PAGE SIX. Known For First National Bank PEHDLETOJj, iCREGON ESTABLISHED 1882 OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND RESOURCES F PASSAGE OF REFORMS DEFEATS MACUIXE MKX IX SRVATK AXI LOWER HOUSE Promised rive Radical Measures and Had Tlicm Enacted Respite Deter mination of Majority of Solons to Prevent Their Adoption. Washington. D. C, March IS. Special.) "If the state conventions in your state in their platforms this year promise five radical reforms in state government, how many of them will be enacted into law by the legis lature next winter?" WITH THE CANDIDATES (Paid Advertisements.) " v.. V , . '.V --'. - 5 .- GEO. T. COCHRAN Progressive Republican Candidate for nomination Representative in Congress S'-eonJ District. JAMES P. NEAL Candidate for Republican Nomination for District Attorney H. A. Waterman Of lf'-rmiston, Oregon, IteuTjiiean Candidate for Nomina tion for rOlNTV ( OMMISSIOMCrt. I hereby nnnrjti',e myself a candi date fr t" uri'y (Jcnirnissioner, eub-Ji-et to th' aipr'ival of the people at the Republican Primaries. I stand for f.n economical admin istration of county affairs as a busi ness basis, and for permanent im provement if our public roads c 1 - ' J. F. WALLAN Of Adams Candidate for County Clerk Subject to wlvhes of the voters in Republican primaries. 'lAH TJie GxmI Tiling Go Round." If elected I will give accurate and etraifth-forward eervic- to all the lieople. A native-born Umatilla county man I ask you to give me your support and Influence. : -. ; ; . ' 1 DAILY EAST lis Strength $2,500,000.00 l His problem In political mathe matics was submitted to a group of congressmen by Representative 'Billy'' Hughes of New Jersey. That congressional arithmetic is not an ex act science was proved by the fact that the "answers" varied from two down to zero, with xero the prime fa vorite in the betting. Then Mr. Hughes told them the story of New Jersey and its experience with a platform and a legislature and incidentally a governor. The democratic state platform in the New Jersey campaign of 1910 promised five particular reforms, each of them radical and each of them ap parently academic. They were. A new election law to take the control of nominations out of the hands of the bsses; an empiyers" liability law just i to both employer and employe; a cor rupt practices act to stop wrongful or excessive use of money in elections; a public utilities commission with ac tual and not merely theoretical pow er; and a law regulating the cold storage of food. These five things were promised In the democratic platform. New Jersey had been a machine ruled state for years and nobody took platform promises seriously. Nobody expected them to be redeemed. A political party platform was like a street car platform something to get in on. When the election was over New Jersey found that it had elected a democratic governor, a senate repub lican by 12 to 9 and a lower house democratic by 42 to 18. Of course the republicans, controlling the senate, could block any legislation they de sired. They determined at once to stop all the bills of the governor's program and, what is more, the old time democratic machine leaders de ckled not to let the bilU x pass the lower house. That was the situation when the legislature met in January. When it adjourned in April every one of the five promises made in the democratic platform were laws on the statute books of New Jersey and along with them were several other new re form !? That the redemption of those plat form promises was due solely to the courage and practical common sense of Governor Woodrow Wilson is ad mitted by everybody In New Jersey, republican or democrat, friend or foe. These are some of the laws that were passed by that legislature: An e'ection law that provided for all nominations from president down to constable to be made in direct pri maries held by the state authorities, that eliminates the power of bosses by abolishing the old party machin ery, that provides for all elections to be held by officers who have passed a civil service examination to show their fitness, and that requires voters to sign their names so as to make a "repeater" liable to punishment for forgery. An employers liability law that does away with damage suits. When an employe is Injured the law says just how much damages he is entitled for that particular injury and it is paid. The employes are benefited be cause they do not have to wait for years to get justice; the employers, because it enables them to know what they have to pay and relieves them of heavy legal expense. A corrupt practices act that recu- lutes the expenditure of campaign funds, requires publication to be made of al! contributions and expenditures, fnj makes the penalty of violation the 'jrl.-iture of the office. A candidate t r govrnor may spend $2500, under this law, and no more. Candidates for congress may spend Jl'.oo, candidates for county offices, $500, and so on down the list. The law goes farther and prohibits intimidation it prohib its the posting of political handbills in factories, and all other means that employers may take to influence their employes in politics. A pub ic utilities commission was created with complete power to reg ulate railways, street ear lines, tele phone companies and all other pub lic utilities in the interests of the pub- lie; a power backed up with the ma chin.