East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 14, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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'Pieces 50c9 75c aid $ 1. Vahies at
See Window DisplayOn Sale Friday and Saturday Only
100 pieces of the prettiest Easter Ribbon you have ever seen. Not a
piece in the lot worth les than 50c, and many good 75c and $1 Values
Take Yonr-Choi
Friday and Sat
We Reserve the Right to Protect Short Lengths
r.irn r.K goods roit ucss moxky
i;t:ttkk goods foi: i.kss moxey
Burroughs. Main 6. Fuel.
Bicycles! 727 Johnson street.
I. C. Snyder.chlmney sweep. It 3812.
Main 178 for coal and wood.
Phone Koplttke & Glllandcrs. for
dry wood and Rock Spring coal.
"Everybody goes to the orpheum 1 1
ee the best and the clearest picture.
Will trade Victor Phonograph for
second hand Incubator. Inquire this
For good cedar posts, go to the
Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber
Egg and lump coal, $7.60 and $8.00
delivered. Dry wood, $7. Phone
Black 3622.
All kinds of good dry wood, also
clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal
at Koplttke & Qillanders.
Large stock of telephone poles at
the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lum
ber Yard.
For rent Large furnished front
room with or without board, 201 Wa
ter street.
Lost O. A. C. 1910 oratorio medal
with Initials C. D. Finder report to
Wodcr store and receive reward.
For Rent Six room house, modern
Hot and cold water, bath, toilet.
woodshed, etc. Enquire Dr. C. J.
For Rent Small dairy, fruit and
vegetablo farm, half mile from uma
till'. Address Box X. Umatilla Ore
Kneelal rates to horses boarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
Barn. 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13
If you want to move, call PenlanJ
Bros. Transfer, phone M 339. Large
lray moves you qaick. Trash hauled
nice a week. 647 Main street.
For Rent Front office in Judd
building. F. E. Judd.
Something new. Photographic his
tory of the civil war. 10 vo.umes.
beautifully illustrated. Jesso Falling,
For Rent Furnished suite of rooms
two biocks from Main street. Board
if desired. Inquire this office or
Phono Black 392.
For transfer work, hauling bag
gage, moving household goods and
pianos, and all kinds of Job work,
phone Main 461. B. A. Morton.
Save yourself fuel troubles by us
ing our famous Rock Spring coal and
good dry wood. Delivered promptly.
Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 6.
We have on hand several cigar
show cases and counter show cases
that we will sell very reasonable if
taken at once. Pendleton Planing
Mill and Lumber Yard.
For sale Big white eggs, full
blood S. C. Black Minorcas, the kind
that lay big eggs and lots of them. $1
per 15. J. G. Miller, 704 E. Court
Found On Main street, near
bridge, pair of gold rimmed spec
tacles. Owner may have same by
calling and paying for this notice.
Alfalfa, lYult nml Garden Truck.
I have a few diversified farms left
for sale on Birch and McKay creeks.
The best bargains In the county Is in
that vicinity. E. T. Wade.
Notice U Public.
I have changed my express and
transfer wagon stand from Grltman
Bros, to Griggs & Stangier's cigar
re. Phone Main 464.
Frank Hern of Pilot Rock was In
from his home last night.
Walt Rigby . of Baker was a guest
of tho St. George last night.
Mrs. Al Slusher and little girl have
arrived from Portland for a visit.
R. F. Bell was among the Pilot
Rock people visiting In Pendleton last
George E. Briggs of Hermiston
came up from the pro project town
Sam R. Thompson returned on the
local this morning from a visit to
his Eastland ranch.
H. E. Hltt was among the many
Hermlstonlans in Pendleton yesterday
for the transaction of usiness.
Senator Charles A. Barrett of Athe
na, was an Incoming passenger on the
Walla Walla local this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Osborn of Milton
came In yesterday from their east end
home and spent the night in the city.
J A. Bowlln and M. Garrick of La
Grande were numbered among the
out of town visitors In the city yester
day. S. D. Peterson, county representa
tive nnd'candldate to succeed himself,
came in from his home at Milton this
Mrs. R. O. Earnhart and Mrs. R. A
Bessinger, of Pendleton, were regis
tered at tho Grand hotel last night.
