EIGIIT PAGES PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OltEGOXIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1912. WESTON BALL MGR. IS LODGE ORGANIZER OR SICK STOMACH fBHIinjWI'l'i u Hi ill in; Mil. , ii .111 m i i ii mum . ii pi-i iu n n him ,n i . t. -r ' . - ' t 1 lit . M w A - ..;..::.:,?. :,r."-;"::- ..a A.i'iW..-: a ik V If Hi S 11 ' BasQtrB loSHaS53nSErE3ES'K3S7S Voij Need Vitality. Strength, Force. If you are Weak, Nerveless, Bloodless, your arms are bound, your energies paralyzed. is the Vitalizerand your opportunity. ALL DRUGGISTS 11-46 WOMEN" TO REYEAIi AGES. Penny for Every Year and One for Those Longed For. Connersviile, Ind. The clubwomen of Connersvillc are expected to re veal their exact ages at a colonial tea party at the home of Mrs. Essie Shiv ely. It is made obligatory on each guest to bring as many pennies as she Is years old. In addition to these she i- also to bring a penny for each ad ditional year she wishes to live. The money thus accumulated is intended as a part at a large sum be ing raised to aid toor girls in Indiana. rn.ES craED is o to 14 days. Tour druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching Blind. Bleeding or -,t. nin.r p;le In to 1 day We cordially invite our friends and patrons to call and view our first Spring' Millinery Showing of Tailored and Trimmed Patterns New Fisk Models and Summery Picture Hats. All the chic and dressy modtls now in vogue in the eastern fashion centers THE CHAPEAU Mrs. Myrtle Moller Successor to Mrs. Rose Campbell Weston, Ore., March 15 William Nor reun, formerly manager of the Weston team of the Blue Mountain baseball league, left Weston this week for Spokane, where he will be come organizer for a prominent fra ternal order. Mr. Jess Ueuallen of Walla Walla was In this city during the week visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Lleuallen. Mr. liick English of Weston Moun tain was in this city Tuesday. Mrs. Nellie Miller of Athena, was a Weston visitor on Tuesday. Mr. Ira Kemp of Weston, was in Athena during the week. Mr. Ernest Blomgren of this city was in Walla Walla' on business dur ing the week. Mrs. Amanda Carroll and daugh ter of Fowler, Colorado, are guests of her sister, Mrs. 11. A. Lieuallen of this city. Mrs. John Harris of this city was in Athena on business during the week. Mr. Will Taylor of Athena, was In this city on Monday. Mr. Will Oliver of Heed and Haw- ley mountain was In this city during the week. Mr. Will Compton has returned from Walla Walla where he has been re ceiving medical treatment. Mr. George Carmicheal, jr., of this city was an Athena visitor during the week. Mr. Emery Worthington of Athena was in this city during' the week Miss Willima Depuis of this city was In Adams during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Uodgers of Adams were In this city during the week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dupuls. Dr. and Mrs. Newsom of Athens were In this city on a professional visit. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Tim MoRrlde is ser'ously ill with pneumonia. Miss E. Cargill of Reed and Haw ley mountain was in this city v'sit ing during the week. Mrs. Minnie Walker of this city was an Athena visitor during the week. Mrs. Lucretia Maloney of this city is ill with pleursy. Mr. Jim Stanfield of this city has returned home from Walla Walla. Mr. Roy Hyatt of Weston Moun tain was in this city during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Plnkerton of this city were in Pendleton during the week. Mr. John Banister of Weston, was in Pendleton during the week. gas. iii:i;tiu i;x. iyspepsi.v am) all miseky vanishes l ive Minutes After Taking a Little liiilcpxlii Your Stomach Will lVel lino Airaln Wit Your ttvirit KtxHls Without IVnr of Distress. Take your sour, out of order stom ach or maybe you call it indigestion. dvspopslu gastritis or catarrh of stomach; it doesn't matter take your stomach trouble right with you to your pharmacist and ask htm to open a SO-cent case of Pape's TMapepsin and let you eat one 22-graln Trlan- gu'e and see if within five i minutes there is left any trace of your former misery. The correct name for your trouble is- food fermentation food souring; the digestive organs become weak, there is lack of gastric juice; your food is only half digested, and you become affected with loss of appetite, pressure and fullness after eating, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, g rlplng in bowels, tenderness in the pit of stomach, bad taste in mouth, consti pation, pain in limbs sleeplessness, belching of gas, biliousness, sick headache, nervousness, diziness or many other similar symptoms. If your appetite is fickle and noth ing tempts you, or you belch gas, or if you feel bloated after eating, or your food lies like a