n n.i """"- . 1;: yi - f..V E1GIIT PAGES ftAILY EAST OREQONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON". FI'JDAY, MARCH 15, 1912. PAGE THREE lid ftofe Mi A nn 91 Ml For 1912 our line has been strengthened, every department has been enlarged and added to, making The Hub today Pendleton s greatest store for bargains. Our natrons all sav that we sell tor 55 -5 per cent less on everything and in many instances for even 50 per cent less than other stores. This is an easy statement for merchant to make, but we are merely quoting what the public says. any (CLOTMDtlllB fee - ft 'MAW I'' if&xi kit- X j i ' j' Mz&py Ml i ilfS. .;- : : tlllllJ (5ur buyer on his last trip cast bought a large line of men's suits for spring at about 50c on tlio dollar. Because we are offer ing you clothing at a low price, it does not mean that you are buy ing a cheap, shoddy suit merely basted to gether. Selling for cash at all times wo arc thus able to buy for cash. Our buyer who lmys for our seven large stores, is at all time watching for snaps. A money has not been very plentiful in the east, he found at this time several clothing manufacturers w i th more clothing than money and glad to dis pose of their merchan dise at a small cash price. These are of good material, also well made and at nearlv HALF PRICE. $5.00 Men's Suits selling at $2.50 $10.00 Men's Suits selling at $5.00 .$1-2.50 Men's Suits selling at 7.50 $15.00 Men's Suits selling at S8.95 $17.00 Men's Suits selling at $9.7.1 $18.00 Men's Suite selling at S10.50 $-)0.00 Men's Suits selling at 311.05 $3:100 Men's Suits selling at S12.75 $25.00 Men's Suits selling at. S13.95 . Come in, it will lo a pleasure to show you these suits whether you need one now or not. Boys' Knickerbocker Suits We have also Boys' Knickerbocker Suits selling from SI. 50 to 3.95 Overalls Hero is where you can get just the thing you want. We have them from a little boy's 5 years old to a big lxiy that can measure, 52 inches around the waist. Price to little boys 25? Price to big bovs that wear a 52 ... 85? Men's and Boys' Shirts We have just received sever al hundred drummers sample shirts. These are shirts of all descriptions, all colors and styles. They are slightly soiled, but for the price we are offering them you can af ford to have them laundered. Men's Union Suits Men's sample underwear, short and long sleeves, knee and ankle length Sample Prices A Visit to our store will read ily convince you that we have the largest and most complete line of men's working gloves, overalls, shirts, underwear and in fact anything in gents wants. Pants tats I Gentlemen, we can offer you something worth talking about, in our pants department. A fine corduroy pants, peg tp and with cuffs, sold in most all stores at $3.00, out place 1.8iJ Good pants at. 85?, 1.25. 1.45, and 1.65. Drummers' Sample Gloves That's enough, you know the rest. i liov e:in t, lie beat and V. we sell them far below regular prices. fll fil jilt Hats Hats $;'..:.0 Men's Hats for.. 2.15 $3.00 Men's Hats for... S1.95 $2.50 Men's Hats for... 1.S5 $2.00 Men's Hats for... 1.25 Oxfords for the Ladies At Ono Half or Regular Price. $1.50 Ladies' sample oxfords and pumps 75? $2.00 Ladies' sample oxfords and pumps for 1.00 $2.50 Ladies' sample oxfords and pumps for 1.25 $3.00 Ladies' sample oxfords and pumps for 1.50 $1.00 Ladies' sample oxfords and pumps for 1.95 $1.50 Ladies' sample oxfords and pumps for 2.25 THKSK A TIE FACTS, SOT MKKKLY FIGURES. Shoes Ladies' lt button white buck shoe for 3.10 Ladies' 10 button white canvas shoe for 2.3j Ladies' 10 button tan calf shoo for 5j?3.15 Lace shoes for 1.25, 1.-15, 1.95, 2.85 hoes for EVIen Here is where we have built our reputa tion, we give at all times the greatest values in shoes ever known ; ask the man who has patronized us. Men's 5.00 gun metal shoe? for S3.G5 Men's $0.00 Genuine Kan ......, .1 r... a i or ;.I1U MIDI'S ior p-.tj Men's $4.50 high top and high heel calf shoe, the genuine Goodvear welt for 3.20 $3.50 Men's shoes at 2.65 $2.75 Mom's outing shoes at ' 1.95 $2.50 Men's outing shoos at .'. 1.S5 Lades' and Children's Hlose 1 It will pay von to come here for vour w -'d3V hosiery 7 1-2?, 10, 12 1-2?, 20?, " 0J r Ladii hose ... . PL! III SILK black STOIIF.S AT IilWISTOV, II.. SKISCOW, IDAHO. SI'OKAMi, WASH. IMOMH.KTOX, Oil. T37 THE DR.UMMERS SAMPLE STORE "WE SET THE PACE OTHERS CAN'T KEEP UP" sTOHKS AT ; )I.r.X. WASH. j 1M l.l.M V WASH. New Moiy just iitld Nl at Wtillii Walla. Wash. ' i Ladies' Sample Underwear We just received a largi line of sample underwear consist ing of ladies' and misses' un ion suits, ladies' vesti and drawers, some children's and infant's. These will be sold for about one half of rearular price. 10c Ladies' sleeveless vests -1? I 15c, Ladies sleeveless vests j 4 -C 20e Ladies' sleeveless vests 10? 25c Ladies' sleeveless vests 12 l-2 30c Ladies' sleeveless vests k5? -10c Ladies' sleeveless vests 20c 50c Ladies' sh?eveless vests 25? 05c Ladies' sleeveless vests 35? 35c Ladies long sleeve vests 15? 35c Ladies' knee and ankle length drawers 15? Some extra jrood at 20? m.d 35?. 