East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 13, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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The Seeds to Sow,
are the Seeds that Grow
It's Tims to Plant
ami hero is the plaeo to. set your ?eel. Wo liavo a fine lot
of the following
loMo. anything you want in jrnnlon and flower seeds.
All tl.o early vi-im taMes that are now on the market are to
l e futui.l here. Rhone orders carefully attended.
Standard Grocery Company, Inc.
Where AH Are Pleased
Frank O'Gara, President. Bernard O'Oara, Sec.-Treast
In a fast and exciting game last
night, the high school basketball
heavers duplicated their former vic
tory over the Commercial club quin
tet, although their winning margin
was considerably smaller than in the
first game. The score at the final
whistle stood 42 to 31 and there prob- I
ably would have been less difference
In the totals had not the scholastics
during the first few minutes of rlay
W. J. Conner & Go.
Successor to
Cigars, Candles and Pool Room.
49 Main Street. Phone M. 4.
rushed the business men of fthelr
feet and secured a big lead.
The first half ended with the
score 14 to 6 In the younger players
favor, while in the second half the
business men made 25 points while
their opponent annexed 28, Indicat
ing the closeness with which the sec
ond canto was marked.
The high school unquestionably has
the better team, their superior pass
ing ami basket shooting being very
noticeable last night, but the Com
mercial men showed such marked
improvement over their form in the
previous game that with a little prac
tice in the finer points of the game,
they should be ab'.e to wage a neck
and neck battle with the eastern Ore
gon champions. It Is probable that
the two teams will meet again in the
near future.
The following ls the line-up last
High school. Strain and McDonald,
forwards; Fee. center; Houser and
Hampton, guards. Commercial club,
.Asbahr and Drake, forwards; Farrell,
center; Graham and Chessman,
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
A Hurbliurer of Spring.
Local merchants are beginning to
put up their awnings in preparation
for the sunny months, a sure harbin
ger of spring.
I'niiUllnns Wed In Walla Wallu.
Judge T. M. McKlnney yesterday
united in marriage Samuel Barlow
and Florence E. Belts. Both are res
idents of Nye, Umatilla county, Ore
gon. Walla Walla Union.
I'ltTivV Manager Here.
Fred Curry, publicity manager for
Walter M. Pierce during the latter's
race for the democratic nomination
for United States senator, parsed
through the city this afternoon bound
for Portland.
Take Construction Job.
Harry M. Ritner, and D. D Stiltz,
who has been visiting him here for
some time past, left last night for
Sacramento where they have accept
ed a contract with the Natomas Con
struction & Dredging company. Both
men are civil engineers and have had
wide experience in construction
Club Rooms Iirightenlns l'i.
Xot only is the Commercial associa
tion working to increase its member
ship, but it is also trying to urge all
members, both new and old, to visit
the club quarters frequently, and to
that end. measures are being taken
to brighten up the Interior appearance
of tho rooms. Today measurements
were taken for new curtains to the
windows, the stoves have been pol
ished and "Billy" Taylor, the new
colored porter, is Industriously en
gaged in making the place clean and
Xew Jerseyans Cliow on Previous
Gems: 1 Worth $1000, Another $500.
Xew York. Seven valuable pearls
have been found In the oysters serv
ed in Metuchen, N. J. homes in the
last week. George Hahn crunched
a $500 one between his teeth. Con
Dorisish found two worth about $200
and Mrs. John B. McGuinness today
found three, all in one shell. One of
them, over a half Inch in diameter,
has een pronounced by- an expert to
be worth $1000. The other two are
worth $100 each.
Some writers have a wealth of
thought, and they all have a thought
of wealth.
. 5
" ' S7 S X V II II II .1
a ten la m si w r.i a drijariii
7. ' --
US 4.
t-i -a. u
that coffee with the
rich coffee fragrance, with
the delicate tang that
makes coffee a joy to
Paxton Back from East.
