.-",,1.1.-. .J u.:-...'. EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1912. PAGE SEVEN NEW WATER SYSTEM NEARS COMPLETION MAINS AT III.KMISTON AKE READY VOK TESTS. Well Digging IogresHhifr 1 lucidly ami Sufficient Supply How Is KxpctrUnl Soon IjRdleH to Glvo CIiIiioho Tea MaocalH Organize. (Special Correspondence.) Hermlston, Ore., March 18. The Newport Land and Construction com pany has laid all of the water mains for the. new city system and water has been in the pipes for a week, allowing: them to become thoroughly wet. Pumps have been installed and the mains will soon be put under high pressure to make tests. The work on the butte Is nearly finished and they will soon Btart the concrete work. The wafer for this work will be pumped on the butte from the system. The" well digging has been making good progress. Mr. Beebo has reached a depth of DO feet and the drill is In solid rock. It Is possible that the well will have to go down 100 feet before a satisfactory, amount of water can be Bccured. Th ladles of the Baptist church will give a Chinese tea In the church par iors Tuesday evening. This will be something new for the people nf Her mlston und a large crowd is expected to attend. Miss Gladys Scrogga, music and drawing instructor of the public schools, has arranged for an exhibi tion of music and drawing for next Friday afternoon. This is Intended to give the parents and friends some idea of what the pupils are doing In this department. Miss Scroggs has been with the schools only a short time but work uuder her supervision has received the highest praise. A. S. Johnson and Charles A. Hood, special representatives of the Max well Land and Irrigation company have returned from the east where they have been in the interest of their company. Maecalieoi Organise, This week the Maccabee lodge or ganized at Hermlston. O. G. Piel, the organizer for the order, was here and had charge of the work J. M. Hays assisted him. The new lodge starts fleers that were elected at this meei orr with a membership of 2. The o' fleers are F. R. Reeves, P. C; M. V. Sharrard. C; S. Whipple, I,. C; C. F. Morrow, R. K. and F. K.; J. L. Thompson, chaplain; C. M. Jensen, M. G.; It. I. Emery and C. J. Hahn,' m! CI.; W "Whipple, sentinel; Dale Hi'nkle, picket; J H. Kied, J. T. Hln- CURES SKIM DISEASES ... . .1! - fr.mart t nmA tiumnr or acid ill The cnusO 01 ftll SKlu uiaeti&Bs van w - the bSS tte chicle is always healthy where the circulation Is free from ImpuriTies. When the blood is infected with acrid or unhealthy matter Sot perform its natural work o nourishing the skin, regulating its tern neur?Tnd preserving its normal softness, pliability and healthfulness. fnstoaoit irritates and inflames the delicate fibres and tissues around the rores and Xids and produces some of the many forms of skin disease. The tctog n I stinging so often accompanying skin affections are produced bv the deposit from the blood of the acrid humors with which it is filled, toto the Etive membranous flesh lying just beneath the outer covering, and sndinkthe countless nerves, pores and glands. This explains why KraSg the ou?er skin affords no relief from the itching and burning. 8 S.S cures Skin Diseases of every character by purifying the blood. It coes down into the circulation and removes the humors or acids which are causing trouble, builds up the weak, acrid blood, and permanently cures causing uie iiuuuo, u t- T , nna ran onlv soothe: they eirerv varletv oi SKin auecuuu. uuv 11,,..-.-..--- - - - Zl7r Jure because they do not reach the blood. S. S. S. goes right into the cTrculation. reaches the7 trouble and cures it by removing the cause. Book on Bk'p Diseases and any medical advice free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA The National League Has Officially Adopted for Twenty Years More TUB SPALDING National League" Cork Center Ball 91.23 EACH When you pay to see a gme of Base Ball, you want au interesting game, and as near like a World Series game as possible. The best game is played .with a Spalding Cork Center "Official Nati onal League" Ball , the official ball of the World Series. Cork Center balls are used in all World Series and will be for Twenty Years more. Copy of Spalding Catalogue free on request to auy address. Send for triples of Base Ball Materials for Uniforms. Free. A. Q. SPALDING & BROS. 158 GEARY STREET SAN FRANCISCO kle and F. Throwbrldge, trustees. iwrdox or Moiuus ASKKI) J4V CAMKKOX Acquittal of LouIh J. Wilde In Basis of Ills Argument; Morris Should Xt he Hie tioat; Ho Says. Salem. Ore. W. Cooper Morris, the ronvlcted Portland . banker, ser ing sentence In the penitentiary, is reported to be ill ana confined In the prison hospital. In connection with this Information It Is learned that unification for Morris' pardon . has been made to Governor West by District Attorney Cameron. J he ap plication is dated February 16. The district attorney points out that since Wilde was acquitted on the c-Harge against-him, and since he, in his opinion, is the more guilty of the two, Morris should not be made to suffer alone for the sins of others aa well as his own. The pardon board has not consid ered the matter. 