EIGAT TAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1912. PAGE FIVE ANOTHFP PYPRFQQ THOSE SWELL I 0 C ill - Serge Slits CAME IN TODAY All Sizes 14 to 20 34 to 44 LET US SHOW YOU IF. i. Livengood The Ladies and Childrens Store PERSONAL MENTION OUR FIRST DISPLAY OF Tailored- Trimmed MILLINERY For Spring and Summer. Now Showing These new models represent tho very latest ideas, and are tho styles to bo worn ly the ultra-fashionable of New York and Chicago tho coming seasons. Wo cordially invite your inspection of our beautiful lines. We deem it a pleasure to show them. Carrier Millinery ' FRANCIS M. BURROWS, Prop. G. A. Robbing is absent In Portland i upon a business visit. I W. II. Davidson of Helix, Is a vis-! ltor In the city today. John II. French, of Nye, is tran Racting business in the city. Olie and Frances Picard of Adams Hpent last night in Pendleton. Frank and George Nelson of New berg are -guests of the Bowman. Roy T. Bishop returned yesterday from a trip to points on the sound. Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Kern left last evening for Baker on a brief visit. William Davidson of Helix came In this morning on the N. P. local. Mrs. J. Halstead of Echo was am ong tho visitors In the city yester day. v John M. Ap'Ib of Hfrmlston is am- j ong the project dwellers in the city , today. I Pat Doheity, well known Butter creek rancher, is a visitor in the city today. Ernest Bryson, well known horse buyer, came in this morning on the N. P. train. Sidney B. and Walter T. Walton are In the city today from the west end of the county. William Howard, a Galloway sheep man, Is transacting business in , Pen dleton today. E. I.. Cooper, manager of the Cosy theater, left yesterday for Portland on a business visit. II. M. Cockburn, county commis sioner, came down from his home at Milton this morning. Mrs. Hindle was ftmong tho .Helix people coming in on the Northern Pacific local this morning. , I, ueorge A. iiarimun, jr., ; cashier of the First National bank, IP 111 JUirtc vii a, uu-t,is" ....., "Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy have returned from Portland where Mrs. Murphy took medical treatment. H. F. Bendlx, formerly Eilers Pi ano agent In this city, came over from Walla Walla this morning. Miss Fayette Johnson, sister of Will Johnson, the traveling man, is in the titv upon a short visit while en route i to Twin Falls, Idaho. i E P. Honwood. manager of circu lation for the Morning Oregonian of Portland, is in the city today upon an inspection trip. Col. II. G. Newport, well known Hermiston contractor, came up yes terday from his home and is spend ing the day here. II. A. Waterman, mayor of Hermis ton and candidate for the republican nomination for commissioner, was a visitor In Pendleton yesterday. County School Superintendent Welles returned this morning on the local from Freewater where he and N. C. Marls, O. A. C. field worker. have been to encourage the school children in industrial work. J. T. Hlnkle, Hermistol. lawyer who is a candidate for the republican nomination for representative, re turned to the project town this morn ing after attending the K. of P. meet ing at Athena last night. LOCALS Burroughs. Main 5. Fuel. Bicycles! 727 Johnson street. I. C. Snyder.chlmney sweep. R 3812. Main 178 for coal and wood. Will trade Victor Phonograph for second hand Incubator. Inquire this office. For good cedar posts, go to the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Bgg and lump coal, $7.50 and $3.00 delivered. Dry wood, $7. Phone Black 3S22. All kinds of good dry wood, also clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal at Koplttke & Qlllanders. Largo stock of telephone poles at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lum ber Yard. For rent Large furnished front room with or without board, 201 Wa ter street. Last O. A. C. 1910 oratorio medal with initials C. D. Finder report to Wonder store and receive reward. For Rent Six room house, modern. Hot and cold water, bath, toilet, woodshed, etc. Enquire Dr. C. J. Whit taker. For Rent Small dairy, fruit and vegetablo farm, half mile irom uma- Special This Week Prescriptions Wo save you money; our stock in complete and your prescrip tions dispensed as the Dr. pre scribes, by old reliable drug gist at a very low price. Just received a fresh stock of the popular red band candy at 20c per pound. F. J. Donaldson Rellablo Druggist. We give- reoplcs Warehouse Trading Stamps. tilia. Address Box X, Umatilla Ore Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13. If you want to move, call PenlanJ Bros. Transfer, phone M 339. Large lray moves you quick. Trash hauled nce a week. 647 Main street. Furniture for sale and suite of housekeeping rooms for rent. Inquire room 5. East Oregonlnn building. For Rent Front office In Judd building. F. E. Judd. Something new. Photographic his tory of tho civil war. 10 volume beautifully illustrated. Jesse Failing, agent. For Rent Furnished suite of rooms two blocks from Main street. Board If desired. Inaulre this office or Phone Black 3492. For transfer work, hauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos, and all kinds of job work, phone Main 461. B. A. Morton. Save yourself fuel troubles ey us ing our famous Rock Spring coal and rood dry wood. Delivered promptly. Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 6. We have on hand several cigar show cases and counter show cases that we will sell very reasonable if taken at once. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard.- M tordffly is DIN 100 pieces of Fancy Easter Ribbon T T JX 1 JUL IVJ J H A choice Saturday for Easter Neckwear, Easter Gloves Easter Coats and Suits New Shantung Silks in light Blue, Pink, Grey, Brown and Black going at c Yar Wohlenberg Dep't. Better Goods For Less Money Store IDAHO .MAX KIILKD BY SHOT IN XECK DEMONSTRATION IN ALEXANDER S WINDOW W. C. Withers will be in Pendleton Saturday and will make a demonstra tion in Alexander's window of his wonderful invention, tho Itound-Up Collar fastener. Everybody should see this fastener and procure one. At the Grand. Tho show at the Grand last night was without a doubt the best bill ever given at the Grand. It caused moro laughter and amusement than any show this season. McSorley and El eanore in their "Sweet Clover" was a choice production and caused tho cur tain to be raised several times. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Drew had tho house In a continuous roar of laugh ter and had to respond to encores and encores until they, had to ask the au dience to refrain. The after piece, "The Uptown Flats" by the company, proved conclusively the good old ar tists are always a guarantee that tho public will get their money's worth. Adams Farmers Take Notice. On Saturday, March 16, I will open and thereafter conduct a first-class hutcher Bhoo at Adams. Oregon. Your meat trade is solicited and satisfaction Is assured. E. P. Rlep, Adams, Ore. Alfalfa, Emit and Garden Truck. I have a few diversified farms left for sale on Birch and McKay creeks. The best bargains In the county Is in that vicinity. E. T. Wade. EOSS IN RICHESOVS PRISON. Boston, Mass Governor Foss, ac companied by Lleut.-Gov. Luce and several present and past members of the executive council, visited the Charles Street jail where Clarence V. T. Rlchjson Is confined, awaiting electrocution for the murder of Avis Linnell, his former girl sweetheart. It was a regular visit of inspection. The govenor did not see Richeson ex cept at a distance as the prisoner was taking exercise In tho corridor and expressed no desire to sec him. Others of the party, however, in spected Ulchesou's cell. The former minister appeared In a normal state of mind and health, though thin and Bomewhat pale. He had no complint hegrding his treatment and exchang ed few words with the members of the party. Counsel for Richeson has made no effort to obtain commutation, although the date of the execution la less than eleven weeks away. Moscow, Idaho. Richard Sunby, near Parks in th extreme southeast ern portion of Latah county, was shot Friday by a man named Dahl and died from the effects of the bul let hole In his neck, according to In formation telephoned to County At torney George W. Supplger. With Sheriff Clifford C. Brown and Coro ner L B. McCarter he left hurriedly on the train 30 minutes later to hold an Inquest. Attorney Suppiger jmld his informa tion was that Dahl may be insane. Hahl asserted he thought Sunby was a coyote when he shot him. James Garner is constable of Gold Hill precinct, near Parks postoffice. The officers expect to go by sleigh from either Troy or Kendrick. MILD ALASKA WINTER . IS N EARING ITS END Overland Trails Will Soon Break Vp ami River Steamers Will Start. "Seattle. The mild winter In Alas ka is being followed by a warm spring and early destruction of the trails, followed by early opening of the Yukon river, is promised. The last men from Seattle who wilt reach Fairbanks overland will leave Seattle next Saturday on the steamship Northwestern for Cordova. From Cor dova they will take the Copper River Rairoad to Chitina and then the horso stage to Fairbanks M2iiy of the passengers are Yukon steamer men who go to take charge of their vessels. The Chitina-Fairbanks trail is still in first-class condition and so is the trail from White Horse to Dawson. A Seven Cent Social. The Ladles of the Maccabees an nounce a unique event for Monday, March 18 at Moose Hall. It Is to be a seven cent social, every person ex cept the seventh paying seven cents to enter. An art gallery, a fish pond and fortune telling booth will be pre pared and an admission of seven nniita will be charged at each, while a cafeteria dinner at seven cents per course will be served. We are admonished that a good name Is better than great riches but most of us keep right on hustling for tho riches Just the same. The Fat from The Flower Vegetarians tell us that there is no kind of animal fat which wc cannot re place with something as good or bet ter in the vegetable kingdom, (..cnainiy in the matter of cooking fats there is no question of this fact. Lard is made from the fat of the hog, often unwhole some, sometimes impure. Cottolcne, a vegetable-oil shortening, ,mp frnm the snowv boll of the cot ton plant ; it makes food that any stom ach can digest. Cottolcne is as good as butter, ca.i be bought for about the price of lard, and is more economical thaa cither. Mot for an hour! U3 ji lot for a day! PRICES ARE REGULAR, AND THE LOWEST PRICES IX PENDLETON', EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR. You don't have to rush and scramble down town lieforc your morning work is done, but, instead you can call in at your leisure with the knowledge, that here you will always find the newest lines, the most desirable goods, the easiest choosing and the low est prices. OUR LINES FAR GREATER THAN EVER OUR PRICES CONTINUE LOWER THAN OTHERS. Xo STAMPS and PREMIUMS to PAY FOR HERE. Your dollars buy a FULL 100" PER CENT of WHAT YOU ASK FOR at our store. The money WE save you 'u saved vou in CASH. j A Few Every Day Prices Follow: 27 inch Silk Shantung ..... - 25? 27 inch Canton Silk 19? 27 inch Silk Jacquard 25? 27 inch Mercerized Foulard 15? 27 inch Mercerized Poplin 25? 27 inch Mercerized 1'ongeo. 12 l-2 Rxl Seal Gingham 10? llopo Muslin 7 1-2? 94 Sheeting - 19? Amoskeag Apron Gingham 6 1-4? CHILDREN'S HATS For Easter. They are all going nt Golden Rule prices. Golden EMBROIDERY. 45 inch Skirt Embroidery 49 27 inch Flouncing 49? IS inch Flouncing ISC Narrow Widths 2? to 23? DRESS GOODS. This department is being appreciated more and more each day by our customers. Large lines to select from nt a saving of :"!0 per cent on every purchase. RIBBONS ARRIVED THIS MORNING Fancy and plain colors. Come in and compare ours with sale prices. Rile Store We Lead Others Follow