East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 14, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Get a 25 Cent Bottle Now and
Forever Stop Falling Hair, Itching
Scalp and Dandruff
If you Wish to Double the Beauty
of your Hair in Ten Minutes surely
Try a Danderine Hair Cleanse
Your ha!r becomes liHt, wavy, fluffy,
abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and
beautiful as a young pr''s after a Danderine
hair cleanse. Just try this moisten a cloth
with a little Danderine and crciuliy draw it
through your hair, takirjj one small strand
at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust,
dirt and excessive oil and in just a few
moments )ou have doubled tlx beauty cf
your hair.
A d.'iiruful surprise awaits particularly
those who have been enrekss, whose hair
has been neglected or is fcrav, faded, dry,
brittle or thin, ln-sides beautifying the hair
at or.ee, Danderine dissolves every particle
of dar.dmrT; cleanses, purifies and invigor
ates the scalp, forever stepping itching and
falling hair.
Try 33 you will, after cr.e application of
Danderine vo l cannot find any dandruff or
a loose or falling hair, and your sca'.p will
never itch, but what will please you most
will be after a few weeks' use when you will
actually see new hair lire and downy at
first yes but really r.ew hair sprouting all
over the scalp. Danderine makes the hair
grow ln, heavy and luxuriant and we can
prove it. If you care for prettv, soft hair
and lots of it surelv pet a 25 cent bottle of
Knowlton's Danderine from any druggist
or toilet counter, and just try it.
-biak sky" i,av pits
imsomotkk.s ixdki: coxtuol
ments hereinafter required, every
such investment company, domestic
or foreign, shall file in the office of
the bank commissioner of this state,
together with a filing- fee of two dol
lars ana fifty cents, the following
the service of process on the secre
tary of state, and stipulating: and
agreeing that such service or process
on the secretary of state shall be tak
en and held, in all courts, to be as
valid and binding as if due service
had been made upon the company
itself, according to the laws of this or
any other state, and such instru
ment shall be authenticated by the
seal of said foreign investment com
pany ami by the slgnuture of a mem
ber of the co-partnership or com
pany. If It be a co-partnership or
company, or by the signatures of the
president nnd secretary of the Incor
porated or unincorporated association
if it be an incorporated or unincor
porated association, and shall be ac
companied by a duly certified copy
of the order or resolution of the
board pf directors, trustees or man
agers of the corporation authorizing
the said secretary and president to
execute the same.
Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the
bank commissioner to examine the
statements and documents so filed,
and if said bank commissioner shall
deem it advisable he shall make or
have made a detailed examination of
such investment company's affairs,
which examination shall be at the ex
pense of such investment company,
hereinafter provided; and if he finds
that such investment company is
solvent, that its articles of incorpor
ation or association, its constitution
and by-laws, its proposed plan of bus
iness nnd proposed contract contain
and provide for a fair, just and equit
able plan for the transaction of bus
iness, and in his judgment promises
a fair return on the stocks, bonds and
other securities by it offered for sale,
the bank commissioner shall issue to
such investment company a state
nient reciting that such company has
complied with the provisions of this
act, that deailed information in re
gard to the company and its securi
ties is on file in the bank commis
sioners office for public Inspection
and information, that such investment
company is permittted to do business
In this state, and such statement shall
Investment Schemes Must l'irst Itc
Mied With .State Ilcforo Offered to
luhlic and Courts arc I test mined
1-Yoni Killing Kntire Iaw.
On request of Major Lee .Moor
house .State Bank Commissioner J.
X. Dolley. of Kansas, has mailed the
Pendleton man a copy of the Kansas
"Blue Sk- law which was enacted
by the legislature in 191i, providing
for the regulation and supervision of
investment companies in Kansas.
The law as it appears on the Kan
sas statute books, follows:
Section 1. Every corporation, ev
ery co-partnership or company and
every association (other than state
and national banks, trust companies,
real estate mortgage companies deal
in exclusively in real estate mort
gage notes, building and loan associ
ations and corporations not organ
ized for profit), organized or which
shall be organized in this state,
whether incorporated or unincorpor
ated, which shall sell or negotiate for
the sale of any stocks, bonds or other
securities of any kind or character
other than bonds of the United States,
the state of Kansas, or of some mu
nicipality of the state of Kansas, and
notes secured by mortgages on real
estate located in the state of Kansas,
to any person or persons in the state
of Kansas, other than those specifi
cally exempted herein, shall be known
for the purpose of this act as a do
mestic investment company. Every
such investment company organized
in any other state, territory or gov
ernment, or organized under the laws
of any other state, territory or gov
ernment, shall be known for the pur
pose of this act as a foreign invest
ment company.
Sec. 2. Before offering or attempt
ing to sell any stocks, bonds or other
securities of any kind or character
other than those specifically exempt
ed in section l of this act to any per
son or persons or transacting any
business whatever in this state, ex
cepting that of preparing the docu-
documents to wit: A statement show
ing in full detail the plan upon which
it proposes to transact business. A
copy of all contracts, bonds or other
instruments which It proposes to
also recite in bold type that the bank
commissioner in no wise recommends
the securities to be offered for sale
by such security company. But If
said bank commissioner finds that
make with or sell to its contributors. Much articles of incorporation or as
A statement which shall show the sociation, charter, constitution, by
name and location of the inestment lawSi l)lan of business or proposed
company, and an Itemized account of
its actual financial condition, and the
amount of its property and liabilities,
and such other information touching
its affairs' as said bank commissioner
may require. If such investment
company shall bo a co-partnership or
an unincorporated association, 't
shall also file with the bank com
missioner a copy of its articles of
co-partnership or asociation. and all
other papers pertaining to its organi
zation, and if it be a corporation or
ganized under the laws of Kansas It
shall also file with the bank com
missioner a copy of its articles of in
corporation, constitution and by-laws,
and all other papers pertaining to its
organization. If It shall be an in
vestment companjr organized under
the laws of any other state, territory
or government, incorporated or un
incorporated, it shall also file with
the said bank commissioner a copy of
the laws of such state, territory or
government under which it exists or
is incorporated, and also a copy of its
charter, articles of Incorporation, con
stitution and by-laws and all amend
ments thereof which have been made
and all other papers pertaining to its
Sec. 3. All of the above described
papers shall be verified by the oath
of a member of a co-nartnershin or
company. If it be a co-partnership or
company, or by the oath of a duly
authorized officer, if it be an incor
porated or unincorporated association
All such papers, however, as are re
corded or are on file in any public
office shall be further certified to by
the officer of whose records or ar
chives they form a part, as being cor
rect copies of such records or archives.
Sec. 4. Every foreign investment
company shall also file its written
consent, Irrevocable, that actions may
be commenced against it, in the prop
er court of any county in this state in
which a cause of action may arise or
in which the plaintiff may reside, by
e Cured
The Secrets of the Most Marvelous Discovery for the Posi
tive Cure of Deafness and Head Noises Given FREE
With Tin's WoiHl -rful. Mysterious Power, People iH'af for Years Hear the
Tick of a Watch in a 1-Vw Minutes.
S"nd .No Money-
-Siinply Write About Your Case, the Secret Will He Sent
You I'.y Kctinti Mail Absolutely Free.
After ynr.-- of research along the We prove this to you before you
lines cf the deeper s'ientific myttr- pay a cent for It. Write today and
i s of the o' cult and invisible of Na- we will send you full Information
tcre-forr es, the cause nnd cure of absolutely free, by return mail. Ad-
deafii'-ss and head noises has been dres I)r. L. C. Grains Co., 231 Pul-
f Mini ami we are enabled by this Mf'-r Iildg., Chicago, III. Itemember
same mvst-riojs knowledge and pow- send no money simply your name
cr to five to every unfortunate and nnd address. You will receive an
juffetinir per--on the assurance of a Immediate answer and full informa-
tre.at:tv 'it that relieves even the most thin by return mall,
obstinate ease". We u;iy to those who
nave thruun away trie ir money on
cheap apparatus, salves, air pumps,
washe, douches, and list of Innum
erable trash that is offered the pub
lic through flaming advertisements,
we can almost certainly cure you and
cure you to stay cured. We ask no
money for our consultation, advice
and diagnosis of your case. Our
treatment method is one that is so
simple It can be used in your own
borne. You can investigate fully,
absolutely free and you pay for it
only ufter you are thoroughly con
vinced that "it will cure you, as it has
thousand of others. It makes no
difference with this marvelous new
method how long you have been
deaf, nor what caused your deafness
No matter how many remedies have
failej you no matter how many
doctors have pronounced your rase
hopeless, , this new magic method of
treatment should prove a beacon
light to guide you to a perfect re
storation of your hearing.
