rAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX. PENDLETON, OKEGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1912. EIGHT PAGES Friday Surprise Sale No. 1162 Offerings for this sale that none can nffcivrl frt miQQmnV0ve 111 ',"s sae are seasonable goods til I UTU LU iilloomm from every department of this great store. From end to end and from top to bottom you will find unmatchable val ues on every handfor tomorrows sale we have reduced prices to an un usually low point, the lowest we have ever attempted for a sale of this kind. Here are the store. SoC Dross (fix!? sonxts. panamas, mohair, novelties efo., surprise sale prieo 59c 23C Madras suital'lo for sliirt waists, etc.. surpri?.? ?alo price I6c 50 Pique, very lost quality Ini porteil F r e n c h Pique, surprise sale prire 36c $1.23 Children Wash Dresses, made of srinsrham and percale, sur prise sale price 8c , $T.50 M e ns Johnston - Murphy black and tan ox fords and shoes, surpri.-e sale price $5.50 S3.00 Men's patent leather ox fords and shoe, sur prise sale price $2.75 50 and 75 men's liirht weight shirt?, full cut and well-made, surprise sale priee 39c SHARE OUR PROFITS TO THE EXTENT OF 5 PER CENT BY 65 NECKWEAR 39? One counter of neckwear, including jalwts, frills, rib Kn flowe rs, lace collars and hows, selling regularly from 50? to 65?, surprise sale prico 39? SI AND $1.25 LACE and EMBROIDERY 79? One bi:r lot of allover em broideries, allover lace, laec and embroidery bandings and edges including baby Irish, venise, cluny and shadow laces: you'll surely need them. Surpricc sale price 79? $3.00 EON TON COR SETS $2.49 Any $3.00 Bon Ton or Adjusto, any style you want. Surprise sale price.. $2.49 SAVE YOUR T. P. W. . TRADING STAMPS KANSAS HEALTH PISOVI IU1S. With typical western progressive ness, the Kansas board of health has substituted for its February bulletir a "health almanac f'r 1912. If its readers will prove themselves as suc cessful insurgents against the stand patters of diseases as they are insur gents against political standpatters, the de.-tth rate in the "Sunflower State" Is due a decided tuck. Some of the more striking epigrams of the almanac are: An open window is better than an ;pen grave. Warm rooms have killed more peo ple than ever froze to death. A light overcoat is tetter than a heavy cold. A mustard bath for the feet will do more to ward off pneumonia than a .tiff drink from a gallon Jug." Only the hidebound will be Inclin ed to 'dispute these assertions. Those concerning open windows and warm rooms are especially applicable. we used to seal our houses hermetically on the approach of winter, for fear of taking c"'d. .Now we b-arn that ven tilation and pure, frsh air are as es sential in Dec-ember as In June, ann that the t-lo.-ed windows and the super-heated rooms are friends to the great while plague and other germ diseases that prosper on lowered vi tality. i Continuing the almanac says: A iir:y well Is more dangerous than a dirty kitchen. If your well and your roof both leak, fix the well first. Keep flies from the house and you will keep the doctor from the gate Flies In the kitchen may be as dan- BROWN'S Bronchial Troches Xeltera Bora Throat, Hoaraeneea, Coughs, Bron chial and AaUiniwtloCoDtplainta. Unexcelled for clrartiif tua wolca. hixty year' reputation. Free front opiate or anything harmful. Sold onlv In hoxra. Sample mailfd free. JOHN I. BKOWN & WIS, Boston, Maast. price reduction that Read the following items carefully and donyt let anything prevent you from attending this surprise sale Come as early as possible. ?1.50 EnjiUi Long ' Clotli. l2 yd. lengths, surprise sale priee 99c Pongee Silks We have in stock about .'." pieees of IMPORTED POXGEE SILKS and have decided that's too many, so will place on sale, Friday surprise sale day, at the following prices: .5? Pongee Silk .. 85 Pongee Silk . 