East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 18, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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The Seeds to Sow,
are the Seeds that Grow
It's Time to Plant
ami liore is the place to ivt your seeds. Wo have a fiuc lot
of the follewiu:;
hoMo-. nnvtliiuir you want in pardon and flower seeds.
All tlie early vegetables that are now on the market are to
le found lie re. Phone orders carefully attended.
Standard Grocery Company, Inc.
Where All Are Pleased
Frank O'Oara, President. Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Treas.
road tie suspended from the rafters
and manipulated by a man from the
Joists above and one on th-iloor be
low, proved to be Invincible. A purso
of five dollars was offered to tho man
who stayed with the "outlaw" but
one by one the riders succumbed to
the pitching and tossing, even "Jtat
tlesnake Pete" and "Texas" two well
known ltound-Vp cowboys, finding
their experience on the backs of Long
Tom and Lightfoot Inadequate to en
able them to conquer this plunging
A bull fight between Kerbs and
Rugg furnished several minutes of
amusement after which tho groat plo
eating contest began, Asbahr proving
to be the speediest gourmand In the
field. Rattlesnake Pete" and "Tex
as" again figured in this fray and they
finished with most of the p'e clinging
to their features. Fee and Roork al
so displayed appetites for pie of
championship calibre.
A wild man race In which Krebs
and his riders made the circuit first,
concluded the entertainment.
Joe, Louie and Lung Un, all Celestials
who have made Pendleton their home
for many years and who have become
known as energetic and honest work
ers. The noodle and chop suey par
lors will be known under the name of
the Con Hung Low Chop Suey and
Noodlo Tarlora.
Fireman's uiicc lit Echo,
The seventh and last dance of the
series given by the Fcho fire depart
ment was given Saturday night. A
large number of dancers were present.
Music wa furnished by members of
the United Orchestra of this city.
Unify Hurt Is Coming.
Harry Hart, the dog catcher, will
ho here on April 1, according to un
announcement made this morning by
Chief of Police' Kearney. AU dogs
knowing themselves to be delinquent
will be governed by the announcement.
Wrestling Match With Veteran Pit
tI Against Two Amateurs at Same
Time, Proves Event of Evening
Broncho mister All Unseated.
Fully one hundred and fifty people
gathered in the Commercial gymna
sium Saturday evening to witness, the
most successful athletic carnival ever
pulled off by local high school stu
dents. One continuous roar of root
ing and laughter testified to the ap
preciation of the novel treat offered
through the efforts of Coach Asbahr
and his assistants. Boxing bouts,
wrestling matches and a long series
of unique contests of strength and
skill afforded the spectators all of
the amusement they could stand in
one evening.
Chester Fee and Claud Hampton
opened the carnival with what proved
to be one of the features of the eve
ning, a biscuit shooting contest in
which the two boys, seated astride a
pole, belabored each" other with a
stuffed club. The title to the cham
pionship was left undecided owing to
the bursting of one of the "biscuits."
In the boxing bouts, Joe Dorsey
won a two-canto contest over Rex
Gray, although in the opening inning
his opponent succeeded In sending
him "through the ropes. Myers and
Rayburn fought to a draw. The lat
ter was outweighed but overcame the
handicap by a cleverness which pre
vented a decision. Tallman and
Prock. the directors' sons, mixed in
a terrific three-round mill but neither
was able to outpoint the other so that
the "pickloweight" championship sti'.l
hangs in the balance.
In the wrestling game, the bout in
which Paul Finnell pitted himself
against Mentzer and Cherrier, two
freshmen, and agreed to throw them
twice in an hour, was the most spec
tacular of the evening. Like a griz
zly bear beset by a couple of snap
ping terriers, he tossed his opponents
about the mat at will, but was unable
to pin -the shoulders of either to the
mat. Finnell also attempted to out
pull three freshmen and, though he
did not succeed, he caused much mer
riment by sending one of his oppo
nents somersaulting across the floor.
The Ferguson brothers put up a
scientific grappling contest- but were
unable to determine the family
The mule pulling contests were
hard fought. Fee and Hampton with
Strain and McDonald as riders pull
ing to a standstill. Both teams were
assigned to the city fire department.
