t t FAGE EIGHT. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN, fENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1912. EIGHT PAGES The Seeds to Sow, are the Seeds that Grow It's Timv3 to Plant and lioiv is the place to get your seeds. We liavo a fine lot of the following SEED POTATOES early rose, early bur rank, early g weeks, early ohio. late ohio. -InVides. anything you want in garden and flower seeds. : . : , All the early vegetables that are now on the market are to be fot u.l liere. Rhone orders carefully attended. Standard Grocery Company, Inc.s Where AU Are Pleased Frank O'Oara, President. Bernard O'Oara, Sec.-Treas. Newsy Notes of Pendleton (intimitis Improve Front. Uritman Bros., main street cigar wholesalers and retailers, this morn ing put workmen at the task of im proving tho front of their store. lighter 'Are lined. Fred Shoemaker and George Mans field, arrested Wednesday night for fighting, were yesterday afternoon fined five dollars apiece in police court. Three in Police Court. Three men drew three days apiece from Police Judge Fitz Gerald this morning, John Adurd and M. Bell be ing sentenced for being drunk and Frank Donnelly on a vagrancy charge. BOYS HERE FOR RELIGIuUS MEETING With boys coming in from all di rections, the banquet which opens the three day convention of Men and Re ligion Forward Movement workers to night promises to be attended by a larger number than was nt first an ticipated much to the gratification of the committee in charge. Advices from Pilot Rock this afternoon were to the effect that twenty-five boys of that town hi.l U ft by team for Pen dleton and thus the little south-end town bids fair to have tho largest rep resentation from an outside district. Helix sent in five boys this morning, while the delegations from the east r.nd west end of the counties will not arrive ur.til late in the afternoon. The banquet will be held In the Armory promptly at 6 o'clock and will be for boys only, but at 7:30 a meeting for men wl'A be held in the Christian church auditorium. The "Walla Walla committee of ten will ar rive on the evening train and address es will be made at. the meeting tonight l.y three of their number. Every boy in the city between the ages of 13 and 19 i asked to attend the banquet and every man, regard less of age c r color is invited to attend the meeting. tempted robbery of the effects of Dr. Xewcomb, who resides at the Ameri can Hotel in St. Louis. N'ovack jumped Ins bail of $2000. Detective Sehenck ran into Novack on the boulevard Dos Valians. Schenck engaged him in conversation while he sent a friend to fetch the police. A small fortune in gold was found sewed in Xovaek's suspenders. EAGLE CAUGHT is TRAP DIXES ON COYOTE DAILY NOTED THIEF IS CAUGHT. Paris Police IloM Joseph Novack, Recognized by St. Louis Detective. Paris. Joseph Novack of St. Louis, who has a reputation of being the greatest hotel thief in America, was nrrested here at the instance of De tective Edward Schenck of St. Louis. Novack is a fugitive from justice, having been under inlictment for at- Walla Walla, Wash. Penned in a large corral at the farm of Gene I tharp, on Dry creek living on the flesh of coyotes caught in the sur I rounding hills, is a huge eag'e which has been a captive for several months i one of the most unique rewards of j the hunter that has been taken in this : r.-jiiiin. Gene Sharp found the bird caught in a coyote trap, where it had tried to snatch the bit of fresh bait placed there for coyotes. Mr. Sharp found the great eagle with the claws and toes of both feet fast in the trap, try ing to rise and f'y away, but falling back after a few flaps of its wide wings when it came to the end of the chain. The bird was hooded with a gunny sack and taken home where it has been an object of curiosity. Mr. Sharp devotes much of his time to trapping coyotes and after stripping off the hides for bounty and sale of which he has a large pile, the carcasses are thrown to the cap turned eagle, which devours a coyote every day or two and is In splendid flvsh. The bird is so savage that it has not been approached for measure ment or weight, but it is as large as a huge turkey gobbler and Deputy Sheriff Sam Bryan estimated " the spread of its wing3 at eight feet. Carl Engdahl Is in the city from his home at Helix. tr.v:.r M4( r '.. i .-'-V - Hob ii that coffee with the rich coffee fragrance, with the delicate tang that makes coffee a joy to drink. Try Oar Standard Uma- tilla Blend Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Quality Grocers Laker I. wives for Vaiu-ouver. Tracy Baker, Pendleton boy who is to play with tho Vancouver North west league team this year, left thl. afternoon via the Northern Pacific to join bis team mates. Mayor ApiMiiiits Committee. At the special meeting of council yesterday afternoon. Mavor w F Maf.ock named the street committee consisting of Charles Cole, w V. Brock and J. L. Sharon to act with a committee from the Round-Up di rectors in devising ways for the im provement of Round-Up Park. Roosevelt's Petition Filed. C. E. Roosevelt is in receipt of a icuer irom the Secretary of State Ben Olcott to the effect Roosevelt's petition for the republican nomina tion for congress from the eastern Oregon district has been duly filed. It was signed by more than the ne cessary number of registered repub lican voters. Eastern Stars to I'mnlllla. AU the officers of Hope Chapter -no. u, Eastern Star, leave tomorrow for Umatilla to attend installation services tomorrow night and will ex empiify the work. The local officers headed by Mrs. F. M. Jackson, the worthy matron, will be joined at Pendleton by the grand worthy ma tron and the grand worthy patron Yesterday's La Grande Observer. Paving Plnnt Arrives. The long awaited paving plant of Warrent Bros, arrived this morning from Centralia and will be set up Immediately near th O.