EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OEEGOXIAN, PENDLETON", OREGON. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 13. 1912. TAGE FIVE OUR FIRST DISPLAY OF Tailored '""Trimmed M8LLINERY For Spring and Summer. Now Showing These new models represent the very latest ideas, and are the styles to bo worn by the ultra-fashionable of New York and Chicago tho coining seasons. , Wo cordially invito your inspection of our beautiful lines. We deem it a pleasure to show them. Carrier Millinery FRANCIS 3d. BURROWS, Prop. We cordially invite our friends and patrons to call and view our first Spring Millinery Showing of Tailored and Trimmed Patterns New Fisk Models and Summery Picture Hats. All the chic and dressy models now in vogue in the eastern fashion centers ( THE CHAPEAU Mrs. Myrtle Moller Successor to Mrs. Rose Campbell Bargain in Wheat Land 240 acres at $12.50 per acre. Will take second-hand au tomobile in trade. Balance cash. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phono Main 83. 117 E. Court Street Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City and County Realty. A Homskg at promptly 9 o'clock we will place swiss Jim broideries widths and all-over selling! price $1 to We reserve the right to protect ourselves on short lengths SEE OUR TWO LARGE SHOW WINDOWS TONIGHT Be at the Embroidery Counter at Promptly 9 o'Clock Friday F. E. L PERSONAL MENTION A. II. Done of Cheyenne la reglst- red at the Pendleton. J. W. Powera of Wallowa Is am ong the visitors in the city. Paul Cannon of North Yakima, Is registered at the St Qeorge. Edgar and Letcher Norvell drove in from Helix today in their auto. Mrs. Gus La Fontaine has arrived from Portland for a short visit. W. H. Wood of Athena, transacted business In the county seat yesterday. It. Coppeck of Athena, was a bus iness visitor in the county seat today. Mine Host Brlgg.s of the Hermiston hotel. Is a visitor in Pendleton today. A. Brandow and J. H. Brandow of Hlllsboro, are guests of tho Bowman. Mrs. Myers of Helix, came in on tho Northern Pacific train this morn ing. Carl McNaught, Hermiston banker, is a business visitor in Pendleton to day. H. H. McReynoIJs, city marshal of Pilot Rock, came in from his home yesterday. J. M. Bannister,. well known Weston citizen, is making Pendleton a visit today. C. L. Cross of La Grande was an out of town visitor in Pendleton yes terday. William King of Weston was num bered among the visitors in the city yesterday. William Harden of Athena, came down from his home today to pay his yearly taxes. C. W.. Metteer, a prominent stock' man of Ukiah, Is transacting business in Pendleton today. George Ferguson, well known young Insurance agent, returned this morn ing from a trip to Athena. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Leach of Wes ton are among the people from that town visiting in the city today. Mrs. E. L. Smith and daughter, Miss Una Smith, have returned from a visit with friends In Portland. David Johnson and Enoch Pearson, sheepmen of Wallula, are In Pendle ton on a business mission today. 'Frank K. Welles, county school su perintendent and candidate to Succeed himself, left this morning for a visit to Pilot Rock. R. H. Irvin, secretary of the In and Irrigation company, is up from Stanfield today and paid the tax col lector a visit. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Harris of Echo are visitors in Pendleton today C. E. McClellan of Juniper is tran sacting business In the city. Ira Hughes, night police officer, re turned this morning from Walla Wal la where he Tiad been to attend the funeral of a friend who had died. Joseph Cunha, prominent Echo join with Indians o fthat place in a town peoplo cavilhg at the sheriff's office today to deposit their taxes. Mrs. George Baer, formerly Miss Ermal Mann, arrived Monday evening from Portland to spend a couple of weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mann. James Estes. local agent for the Oregon Life Insurance company, left this morning for the west end of the county where he will spend several days. C. E. Roosevelt, well known mer chant and candidate for congress, is suffering from an attack of rheuma tism which seriously interferes with his locomotion. For Rent Front office in building. F; E. Judd. Judd Found On Main street, near bridge, pair of gold rimmed spec tacles. Owner may have same by calling and pacing for this notice. Fountain of Youth. Lovely woman, resourceful; When she finds she's badly mated She fastens to Nevada. Comes back happy, Rcno-vated. Embroidery, Sale in 27-in. and Patterns. Actual $3.50, all you want IVRNGOOD & COMPANY I ' I l A little more style, better fit and workman ship and better service at Wohlenberg's i Follow closely and with a marked in terest the original stylo tendencies of the makers of LaVogue Suits and Coats. They have well earned tho distinction of being looked to as the "Standard of Style." And yet every wearer of a La Vogue garment has learned to expect much more than mere Style. They look to the And it will be a real pleasure to show you now while the stock is complete. You'll find selection an easy matter. The reason we are so enthusiastic about these now Coats and Suits is because we have learned from experience that there is no other lino with which they can be com pared. And the maker stands back of every garment so there is protection for you and us. Wohlenberg Dep't Store BETTER GOODS FOR LESS MONEY TIIKRK'S A LA VOGUE LOOK HERE BEFORE BETTER STYLE, BETTER G RMEXT TO YOU BUY. TAILORING AND VALUE gllT yovn r vxcY For One Day Only on sale 1000 yards of the finest La Vogue label as the standard of the .nost skilled workmanship, perfect tailor ing and satisfactory service. The makers go back of the style ele ment and guarantee perfection in every minute detail. That's why we're so en thusiastic and so willing to recommend this line to our trade as the very best. The new models are sure to interest you the styles, fabrics, and wide range of colorings and trimmings will prove a veal revelation. FUSDAY f I CStl i