lump of lead on your stomach, you can make up your mind that at the bottom of all this there is but one cause fermentation of undigested food. Prove to yourself in five minutes that your stomach is as good as any; that there is nothing really wrong. Siop this fermentation and begin eat- in-' what vou want without- fear of Uitcomfort or misery. Almost instant relief is waiting for you. It is merely a matter of how soon you take a litt'e Diapepsln. Announcement The public is invited to attend 'our Grand Opening on Saturday, March 1 6th We will display for your inspection, a Complete Showing of Tailored and Dress Hats for the coming Spring and Summer Fisk patterns, Robinson-Wells models and all the leading and popular styles to be worn this year. Vogue Millinery Largest and Leading Milliners Mrs. L. D. Idleman Next to Golden Rule Store OLCOTT 10 MAKE 'BLUE SKY' PROBE WII I, ATTEMPT TO I.EAKV METHODS OP PROMOTERS Plan. It 1 IU'llevcil, Will He WeU-oni- c-d by All (')ii:iiiies of MoTit Vli Offer Field for Investments to ore SCon People. order to show that she was game, Miss Dorothy Oppeiman of Atlanta decided after five hours' of married life that single bliss was preferable and started legal proceedings as soon as lawyers could be consulted. Miss Opperman of Atlanta and J. B. Debman were the contracting parties. The young couple were din ing with J. C. MeCormick, who laid a wager that Miss Opperman was not game to marry. A justice of the peace was routed out of bed and the wedding performed. At 6 o'clock in the morning, how ever, married lire had paueu on airs. Debman. The young couple had found they were not true affinities and both are willing to have the law untie the knot. The PoHfect Laxative Fop EldciBy People Ac has 1 attractions do ln than roulh in a cj'.re s-r-np and quieter 11. I'nr 't is tils v-tj life of r-Kt without Kit-) ; iVr't "ren in that brings with it thoe nUorLr, ,i.Ut ari,. fr-m '-'i M-rt 'M-rl.v people are troubled In this way. i'b a'.-cWanyics eymptonw of belch Ine. drowses after eating. l.ea.J.ielies and Vwrl latitude. Frequently there U i dlf rrolty of .lifting even light food. Much ment'il troii We ermie". as It is hard to find BUl'HOie reiutru,. . - . I civ'ii 1li.it ei'itriy peopic nn..i... ..n.ortlf r.l'la or nowderH, waters or ariT of the more violent purga tives. What they ne.'d. women as well a nien l a mild laxative tonic, one that Is pleaMot to taks ai.d yet '-t without grltiln;;. The rern'd.7 that fi'lB all thse rerilre- inay not A Seven Cent Social. The Ladies of the Maccabees an nounce a unique event for Monday, March IS. It Is to be a seven cent social, every person except the sev enth paying seven cents to enter. An art gallery, a f h pond and fortune ter.ing boolh will be prepared and an admission of seven cents will be charged at each one, while a cafeter ia dinner at seven cents per course will be served. meets, and has In addition tonic properties that strengthen the stomach, liver and bov.-els. l.s It. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which thousands of elderly people use, to ;he exclusion of all other remedies. Trust-r-orthv t)"oi)!e like Mr. A. V. Hoffmen. t .. i.. v l nrf W r -triritnn. 7(lfl Tth ht.. i;!uwo.il Sprint's, Colo., say they take It at regular Intervals and In that way not oniy maintain general good health, but that they have not in years felt as good as they UO now. JOU will U'l WVII vo ttinujn un.c a bottle of It in the house. It Is good for all tne lamiiy. Anvone wishing to make a trial or this remedy before buying It In the regnlar wav of a drnzclst at fifty rents or one dollar a large bottle (family size) can have a ample bottle sent to the home free of charge hy simply addressing Ir. W. B. Oildwell, 40.-, Washington St., Montlccllo, 111. Your name and address on a postal ard will do. Pure Bottled in Bond YEARS OLD Smooth Mellow Su.ce 1780 " iiT.n."-' VfTil HERMAN PETERS 18i PENDLETON - - OREGON .Salem, Or., March 13. Secretary of State Olcott has consented to un dertake an investigation of all Oregon coroorations regarding the business methods of which complaints are be ing made to the secretary a office. While there Is no law on the stat lit,, honks eivinc the secretary of state or any other state official au thority to examine the books and business methods of corporations that may happen to fall under suspicion, it is thought that a great majority of companies doing a legitimate business will be glad to take advantage of ar. opportunity voluntarily to furnish the secretary's office with such Informa tion as may be desired. When complaints are received to the effect that a certain corporation is insolvent, that it is doing business in violation of law, or that its assets are being dissipated by reckless and incompetent management the secre tary's office will