9S Pongee Silk .. S1.23 Pomrce Silk SI. 50 P onffee Silk $2.50 P,,na-ee Silk Grocery Savings In Pendle ton's Cleanest and Best Grocery IN Ol'R MODEL Phone Main 17. Strictly Fn dozen A Ranch Eirsrs. . per 20? Kippered Herring and Salmon, pou-nd 25? Columbia River Salmon, per can 30? Diamond W. Lobsters, can 35? Fresh Crab Meat, can, 25? and 40?. Extra Fancy Oysters. Diamond W. Brand, cans 25? and 45?. PEXDLETOX'S BEST CROCKERY STORE IN SECTION WITH OUR MODEL GROCERY. The Peoples gerous as Kough on Kats in the pan try. We are inclined to believe that flies in the house and kitchen are Infin itely more dangerous than Hough on Hats in the the pantry, or any other poison in an exposed place. Poison is usually branded for what it is, and the majority of people can steer clear of it. Flies of the house variety are all potential killers of body and ef ficiency, in that they convey germs of typhoid, tuberculosis and other com municable diseases. The one way to baffle them is to rout them. Universal adoption of a plan ap proximating the Kansas idea would have a salutary Influence In promot ing health in this country. One appli cation of health proverbs Is not, how ever, sufficient. Teaching sanitation and hygiene is, like ketting on in this world, a matter of "keeping everlast ingly at it " Observance of precau tions against disease is, after all, a matter of habit. And it is relatively a. easy to engraft a habit upon a community as upon an individual Persistence and Intelligence are the main factors in the formula, as has been abundantly established wherever a city, town or county started out to rid Itself of a iilague taking toll of life and efficiency. jitii)(.f. ii:si:icvf.s ihvoicck. Court HoIiIh Misoin1 Farmer Cannot Work Wife Too Miu-li. Kansas City, Mo. If a man makes a mere drudge of his wife she Is en titled to a divorce. That was the de cision of Judge J. M. Johnson In the Kansas City court of appeals in the case of Henrietta A. Itapp against Ceorge Itapp, a wealthy farmer of Cooper county. When they were mar ried twelve years ago he was a wid ower with eight children. Mr. Hupp was worth $60,000 and had a nice home. He provided de cently for his family. He didn't beat his wife or quarrel with her. But he placed on her shoulders an amount of work no woman coul do with any are going to draw $2.00 Ladies' Summit Shirts, made of stripe mad ras, surprise, sale price $1.50 II otise Dresses made of percale. . surprise sale priee, all sizes, 99c 98c 25 men's black and tan lisle sox. especially good, sur prise sale price I5c Good grade 59 ... 69 S4? 98 S1.21 81.93 vas gloves, full size, well shaped, sur prise sale price, 0 pair for 25c SAVING THE OLD RELIABLE T. SANITARY HAS EM EXT. All Other Dcpts. Main 22. Good Cove Oysters, 2 cans 25? Blanehard Creamery Butter roll 75? Hawaiian Pineapple, cans SI Good Walnuts, l! pounds SI Fresh Keg Dills just opened quart. ..." 20? Solid Packed Tomatoes, 2 cans for 25? Nice Ki'io, Juicy Oranges dozen 25? Good Black Figs, pound 10? CON Warehouse degree of health or happiness, Judge Johnson decided. She stood it as long as she cou-d and then sued for divorce. Mr. liapp contested It and the circuit judge in Cooper county dismissed her suit. She appealed. Judge Johnson sent the case, back with directions to give her a divorce and alimony. STOIC K I'OIXII Tf) I1F, HAItl) WOISKMI) Four Trips Made Kvery Hour In California us Shown by Statf ICrwmls. Sacramento, Calif. That the stork is the hardest working member of M'SOICI.KY & KI.KAXOIC the crowds to 63 Dress Silkd all shades, sur prise sale price 43c $1.50 Tailored Waists made of Flaxon, plain Gib son models, surprise sale priee 99c S5.00 Ladies gun metal, suede and patent pumps, surprise sale price $2.95 can- $1.00 Ladies' tan, gun metal, brown and black, suede and patent pumps, s u rprise sale priee $3.35 P. W. TRADING STAMPS S' EW THINGS FOR MEN. Just, received by express a shipment of three latest style Yelour Hats, brown, neutria ami black colors $5.00 NEW MANHATTAN SHIRTS The world's lx-st shirts, ab solutely fast colors, perfeet fitting, $1.50 to $3.50 NEW KNITTED FOUR-IN-HAND TIES. The latest colors and styles extra fine values 50? NEW GLOVES FOR MEN AND BOYS' The liest assortment ever brought to Pendleton 5? to $5.00. WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE ine icamnrcd trlble In California Is snown by Statistlsian George D. Les He, of the state health department, in ngure indicating a trip four times every hour, or !)6 a day, to as many nomes in the state. In 1911 Dr. Stork made 34.S28 professional calls, which vere an increase ofi'690 over 1910, and establishing the record flor births for the state. The births in 1911 and increase over 1910 in tho two principal cities were as follows: .