-ry to make it effective. A law was passed prohibiting the co d storage of food for longer than t-n months and providing for the sale nt public auction of all food stored In violation of the law. These were the things promised. These were the things performed. But the performances were not limited to the scope of the promises. That same legislature, under the firm guiding hand of that same governor passed a law providing for the commission form of government for cities with the Ini tiative, referendum nd recall of ad ministrative officers; a law abolish ing. convict labor In the state prison; a law providing for adequate protec tion of factories from fire; a law al lowing the state attorney-general to pr-rtic'pnte In criminal prosecutions in counties; and a half dozen other pro gresKlve measures. Puch Is the record of practical achievement that Woodrow Wilson OKEGOXIAN. PENDLETON, made in a few months. The New Jer- v nai ooarow Wilson has done for New Jersey as its governor is a I fair example of what he wi'.l do for te nation as its president." I'. Or O. RASERAI.L MRX ARE IX 1AILV PRACTICE Eugene, Ore. The University of Oregon baseball squad is now mak ing its dally appearance on the field. Up to the present tlmo some fifty men have been reporting for prac tice, among whom are many new faces. At no previous time in recent years has Oregon's baseball prospects been brighter than at present. With practically every old man on hand, Captain Jameson ought to turn out a championship team. Hyron Houch, last year's left hand ed pitcher, who is now playing with the Philadelphia Americans, will bo missed this season; however, it Is an- ncuiuieu mat. vaptam Jameson, as sisted by a few promising freshmen, will be able to care for the pitcher's box. BORAH BOOID FOR T Boise, Idaho, March IS. An or ganization was perfected here for the purpose of launching a boom for Senator William E. Borah of this state for the republican nomination for the presidency. The organiza tion is backed by many of the most influential business and professional men of the city who believe that the ccntest between Roosevelt ,nnd Taft will wage so hot before the national convention meets that cool party men all over the nation will demand a compromise candidate. The purpose of the Idaho organization will be to set forth the qualifications Senator tsoran nas to become such compro mise candidate and his claims will be made familiar to delegates fmm all states. The organization will work with the Roosevelt forces in the state ex pecting to give the delegation from Idaho to Roosevelt so long as there u a cnance for him to win. but to swing to Borah whenever It becomes Ortnoi-Ant . . 1- . ucii . movement can he made effective. The Lincoln county convention in dorsed Borah for president and in structed its delegates to the Lewiston convention to vote for an instructed Idaho delegation for him. JOIIX I. JR. GETS RATA. Is Tola Xever to 5Iotlin-ln-Lav Get Foothold in Home. New York. The Rockefeller Bible class, which is studying matrimonial matters in a series of mid-week meet ings, lias taken up the mother-in-law-quest ion. The meeting was led by the Rev. Orren G. Cocks, secretary of the league for social service. John D. Rockefeller, Jr . took notes on a large piece of paper. "Discourage the visits of your mother-in-law," said the speaker. "Don't let her get a foothold in the newly set up home. "It is better to have only two rooms and cook in one of them and sleep in the other than to have a whole suite in the home of another. "The timid housewife, newly wed ded, makes her first little attempts at timorous housekeeping In the little new home, and there should be only the two there." A good treatment tor a cold settled in the lungs is a HERRICK'S RED PEPPER POROUS PLASTER ap plied to the chest to draw out in flammation, and BALLARD'S HORE HOUXD SYRUP to relax tightness You get the two remedies for the price of one by buying the dollar size Horehound Syrup; there is a porous plaster free with each bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. UNDERTAKERS CUT PRICES. Kansas City Fnneruls Are Cheaper Than for Years, Kansas City, Mo A price war is on between the undertakers of Kansas City, Kan., and funerals are cheaper than they have been in several years. The undertakers are advertising ex tensively in newspapers. The trouble began several months ago when one funeral director reduced prices and alleged that a "trust" existed in the city. a pain in the side or back that catcnes you when you straighten up i ai:s ior a rubbing application of liALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT. It relaxes the contracted muscles and permits ordlr.ary bodily motion with out suffering or inconvelnence. Price 25c, 60c and $1, per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. SCATTERS CANDY FOR VOTES. Candidate for Congress Wins Popular. ity Iry Scheme. Philadelphia, Pa. Frank P. Croft of Lower Merlon, head of a candy manufacturing firm of this