-Intel. -.Jt.. t PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1912. EIGHT PAGES PIMPLES ON FACE CAUSED GREAT jUREMENT IF ForThree Long Years. Suffered Great Deal. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Brought Marvelous Results. In Few Weeks Cured Complete!)'. "I was tiwih'.rd v.i'h a-ru for three Ions years. My face tts the or.iy part ailocted, but it caused Croat disi.dirtvm'nr. also t-irt'i r.tip i:tvl Kj of sleep. At l:rt t', .tv appeared red, hard r imit's which later contained wl.ite mutter. I s;i.Tored a RTvat deal caused I'.v the itching. I was in a state of perplexity when aikirc the streets or any where hefi re the puMic. "I us(.i pills and other remedies hut tbey failed com pletely. I thought of giving up when nothing would help, but pomethir? told me to try the Oitieura Soap and Oint ment. I sent for a Oi'.ieuia Booklet which I read careful!". Tnen I bought some Cuticura Soap and ointment and by following tha directions I as relic'-ed in a few days. I used Cuticura Soap for washir? my face, and applied the Cuticura Ointment morning and cvetiinp. This treatment brought mar Telous results so I continued with it for a few eeks and was cured completely. I can truthfully say that the Cuticura Remedies are not nslv all, but more than they claim to be." ( signed O. Haumel. 1013 V. iOtn Place, Chicago. 111., May iS. 1911. For more than a generation Cuticura Rem edies nave afforded, the most economical treatment for affections of the skin and scalp. A cake of Cutieura Soap i.VO and a box of Cuticura Ointment (50c. 1 are often sufficient. Although sold HirouL-h' ut the world, a liberal sample of each, witn i.-p. book on the skin, will be sent f.-ee, on applkation to Potter Drug & Cheru. C'jrp., 1A;1. Boston. Repels Attack or Death. 'Five years ago two doctors told me I had only two years to live." This startling statement was made by Still man Green, Malachite. Col. "They told me . I would die of consumption. It was up to me to try the best lung medicine and I began to use Dr King's New Discovery. It was well I did. for today I am working and be lieve I owe my l'fe to this great throat and lung cure that has cheated the grave of another victim." It's folly to suffer with coughs, colds or other throat troubles now. Take the cure that's safest. Price 5 0 cents end $1. Trial bottle free at Koeppens. Work Horses for Sale. For sale, twelve head good work horses. For further particulars ad dress James Hill, He'lx, Oregon, or call at my ranch, four and one half miles west of He'.ix. U .,u 5 r rtK jn . w ' Nu-r' It iTRiA' corotrjcrkxi of iiu i:rd ttorttvvnvt''. brt i til of ttnti m-tm mpl that x (xxir eta fLu te aiuim. Get our rtkrv ifwl low dlirl pru r. L Haltnt Incubator Co., Toledo, Washington fT)t! 0.-IUU. CLERK Portland, (ire., March 13. Temple Alexander, the young O.-W. K. & X. company clerk charged with forg ing vouchers, changed his plea from not guilty to guilty yesterday before Judpe Morrow of tho circuit court. Thursday morning was set as a time to have the sentence pronounced. Attorney Pan Murphy, representing Alexander, announced that at that time he wished to ask for a parole and wou d introduce eight witnesses to show that his client's reputation is such that a parole should be granted. Peputy District Attorney Fitzgerald a'. announced that the state would present a dozen witnesses to show that Alexander had flagrantly violated the law and shou'.d be given a prison sentence. Many of the state's wit nesses are employe of the railway company. Alexander was) in court and said he was willing to change his p'.ea. thereby taking his chances for a parole. FAT AM) ITNNV Jill. ISIII iu:fiwf.s to oiioi' woon llunioii'im Arrow-Makc-r ivxlses Work That Would Ron Him of Surplus San Francisco. Ishl has a keen sense of humor, which he has learn ed to apply in a very practical man ner He is becoming so stout from inactivity that it was decided to give him some work to reduce his super fluous) flesh. Accordingly he was asked to take the nx and furnish the wood for the kitchen of the Affiliat ed Colleges. Ishi was willing to take the avx, for he figured that he might use it in his