Harry Paxton returned last night
from an extended tour of the east and
south. He was absent four and one
half months during which he visited
all the principal cities of those sec
tions, spending Xew Year's eve in
Xew York city. DuFing his absence
he met several former Walla Wallans,
among them Otto Hauerbach, a for
mer Whitman college professor, who
has become famous in recent years as
a writer of lyrics fSr musical come
dies, and who ls engaged in writing
an opera for Hammerstein. Practi
cally all the time Mr. Paxton was
away he encountered' cold weather,
the moderate temperature of the Wal
la Walla va'.Tey proving a welcome
contrast on his arrival here lat night.
Walla Walla Union.
Major's Cat Story Goes Rounds.
Major Lee Moorhouse's story boost
ing for the establishment of a cat in
dustry here is going the rounds of
papers all over the United States. Re
cently it appeared in the Bingham
ton, Xew York, Press. It will be re
membered that the major advocated
the procuring of 1,000,000 cats and
1.000.000 rats in order to start the
industry. Each cat he claims will
average ten kittens a year and cat
f.kins will sell for an average of 30
cents each. The rats, he pointed out,
will multiply four times as fast fed
on the carcasses of the dead cats, so
that the industry would be self-sustaining.
Major Moorhouse figured
that such an Industry would produce
a net profit of $9800 a day.
Roy's Story Was False.
Despite the fact that little Clayton
Bother You?
pon't tririo with or neglect it.
Just get a bottle of
today. It will tone and
strengthen tho stomach and
make you well aain.
Try Our Standard Uma
tilla Blend
Gray Bros. Grocery Co.
Quality Grocers
The kind that satisfys and saves
you money.
for 2 Years
If you want to know the kind
of garden hose that does not
break, crack or go to pieces
when exposed to the weather
ask tKe man who uses PEEK-I-E3S
"Beddow & Miller" stamped
on every 25 foot length. Look
for the name.
Wo kerf-p civerythlnjr neces
sary In ihunliliir and Irrigating
Hupplies, wrtzhn, Hpraya, etc.
Beddow & Miller
I'l'iKlleton'M Only KxtiiiHivc
Corner Court and Garden St,
Satisfaction Guaranteed
We desire to call your close attention to our
large corner window display of
Here you will note the beautiful new shades of grey, brown, blue, olive, also stripes and mixtures
that will be worn by the best dressed men tho coming spring. Compare the quality, the style, the
finish and dressy appearance of these suits with others add to thl3 our all-wool policy and absolute
guarantee of satisfaction
Then Note the Price-!
We want you to understand, and to remember, that our regular prices will be fouml about 20 per
cent lower than the "other fellow" the year around. We would be pleased if you will make ua prove it.
Fitz Gerald told such a pathetic story
that the hearts of the local onicers
were touched to deep pity, it now ap
pears that this story was for the most
part fictitious and brands the boy as
more Ingenious tHan truthful. When
J. G. Kilpack, the representative of
the boys and girls' aid society of
Portland, returned from Pilot Rock
yesterday afternoon, he recognized
the little fellow as a Ia Grande boy
with whom he had had previous deal
ings and whose mother is still living.
This discovery lead to the acknow
ledgment by the boy that he had lied
and he explained then that he had
U ft home because his mother had
whipped him. He will he sent back
to La Grande and will probably be
committed to the aid society from
that city.
Athletic Carnival Saturday.
The boys of the high school under
the direction of Prof. Asbahr have
planned a big athletic carnival to be
held in tho Commercial gymnasium
Saturday night. The order of the
evening will consist of boxing and
wrestling bouts, biscuit shooting con
tests anil a number of novelty stunts
sure to prove Interesting.
Ailiiiv runners Take Notice.
On Saturday, March 10. I will open
an 1 thereafter conduct a first-class
butcher shop at Adams, Oregon. Tour
meat trade Is solicited and satisfaction
is assured. E. P. Illep, Adams. Ore.
Suwir Trust Trial On.