Information Coupon
im. Jj. C. f;i!AI.VS COMPANY
231 Pulsifcr BM., Chicago, III,
Please send me without cost or
obligation on my part, complete In
formation concerning the new
method for the treatment and
cure of deafness or head noises.
If I wish you to make a diagnosis
of my case after hearing from
you, you are to do so FREE OF
contract contain any provisions that
is unfair, unjust, inequitable or op
pressive to any class or contributors,
or if he decides from his examination
of its affairs that said investment
company Is not solvent and does not
Intend to do a fair and honest busi
ness, and in his judgment does not
promise a fair return on the stocks,
bonds or other securities by it offered
for sale, then he shall notify such
investment company in writing of his
findings, and it shall be unlawful for
such company to do any further bus
iness in this state until it shall so
change its constitution and by-laws,
articles of incorporation or associa
tion, its proposed plan of business and
proposed contract and its general fi
nancial condition in such manner as
t satisfy the bank commissioner that
it is solvent, and its articles of in
corporation or association, its consti
tution and by-laws, its proposed plan
of business and proposed contract
provide for a fair, just and equitable
plan for the transaction of business,
and does, in his judgment, promise a
fair return on the stocks, bonds and
other securities by it offered for sale;
provided, that all expenses paid or in
curred and all fees or charges re
ceived or collected for any examina
tion made under the provisions of
this section of this act shall be re
ported in detail by the bank commis
sioner and a full report and record
thereof made in detail.
Sec. 6. It shall not be lawful for
any investment company, either as
principal or agent, to transact any
business, in form or character sim
ilar to that set forth in section 1 of
this act, except as Is provided in sec
tion 2 of this act, until it shall have
filed the papers and documents above
provided for. No amendment of the
charter, articles of incorporation, con
stitution and by-laws of any such in
vestment company shall become op
erative until a copy of the same has
been filed with the bank commission
er as provided in regard to the origi
nal filing of charters, articles of in
corporation, constitution and by
laws, nor shall it be lawful for any
such investment company to transact
business on any other plan than that
set forth in the statement required
to be filed by section 2 of this act,
or to make any contract other than
that shown In the copy of the pro
posed contract required to be filed
by section 2 of this act, until a writ
ten statement showing in full detail
the proposed new plan or transact
ing business and a copy of the pro
posed new contract shall have been
filed with the bank commissioner, in
like manner as provided In regard to
the original plan of business and
proposed contract, and the consent
of the bank commissioner obtained
as to making such proposed new plan
or transacting business and proposed
new contract.'
Sec. 7. Any investment company
may appoint one or more agents, but
no such agent shall do any business
for said investment company In this
state until he shall first register with
the bank commissioner as agent for
such investment company, and for
each of such registrations there shall
be paid to the bank commissioner the
sum of one dollar. Such registration
shall entitle such agent to represent
snld investment company as Its agent
until the 1st day of March following,
unless said authority la sooner re
voked by the hank commissioner; and
such authority shall be Hubject to re
vocation at any time by the bank
commissioner for cause appearing to
him sufficient.
Sec. 8. Every Investment company
domestic or foreign, shall file at the
close of business on Ilecember list
and June 30th of each yar, and at
such other times as required by the
bank commissioner, a statement veri
fied by oath of the co-partnership or
company, If it be a co-partnership or
I company, or by the oath of a duly
porated or an unincorporated associ
ation, setting forth in such form as
may be prescribed by said bank com
missioner, its financial condition and
tho amount of its assets and liabili
ties, and furnishing such other infor
mation concerning its affairs as said
bank commissioner may require. Each
regular stutement of December 31st
and June 30th shall be accompanied
by a filing fee of two dollars and
fifty cents. Any investment company
failing to file its report at the close
of business December 31st or June
30th of each year within ten days of
that date, or falling to file any other
or special report herein required
within thirty days after receipt of
request or requisition therefor, shall
forfeit its right'to do business in this
state. ,
Sec. 9. The general accounts of
every Investment company, domestic
or foreign, doing business in this State
shall be kept by double entry, and
such company, its co-partners or
managing officers, shall at least once
in each month make a trial balance,
of such accounts, which shall be re
corded In a book provided for that
purpose; such trial balances and all
other books and accounts of such
company shall at all times during
business hours, except on Sundays
and legal holiday, be open to the in
spection of stockholders and Invest
ors in said company or Investors 'in
the stocks', bonds or other securities
by it offered for sale and to the bank
commissioner and his deputies.