'want advertisements Real Estate, Investments, For Sale, For R.ent, Etc. REAL ESTATE-IXVESTMEXTS .1 REAL KSTATE-IXVESTMEXTS . j REAL raTATE-IXVESTMEXTS . MOTOHMAX STOLE $80(10 . rUOM WI-XLS-FAKtiO CO. THE VALUE OF ELECTRICITY TO THE HOUSEWIFE GOOD MORNING, MRS. JONES, I JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OPTHOR ELECTRIC LAUNDRY MACHINES. YOU NEED ONt OF THESE MACHINES. WE GUARANTEE THEM IN EVcKT f Wl ILULnK, ULI l it 5E.ND ONE OVER , S SK-N MB SMITH SEND A MACHINE OVER AND I'LL TRY IT. I'M IN A PECK OF TROUBLE .THIS MORNING MY WASHERWOMAN DIDN T COME AND THE HAIU n3 PEFUSEP TO DOTHE WASnlNvj SORRY MRS. JONES BUT I MUST REFUSE l A I I D 1 1-1 LIT fl 1 Mffi5?Y DIDN'T COME AND THE MAID MAS n fciiTX sTi ATM ..?. sm IC TUIC MOC irtMFC? THK MO ;MITH OF THE ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY. HOW DID YOU LIKE THAT THOR ELECT Kit- nACmNC I 3 LIN I 1UU unJI liwiiinn mj if the foiicv Is ll'covcrol. In- ( liKlini; StiO iaken rrom Jlis wiies Slwklns. Philadelphia By the arrest here of Kenneth H. Morton and In Pltts- bureh of Joseph J. Jackson the mys tery of the $S000 Wells-Fargo express rohberv In Pittsbureh on January 23 is cleared up. The men were employ ed as motorman and conductor by me Pittsburgh. Newcastle and Butler Traction oomnanv. Morton was arrested while with his wife In an Arch street apartment. The pplice recovered S3715, of which $600 was found in Mrs. Morton's stocking. UetsideH a considerable amount of jewelery, bought with the proceeds of the robbery, was found. Morton confessed and told of di viding the stolen money with Jack son, who got $3000. Jackson was thereupon arrested in Pittsburgh and he also confessed. Morton, while in thp Wells-Fargo office saw the money package lying on a counter and slipped It under his coat. Jackson buried his share of the loot in the rear of his house in Har mony, and the police have gone there to recover it. Features of Government Railway Policy for British Columbia. Construction of a railway from Vancouver and North Vancouver to Fort George via Howe Sound, Pemberton Meadows and Fraser River by the Pacific Great Eastern Railway. Work to start ten mih's from Vancouver this summer. Fair wages. Supplies to be bought in British Columbia. Government control of rates. Guaran tee of bonds to extent of $35,000 per mile. Free grants of right-of-way and townsites. " Construction of a railway over the Hope Mountains In order Pnat there may be an interchange of commerce between the coast and the trade centers of the Boundary. Kootenay and other districts of the interior tapped by the road. This will stop the drain of British Columbia commerce to Spokane and other cities In the State of Wash ington. Quick connection between the coast and interior districts will be furnished. In connection with this railway a combination railway and traffic bridge will be built across the Fraser River at Hope. A cash grant of $10,000 per mile f be made towards the construction of this railway. A grant of $290,000 to be made towards the construction of the bridge. Construction of railway to be started this summer, and line and bridge to be finished before July 1. 1915. Extension of the lines of the Canadian Northern Pacific Railway from Kamloops to Vernon and thence to Lum-by, and a line from Vernon to Kelowna, and a line from Vernon to the east arm of Okan agan Lake opposite Okanagan Landing; a line 150 miles In length cn Vancouver Island, extending from the 100-mile post on the com pany's Island line to a point at or near Hardy Bay on the east coast of the island. On these extensions the guarantee will be up to $35, 000 per mile. Construction to start within six months and finish within three years. Extension of the Esquimau & Nanaimo Railway on Vancouver Inland from Parksville to Comox. Consent to the leasing of the E. & X. railway lines to the C. P. R., the E. & N. company agreeing to pay the province taxation at the rate of one and one-half cents per acre for its lands, this tax yielding $18,000 per year. The G. P. R. agrees to pay $387,000 to the province to offset the interest charges on the Shuswap & Okanagan Railway. The province to purchase the unsold portion ef the B. C. South ern and Columbia & Western Railway land grants at the rate of 40 cents per acre, the total sum involved being approximately $1,000,000. The C. P. R. to take over, standardize and operate the Kaslo & Slocan Railway, now owned hv the Great Northern Railway. The province gives a bonus of $100,009 for this purpose. Altogether the policy of the government provides for the con struction of approximately S60 miles of railway on the mainland and on Vancouver Island. Of this, 450 miles will be huilt by Foley, Welch & Stewart, Vancouver to Fort George; 145 miles by the C. N. R., Kamloops to Okanagan; 158 miles by the C. N. R. on Vancouver Island 50 miles by Kettle Valley Railway, Hope Summit to Fraser River," and the balance by the Esquimau & Nanalmo Railway, be tween Parksville and Courtenay, Vancouver Island. Learn of the grand opportunities we have to offer you in British Columbia, xoivrn coast laxd co., iid. lald up Capital $1,508,000. VANCOUVER, B. C. orj of imported etc.. 1910. of rnanuffcb-. 