city, lias inaugurated his campaign for con gress from the Bucks-Montgomery district by distributing candles and sweets of all varieties, fresh from the factory, to residents of the towns on his tour. Every day last week a motor car with Mr. Croft and five lieutenants has been slipping Into different Bucks county towns and suburbs In the York road Bectlon. There Is no doubt that Mr. Croft has scored by his electioneering meth ods, many Indications of his popular ity fol'owlng In the wake of the au tomobile and the broadcast distribu tion of candy. Mine Explosion Kills 45. St. Petersburg, March 1. Italian dispatches say forty-five were killed ln a coal mine explosion. OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH nnilHITTfT fini ITfl aaopted as theMUllfliil tc on. o ON PANAMA TOLLS Washington, March 18. Accom panied by a lengthy report, the Pan ama canal bill was reported out of the committee on interstate com merce and will be followed early this week by the minority report. As the minority members were not permit ted to glimpse nt the majority report as it emerged from the committee, Representative Know-land asked and was grunted five davs in which to pre pare a minority report declaring for free tolls for American coastwise ship ring. As a matter of fact, two minority reports will be made. The committee bill as reported bears out the forecast made during the past few weeks. It provides for a maximum toll of $1 25 for nil ships, with a minimum sufficient to pay the operating expenses of the canal. Pro vislon is made against railroad inter ests of any kind in ships plying through the canal. The majority reports mnk an el aborate defense of the provision in cluding American ships in the tolls charged. "First," says the report, "the fin ancial success of the canal is of prime importance and its operation Is the main object of this bill. Financial returns in the beginning are In doubt. This operation of the canal will be not only experimental, but the' pat ronage and revenue are conjectural. We know i will require $4,000,000 or $5,000,000 a year to maintain and op erate the canal and administer its ad juncts." RAT 51 EX KIT POM'S TO RIA'SIIIXG CO-E1VS FEET ShcM's Piled in Middle of Dancing Floor After tho Girls Arc Porsuad rtl t Part Willi Them. Lawrence, Kan. There is no place in the catalogue danco steps of the social set in Kansas university for the turkey trot or tr-. bunny hug. Rut' one of the fraternities has evolved something new the Cinderella dance At n recent party the lights were dimmed suddenly. Each girl's escore politely asked her to remove her danc ing pumps. At first there were pro testations and it was several minutes before dainty, silk-stockinged feet i were being tucked under silk skirtr rf n T-t.tlf ti 1 1 r 1 1 w1 r, . t . . .1 ...... 1 of a half hundred party dresses and each blushing girl' was watching the men pile their dancing slippers in a heap in the middle of the polished floor. Then the lights were turned up not a foot in sight, only occasionally the suggestion of a toe protruding from beneath a skirt's fold. The men took places about the four sides of the room and waited. The orchestra struck up a lively wait, there was a rush on the part of the men and the next instant they landed bootball fashion upon the heap of dancing pumps. In due time each mnn emerged from the mass grasping a shoe. It was mated with those left in the shattered pile in the middle of the floor and the men set out, just as the unhappy prince of the fairy tale, each to find hia Cinderella. The stockinged feet and dainty ank'es were at last dis played. Each man fitted a shoe to the foot of its owner and claimed her as his partner for the dance. Once more lights were dimmed, the waltz music was played more softly and the dancing no matter the step began. The innovation has not yet been sanctioned by the faculty or the stu dent government association. I". OF O UNDISPUTED RASKETHAL1 CHA5IPS Eugene, Ore By defeating the University of Washington basketball team, the University of Oregon has annexed the championship of the northwestern conference colleges. Oregon ha played ten conference games, winning eight, which being the highest number won by one team, tives her the undisputed right to the championship, o. A. C. comes second on the list, raving seven victories and two defeats to her credit. Out of a total of eleven games Washington has won only seven, thus placing her far down the list from the winning team. It has been a custom long in exist- ence in the northwest college confer ence leagues as well as in oil profes sional baseball leagues to count In the percentage only those games regular ly scheduled before the playing be gins, thus preventing a weak team l.eing played extra games in order to boost a team percentage. ' f A Clear Umln and healthy body are essential for success. Business men, teachers, students, housewives, and other workers say Hood's Karsaparilla gives them appetite and strength, and makes their work seem easy. It overcomes that tired feeling. WOULD ARREST "DRUNKS. Des Molne I'nstor Criticises "Golden Rnle' System of Police. Des Moines, la. The Rev. J.. W. Graves, pastor of the Calvary