Sec. 10. The bank commissioner
shall have general supervision -and
control, as provided by this act,
over any and all investment compa
nies, domestic or foreign, doing bus
iness in this state,., nnd nl such In
vestment companies shall be sub
ject to examination by the bank com
missioner or his duly authorized dep
uties at any time the bank commis
sioner may deem it advisable and in
the same manner as is now provid
ed for the examination of state banks.
The rights, powers, and privileges of
the bank commissioner In connection
with such examinations shall be the
same as is now provided with ref
erence to examination of state banks;
and such investment company shall
pay a fee for each of such examina
tion of not to exceed five dollars for
each day or fraction thereof plus the
actual traveling and hotel expenses of
said bank commissioner or deputy
that he is absent from the capitol
building for the purpose of making
such examination, and the failure or
lefusal of any investment company to
pay such fees upon the demand of
the bank commissioner or deputy
while making such examination shall
work a forfeiture sf Its right to do
business In this state.
Sec. 11. Whenever it shall appear
to the bank commissioner that the
assets of any investment company
doing business in this state are im
paired to the extent that sucdi assets
no not equal its liabilities, or that
it is conducting its business in an
unsafe, inequitable or unauthorized
manner, or is jeopardizing the inter
est of its stockholders or investors in
stocks, bonds or other Securities by
It offered for sale, or whenever any
investment company shall fail or re
fuse to file any papers, statement or
documents required by this net, with
out giving satisfactory reasons there
for, said bank commissioner shall ut
once communicate such facts to the
attorney ' general w ho shall thereup
on apply to the supreme court or to
the district court where such com
pany is located or is doing business or
to a judge of either of said courts
for the appointment of a receiver to
take charge of and wind up the bus
iness of such investment company and
if such fact or facts be made to ap
pear it shall be sufficient evidence
to authorize the appointment of a
receiver and the making n't sueh or
ders and decrees In such cases as
equity may require. I
Sec. 12. Any person who shall'
knowingly or willfully subscribe to
or make or cause to be made any false
statements or false entry In any book
of such Investmen company, or ex
hibit any fafse paper with the inten
tion of deceiving any person author
ized to examine into the affairs of
such investment company, or shall
make or publish any false statement.
of the financial condition of such in
vestment company, or the stocks,
bonds or other securities by it offer
ed for sale, shall be deemed guilty of
a felony, and upon conviction there
of shall be fined not less than two
hundred dollars nor more than ten
thousand dollars, and shall be im
prisoned for not less than one year
nor more than ten years in the state
When shown positive and ' reliable proof that a certain
remedy had cured many cases of female ills, wouldn't any
sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also
benefit her if suffering with the same trouble r
Here are five letters from southern women which prove
the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Elliston, Va. "I feel it my duty to express my thanks to you and your
preat medicine. I was a sufferer from female troubles and had been con
fined in bed over one third of my timo for ten months. I could not do my
housework and had faintiug- spells so that my husband could not leave mo
alone for Ave minutes at a time.
" Now I owe my health to l.vdia E. Tinkham's Vegetable Compound and
Blood Puriiier. Whenever I see a suffering- woman 1 want to tell her what
these medicines have done for mo and I will always speak a food word for
thcin." Mrs. Kouekt Blaxke.ssiiii', Elliston, Montgomery Co., Va,
New Orleans. La. "I was passing- through the Chnnpe of Life nnd be
fore I took Lydia K. l'inkhnin's Vegetable Compound 1 was troubled with
hot flashes, weak and dizzy feeling's, backache nnd irregularities. I would
get up in the morning- feeling tired out and not fit to do anything.
"Since I have been taking your Compound and Blood Purifier I feel all
right. Your medicines are worth their weight in gold." Mrs. UA8TOH
liLOSDEAU, 1341 Polymnia St., New Orleans, La.
Yi'auehula, Fla. "Some time ago I wrote to you giving you my symp
toms, headache, backache, bearing-down, nnd discomfort in walking, caused
.by female troubles,
"I got two bottles of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound nnd a
paek'ige of Sanative Wasli and that was all I used to make me a well woman.
"1 am satisfied that if I had done like a good many women, and had
not taken your remedies, I would have been a great sufferer. But I started
in time with the right medicine and got well. It did not cost very much
either. I feel that you are a friend to all women nnd 1 would rather use
your remedies than have a doctor." Mrs. Mattik Hodnot, Box 400, Wan
chula, Florida.