Walla Walla Union.
Dr. F. D. Watts of Weston, came
In this morning on the Walla Walla
local and left immediately on the
Portland bound local.
J. E. Wralden is down from his home
at Weston today.
X. A. Miller, the Athena undertak
er, is visiting In the city today.
W. H. Gould of Weston is transact
ing business in Pendleton today.
Wesley Matlock, manager of the
Oregon theatre, left yesterday after
noon for Portland.
F. E. Wilcox, postmaster of Mil
ton, has been transacting business in
Pendleton today.
Lee Teutsch returned to Portland
yesterday afternoon following a
shirt visit in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. -Hager and Mr.
and Mrs. John Thompson of Gibbon
are making Pendleton a visit today.
Edward J. Brown, sales manager of
the Pacific Paper company, is in
Pendleton today on a business visit,
J. T. Hoskins, one of the principal
men interested In the revival of the
Sturgis ditch project, is In the city to
Representative S. D. Peterson, can
didate for republican nomination for
re-election, has been here today from
his home at Freewater.
Jacob Fredericks, who has been
employed at the asylum, has been
moved to the hospital suffering from
a severe attack of tonsllitls.
Mrs. Charles Despain and sister.
Miss Ada Matthews, left on the local
this morning for Echo, out from which
town they will visit their parents.
E. B. Casteel, mayor of Pilot Rock
and president of the Commercial club
of that town, returned to his home
this morning after spending the night
In the city.
Councilman J. L. Sharon left today
for Portland, where he will consult
the specialist who recently treated
his eye.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Cook returned
to their Helix home this afternoon.
G. M. Lewis of Adams is among the
visitors in the city today.
Enthused over the work he is do
Ing and confident that it will result
In materially advancing the "Back to
the soil" move N. C. Maris, field as
sistant in the extension department
of the Oregon Agricultural College
has been here today. He camr in
from Pilot Rock .where he met with
the school children and this after
noon he went to Freewater where he
is to work tomorrow. From the east
end of the county Mr. Maris must re
turn to Portland and he will be un
able to visit the Pendleton schools at
this time. i
Upon his trip through eastern Ore
gon Mr. Mans has been arranging for
contests in growing garden vegetables
and other farm products and usually
the children have been found willing
to compete. Most of the contests
will dose early In the fall and there
fore the prize products will be avail
able for exhibition at the various fairs
throughout the state. In this district
the contests will be conducted under
the auspices of the district fair board
which has offered prizes totaling
In his talks to school children Mr
Maris urges them to be producers and
to try their hands at gardening, rais
ing chickens, pigsc etc. Ho sets forth
th(t doctrine that "he who plants a
tree, digs a ditch or feeds a cow and
does it well is worthy of as much
praise as he who writes a book, com
mands an army or rules a nation.
According to Mr. Maris he also
urges wherever he goes the necessity
of teaching more agriculture in tha
public schools.
Give Them Help ami Many Pendleton,
reopie Will Be Happier.
"Throw Out the Life Line" .
The kidneys need help.
They're overworked can't get the
poison filtered out of the blood.
They're getting worse every minute.
Will you help them?
Doan's Kidney Pills have brought
thousands of kidney sufferers back
from the verge of despair.
Pendleton testimony proves their
C. S. Howard, 1614 W. Webb street,
Pendleton, Oregon, says: "For fif
teen years I had a great deal of trou
ble from a dull pain through the
small of my back and left side and i
during the past year there was a .
numbness under my shoulders. I waa .
unable to lie comfortably on my back
and I was bothered a great deal by
too frequent passages of the kidney
secretions. After several well known
remedies had failed to help me, I
took Doan's Kidney Pil!a and they
relieving my trouble. I am grateful,
to this remedy for its good work."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo.
X. Y., sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
A R.iisiEg Embroidery
For One
Day Only if
at promptly 9 o'clock we will place on sale 1000 yards of the
swiss rim broideries in z-in. ana o-m.
widths and all-over Patterns. Actual
selling price $1 to $3.50, all you want
We reserve the right to protect ourselves on short lengths
Be at the Embroidery Counter at Promptly 9 o'Clock Friday