Baptist church, a prominent social worker, severely criticised the "Golden Rule" system as adopted by the Des Moines police. The Rev. Mr. Graves believes that drnnken men should be arrested There Is more Catarrh ln this section nf the country tlinn all other diseases nut together, and until the last few years. wa supposed to be Incurable. Kor a great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and iy constantly inning to cure witn local treatment, announced It Incurable. Science lias proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonfnl. It nets directly on the blood snd mucous sur faces of the system. They offer one hun dred dollars for any rase It falls to cure Kend for circulars and testimonial. Address : V. 3. CHENEY & Co., Toledo. Ohio. Hold by Druggists, 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. 18, 1912. (1 ttil Let these Vitalizing Elements into your home; they are the simple mean 8 of keeping Nerves, Brain and Body strong, active, enduring. There it no tubgtitute for FrA Air, Sunshine, Happy Thought or Scott's Emulsion u. OHuaoimrm 11-63 ana not sent home. He asserts that the "Golden Rule" must think of the family as well as the man. KIXG GEORGE lXVEM's RANGE, i-.ngii.Mi .Monarch (;is Patent for toal saviiifr KiUlicn stove. New York. King George of Eng. land has taken out a patent through the German crown prince, his cous in, for a. coal saving range, according to dispatches published by a scientific journal. His majesty is said to have perfected the device in the long months of enforced idleness ufter his father's death. The crown prince, who some time ago patented a pair of nonsllpplng sleeve links, proposed that he take out a patent in Oermanv for K-im, George and his offer promtply was accepted. The range has tvo ovens and is so built that by pulling a lever the con tents of one side, including the fire beneath, may ho shifted across, thus saving time and coal. XOV. l!i:.M,V, ISN'T THIS? Woman Doctor Vrgv Girls to Stand on Their Heads. Battle Creek. Mich. Dr. Mabel Howe Otis of the Sanitarium Medical Corps in a lecture to the Y. W. C. T. A. girls expressed the opinion that every girl should stand on her head at least twice a day. She said It would cure most if not all of feminine ills. Then she gave a demonstration of how it should be done. DOX'T DELAY Some Pendleton People Ilavo Learned That Neglect Is Dangerous. ine slightest symptom of kidney trouble is far too serious to be over iooKea. it's the small, neglected troubles that lead to serious kidney ailments. That pain in the "small" of your back; that urinary (regular ity; those headaches and dizzy spells; that weak-weary, wornout feeling. may be nature's warning of coming dropsy or fatal Brlght's disease. Why risn your lire Dy neglecting these symptoms Reach the cause of the trouble while there la time begin treating your kidneys at once with a tried and proven kidney remedy. No neeu to experiment Doan's Kidney Pills have been curing kidney trou ble for over 75 years. Doan's Kid ney Tills are used and recommended throughout the civilized world. Con vincing testimony follows: Mrs. C. W, Jacobs, R. F. D. No. 3, St. Johns, Wash., says: "I had pain across the small of my back and suf fered Intensely. Since I learned of Doan's Kidney Pills, i have taken them whenever this trouble had made Its appearance and I have always re ceived relief. I highly recommend this remedy to persons afflicted with kidney complaint." For sale by all deaters. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. earless The kind that satlsfys and saves you money. Guaranteed for 2 Years If you want to know the kind of garden hoso that does not break, crack or go to pieces when exposed to tho weather nsk the man who uses PEER LESS HOSE. "Beddow &" Miller" stamped on every 25 foot length. Look for the name. Wo keep overytliliir neces sary In plunihlnp; and Irrigating supplies, nozzles, sprays, etc Beddow & Miller Pendleton's Only Exclusive Pluinliera. Corner Court and Garden St. Ssi1 EIGHT PAGES You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakes Good coffee Every day We Invite your patronage and aim to please you. A clean kitchen Regular Meals 25c Gus. La Fontaine La Fontaine Block, Main Street CHICHESTER S P'LLS IH A .l (I Ml It ii k v it i i i V7 V " ? . - . . . . . B i.a.m. iitj ij soi n rv nriir,r,isTs fvf pwhfpf f-rtm jsh-i . -met IKRIAL construction of tkrtt .11 of with Mttntoa pWHCCCO fclwMi ocn wili. So nmpU that aibu .in Ruka big ntuhok Gt owr caulufwa and low d.lir.rao' pfKI. Vniiro from t. 7f Hf) t Hlm lnubttor Co., Tolfdo, Wnhlnan The Pendleton Drug Co. la In business for "Your Good ;HeaIt,h" RE5IE5IBER THIS WHEN TOTJ HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES We Sell Sulphtirro Koeppen's The drug store that eerve you best. BRING IN YOUR PONY VOTES In order to avoid confusion as to standing of contestants In our big Pony Contest, we would like to have all votes cast as soon as possible. Standings of each boy and girl In the contest, are now dis played at our store. Tallman (Sb Co. TaxicabScrvico DAY AND NIGHT Stand at Hotel St. George 25C to Any Part of City Phone Main 12 Joseph N. Bohl, Prop. QUELLE MM is u