nash Read of Mont
gomery, Ala., will receive all of the
J500.000 estate left by his wife, as
she did not make a will.
Lawyers say the child became the
mother's heir and the father Inherits
from the child.
If the child had died first the fath
er would receive only one-third of the
The most common cause of insom
nia is disorders of the stomach.
Chamberlain's Stomach nnd Liver
Tablets correct these disorders and
enable you to sleep. For sale by all
Can t Attend His Child's Funeral.
Des Moines. Where a father has
lost control of his chjldren through a
divorce suit he may not claim the
right to attend the funeral of one of
them, according to a decision handed
down in the supreme court of Iowa. J,
D. Rader, of Boone, sued his father-
in-law for damages because the lat
ter refused to let him attend the fu
neral of Ma child by his divorced
wife. The lower affirmed.
When you have rheumatism in your
foot or Instep apply Chamberlain's
Liniment and you will get quick re
ilef. It costs but a quarter. Why
suffer? For sale by all dealers.
Hoots ami Herbs,
are successfully
Ar v'l treating mnnyob-
iffi.t '9 stlnate cases of
Klndeny, Stomach
Lung, Heart,
Rheumatism, As
thma, Fever, Cancer and private di
seases of men ani women. If peo
ple want a safe cure to obtain the
roots and herbs compounded medi
cines. "We have hundreds of testi
monials from prominent people, on
file, which are open for public ln-
If you live out of town, come or
write for free symptom blank and
circulars. Consultation free.
M W. Aider St. Walla Walla. Wn.
the Chinese doc
tors, witli und
erfill remedies
Coiiiixiunilcxl from
Harmless and After Spending Thousand of Dollars
Non-I o I sonoimi or. f-nmH- nA Wort. Eminent
Physicians, He "Was Desperate.
Becker, of I C4 Van Curcn St., a '
well-known whclcsalo dry goods
dealer, states as follows:
"I have had catarrh for more
than thirty years. Have tried
everything on earth and spent
thousands cf dollars for other
medicines and with physicians,
without getting any lasting re
lief, and can say to you that I
have found Peruna the only rem
edy that has cured me per
'Peruna has also cured my
wife of catarrh. Shealwayskeeps
It in the house for an attack of
cold, which it invariably cures in
a very short time."
uoiikiir Salesman Soys He Met
Ohiau Last Four Years.
Wooster. O. In August, 1908,
Ralph K. Kddy, only son of Captain
Uobert K. Kddy of Wooster disappear
ed from Chicago on the eve of what
was to have been the day of his wed
ding to his schoolgirl sweetheart here.
A nation-wide search for the young
man failed, and the theory that he
had been murdered by thugs against
whom ho had given testimony was
advanced. Effort to collect $10,000
life Insurance failed because it could
not be shown that he was dead. His
father died of a broken heart.
Now word comes that Eddy is be
lieved alive. A traveling salesman of
this city, who knew Eddy well, sends
word that he talked to Kddy in a ho
tel at Louisville. We writes that tho
man insists that he had never been
in Wooster.
Gets $500,000 From Haby.
Baltimore. Although a child born
to Mrs. Marie S. Read at the Wo
Headless Ciliost'' ' Scares Victim of
Hoax Into Nervous 'ollnps.
Chlcngo. A visit at night In his
room at the University of Chicago by
a white shrouded figure which rep
resented a man whose head came off
and rolled on the floor, was so terrl
gying an experience for L. D. Dunlay,
a student, that he suffered a nervous
breakdown and had to be sent to his
home at Rath, 111 , according to an an
nouncement made at the university
It was said the hoax was arranged
by other students. Members of the
faculty are considering whether the
perpetrators should be expelled. The
students explained It as a Joke, that
one of them entered Dunlap's room
wrapped in sheets stained with red
paint, and a cabbage to which was
attached a mask was used to represent
a detachable head.
Experiments in Sweden have war
ranted the erection of a 12,000-horse
nower electrical smelting plant for
pig Iron.
St. Paul, Minn. North St. Paul
has a "fightii. r parson" In thn nv
Martin W. Ki i-.ey, who, following an
altercation will Mayor pat Mur
phy nfter the close of the village el
ection, neatly : nd dispassionately laid
the militant i iayor flat on the floor
of the postof.'ice.
The Rev. .Vr. Kinney accused the
mayor o fpcrmitttng the saloons to
remain open on election day, also that
he (Mayor Put Murphy), elected on
a reform ticket, had gone over to the
other side. Said the mayor:
"You are a liar."
"Inasmuch ns I am a minister," re
plied tho Rev. Mr. Kinney, accord
ing to witnesses, "I presume I must
take thlfl."
The pastor went to his home, evi
dently thinking deeply. A few min
utes later, however, he returned and
again encountered Mayor Murphy,
this time Inside the postofflce.
"So, I'm a liar? Come outside; I
want to talk to you a mlnte."
Then the mayor threw his arms
ubout 'Mr. Kinney and Informed him
he was under arrest. Mr. Kinney,
doubting the mayor's authority and
also his grounds for arrest, folded the
mayor up nnd sat on him.
Tablets. Druggists refund money if It
falls to cure. E. W. OROVE'S signa
ture Is on each box. 21 z.
Paris. The "Revue de '.Paris" Is
publishing some curious souvenirs of
Napoleon III from the letters of Dr.
Rarthes physician to tho Prince Im
perial. Fromthem we learn that Na
poleon III limped in his walk, always
leaned a little to the left, and that
when he ran he Jerked his arms and
shoulders as if to help his legs, which
seemed very short. When he stood
still his head was always a little to
onn side, never set straight forward
The back of his head was remarkably
rllHrironortloned. The base of the
skull was wider than the apex.
The emperor was a practical Joker
and fond of teasing his entourage, es
pecially the empress- Shortly after
From time Immemorial, sage and
sulphur have been used for the hair
and scalp. Almost everyone knows
of the value of such a combination for
darkening the huir, for curing dan
druff and falling hair, and for making
the hald grow.
In olden times the only way to get
a hair tonic of this sort was to brew
It In the home fireplace, a method
which was troublesome and not al
ways satisfactory. Nowadays almost
every up-to-date druggist can supply
his patrons with a ready-to-use pro
duct, skilfully compounded in perfect
ly equipped laboratories. The Wyeth
Chemical Company of New York put
up an Ideal remedy of this sort, call
ed Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair
Remedy, and authorize druggists to
Hell It under guarantee that the monev
will be refunded if It falls to do ex
actly as represented.
If you have dandruff, or If your
hair Is turning gray or coming out,
don't delay, but get a bottle of this
remt'Jy today, and see what a few
davs' treatment will do for you.
This preparation ls offered to the
r.nhlle at fifty cents a bottle and Is
recommended and sold by special
agent, Pendleton Drug Co.
Wo liavo our hams full of Per
clieron Sliiro ami Iioliini Stallions,
the choicest lot on hand in our 35
vf.nrs in tho Horse Importing husi-
ness. Thev run in ittfcs from 2 to 5 years, and from 1800 to
2200 lbs. lJlack, bays and preys and chestnuts. Our Horses
aro all imiortcd and inspected by the U. S. government at
Washington, D. ('. Come to the barns 'and get your choice
from a bunch and Rave the stallion peddler's expense and profit
Trices from $1000 up. Time given if desired at G per cent,
one year insurance and a reliable guarantee with every horse
we sell. Write us. Visit us. Wo will pay tlm expenses of
any buyer who visits our barns and is disappointed at our
horses and prices.