The elephant race was an interest
ing feature of the evening, calling
forth great response from the root
ers. For this event two men are ne
cessary to form one of the cumber
scne animals, and the Sturdivant
Croekatt combination succeeded in
crossing the tape a jhade in front of
the Fee-Hampton team, although the
latter claim their opponents beat the
The broncho busting contest proved
a screamer. Roork was first saddled
and, after some vicious bucking, suc
ceeded in hurling "Shadow" Crockatt
to the sod. Young Snyder on Art
Ferguson, put up a clever exhibition
of busting, while Krebs won applause
by his success in eluding Tils captors.
The artificial broncho, which con
sisted of a saddle fastened on a rail-
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
MTaiu is Hound Over.
Ralph McBane, tho quarter breed
Indian who is accused of horse steal
ing, wns today given a preliminary
Inuring before Commissioner Nef
herry and bound over to the federal
grand jury under $1500 bonds. Dep
uty C. S. Attorney Johnson, former
ly of this city, conducted the prose
cution against him.
Dr. Ma un Opens Office in Fortlnml.
Announcements are being received
by his friends In this city of the open
ing of dental parlors in Portland by
Dr. E. A. Mann, for many years one
of the leading dentists of Pendleton.
His offices are located in suite 919
920. Selling building.
Called by Sickness of Daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olcott left
this afternoon for Portland in re
sponse to a message from Dr. W. G.
Cole stating that their daughter, Miss
Hazel Olcott, who is stenographer
for the Sieberling-Lucas Music Co.,
is seriously ill with heart trouble.
. i ,vv-- - v i v i 'i a "C.
Bob Hi!)
',, ,r.
that coffee with the
rich coffee fragrance, with
the delicate tang that
makes coffee a joy to
Try Our Standard Uma
tilla Blend
Gray Bros. Grocery Co.
Quality Grocers
Improves His Grain Office.
Henry Collins, local manager of the
Balfour-Guthrie Grain company, has
made extensive Improvements to his
office in the Livermore building ox
Court street His private office has
been moved to the rear of the room
and his front office has been equip
ped with new desks and a counter,
while the floor has been covered with
new linoleum. .
Good Roads Meeting Is Called.
President H. J. Taylor of the Uma
tilla County Good Roads association
today Issues a call for a meeting ot
that organization in the Commercial
club rooms next Saturday afternoon
at 1.30 o'clock with the Commercial
club committee no good roads. Im
portant matters for discussion are to
be brought up and every man Inter
ested in the improvement of highways
is requested to be in attendance.
ISonsevolt Club lit Echo.
Kcho is the latest town to develop
a booster organization for the re
nomination of Teddy. Visitors from
that city ring the news that
75 voters have been enlisted In the
cause of making Roosevelt the re
publican standard bearer again and
that these men will meet Wednesday
night to perfect their organization and
plan their campaign.
ltoiiml-l'p Band in Xew York PnHT.
In the American Musician and Art
Journal published in New York and
under date of March 9th, appears tho
picture of the Round-Up mounted
band of this city, leading the grand
mufch at the 1911 Round-Up. With
the picture is a description of tin;
membership, origination, etc., of the
band and Round-Up. Altogether It
Is a j?reat advertisement for Pen
dleton's fine musical organization and
the Round-Up. The band men are
now holding regular rehearsals In
their new band room In the Armory
and expect to have, If possible, a
larger and stronger instrumentation
than last year. It is intended to give
a series of summer concerts at
Round-Up park as soon as weather
if you art: tiirify,
if you want to save a few dollars
Come in and talk to us about
Street and
Work Shoes
A swell new line lias just been received and is now being
displayed. They represent a combination of lato style, lasting
leather and aro made to wear.
$1.25, ?1.75, $2.10, $2.75 and $3.25- a Tair.
Comparison, gentlemen, always makes business for us.
There is a reason for everything and our reason is price.
Workingmen's Clothing Company
Corner Main and Webb Sts.
conditions will permit. R. W. Fletch
er, manager of the band has received
a letter from J. W. Pace, general
manager of the Golden Potlatch cele
bration to be held in Seattle in Ju
ly asking whether or not the services
of the band could be secured for
that celebration. It Is very possible
that the necessary arrangements will
be made as tho band will be In Port
land at the National U. P. CK. con
vention and can stop at Seattle on
tho return trip.
kindekgaktkxs ron china.
l'red Vincent lleslgns Position.
Fred W. Vincent, son of Dr. and
Mrs. P. W. Vlnvent of this city, to
day resigned his position as manager
of the Portland branch of the United
Press association In order to accept
a better position. Young Vincent is
a capable newspaper man and is ris
ing rapidly in the profession. He
will be succeeded in Portland by
Raymond Turney.