Martinsburg, W. Va. " I am glad to say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound has done wonders for my mother, daughter and myself.
" I have told dozens of people about it and my daughter says that when
she hears a girl complaining with cramps, she tells her to take your Com
pound." Mrs. Maky A. liot'KENBEHUY, 713 N. 3rd St., Martinsburg, W. Va.
Newport News.Va. "About five years ago I was troubled with such pains
and bloating every month that I would have to go to bed.
"A friend told me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
I soon found relief. The medicine strengthened me in every way and my
doctor approved of my taking it,
"I will be glad if my testimony will help some one who is suffering
from female weakness." Mrs. W. J. BlAYTON, 102 llaiupton Ave., Newport
News, Va.
Why don't you try this reliable remedy?
Sec. 13. Any person or persons,
agent or agents, who shall sell or
attempt to sell the stock, bonds or
other securities of any investment
company, domestic or foreign, or the
stock, bonds or othcr securities by
it offered for sale, who have not
complied with the provisions of this
act, or any investment company, do
mestic or foreign, which shall do any
business, or offer or attempt to do
any business, except as provided In
section two of this act, which shall
not have complied with the provisions
of this act, or any agent or agents
who shall do or attempt to do any
business for any Investment company,
domestic or foreign, in this state,
which agent is not at the time duly
registered and has fully complied
with the provisions of this act, shall
be deemed guilty of a' misdemeanor,
and upon conviction thereof shall be
fined for each offense not less than
one hundred dollars nor more thnn
five thousand dollars, or by Impris
onment In the county Jail for not
more than ninety days, or both such
fine and Imprisonment, at the dis
cretion of the court.
Sec. 14. AH fees herein provided
for shall be collected by the bank
commissioner and by him shall he
turned into the state treasury, and all
fees so turned into the state treas
ury are herehy reappropriated to the
hank commissioner for the purpose
of paying all salaries and expenses
necessary for carrying this act Into
effect; and tho bank commissioner Is
hereby authorised to appoint such
clerk and deputies ns are actually
and absolutely necessary to carry this
act Into full force and effect, none
of whom shall be related by blood
or marriage to such bank commission
er or any of his deputies. All mon
ey actually and necessarily paid out
by tho bank commissioner to any
clerk or deputy appointed under this
act, as salaries, or any money actu
ally and necessarily paid out by tho
bank commissioner, or by any clerk
or deputy appointed under this act,
for traveling or incidental expense
shall be paid by the state treasurer
out of such f es upon the state au
ditor's warrar. s, to be Issued upon
sworn vouchc containing an Ite
mized accoun; if such salaries or ex
penses. Sec. 15. Si"-uld the courts declanS!,
any section of this act unconstitution-0
nl or unautho' zed by law, or In con
flict with any other section or pro
vision of this act, then such decision
shall affect only the section or pro
vision so declared to be unconstitu
tional, and shall not affect any other
section or part of this act.
Many a man remains In the bache
lor class because he Is skeptlci)l as to
the ability of a woman to support
There Is more Cntnrrh In this section of
the country thnn all other diseases put
together, and until the Inst few years was
supposed to be Incnrable. For a great
mniiy years doctors pronounced It a local
disease and prescribed local remedies, and
by ronatnntly failing to cure with local
treatment, announced It Incurable. Science
hns proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney h Co., To
ledo, Ohio, l tbe only constitutional cure
on the market. It Is taken Internally In
doses from 10 drops to a tenspoonful. It
acts directly on the blood anil mucous sur
faces of the system. They offer one hun
dred dollar for any rase It falls to cure.
Send for circulars and testimonials.
Address: K. J. CUE.NKY & Co., Toledo,
Kohl by Drnpulsts. 75c.
Take Hall's family Pills for constl-patlou.
Town State I authorized officer, if it be an lncor-
Always on Ywm
With Your Lumber Orders
Our entire stock of building material
is selected with care and good judg
ment. We keep it in good condition
and sell it reasonable-that's whats
bringing us our over increasing business. We believe
in smeller profits and faster selling it amounts to ths
same thing in the end.
Get Our Estimates Before Buying Your Lumber
Lath, Shingles and Mill Work
Crab Creek Lumber Co.
Phone Main 92