-an Francisco. 6708 226 Increase; tyis Angeles, 5861 403 increase. j-.very time a man makes a lucky guess ne boasts of his good Judg ment. AT TlIK GRAND. v. NEWS Of PILOT (Speciril Correspondence.) Pilot Hock, Ore.. March 14. Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell and chil dren spent Tuesday In Pendleton. Mrs. Mark Sturtevand und sister returned from Ohio Friday, where Mrs. sturtevant was called to her father's bedside. Bessie Campbell was a visitor at Pendleton Tuesday evening. Mrs. Jim Kramer and children of Nye passed through Pilot nock Mon day on their way to Pendleton. Mrs. Ed Johnson was a visitor over Sunday at Pendleton. Mr. William lirnwn waa a busi ness visitor ut Pendleton Friday night. Marvcn Roy was a passenger on the Monday evening local for Pen dleton. Lon Etter spent Tuesday in Pen dleton. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Etter attended the funeral of Mrs. Etter's sister, Mrs. Geo. Runyan, at Pendleton Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen spent Sunday and Monday In Pendleton with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Cas Henderson drove down to Pendleton Tuesday morning returning home In the evening. Eail Rankin left Monday evening ror Mis home In Heppner, after after spending last week in Pilot Rock with friends. Dr. Lieuallen was a visitor at Pen dleton Monday. Rev. E. W. Warrington attended the funeral of Mrs. Georee Kiinvnn Tuesday at Pendleton. Mrs. James Whittaker of Nye, spent Tuesday evening at the home of her mother. Mrs. Thomas Janues. Miss Vera Jao,ues entertained at her home Friday evening at a leap- year party. Trie evening was spent with games and music, after which light refreshments were served. Those present were: The .Misses Clara Heck. Ethel McCullock. Grnre McReynolds, Nellie Wilson, Hazel Beitle, Fay Sturtevant. and the Mes sers Lon Etter. Earl Rankin, Mar vin Roy, Herbert and Guy Wilson, Albert Kennison, Oilen ivy. O. Collins, postmaster, Rarnecat, N. J., was troubled with a sevare la grippe cough. He says: "I would be completely exhausted after each fit of violent cough iiiR. I bought a bot tle of Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound and before I had taken it all the coughing .wpcTs had entirely ceas ed It can't be beat." For sale by all dealers. Itl'ISIAI. or old maim-; sirr roi: si xi.ay moi:x Havana The engineers bavins; charge of the raising of the battle ship .Maine, decided to hold the burial of the historic ship Sunday. Details of the ceremony are being arranged for. It is probable that the Maine will bo floated out of the harbor at 3 o'clock in the afternoon for the .bu rial at sea. IK Yd' AISK A TKII'I.K SKXSITIVK About the size of your shoes, It's some satisfaction to know that many people can wear shoes a size smaller by shaking Allen's Foot Kase, the an tiseptic powder. Into them. Just the thing for dancing parties, patent leather shoes, and for breaking In new shoes. When rubbers or over shoes become necessary and your shoes pinch, Allen's Foot-Kase gives instant relief. Sold everywhere, 2r.c. Sample FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Itoy, X. Y. Don't ac cept any substitute. C. A. C.'ossner, 24 Ontario St., Rochester, X. Y., has recovered from a long and severe attack of kidney trou ble, his cure being 'due to Foley Kid ney Pills. After detailing his case, he says: "i am only sorry I did not learn sooner of Foley Kidney Pills. In a few days' time my backache com pletely left me and I felt greatly Im proved. My kidneys became stronger dizzy spells left me and I was no longer annoyed at night. I feel 100 per cent better since using Foley Kid ney Pills." Tells Women How to Have Charming Hair Hough, coarse hair is unnecessary; so Is faded, dull looking hair. Dandruff ami scalp itch are both caused by an