01 Minerals BRITISH COLUMBIA. Facts and Figures. $4,250,000.00 was expended roads and public works in 1911. $14,399,000.00 value of farm pro ducts in 1910. $14,962,000.00 value livestock, meat, fruits, $35,000,000.00 value tures, 1910 $2t,183,00J.Oi mm produced in 1910. $17,160,000.00 value of timber cut in 1910. $3,000,000.00 value of fish caught 1910. $536,555,892.00, clearing house re turns for 1910. 1,040,000.000 feet of lumber cut in 1910. Th averaee value of occurjled farm land in Eritish Columbia in 1910 was $74.00. Less than one-tenth of the available agricultural land in B. C. U occupied. Mild climate suitable to successful farminsr and desirable climate in which to live the year 'round. Close to market, being the same distance from Portland, Oregon, as San Fran cisco. There 13 plenty of room for you. North Coast Land Co., Ltd., Van couver, B. C, paid up capital $l,6uu,- 000. WAXTED. HAIR WORK ANY ONE WISHING Madam Kennedy to do their nair work, send combings through mail to Athena, Oregon. Box 92. EGGS from all leading varieties standard bred poultry, express pre paid, $2.00. Write for circular. Simpson's Pheasant Farm, Cor vallis, Oregon. 1 SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, ir you want to subscribe to maganlzei or newspapers in the United Statea or Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST ORE- GONIAN the net pubusher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have it sent you. It will save you both trouble and risk. If you are a subscriber to the . EAST OREGONIAN, in remitting you can deduct ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. Address. EAST OREGONIAN PUB. CO., Pendleton.. Oregon. "getaway," marched them a mile to a call box, bundled them into the pa trol wagon and landed booty and all in the police station singlehanded. He was commended by Chief O'Xeil. who said that the feat was unsurpassed in the. annals of the East Orange force. The men had ransacked the home of Mrs. A. E. Disbrow at 25 East 1 Highland avenue, tine naa B"v full of silverware and cut glass ana the other a number of paper boxes with valuable silk dresses in mem. The plucky "cop" made them walk the full mile, each carrying his heavy burden, and not once did he let eith er of them set it down. Repels Attack of Death. "Five veara aeo two doctors told me I had only two years to live." This startling statement waa made by Still man Green, Malachite, Col. "They told me I would die of consumption. It was up to me to try the best lung medicine and I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery. It was well I did, for today I am working and be lieve 1 owp mv life to this great throat and lung euro that has cheated the grave of another victim. It 9 folly to suffer with coughs, colds or other throat troubles now. Take the cure that's safest. Price 50 cents and $1. Triul bottle free at Koeppcns. MI-HAL ARTIST A MYSTKIIY. KINDLY SXAKES TOST HIM. or Hlvo raniirr His Coveted Hint Earliest Sprinimo. Al'.entown, Pa. James Hauk, a farmer near Rising Sun, Lehigh coun ty, started to dig out a cache of win ter apples and cabbages, such as many rural dwellers are in the habit of making in the fall, so as to have fresh fruit and greens in the spring. In the straw covering the provisions he came across a wriggling mass, which proved to be a pair of lively copperheads, which he quickly dis patched with his shovel. The snakes were about three and a half feet long. Their awakening from torpidity at this time Is regarded,-, as a sure sign of an early spring. Xinctcon Miles a Second without a Jar, shock or disturbance. Is the awful speed of our earth through space. We wonder at such ease of nature's movement, and so do those who take Dr. King's New Life Pills. No griping, no distress, Just thorough work that brings good health and fine feelings. 25c Koep-pens. Burroughs. Main 6. Fuel. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY f OH YES MR. SMITH I LJKE. IT VERY MUCH AND MY MAID IS . u r .1 . -INCLUDING THE COLLARS AND WRISTBANDS , . . . . n , n a, LJ WM KKLJWUICU BUI C THOR HAS CON VERTED me. send we THE BILL. filflll-.l. cssr a I I J I 1 I I I I I I I v V SkoU-liCs or Mastcrplcws ApiK-ar on orfir Building Walls. Jersey City, N. J Drawing upon the walls of the various rooms of the Lincoln Trust building copies of Ra phael's Madonna and other master pieces, an elusive artist Is taxing the wits of an astute detective who Is en deavoring to capture him and disclose his Identity to a waiting world. The pictures first appeared about two weeks ngo. Assemblyman Chajles M. Egan entered his office on 'the third floor and on the white plaster ed wall saw. to his surprise, a bevy of perfectly formed nymphs, drawn in crayon, disporting in sylvan glade. The following morning a Madonna ap peared nnnn thr wall of another of fice in the building and the day after that a sketch left one of Van Dyke's masterpieces held a place on still an other wall. IXSCRAXCE AXD LAXD BCSIXESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a trpneral hrokeraee business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. DEXTISTS. UR. THOMAS VAUGHAN. DENTIST Office in Judd building. Phono Main 73. VETERINARY SURGEOXS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATJ Stock Inspector. Office at Koep pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 411 Residence, 915 East Court street Res. Phone Main G9. BENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and acctaeni insur ance agents. New location, 815 Mam street. Phone Main 404. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V.. GRADC ate of McKllllp Veterinary Collog of Chicago. Office phone Main Si Res. 616 Bush St., phone Main 27. LIVERY AXD FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON Btreet, Carney & Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line in connec tion. "Phone main 70. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEO- pathic physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephone: Office black 3411; residence, red 2633. UnSCELLAXEOUS. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DE- nerlntlon for county . court, circuit court. Justice court, real estate, etc., for sale at East Oregonlan office. i -i. ... m THOR F.lvfrlr Hnme Laundrv Machine g-l HQ 1411 V M - - - - - 0 to you for a free demonstration. No obligation, no ex pense on your part Will do your weekly washing and wringing in the best possible manner under guarantee. Call or write today for particulars. If your house isn't wired for electricity ask for estimate at once. 4 For Sale by PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT COMPANY rncrae Main w AYOKTII MOVXTAINS OF COM). is the value Mrs. Charles Barclay of Graniteville, Vt., places upon Lldia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, so grnteful was she for her restoration to health. She says, "I was passing through the change of life and suffered from its effects with nervousness and oth er annoying symptoms, and I ' can truly say that Lydla E. 1'inKliams Vecetahle Compound proved worth mountains of gold to me, as it restor ed my health and strength, and lor the sake of other suffering women I am willing to make my trouble public." Women who are passing through this trylnK period should rely upon Lydla 13. l'lnknam-3 vegetable com pound. LONG WALK IXU UOIUIKIIS. Jersey Bluccont Makes Them Curry Booty a Mile. East Orango, N. Y. Thomas D. Ward, one of the newest policemen of h v.aat Oransre force, captured two burglars In the beginning of their DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputlcs. Judd building, cornet Main and Court streets. Office 'phont Mam 12; residence 'pnone, aiain 664 FRATERX AL ORDERS. PENDLETON LODGE JNO. 61 XJT A. F. and A. M meets tne nrst anil uura muhuojis i nii month. AH vlsitini brethren are tnvl'ed. DAMON LODGE NO. 4, K of P.. meets every Mon dav evening In I. O. O. P. hall. Visiting brothers cor dially invited to attend J. A. Best, C. C; R. W. Fletcher. K. R. S. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS. ETC DA. MAyT CONTR ACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Phone black S786, or Oregonlan office. FUXERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer Onnnslta nnstofrlce. Funeral parlor Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night 'Phone main 7. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNBT at law. Office in Smith-Crawfori building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all stats and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2. I, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. JOHNSON & SKRABLE. ATTOR neys at law. Office In Despalo bulldinc. LEGAL BLANKS of every descrip tion for country court, circuit court, justice court, real estate, etc., for Sale at East Oregonlan office. SECOXD-ILXD DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NEW and second-hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place in Pendleton to buy household goods. Call and get his prices. 210 E. Court street. Phone Black S171. ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNEYS Al law. Office In American Nations Bank Building. REST A CRAXTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODLES and chop suey. Ung D. Goey, prop. At the old stand, Alta street in rear of Tallman Drug Co. AUCTIONEER. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY Al law. Office In Despain building. COL G. LUCAS. LIVESTOCK Auctioneer. Athena. Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LA Office in Despain building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEY at law. Office In rear of Amerlcat National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY Al law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEY and consullors at law. Office U Despain building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNE1 at law. estates settled, wills, deed mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Sen mid block. PETERSON 4 WILSON, ATTOB neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 Smith Crawford building. MISCELLANEOUS. RVnRAVF.n CARDS. INVITATION9 wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, ets. Verv latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see samples. I j I lTwAsAVssl h 1 1 1 1 1 i tin lV lil nils ii MlWssTIWliirM f