New York, March 13. The early
hours of today's session of the Sugar
trust trial was devoted to Identifying
documents to bo used during the pros
ecution of tho trust heads. Arguing
that some of these letters and docu
ments were voluntarily furnished by
the trust, its lawyers will declare
that the accused men have been au
tomatically granted an "Immunity
bath." They will attack tho validity
of the Indictment on this ground.
J. W. Jones was nmong the Weston
people in the city yesterday.
Church I.eelure Tonijjht.
The Young Peoules" Branch of the
W. C. T. U. wish to give notice of a
lecture and entertainment at the Pres
b.vterlan' church this evening at 7:30
by Miss Wheeler and Miss ScoviU.
Thursday morning the ladies will
hold an institute at the high school
auditorium and in the afternoon a
meeting in the Presbyterian church.
The public is invited to attend.
Tcutoch lioeated in Portland.
Lee Teutsch, well known Pendle
ton real estate man, came up last
nlirht from Portland and announces
that he has located permanently In
tho metropolis. His headquarters win
ho in tln new Multnomah hotel where
he will continue in the same occu
pation in which he was engaged here.
Though moving from Umatilla coun
ty he will still continue to have the
interest of this section at heart and
plans to do some good boosting for
his former home. He will return to
Portland ut once with the exhibit
which the Pendleton Commercial as
sociation is installing in the Multno
mah hotel.
inrliiiiis : To Idaho.
A number of Christian Indian3 of
Tutullla mission will leave this even
lnt for Stites. Idaho, where they will
Join with Indians of that place in a
l,lt relic on meeting- similar io inai
Just concluded on their own reserva
tion Jmont those coins are Kev. J
i: Kliksnn. parsons Motanic. Deacon
Alien Pnt-n-wa. Luke Minthorn nnd
wife, August Alexander and Walter
Davis. Returning with them is Silas
Corbett and family who have been
attending the local meetings.
r,ili Mllrlcet. IllinrOVOK.
The Cash Market on East Court
street has Just concluded some ex
tensive improvements to its store room
and equipment made necessary by a
growing business. The front room
has been enlarged hy the removing
of a petition, thus giving more room
for both the grocery and meat de
partments; a balcony nas Deen con
structed and the office moved to it;
a splendid, modern ce box has been
constructed In which to' keep the
meat during hot weather; a concrete
floor has been built in the sausage
room, and a number of other minor
Improvements made which greatly
Improve the appearance of the market.
For the Lenten
We nre receiving daily
Besides our fine lines of
meals, sausages and lard that
are always carried.
giving "S. & II." green
tamps with every cash pur
chase. Central Heat Market
Fhono Main 33.
108 E. Alta St.
FJIEF Until March 23 we will
glvo 15 "S. & H." green stamps
with every 50c cash purchase
to all who present this ad.
Special This
We nive you money; our stock
is complete and your prescrip
tions dispensed as the Dr. pre
scribes, by old reliable drug
gist at a very low price.
Just received a fresh stock of
the popular red band candy at
20c per pound.
F. J. Donaldson
Reliable Druggist.
Wo give Peoples Warchout
Trndlnjr Stamps, j
Taxicab Service
Stand at I lotel St. George
25C Any Part of City.
Phona Main 12
Joseph N. Bohl, Prop,
It's a Dog-Gone Shame
that a puppy should be too affection
ate in the street in muddy weather,
but both ladies and gentlemen have
good redress when we get their gar
ments to clean. They are made to
look like new again. And ho matter
how delicate the fabric may be, wo
never injure lt In the cleaning operation.
Pendleton Dye Vorks
Phone Main 169.
206 H E. Alta.
Alfalfa, Fruit and Oarden Truck.
I have a few diversified farms left
for sale on Birch and McKay creeks.
The best bargains in the county Is in
that vicinity. K. T. Wade.
For sale Big white eggs, full
blood S. C. Black Minorca, the kind
that lay big eggs and lots of them. $1
per 15. J. Q. Mllicr, 704 E. Court
"Clark's Grocery"
Save Your "S&H" Green Stamps
Buy your groceries of us. We
will protect you in price the
same as we have in the past.
Phone Main 1 74 612 Main Street