arrow making, but he re fused flatly to 'chop wood. Ills practical turn of mind was brought into evidence at the lectures. Ishi conceived the plan of evading them. He became interested in mak ir.s arrows. I,unch time came and he kept on with his work. At 1:30 he went to eat. It was after 2 when he returned, smiling, and told the at tendants he was sorry he had pre vented the lectures. The smile van ished when he was told that the lec tures had been postponed until 2:30 Ishi has started to build a one- man house at the west end of the building. It 1st impossible to guess when it will be completed. RKI IFF TRAIN STARTS RKFORK RAILROAD WRF.CK OC'Cl'RS shortly after midnight on Its way toward Augusta. About an hour later a freight train arrived at Rut ledge station, which Is midway be tween Augusta and Somlul Circle. The conductor, obeying orders, ran his train on a siding to make way for tho express train on a siding and af ter the train stopped was talking with a yard employe. This employe re marked In the course of their conver sation that another freight train had passed Rutledge a short time before going toward Atlanta Waiting only to assure himself that his information was correct, the freight conductor started to run to ward a railroad telegraph office and for several minutes made frantic ef forts to head off either the freight or the passenger train. Fulls to Stop Train. "That freight should have waited on this siding until the express pass ed," he shouted to the surprised tele graph operator. "It will meet the passnger head-on. Stop them, stop them." He soon discovered that this was impossible and face to face with the knowledge that a wreck would oc cur, he did the next best thing. Com manding an engine and hastily sum moning several physicians and nurses, a relief train was made up and a race began in which speed records wore broken right and left. Social Circle Is fifty-five miles from Atlanta and 115 miles from Augusta. Kutledge is midway between Social Circle and Augusta. When the relief train started every man aboard knew that the passenger train had covered more than half tho distance to Social Circle. Death Wins Raoe. With extra firemen taking turns at the firebox the relief train shrieked its way along the tracks, not pausing for towns or stations. At Rutledge, a telegraph operator was warning every other operator he could get on tho wire, but none could gel word to So cial Circle. At 2:13 the doomed trains came together. Less than half an hour later, before a relief train had been requested, the train from Hut ledge arrived with every journal smoking. The raoe had been lost, but the physisians and nurses aboard the train are believed to have saved lives of others who would have died but for prompt surgical attention. Peculiar After Effects of Grip This Year Leaves Kidneys in Weakened Condition Doctors in all parts of the country have been kept busy with the epidem ic of grip which has visited so many homes. The symptoms of grip this year are very distressing and leave the system In a run down condition, particularly the kidneys which seem to suffer most, as every victim com plains of lame back and urinary trou bles which should not be neglected, as these dinger signals often lead t more serious sickness, such ns dread ed ltright's Disease. Local druggists report a large sale on Dr. Ki'mer's Swamp-Root which so many peoplo say soon heals and strengthens the kidneys after an attack of grip. Swamp-Root is a great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, and, being an herbal compound, has n gentle healing effect on the kidneys, which Is al most immediately noticed by those who try it. Pr. Kilmer & Co., llirig hamton. X. Y., offer to send a sam ple bottle of Swamp-Root, free by mail, to evefy sufferer who requests It. A trial will convince any one who may be in need of it. Regular size bottles 50 cents, and $1.00. For sale at all druggists. Be sure to mention this paper. ENDS L1F1-: RY DYNAMITE. Conductor Rcaliz-tiiR Collision Un avoidable, Summon Ihietors and Nurses. Augusta, Ga. Half an hour before two trains crashed together on the Central of Georgia railroad at Social