Police Court Uecord.
Two drunks forfeited bail of five
dollars each this morning. Their
names appeared on the docket as
William Vanover and William Barn-
rt. Walter Colter, the blind news-
suller, was found guilty of using ob
scene language Saturday afternoon
but sentence was suspended by Judge
Fitz Gerald.
Has Had Enough or Alberta.
After trying for six years to make
a success of farming in Alberta,
Frank Rack, who came to Umatilla
county forty years ago, has returned
to Pendleton to remain on his five
acre ranch at Riverside. He de
clares he has had enough of the
northern country and makes very
discouraging predictions regarding
the crop prospects there, giving his
opinion that the farmers will be for
tunate to got their seed wheat back.
Tin; joy op peiuect vision
There is "great satisfaction in per
feet vision, but unfortunately many
eyes are defective.
Can in nearly- all cases be restored by
Properly Ground Lenses, however
there must first be a methodical,
scientific examination of each muscle
and every part of the eye.
' Our methods aro tho latest and
best and can always bo relied on.
We can refer you to hundreds of
satisfied ixitroiis whom wo have fit
Dale Rothwell
Los Angeles. Miss Mary F. Led
yard for the past fourteen years
kindergarten supervisor of the Los
Angeles public schools, is preparing
to leave for Foq Chow, China, to in
stall a coinplcto kindergarten system
in the new republic.
Am Leaving
Town must sac
rifice my piano
Cost $450. Well
known make.
Address E. O.
The Best Cooks
Use Our Meats
It has been proven to their sat
isfaction that we carry the most
completo lino of
Meats, Poultry and Fish
Our great patronage keeps our
stock fresh, makes our prices
S2ii22 rlgnt ''"'l insures quality these
ure mo iacis inai oum our dusi
ness. Phono Main R.I for Ilcflt Meats,
With Hansconi THE Jeweler,
Jail Is Empty and Clean.
For the first time in some weeks
the city Jail is empty, all of the old
offenders having served out their sen
tences. Contrary to the current im
pression, the Jail is not a place of
wilth and vermin, but is kept so clean
and sanitary that no housewife In the
city could feel repugnance upon en
tering It. Chief of Police Kearney
personally supervises the cleaning of
the cement floors each day, while at
frequent intervals he has the room
fumigated. Were it not for the stig
ma attached to a Jail sentence, a per
son should not feel much hesitancy
In spending a night in Hotel Kearney
Chickens Must Stay nt Home.
Chief of Police Kearney Is troubled
by numerous complaints of chickens
running at large and he intends tak
lng vigorous measures to keep the
truant fowls in their own back yards.
The "chickens and the neighbor's
garden" has long furnished stuff for
Jokesmiths but still the man with the
garden Is lacking in the necessary
sense of humor to make him ap
preciate these Jokes and he it is that
is Importuning the police chief to
arrest tho feathered robbers. Chief
Kearney points out that a city ordi
nance requires chickens to be kept at
home and he declares he will see
that the ordinance Is obeyed.
It's a Dog-Gone Shame
that a puppy should be too affection
ate in the street In muddy weather,
but both ladles and gentlemen have
good redress when we get ttfelr gar
ments to clean. They are made to
look like new again. And no matter
how delicate the fabric may be, we
never Injure It in the cleaning oper
ation. Pendleton Dye Works
Phone Main 169.
206 Vi E. Alta.
New Noodlo Iiouso Oprnn Tuesday.
New and thoroughly modern noodle
and chop suey parlors wlU be opened
to the public Tuesday evening by the
Un Company, in the State Hotel build
ing, corner Webb and Cottonwood,
which was recently leased for five
years by the orientals. At the same
time, the rooms, thoroughly renovat
ed and improved will bo opened
again. In addition, the company plans
in the near future to establish a laun
dry in the basement of their building
and a Chinese store in the second
room of the lower floor. The Chinese
company is composed of Jim Gee,
W. J. Connor & Co.
Successor to
Cigars, Candies and Pool Room.
Hi Main Street Phone M. 4.
"Clark's Grocery
Seed Potatoes
. Direct from the State of Alichigan. More prolific than
Eearly Rose or Ohio.
Leave your orders. Only a limited supply.
Tho "S. & II." Stamps fro with them.
Phone Main 174
612 Main Street
Royal M. Sawtelle
The Jeweler