PACK FOUR. DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1912. EIGHT PAGES AS IM'KFKNDEXT NEYVSrAPEK. Tiibilihed I'ully and SmuI-Weekly at Pen dleton, Oregon, by the AST OKKtiOMAX ITBLISU1XG CO. Entered at the postoffl.-e. at rendleton, Oregon, ai eeoond-class mall matter. 8ir.SCltirTION RATES. Pally, one year, by mall 15.00 uillt, aix month, by mall 2.30 llly. three months, by mall 1.25 Dally, one month, by mall SO Dally, one year, by carrier 7 50 Dally, six months, by carrier 8 75 Dally, "bree months, Oy carrier 1.05 Dally, one month, by carrier 65 Pemlweekly, one year, by mall 1.60 Semi-Weekly, six months, by mall 75 Semi Weekly, (our nioQtba. by mall... .60 The lially East Oresonlan la kept on aale at the Oregon News Co., 329 Morrison treet, Portland, Oregon. Northwest News Co., Portland, Oregon Chicago Uureau, VHitf Security Building. Washington, V. C, Bureau, 501 tour tcenth ilket, N. W. Member United lrcss Association. telephone Main Official City and Connty Iater. I.1TTLK HOY. little boy. the world will try, Scmo day to destroy your So mo day y.iu will learn to sigh, i Hm inir for what may not be. laittle boy, the way is Ions; And reward? arc far apart; Many paths wiV. had to wrong. Faith wi'.l oit forsake your heart. Little hoy, shout while you may. Let your gladness frive you strength For the battles on the way Where you will be tried at length. S. E. Kiser. An open slop barrel N an offence against health and decency. TinJleton usually has sonu hot weather during the summer months and there is always a certain amount of dust. Those things come without our bidding and must be endured. But I: is not necessary to augment the trouble by maintaining piles of filth and scrap barrels with noisome smells. Hero's to n sanitary summer. IXTEHKST IX tiOOI HOUSING. FOR A HEALTHFUL SUMMER. Now is the time to "swat the fly" and keep down the evil smells that fill the air during the hot summer months when proper sanitary pre cautions are not taken. A thorough clean up now and the adoption of proper system in the handling of garbage and debris will save labor and expense later on. On a tovir of insepction yesterday Dr. Temple, city physician, ani Chief of Police Kearney urged peo ple to get busy anl they made some excellent recommendations. Among other things they put a taboo on open slop barrels 1 nthe rear of rest aurants. Galvanized cans fitted with fly proof covers must be used. It is a most sensible rule and it is one that should be rigidly enforced not only in the business section but in the residence sections as well If there are householders anywhere who do not already comply with the rule. The Initial bulletin of the National Housing Association, whose head quarters are in New York City, calls attention to the Interest being mani fested throughout the United States In the subject of better housing, es pecially in large cities. There are now forty cities that possess active associations or committees whose cbject is to promote the destruction or improvement of Insanitary dwel lings and building of letter ones, says a Chicago exchange. Two state oi ganizations, in Indiana and Massa chusetts, are doing effective work. It is coming to be very generally realized that poor housing means poor citizenship and inefficient work ers. Consequently employers of la bor, as well as philanthropists and cia! workers, are giving attention to the problem of improving the worst quarters of our cities. In Chi cago the Association of Commerce has worked out a practical program for work to be done this year, and the City Club is -active. Fittsburgh, Detroit, Boston, San Francisco and Milwaukee have movements for bet ter housing, and in Lawrence, the Massachusetts city which has attract ed national attention as the scene of a bitter struggle between mill own ers and their employes, many im proved tenements have been built. The wide interest thus shown in the housing question is encouraging. Much must be done in many cities, but with public opinion actively ar oused great progress may be made In a short time. The work deserves the active support of every citizen, property owner and public official. ADVICE FIIOM THE EXEMY. Young MOTHE No young woman, m the joy of coming motherhood, should neglect to prepare her system for the physi cal ordeal she is to undergo. The health of both herself and the coming child depends largely upon the care she bestows upon herself during the waiting months. Mother's Friend prepares the expectant mother's sys tem for the coming event, and its use makes her comfortable during all the term. It works with and for nature, and by gradually expanding all tis sues, muscles and tendons, involved, and keeping the breasts In good con dition, brings the woman to the crisis In splendid physical condition. The baby, too, is more apt to be perfect anJ strong where the mother has thus prepared herself for nature's supreme function. No better advice could by yiven a young expectant mother than thai she use Mother's Filend; it is a medicine that Las proven its value In thousands of cases. Mother's TWin-rnr-rfc Friend is sold at iJClJ 1 tlLla.3 drug stores. Mi?nmrJn Write for free t'TRIEND book for expect ant mothers which contains much valuable information, and many sug gestions of a helpful nature. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., AtkaU, Ca. SMOKY SMILES Having already brought about the renomination of President Taft by the republican party the very honorable P.alph Williams, national committee man from this state and wheelhorse of assemblyism, has turned his at tention to the matter of the demo cratic nomination. It is necessary of course that the proper democrat also be named and Champ Clark is the choice of 'Williams. How convenient it must be for the democrats of Oregon td have the hon orable Ralph look out for their inter ests in this manner. Why do they not rely more upon him What is the need of Bert E. Haney if Williams will handle the democratic situation gratuitously? Why has Will Peter son invited the democratic senatorial candidates to come here to speak at the meeting on March 20? Why not get Ralph Williams to say who should run under the democratic colors? But maybe the democrats are sus picious of gifts from the Grecian camp. That is an alarming story to be sure about the Panama canal. Uncle Sam would be greatly disap pointed should the canal be convert ed into a volcano. However, the dan ger to the ranal does not seem to be so much from that source as from the possibility the canal may be man aged to please the transcontinental railroads rather than the shippers. Pendleton will be Boyville tomor row. .What's the Use of calling more than one phone number to give your order for "Everything to Eat." Call Phone Main 101 and place your entire meal order w ith us. We have a big line of the best groceries and meats in the city; including fruits, vege tables, canned goods, fresh eggs, jellies, flour, corn meal, breakfast foods, bacon ham, sausage, lard, butteranything you want, to eat. Fresh meats and fish all the time, and best of all they are clean. Order a package of our Hill's Coffee and if it doesn't suit you, bring it bqqk. We Guarantee Satisfaction Pendleton Corner Court anlMohnson Sts. i n mm n a mm PHONE MAIN 101 HBHBBHavaMHBiaBBanHiaHBaaBaHHHBanMauH - f... ... . .L.: , I "1 am a respectable man. sir,' the prisoner answered, 'and this would never have happened, only I traveled from Pittsburg to New York yester day in bad company.' " 'What sort of bad company?" said the magistrate. " "Sons of Temperance, sir," "'Sons of Temperance? Why, they are the salt of the earth. I should thinV they'd be the best company a man like you could ask for." " 'Xo, sir. Excuse me, sir. You're wrong,' said the prisoner huskily. 'You see, I'd bought a quart of whis key for the journey and on account of the company I had to drink it all myself.'" Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Ol'Ts AXD IXS OI' LONDON. When the late Franklin Fyles first visited London he told his traveling companion, as they rose from break fast the first morning, that he would have to be gone most of the day. "I have got to see a doctor and a lawyer to whom I havecards of introduction," he explained, "and there are a couple of dramatic critics here who've writ ten me to call as soon as I reached town. Then I'm going to hunt up Onldsmith's grave, down in Temple (Jarden I'd rather see that than any other one thing in all England." A few minutes past ten Mr. Fyles walked into the hotel again, and to his friend's surprised look, merely said, "Doctor and lawyer and critics all out. Only man at home was Oli ver." March Lippincott's. GOXK I IE FOUR. .Apropos of Washington's birthday and the revolution, Professor Regin ald P. Craven said in the course of a lecture in Duluth: "In one of George Washington's letters the only hu morous letter Washington ever wrote he tell3 of a revolutionary veteran with one leg. "The veteran's granddaughter and another little girl were playing to gether when the old fellow clumped past. " 'Your grandfather has only got one leg. hasn't he,' paid the visiting little girl. " 'Yes.' said the other. " 'Where is his other leg?' went on the visitor. " 'H-sh,' was the reply. 'It Is in heaven ' " New York Sun. A ljot Presser. Mrs. A. Your husband always dresses so quietly. Mrs. 15. He does not. You ought to hear him when he losea a collar button. Milwaukee News. fiKAIT AT GAZA. "Let trem think I am ' without friends," gritted Samson, through his clenched teeth. "I'll show them that I have some pull left!" Therewith and Immediately the temple tumbled. March Lippincott's. TaxicabServico DAY AND NIGHT Stand at Hotel St. George 25C t Any Part of City Phone Main 12 Joseph N. Bohl, Prop, W. J. Connor & Co. , ' Successor to HARRY O'DEXL. Cigars, Candies and Pool Room. IO Main Street. Phono M. . COMPETENT TO CRITICISE. - i An art student was copying one of j Abott S. Thayer's paintings at me Metropolitan Museum of Art one day, when a plainly dressed man, who looked as if he might be a mechanic, approached and, posting himself at J the young man's elbow, watched him as he labored over his subject. "You've-got the angle of the mouth wrong, and the left eye too bllque," remarked the man decidedly. The student blinked angrily and the hand that wielded the brush trembled slightly, but he took no notice of the unsolicited criticism. "There is too much yellow in your flesh tint," continued the man. Still no reply from the student, who ostentatiously slapped on more yellow In the high line on the nose. "Did you hear what I said?" ques tioned the man. "Yes, I heard," responded the stu dent, wrathfully turning and glaring at Ills modest looking critic. "What do you know about it, anyway?" "I ought to know something about It," was the smiling response. "It was I who painted the picture." New York Press. imiVEX TO DRINK ALONE; "The opponents of temperance," said Edward F. Marvin, conductor of the Sons of Temperance, "'advance about as good reason for their oppo sition as did a drunkard one morning in a police court. " 'You are accused, sir,' said the magistrate, 'of being drunk and dis orderly. Any defense?' TONIO ELOCUTIONARY H T RE CITAL A Splendid Varied Program of Wit, Humor Impersonations Rendered by a most able Speaker in an able Manner. , Given by' Ito raven rahse er Benefit of Y. P. B.M TJ Miinl, Thursday Mar. 14MAUwIU1 Admission: Children 15c, Adults 25c We Sell Sulphurro Koeppen's The drug store that serve you lest. BRING IN YOUR PONY VOTES In order to avoid confusion as to standing of contestants In our big Pony Contest, we would like to have all votes cast as soon as possible. Standings of each boy and girl In the contest, are now dis played at our store. Tallman Co. Dale Rothwell Optometrist Eyes examined, glasses fitted, lenses duplicated and frames repaired. With Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler, Pendleton. When you want particular and satisfactory watch and Jewelry repairing or first-class engraving, take it to Hanscom's Where ail work Is guaranteed. The Pendleton Drug Co. Is In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the QUELLE Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakes Good coffee Every day We Invite your patronage and aim to please you. A clean kitchen Regular Meals 25c Gus. La Fontaine La Fontaine Block, Main Street