Circle, Ga.. killing four men and in juring a dozen other passengers, a reief train was speeding toward the scene of the disaster. This became known when officials of the railway were investigating the cause of the wreck and endeavoring to fix the responsibility. Passenger train No. 4 left Atlanta Have Your House Wired for Electricity It's cheaper, safer, far more pleasing and saves much unneces sary eye-strain. At the present low rate for lighting you get one kilowatt more for 51.00 than was formerly given for $1.50. By using the new wire-type MAZDA lamp you get three times more li?ht than from the ordinary carbon lamp and your light la as bright and clear as daylight. This new MAZDA can be used on ordinary drops and corda without breaking. Save your eyes, save your house, save money, be comfortable. Electric and gas supplies, electtrlc light wiring', bell wiring, gas pip ing, motors and dynamos. SEE X L. Vaugfoan 831 Main Street. Phone Main 139. Attacks Two Daughters of Minister Then Rlcs by Kxplosive. Danbury, Conn. George Mead, a coachman for the Rev. Frank Hart field, rector of the Episcopal church at Brewsters, X. Y., made a murder ous attack on the two daughters of the rector and ther. blew himself to rieces with dynamite. According to the story received here Ruby Hartfield, 20 years old, and Amy, her sister, 21. carried some tools yesterday to Mead, who was at work in the carriage house. As they entered Mead sprang at them and struck Amy over the head with a pair of plyers, felling her. Ruby made her escape and went to summon help. Amy revived and ran from the building when a terrific explosion occurred and the end of the building was blown out Searchers afterwards found Mead's body in pieces among the ruins. HORSE'S TAIL-RIBRON WAR. Ono Man Shoots Another Upon Acen j sation of Theft. Potutown, Pa. A ribbon In a I horse's tail was the trivial cause of a ipiiu'l i i ! impi II I III! 4., ' " . . '. 2 '---AAiKJjtoJi rr. Why turn yourself into a medicine-chest, filling it with every new concoc tion that comes along? Nature does the cur ing, not medicine. Ask your Doctor if SUNSHINE A N D Scott's Emulsion i not The treatment for Coughs and Colds, Grippe, and many other ills. ALL DRUOOISTt 11-62 serious shooting affray here, which may end in a tragMy. The decora tion had been placed on the nag by Ballard Banks and he accused John Wade, who recently came here from Philadelphia of removing it. Following a warm argument over the matter. Wade procured a double barreled gun. and now Banks is In the local hospital with over 200 shot In his anatomy. Wade was locked up and In admit ting that he did the shooting said that Banks had threatened to "do him with a pitchfork." Both men are employed by J. M. H. Walters, a Philadelphia business man. who ha a farm near here. WALLA MALLA MAY I STALLIONS AVi have our Itariis full of Pert-heron Sliiro and lielouim Stallions, tho choicest lot on hand in, our 35 years in tho Horse Importing business. They run in apes from 2 to .r years, and from 1800 to 2S00 lbs. Jlaeks, hays and greys and chestnuts. Our Horses are all imported and inspected by tho U. S. govern ment at Washington, 1). C. Come to the barns and get your choice from a bunch and snvo the stallion peddler's expense and profit. Prices from $1000 up. Time given if desired at 7 per cent, ono year in surance and a reliable guarantee with every horse we sell. Write ns. BROWN & MOOD - - Moscow, Idaho ter Marshfleld. Knowledge of her relatives and early history was obtain ed through an uncle who responded to an advertisement Inserted in a paper in tho town where Mrs. Crozler was born. That Harry Valentine, the man who passed bad checks upon the Hanscom jewelry store and the Scott proeery in this city Monday night, is probably the same man who has been operating in Walla Walla recently, is indicated by the following story in the Walla Walla I'nion of this morn ing: Chief of Police Mike Davis receiv ed a phono messase yesterday from Sheriff T. D. Taylor of I'inatilhi coun ty, stating that supposedly the same individual who bilked a number of grocers In this city a few days ago, had operated in Pendleton Monday and