-W. R. & N. stockyards on Thompson street pre paratory to the paving of Alta, Webb and Cottonwood streets. According to Engineer Lonergan of the paving company, actual work will commence the first of next week. City Will Have More, Light. Last evening members of the light committee of the city council made a trip over the city in an automo bile with a view to installing more arc lights on the darker streets. They jotted down fourteen" tentative loca tions, eleven of which will be accept ed as they have discovered that the city is entitled to that many more without additional cost. Another P.elden Suit. Charles L. Hower today commenced suit against S. L. Dunlap for the col lection of a $375 note alleged to be due. Inasmuch as the note was made out to R. O. Belden, the British Co lumbia milning promoter, the natural nssumpthion is that the suit adds an other chapter to the recent expose of an a'leged mining swindle. Railroad Company Objects. The O.-W. R. & N. company is ask ing the railroad commission for a re hearing in the Baker rate case in which Pendleton joined as an inter vener. The railroad company asserts in a complaint of which a copy has been sent the local club, that the rates ordered for branch lines in eastern Oregon will be confiscatory if enforced. Shb Hody to Omaha. Just as Coroner Folsom was pre paring to inter the body of J. Chris tie, who died at the county hospital Tuesday, a telegram was received from a brother in Omaha asking that the body be shipped to that city and preparations are being made to comply with the request today. The brother is said to be a man of con siderable means. IF YOU ARE TIIRIFY, IF YOU WANT TO SAVE 'A FEW DOLLARS Come in and talk to us nhout ( treet and Work Shoes A swell now line has just leon m-eived and is now lieinj displayed. Tlicy represent a combination of late style, lasting leather ami are made to wear. . $1.23, $1.75, $2.10, $2.73 nnd $3.25 a Fair. Comparison, gentlemen, always makes business for ns. There is a reason for everything and our reason is price. Workingmen's Clothing Company Corner Main and Webb Sts. Moutoux absconded nnd he was no sooner arrested than Mitchell secur ed his consent to the transfer. ReMirt Man Killed at Rodeo. A report gained circulation on the streets today that one of tho per formers at the Los' Angeles Rodeo had been killed during the show in an accident, but an effort made by this paper to verify the report brought no results. The United Press association wired that it had failed to learn of any such accident. The local reports made the victim one of three well known Round-Up perform ers, Jason Stanley. Colorado Ren Corhftt or Sid Seale. ' NEW DISPLAY CASE TO SHIELD PAPER MACHE C.IKI.S Because the cloak and hat models at the Peoples Warehouse are so real istic that young men employes and patrons of the store are frequently It's a Dog-Gone Shame 1 ", DYEING s STAINS WlTHonriMTi.r,,. dimC that a puppy should be too affection ate in the street in muddy weather but both ladies and gentlemen havt good redress when we get their gar ments to clean. They are made to look like new again. And no matter how delicate the fabric may be, wf never injure it in the cleaning oper ation. Fendlafon Dye Works Dhone Main 169. 206 H E. Alta found flirting with them, an orna mental case has been constructed for the paper mache ladles and it was Installed today by the Pendleton planing mill, which constructed tho case. The case is to have a position on tho second floor of the store, near tho stairway. Dale Rothwell Optometrist Eyes examined, glasses fitted, lenses duplicated and frames repaired. With Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler, Pendleton. When you want particular and satisfactory watch and Jewelry repairing or first-class engraving, take it to Hanscom's Where all work is guaranteed. SMOKY SMILES Athena Knlshts Hold Forth. With representatives from every Knights of Pythias lodge in the coun ty with ono exception present, the Athena lodge last night held a big meeting at which six members were put through the page rank, two through the knight of esquire rank and one through the knight rank. Fol lowing the meeting a banquet was held. Among the visitors present were J. T. Hinklc, district deputy grand chancellor of Hermlston, R. W. Fletcher and Elvin Lampkin of this city. n- l .'-'. W. J. Connor & Co. Successor to HARRY O'DELL. Cigars, Candles and Pool Room. 649 Main Street. Phone M. 4 For the Lenten Season We are receiving daily ITIESII SALMOX FRESH HALIBUT FRESH SMELT FRESH CATFISH FRESH CLAMS Besides our fine lines of meats, sausages and lard that aro always carried. A CLEAN, SANITARY MARKET giving "S. & II." green tamps with every cash pur chase. Central Feat Market Phono Main 33. 108 E. Alta St. FREE Until March 23 we will give 15 "S. & 11." green stamps with every 60c cash purchase to all who present this ad. ISnsoball Meeting I Tonljjht. The baseball meeting which was an nounced for last night will be held in the Commercial association rooms tonight and every fan with red blooc. In his veins is expected to be present to assist in placing Pendleton in the Blue Mountain league again this year. Officers of last year's club take the attitude that If the sport Is worth witnessing it Is worth an effort on the part of the fans and they will let ' the city go through the season without j an organized team rather than be : without active and material support. Emliezzler Deed Over III Farm. A sequel to the recent arrest of A. A. M. Moutou, alias Henry Werner, who embezzled several thousand dol 'ar of the United Cement Workers' Union funds in Chicago and then hid hlmse:f on a farm near Freewatcr, was had today when a deed transfcr Ing his farm to S. A. Mitchell, trustee for the National Surety company, was filled.. Tho surety company in ques tion was forced to pay (2250 when "Clark's Grocery" Seed Potatoes EARLY NORTHERN, EARLY MICHIGAN Direct from the State of Michigan. More prolific than Eearly Rose or Ohio. SEE OUR WINDOW. Lcavo your orders. Only a limited supply. Tho "S. & II." Stamps go with them. CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174 612 Main Street Phone Your Order y Today for Ha Our Fourth Sat. Special Sale Pear! Oil Per Gal lcn5Can Standard To matoes 10c Per Can, $1.10 Per Doz F. M. DOWNEY U. H. lYIAKdH Proprietors ; Wild NHAIKI So) mm, 11