40c Ladies' pnion suits for 201 75c Ladies' union suits for 35? S.h Ladies' union suits for -10? $1 Ladies' union suits for 50? $1.50 Ladies' union suits 75? Kegular 75c ladies' union suits, medium weight, with ".z sleeves and ankle length; . fine garment, for spring, foi only 35? A fine lot of children's union suits, medium weight with long sleeve and ankle lemrth per garment 17 l-2o OREGON SUE AT FRISCO IS SELECTED COMIMHSKK 3 1-2 ACIJE TIIACT OX l'KKSIDIO Selection JIimIc With i:ialHrnU, Ccr ciiioiiics by Jx-lrtnitioii lleailed liy Governor West and in Presenco t 20,000 Ifi San Francisco, March 15. The sit of all sites for state buildings on the 1915 exposition grounds is Oregon's. To the accompaniment of a military ceremonial of brilliancy unprecedent ed in San Francisco, and In the pres ence of 20,000 towns people, Gover nor West and the Oregon exposition commission. Julius I Meier, L. M. Travis and F. N. Robinson, has for mally received the ground for Ore gon's state building at the world's greatest exposition. The site is a park of three and one half acres on the Presidio. It is on an elevation, facing the bay. It overlooks rjolden Gate, where the ships of the world, coming and going, must 'pass in continual review. It is within 100 yards of the Union street car line, the only streetcar facilities thus far afforded to the grounds. Oregon's delegation is delighted. Such is the bigness of the San Fran cisco hospitality, that they felt they could as safely choose the public square or the city building for a site. Three troops of cavalry and the ( cavalry band flinging forth stirring martial music led the review. Fol lcwed Governor West of Oregon, Lieutenant Governor E. J. Wallace of California, Mayor James Rolph Jr., of San Francisco, and President C. C. Moore of the exposition in the first car. The Oregon exposition commis sion and Harris D. Connick, director o:' works, in the second car. Then came committees on recep tion and arrangements and the del egation in 150 automobiles. San Franciscicns say the Oregon booster spirit, exemplified by thft "Oregon First" excursion? is the most intense they have ever seen and that the exposition with more Portland and Oregon in it will be more widely and more loudly advertised. Until the Oregon building is constructed, the Oregon fir brought on the train will mark the site and the plate on It will tell its purpose. IL GEOKCiE HUMPHREY. RANCHER. ADMITS KILLING MRS GRIFFITH Tells In Detail How He Strangled Neighbor WUlow as She Repulsed His Attempted Aswanlt Carried ISoily to Pond. Hillsboro, Ore., March 15. Charg ed with the murder of Mrs. Elizabeth Griffith at her lonely home six miles from Philomath. June 2, 1911. George M. Humphrey, in the county jail here, last night confessed to the crime and gave assault as the motive. At the same time he confessed to taking m'oney from the purse of the dead wo man. Humphrey told a clear story of hts going to the Griffith home, of enter ing and meeting Mrs. Griffith, a com ely woman of about 56 years, of at tempting to assault her. of her resist ance with a butcher knife, of his ef forts to qu'.et her screams by tying a handkerchief about her neck, of ty ing her hands with a bit of rope he took from the shed at the end of the house, and of discovering that the wo man was dead. Terror-stricken, he gathered the body in his arms arid carried it to a pond about a quarter of a mile dis tant, w here he dropped it into the wa ter and fled to his home, nearly a mile distant. Story of Long Manhunt. The capture of Humphrey marks the close of a most interesting man hunt. Mrs. Griffith lived alone on a farm in Ronton county, and among her neighbors were George M. Humphrey, his brother Charles and the men's mother, Mrs. King, an aged woman in frail health. The three lived in seculsion on a tract of land partly cleared. The neighborhood was heavily timbered at one time anil only small tracts have been cleared at anv of the places. Mrs. Griffith knew Mrs. King and a short time i"' I for the tragedy had her stny at lV Griffith home a week a. company. Repels Attack of Death. "Five years ago two doctors told me I had only two years to live." This startling statement was made by Still man Green. Malachite. Col. "They told me I would die of consumption. It was up to me to try the best lung medicine and I began to use Pr King's New Discovery. It was well I did. for today I am working and be lieve I owe my life to this great throat and lung euro that has cheated the grave of another victim." It' folly to suffer with coughs, cnM.s or other throat troubles now. Take the cure that's safest. Price 50 cents and $1. Trial bottle free at Kooppen. Work lloi-vo for Sale. For sale, twelve head good work horses. For further particulars ad dress James Hill, He'lx. Oregon, or call at my raivh. four and one halt miles west of He'ix A good treatment tor a cold settled in the Inns is a HKP.UICK S I'.F.H PKPPUR POROUS PLASTF.P. np- ' plied to tho chest to draw out in flumniation. and PAI.I.AUDS HORF. IKH'XP SYRUP to rolls tightness You get the two remedies for tho price of one by buying '.he dollar size Horoliound Syrup; there Is a porous plaster free with each bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Pros. Everybody goes to the Orpheum t ee the best and the clearest picture. 1