write to the corpor ation, inviting a showing of assets and full particulars regarding its pros pects, plan of business, etc. The In formation thus obtained will be ar ranged In convenient form for refer ence and will be supplied to those in terested in the stock or other prop erty of the corporation. If the cor- nnr:iticin refuses to give any informa tion regarding its connection, the fact of such refusal will be communicated tii correspondents and to the newspa pers. Mr. Olcott's plan has the approval of the committees appointed by the various public bodies of Portland to investigate the subject ana recom mend the enactment of adequate pro tective legislation by the next session tvio ti.E-iulaturo. and many of the leading lawyers and business men of the state. Secretary Olcott today dis cussed the proposed legislation with It. W. Montague of Portland, a mem ber of the committee having the mat ter In hand, and a meeting will be ludd within the next 1 uays to con sider some of the Important features of the Villi which will be presented to th next legislature. The plan of Secretary Olcott Is a temporary expedient, designed to pro vide some measure of protection to Investors until Huch time as the leg islature shall enact adequate legisla tion for that purpose. Tho plan Is Klml'.nr to that adopted In Kansas prior to the passage of the P.lue Sky law, which in the past year has shut out hundreds of questionable com panies, and which is being consider ed as the basis of a new corporation code In Oregon. Notice to Public. I have changed my express and transfer wagon stand from Gritman Bros, to Griggs & Stangier's cigar store. Phone Main 464. FRANK STROELE. The Pendleton Drug Co. ti in bualneaa for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN TOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS. OR WAXT PURE MEDICINES Strength cornea from well digested and thoroughly assimilated food. Hood's Sarsaparilla tones the diges tive organs, and thus builds up the strength. If you are getting "run down," begin taking Hood's at once. It gives nerve, mental and digestive strength. Woman's Best Help to the good health which comes from regular action of the organs of digestion and elimination to freedom from pain and suffering to physical grace and beauty is the harmless, vegetable remedy BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold varywhera In box 10c, 25c Colo nist Fa re s DAILY March 1 to April 15, From the Middle and Eastern por tions of the United States and Cana da, to all points In the Northwest on the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Nav. Go. From CHICAGO $33.00 ST. IOFIS $32.00 OMAHA $25.00 " KANSAS CITY $25.00 " ST. PAUIj $25.00 Proportionately low farea from all other rjolnts. Direct service from Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha and Kans as City over the O. & N. W., UNION PACIFIC. OREGON SHORT JFAE and tJ.-W. R. ft N. MXES PROTECTEI HY AUTOMAT IC IHiOCK SIGNAL YOU CAN PPEI'AY FARES Peerless liiriin MSI IlOI'ItS OF WEDLOCK ENOUGH. Girl Married to Win Wnr Soekx Separation Same. Duy.l Atlanta, Ga. Married at 1 o'clock in the morning to win a wager, In While these rates apply Westbound only, fares may bo prepaid by de positing value of tho ticket with your local agent, and an order will be tele- nranhed to any address given. Aid In telling of our vast resource and wonderful opportunities for Home Building. Illustrated and reliable- printed matter will be mailed anyone to whom you wish It Bent, by addressing T. F. O'nRIEV, Agent. Pendleto, Ore. The kind that satlsfys and saves you money. Guaranteed for 2 Years If you want to know the kind of garden hose that does not break, crack or go to pieces when exposed to the weather ask the man who uses PEER LESS HOSE. "Ceddow & Miller" stamped on every 25 foot length. Look for the name. Wo kei everything neces nary in plumblrijr nnil Irrigating Supplies,- nowslejs sprays, etc. Beddow & Miller It'iKlleloii'H Only Exclusive Plumber. Corner Court and Oarden St. We Sell Sulpliiirro Koeppen's The drug store that serve you best. BRING IN YOUR POIiY VOTES In order to avoid confusion , aa to standing of contestants to our big Pony Contest, we would like to have all votes cast as i soon as possible. ! Standings of each boy and , girl In the contest, are now dls i played at our store. Tallman (8b Co. Taxicab Service DAY AND NIGHT Stand at Hotel St. George 25C to Any Part of City Phone Main 1 2 Joseph N. Bohl, Prop. Save $250 How long will it tako to do it? Think it over. How much cau you lay aside every pay day ? Why not lo a cnpitaliHt, and have an income from your money na well ns from your labor 1 .silitli YOU CAN 1)0 IT. All it needs is a befrmninfi and a little determination. This bank will help you. Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon