E1GIIT PAGES DAILY EAST OREQOXIAN. PENDLETON". OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1912. PAGE THREE 1 It ALEXANDER'S DEPT. STORE AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orpheiiin. An extra good program for Tues day's change. Four full reels of good pictures. 1. "For the Cause of the South." Edison. This piceure brings home the horror and patriotism which abound in that lost cause. The Ulue and Gray are bound close together in thin story. 2. "A False Suspicion." Essanay. A spendthrift wife Is told by her hus band that ho will no longer be respon sible for her debts. She is bcselged by creditors and borrows money from a gentleman friend. 3. "Unmerited Si.ame." Pathe. A Fisherman's daughter is loved by sailors, one of whflm Is not to her llky ing. He plans to Injure her in the community. 4. "A Hoarding House Romance." I.ubln. A couple of sweethearts are boarding- In the same nouse. They have a little tiff. The landlady ad vises him to make Bessie Jealous. The THE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER. Prop. PENDLETON, ORE. FAMILY LIQUOR STORE Phone Main 299 .711 Main Street Bargain in Wheat Land 240 ncrcs at $12.50 per acre. Will take second-hand au tomobilo in trade. Balance cash. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City and County Realty. We cordially invite our friends and patrons to call and view our first Spring Millinery Showing f Tailored and Trimmed Patterns New Fisk Models and Summery Picture Hats. All the chic and dressy models now in vogue in the eastern fashion centers THE CHAPEAU Mrs. Myrtle Moller Successor to Mrs. Rose Campbell SPRING COATS and SUITS in Proper Style Those White SERGE SUITS Are Very New We give "S. & H." Green Trad ing Stamps. star oarder makes n similar sugges tion to Bessie. 5. "Making Hay Lubin. This industrial picture is very pretty and Interesting. 6. "A Compromise!." Lubin. Mrs. Wallace makes a mistake in hiring pretty girls to help, for she discovers her husband kissing the servants. 8he fires the girls and engages men. She In turn practices flirtation. The I'aslinie. The home of good pictures. At tractive program for Friday's change. No. 1. "A Girl of the West." VI tagraph. In a hand to hand battle on horseback she foils the villain. After miles and miles of exciting chase and daring horsemanship his confeder ates aro captured. We wish there were more girls like this one. She i9 able to take care of herself and de fend her honor when attacked. With It all she Is most attractive and it is no wonder she wins a man who ap preciates her true worth. No. 2. "His Mother' Kalem fea ture. The story of a mother's sacri fice for her son. A delightfully hu man Irish production made in Ire CASCARETS INSURE Tlio Million of Oincnrot Vwm Never I line Headache, CoiiMtiimtloii, 1UI Ioiikiicks or Sick Stomach It Is more necessary that you keep your bowels, liver and stomach clean pure and fresh than It Is to keep the sewers and drainage of a large city free from obstruction. Are you keeping clean inside with Cascarcts or merely forcing a pas sageway through every few days with salts, cathartic pi'ls or castor oil? This is important. Cascarets immediately cleanse and regulato the stomach, remove the undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system the decomposed waste matter and poison In the intestines and bowels. No odds how badly and upset you feel, a Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning They work while you sleep. A 10-cent box from your druggist will keep your entire family feeling good for months. Don't for get the children their little insides need a good, gentle cleansing, too. land and America. A mother in Ire land gives her life savings to enable her son to come to America where a kind banker hears him play the vi olin and 'appreciates his talent, assists him to start a musical career. Not long after he Is the rage of the sea- t son. The mother in despair, when no news comes of her boy, decides to look him up in America. The mother's ex perience is interesting. Miss Gene Gaunticr plays the banker's daugh ter; Mr. Holistcr, the genius; but the old woman seems made for her part. No. 3. "The Maniac." I.ubin. A love comedy with something doing every second. Exceptionally fine act ing by Eubin's leading players. No. 4 A Windy Dream." C. G. P. C. Don't miss seeing what happens to Billy after playing with a pin wheel all day. No. 5. "Life in Our Ponds." C. G. P. C. Interesting educational sub ject. Musical program: No. 1 Where- the River Shannon Flows. Two-step. No. 2 -Angel Eyes. Two-step. No. 3 Good-bye, Girlie, and Re member Me. Two-step. no. 4 tie joiiy MOiiy. Two-step. No. S I'll be Your Honey When Its Moonlight. Two-step. Tno Cosy. Wednesday and Thursday a strong soclalogical drama that grips. The rest of the bill is comedy. "The, Blood of the Poor." Cham pion. This story depicts a harrow ing phase of human life, a result of our present economic conditions and struggle of the very poor to live. The contrast between the rich and poor is seen. "Love and Lemons." American. Western story that introduces the au dience to somo things they never saw before, the picking and shipping of lemons which is cleverely worked into a clever story of a brand new way of winning a girl. "Taming a Husband." Majestic. A delightful comedy of what happened to a fault-finding hubby, who thought ho could cook. He got his stenogra pher to get dinner while wlfey and mother-in-law were out, claiming he was the one who cooked it. He was found out and got nicely tamed when he came out of the mlxup. "Bill Determines to Go." Lux. The clever little comedian in some mirth making situations. "Short .Sighted Miss Prim." Lux. Bright litt'e comedy that abounds in laughs. At the Grand Tonight. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Drew in. a singing, dancing and comedy sketch, entirely new to the Pendleton people. If you want to laugh, come and see this act. Messrs. McSorley and Eleanore, everybodys favorites, who scored such a big success on their previous visit, will present' an en tirely new sketch, enttiled "Sweet Clover. This act is full of pathos and comedy. The Uptown Flats by the en tire company, a comedy. Guaran teed to send every one away saying it is the best show seen at the Grand theater this reason. Do not fail to see this show If you come once you will come again. WALKS 23 MILKS UAUIOI'OOTKD. .WfiTo Asserts 11c Was Driven Out of TopMiiisli. North Yakima, Wash. A telephone message to the sheriff's office from Toppenish confirmed the story told by Emmanuel Fulton, the negro, who came to the police station and declar ed that he had been driven out of Toppenish the night before. The ne gro was without hat or coat, and was barefooted, his feet showing the ef fect of the 25-mile tram). He said that an expressman named Illll and a man named Rodney White had In timidated him. SA.NG .JORDAN'S BANKS AM T1IF.Y LET HIM GO Richmond, Ky. Isaac Lakes snng himself out of jail here when he ren dered "On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand," before a jury in the circuit court room. He was indicted for dis turbing public worship by singing too loudly. Several continuances had been granted on account of the ab sence of witnesses, so the judge sug gested that in lieu of testimony the Jury bo allowed to pass Judgment on the prisoner's voice. The prisoner ac uiesced and, standing in the witness stand, he sang with a'.l his might. The Jury retired and immediately acquit ted the defendant. Some men think they are getting ahead if they keep from getting any worso off. Training up a child in the way he should go is going some. T SERIOUS INJURY (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore., March 13. William Weinke, who lives eight miles south of town, met with a very serious ac cident on Monday. While splitting kindling with a sharp ax he had the misfortune of striking his left arm, severing the radial urtery and cut ting off the tip of the radis Just above the hand. He was immediately brought in town, to Dr. F. II. Dorn, who dressed the arm. Mr. Wienke Is Improving but it will be some time before he will be well. An educational meeting was held here, the principal speaker being N. ('. Maris of the Oregon agricultural to. lege, assisted by J. S. Landers, Pendleton's city school superintend ent, and County School Superintend ent Frank Welles. The object of the meeting was to encourage the educa tion of the hand as well as the brain in our public schools. Born, on Tuesday, to the wife of George Goodnight, a daughter,. Mrs. Goodnight is staying at the re-iidence of Mrs. Frank Spike on Bridge street. Charles Gardner of Butter creek, transacted business and left for Pen dleton. William X. Esselstyn 'arrived here Monday from Madras, Ore., to take charge of the Tum-a-Lum Lumber yard. Mr. Esselstyn has rented the Kraft cottage for his family. While here yesterday, Supt F. K. Welles drove out in the country to visit some of the outlying schools. He was accompanied by Prof. L. W. Keel er. H. G. Hur'.burt of Hermiston tran sacted business here Tue.sday. Mrs. Anna Young vl.sited with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Sloan of Stan fic!d. Mrs. W. W. Wilson of Elherton, Wash., visited here Tuesday with Mrs. Jas. McLaughlin while on her way to Arlington, Ore. Hugh D. Smith and Jos Cunha are business visitors in Pendleton Wm. Howard of Stanfield Is tran sacting business here. J. T. Hosklns is a visitor at the county seat. A good treatment lor a cold settled In the lungs is a HERRICK S RED PEPPER POROUS PLASTER ap plied to the chest to draw out in flammation, and BALLARD'S HORE HOUND SYRUP to relax tightness. You get the two remedies for the price of one by buying the dollar size Horehound Syrup; there is a porous plaster free with each bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. IUiIm of the Storm. Los Angeles, Cal. Seamen and pas sengers of the steamer President, which arrived at San Pedro at the height of last evening's storm, and planning today to buy a loving cup for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Turner, of Yuma, Arizona, who made her appearance in this world while the ship was being battered by a nasty gale 50 miles off the coast. Do you know that of all the minor ailments colds are by far the most dangerous? It is not the cold Itself that you need fear, but the serious diseases that it often leads to. Most of them are known as germ diseases. Pneumonia and consumption are among them. Why not take Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and cure your cold while you can. For sale by all dealers. YIF.XNA IlKKAKK MAURI AGIO 11KCOKDS; 11()0 IX 1 DAY Vienna. Eleven hundred marriages in one day, in Vienna and suburbs. This number of couples were united in marriage on Lent Sunday here, ac cording to figures just made public. This is said to break all world's rec ords for number of marriages per formed on any one day. And this number includes only those who were married in the Catholic churches and not those In the protestant churches, where 30 other marriages were per formed. A pain In the side or back that catches you when you straighten up calls for a rubbing application of BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. It relaxes the contracted muscles and permits ordinary bodily motion with out suffering or inconveinence. Price 25c, 50c and $1, per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. NEW Y. M. C. A. BUI.IMXG IS PLAXXl'.l) FOR BAKKi; Baker, Ore. Bids are soon to bo invited for the construction of the new Y. M. C. A. building, for which $27,000 was raised by subscription in Particularly the Ladies. Not only pleasant and refreshing to the taste, but gently cleansing and sweet ening to the system, Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is particularly adapted to ladies and children, and beneficial in all cases in which a wholesome, strength ening and effective laxative should be used. It is perfectly safe at all times and dispels colds, headaches and the pains caused by indigestion and constipation so promptly and effectively that it is the one perfect family laxative which gives satis faction to all and is recommended by millions of families who have used it and who have personal knowledge of its ex cellence. Its wonderful popularity, however, has led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita tions which act unsatisfactorily. There fore, when buying, to get its beneficial effects, always note the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package of the genuine Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. For sale by all leading druggists. Price 50 cents per bottle. GRAND JURY'S FINGER Inquisitorial lUMly lH- larcK That Oil KxM'iHliturn of County ISoml Ins Care of Highway Scored Subje (Los Angeles Times, Oct. 7, 1911.) As the result of a thorough and searching Inquiry into the roads and highways situation in Los Angeles county, the grand Jury yesterday re turned a partial report setting forth that the oil macadam type of road construction which nas been in gen eral use In the highway building un der the $3,500 000 bond issue cannot be considered otherwise than as a failure. The grand jury calls attention to the deficit which, according to Engineer Joyner, will occur before the con struction is finished pn the good roads system, but declares that It need not cause uneasiness to taxpayers The report .sets out the belief of the In quisitorial body. that tne niistakes. which it intimates were numerous, were honest ones gtowlng out of the fact that the good roads movement was in the nature of an experiment for which it must be expected to pay. Th ltlrt. In the matter of highways we do not think It necessary to quote any figures or to make any statements as to the progress of this work, or the expenditures as a whole, or per mile, EVA VKAVKX if Who Will Appear in nn Interesting Clmrch a whirlwind campaign last fall. The plans have been selected and ap proved by the directors, and call for a building 100 by 101, three stories high, including a basement, and pro vide for a large swimming pool, gym nasium and other desirable features. The structure is to be built of native stone and pressed brick. The most common cause of insom nia is disorders of the stomach. Chamberlain's Stomach and . Liver Tablets correct these disorders and enable you to sleep. For sale, by all dealers. A Seven Cent Social. The Ladies of the Maccabees an nounce a unique event for Monday, March 18. It is to be a seven cent social, every person except the sev enth paying seven cents to enter. An art gallery, a fish pond and fortune telling booth will be prepared and an admission of seven cents will be charged at each one, while a cafeter Announcement The public is invited to attend our Grand Opening on Saturday, March 1 6th we will display for your inspection, a Complete Showing of Tailored and Dress Hats for the coming Spring and Summer Fisk pattern?, Robinson-Wells models and all the leading and popular styles to be worn this year. Vogue Millinery Largest anj LeaJing Ailliners Mrs. L. D. Idleman Next to Golden Rule Store ON GOOD ROADS LEAKS Macadam System As I'rnctlced in Otc lie Is a Failure Iirivt SiiH-rvisoral cts for Vmmndatliii. as statements covering these matters are prepared and published in the daily papers by the engineers in charge of the work. It is to be re gretted that the last report of Chief Engineer Joyner shows that the J 3, f.00,000 bond Issue will not complete the 304 miles of oil macadam road in accordance with the engineer's esti mate given to the public at the time the vote was taken to authorize the bonds. Oil, pitch, tar and numerous other applications are used In the eastern states and in Europe as a top dress ing to lay the dust, and for the pur pose of adding to the life of macad am roads, but, we think, in Southern California only have oil macadam roads been tried extensively and we further find them a failure. Oil used as a mixture with the top and wearing surface of macadam roads, causes the road to become soft, to roll and to cut in deep ruts. We think the use of oil should be restricted, or rather that Its use be confined to a very light spreading over the surface of the road after it Is finished, and just enough applie i thereafter to keep the surface in good condition, and as free from dust as possible. WIIKF.I.F.U j V 7 KliM utionary llccltal at Uio M. E. Tonight. ia dinner at seven cents per course will be served. TO CURE A COLD IX ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE EROMO Qjinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture Is ou each box. 25:. ' Mrs. R, F. Tingey Succumbs. Freewater. Ore. Mrs. R. F. Ting ey of the state line neighborhood, died after a short illness. She wa s23 years of age and is survived by a husband and two children. When you have rheumatism In your foot or instep apply Chamberlain's Liniment and you will get quick re lief. It costs but a quarter. Why suffer? For sale by all dealers. Adams Farmers Take Notice. On Saturday, March 16, I will open and thereafter conduct a first-class butcher shop at Adams, Oregon. Tour meat trade is solicited and satisfaction is assured. E. P. Riep, Adams, Ore.