had succeeded In defrauding a number of merchants In that city. In carrying on his swindling game in this city, the cu'ptit visited differ ent groceries, ordering supplies at each establishment and at the same time directing that they be sent to a cer tain address on West Alder. In pay ment for the goods he tendered the dealers checks to which he had forged the signature of Hugh MeCool, a wealthy rancher, receiving the dif ference between the amount of his bill and the check in cash. On de livering the groceries it was found that the house to which they had been ordered delivered was empty. Before his discovery was made, however, the smooth individual forger had made his getaway, taking with him nearly $100 of Walla Walla merchants' money. FOR . Rheumatism is caused by an excess of uric acid in the blood, which gradually gets into the circulation because of indigestion, constipation, weak kidney action, and other irregularities of the system w hich are sometimes considered of no importance. This uric acid causes an inilamcd and irritated condition of the blood, and the circulation instead of nourishing the different portions of the body, continually deposits into the nenxs, muscles, tissues and joints, the irritating, pain-producing acid with which it is filled. Rheu matism can only be cured by a thorough cleansing of the blood, and this is just what S. S. S. does. It goes down into the circulation, and by neutral izing the uric acid and driving it from the blood, effectually and surely i removes the cause. S. S. S. strengthens and invigorates the blood so that ! instead of a weak, sour stream, causing pain and agony thoughout the sys i tern, it becomes an invigorating, nourishing fluid, furnishing health and vigor to every pan oi me uotiy ana relieving uie buucuul; luumm uy mia disease. S. S. S. being a purely vegetable biood purifier, is the surest and safest cure for Rheumatism in any of its tortus. Pook on Rheumatism and any medical advice desired sent free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. LIYF.S 62 YEARS BI'FORE KNOWING SHE HAS RELATIVES Wausau, Wis. To live to the age of 62 years without the knowledgo of a living relative and then suddenly come into possession of her family history and a long line of near rela tives is the experience of Mrs. II. H. Crozler of Marshfleld, Wis. Mrs. Crozler wag born In Oswego, X. Y., her maiden name being Miri am! R Toft. Her parents died when she was an infant and she was adopt ed by W. Foster, who moved to De pre, Wis. After her marriage Mrs. Crozler lived at Cato, Wis., and In- Thousands ol Baby Chicks Are Dying Daily From lack of PROPKR food. Hatching chicks is only a STARTER. After the little ones have, been Bucceasfuly hatched, they THEN NEED PROPER NOURISHMENT the kind that ;:lves them strength, flesh and feathers. IjACK of attention to this one VITAL. FACT will prove FATAL, and make YOUR chicken raising COSTLY. It's an Unnecessary Shame to ljose those little ones and the fruit of your cntlro year's work, when It Can be Avoided by the use of our DIAMOND AND 1IOIXY CHICK FOOD Fine CRICK GRIT GERMAZONE AND CHICK GROWER OUR special chick food Is sold on such a close margin that It costs you NO MORE than any ORDINARY kind yet gives you re sults. It makes them HEALTHIER, GROW FASTER, MARKET ABLE EARLIER and as a natural consequence a FAR GREATER PAYING INVESTMENT to you. t We keep all the necessities required for healthy and better lay ing chickens and it copta nothing to consult us. We're In business for your chickens good health. A. T. Matthews Co. Phono Main 131 "Tho Chicken Doctor." 120 E. Alta St. 1W 'it t . A Big Broadway Song H:t Free Every Week in the Saturday East Oragonian I Like Them Just Like You The Big Song Hit of Gus Edwards .Famous Vaudeville Production "School Boys and Girls" Sung with great success by the Daintiest of Commediennes Miss Lillian Conne AS SASSY LITTLE Word and Muic Free with next Saturday's Issue of the East Oregonian Words by . PAUL WEST Music by GUS EDWAR.DS Publishing Rights Secured From GUS EDWARDS, Inc. MUSIC PUBLISHERS 1531 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Owner of Copywright .