accumulation of scurfy filth and can easily be gotten rid of. Dandruff germs cause falling hair find diseases of the hair and scalp, and should be destroyed. If you have any of tho hair trou bles mentioned above Tallman & Co. will guarantee PARISIAN HAG 13 to end everyone of them or will refund your money. PARISIAN SAG K a delightful hair dressing that Is being used today by many thousands of lovely Ameri cans who detest uncleantlness. Largo bottle 50 cents. ssW wavaaiispv - ppppsVf - is Hoi W.i.i. UuMf i'ank. Ml RawMUnn. (hirk PAID Nmrv. UUtw Umi, imimI ihrrtMmir. bnt HiAl. cntmntntc of thrtt walb all oir with ahtoa aUaykfTtCO blwn Mrh will. So umpU ifvat Mvbodf tM Ifcau btg nautiM. Oat tf c-ataluiru and low ilrtad ptn u t Hfnt Incubator Co., ToUdo. Wathlnfton 3 CHICHESTER S PPLLS tiik ii AMonr nsAN lidlral A u fmnr ISrsiMlai far x lil.chM-l.-r'a lllamoiid TlraadirVX I'llla in llrd and Wold DiHlcVV hoirt. aealol wltb Illua Rllihoa. V Taka ra alhrr. of ?mi V Krocpl"1- Askfnrin.irki.TRIIII IMAMONIS II II A MS I'll.l.V. f. la fii 6-irH if fi It f rncMHTl!i run w yeart knfiwn ni Itett fttfwl. Always Kellttit SOlDBVCUWOISTSCVERWHERf Utterly Wretched Nervous Prostration Long Endured Before Remedy was Found. Miss Minerva Kemlnger. Upper Hern. Pa., writes: "For several years I liaj, nervous proamnion, ntjd was utterly wretched. I lived on bread and beef tea because my stomach would not re tain anything else. I took many rem edies, but obtained no relief until I took Hood's Sai si.parllla, when I began to gain at once. Am now cured." Pure, rich blood makes good, strong nerves, and this Is why Hood's Sarsa parilla, which purifies and enriches tha blood, cures so many nervous diseases. Get it today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. NO MORE GAS ill STOMACH AND BOWELS Not Only Relief, but Cure for All Time. It ymi wish to be permanently r' "f (!" '? ' Stnmarh mi IVmels, tflto two B.UUIANN 8 OA.V H.UUIANN'SGAS.tABI.rrSreprepriilit4wUv and eanecially for Stomach Gin ami purticularl' lor all the had aflwta aiming Irura Gas Pramire. Tliatemptv, IT"" ""I nawing Ming nt the pit nf ymir stomach will forrvfr disappear in a lew days; th: t aniimia and norvona Minn, with henrt palpitation, , ill vani.h and you will oart more be aUe to tnkeadwn. breath, an oftfn pre veiled by fai prtabiug against your heart and hinga. i Your limbs, anri and finrrra won't M fold and o to.lep. rwrauas B A AUf ANN'S G AS.TAM.KT! prevent, cus invrrlering with tlie dmilation; Hint Uitfns drowiinfFi and alrepv flinS alter dinner will anon l replarrd hv a dore lor aonie form of entrrtamnrnt. Your distended atomach will redure by inctiw. ,'r,a"; 5 as limply csnnot form after a few daya" use of liA.L IANN'9 GAS-TABI KT3. , . Tliese peculiar tiil.Mi are anld for 50c hy every dnnirirt, or send direct to H.ihnemann Pliarrut-.v, 330 Sutler St, iian Frattcitcu. Every Woman U Interested and mould koov about the wonderful i MARVEL Wbirliihj Spray Th new Vaginal aynnga. Beat faoet convenient. Is ctcasaea Iniuntly. Alk you' drutfi;in for It. If he cannot aunoly th MARVEL, accept do other? but fend sumo for Illustrated book scaled. It elves full particu lars anddirectlone Invaluable to ladles. MiimC0..44East23e Slnet. He Vera" WITH THE CANDIDATES (Paid Advertisements.) GEO. T. COCHRAN Progressive Republican Candidate for nomination Representative in Congress Second District. JAMES P. NEAL Candidate for Republican Nomination for District Attorney H. A. Waterman Of Hermlston, Oregon, Rcpuhllcan Canaldate for Nomina tion for COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner, sub ject to tho approval of the people at the Republican Primaries. I stand for an economical admin istration of county affairs as a busi ness basis, and for permanent Im provement of our public roads. J. F. WALLAN Of Adams Candidate for County Clerk Subject to wishes of the voters In Republican primaries. "IjCIi Tlio ;xxl Tilings (Jo Round." If elected I will give accurate and straight-forward service to "all the people. A native-born Umatilla county man I ask you to give me L. - " - fc. WVL " CSJ.il"!l-M r . I IT" 0 k 5 your support and Influence.