PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST O REG OXI AX, rEXDLETON, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1913. EIGIIT PAGES The Complete Satisfaction enjoyed by the woman who "feels" well dressed is be- yond price. The corset is the style foundation, and when perfect-when it "feels" right-there radi ates finest grace, beauty and elegance. Comfort follows naturally and health results. Gossard corsets lace in front from principle, because the principle is right and is now recog nized as the ultimate method for all good corsets. Our now Sprini: models are now in. We have inodi'ls to fit all figures and make a speci alty of models for s-liort figures with large ahdomen, flesh over the shoulder blades and low hust, a type f figure not unusual with women who are in middle life or older. Model TJ has been de.-iued with s)oeial eare that this particular tvpe of figure may be correctly cursored SEE CUT. Prices of our new models range from S3.50 to SS.50. WE FIT ALL CORSETS. . Mmm .! I 111 Women's Suits $21. 75 Charming new models in Women's Fine Tailored Suits of French and English serge materials. Just what .you have been wait ing for. They are designed with the "cutaway" fronts, with three or four buttons. Jackets are medium length, skirts are made with panel front and back, with side ''kick plaits." Many different stvles to choose from. Sizes range 10 to 44. Price Special for this lot $21. 75 XEW NECKWEAR. Whatever is newest and prettiest to add charm to fair throats is here in greatest variet at least cost. PJBBOX FLOWERS the rage of the moment in Paris, Xew York and the East, are to be found in great profusion in dainty little neck pieces - 35 to 65 XET GUIMPES Everybody knows just how seldom they are to le found ready made. Thev are here in both black and white 50 to $1.00. MARIE AXTIOXETTE FRILLS are among the "new" things and are wonder fully softening to the face, made of pleated net and lace trimmed batiste 50 to Sl.OO MAUD ADAMS COLLARS dear alike to the young girl and the matron, bwausc of their coolness and comfort, a big variety of patterns in both plain and embroidered de signs 15 to Sl.OO Save Your Old Reliable T. P. W. Trading Stamps They are the stamps that you can realy get SOMETHING with. They are worth something, they' represent an actual saving to you of exactly 5 per cent of all your cash or thirty day purchases. You don't have to have a whole cart load of them to get a 15 premium with. These .stamps represent local enterprise, they are owned and ab solutely controlled by The Peoples Warehouse. The 5 r cent discount that they rep resent dxs not tro out of town but is spent right here, making them not only '"Oregon first" but "Pendleton first." J Save Money By Buying Your Groceries From Pen dleton's Cleanest and Best Grocery In Our Model Sanitary Basement All Other Departments Main 22. Parker's Home Made Cookies, pkg 10 F'resh Saratoga Chips, package 10t Good Japan Rice, special 15 lbs $1.00 Mrs. Potter's Home Made Salad Dressing, Wtles 15, 25 and 45t Just Received, a shipment of Early Rose : Seed Spuds. Phone. Main 17. Quaker Corn Flakes package 10 Dozen paekag-s Sl.OO Quaker Corn Meal, white or yellow, 2 packages 2o Quaker Puffed Wheat, 2 packages 25 Quaker Puffed Rice, package 15? Quaker Oats, family size 30 Quaker Pearl Hominy, 10 pound sacks 50 EVERYTHING THE MARKET AFFORDS IX FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Save Your T.P. W. Trading Stamps ThePeoples Warehouse PENDLETON, OREGON Where It Pays to Trade New Stamped Goods In the Art Department A complete line of ready made garments. These garments come in envelopes ready made, complete with thread, ready to em broider; are made on the finest quality of French nainsook, finished with seam lead ing and insertions. On display in the Arc Department, 2nd floor. XEW LINE OF STAMPED TOWELS, PILLOW OASES, JAROTS, RUFFLES, TABLE RUXXERS, CENTER PIECES on white and natural linen pillow tops, chafing dish aprons and caps, baby pillows. The !est line of its kind in the city. Xew arrivals dailv. MAY TRY GARDENING O. A. C. l'KOKKSSOll IKCTUKKS AND CUKATIOS 1XTKHKST If Merchants Will Offer I'riiw, chll (Iron Will Grow Vegetable to Kx hibit nt District ami Stato I'll Irs Committee Is llusy. (Special Correspondence.) Stanfield, March 13. A lecture was given in Stanfield Monday evening by X. C. Maris, field assistant of the ex tension department of Oregon agricul tural College on the subject of kar ilening In connection with the public sclwo's. The talk was listened to with great attention by the large number present and including many, school children, among whom a good deal of enthusiasm was aroused which will no doubt result In much inter est being taken in the subject. The plan is to have the pupils of public svhoo's grow vegetables, etc., to ex hibit for competition at the district fair and also at the state fair at Sa lem. There is also likely to be sev eral local displays brought together to' compete for prizes provided that sufficient interest in the plan Is evinced by the merchants and others in the matter of contributing prizes. This feature is now being investigat ed by a committee that has been ap pointed at the suggestion of Mr. Ma ris, whose lecture was supplemented by a very interesting talk' from Prof. F. lv. Welles, county superintendent of schools. Prof, Wells called partic ular attention to the prizes to be of fered for products grown by the school childden. Geo. K. Tonkin, district school su pervisor of Pilot Hock, was a Stan field visitor Monday. K. K. Lewis of Kcho was transact ing business here Monday. Ralph A. Holte, cashier of the Bank or Stanfield, was looking' after business interests at Pendleton Mon day. Frank K. Welles, county school su perintendent, was a visitor in the Stanfield schools Monday. Mrs. E. S. Severance and her fath er, Mr. Rlppey, were Echo visitors Monday. Contractor Chas. W. Connor re turned from a business trip to Pendleton. mm, EAEOE3 pUEI3 Abaoiutcty Puro Economizes Butter, Flour Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar and that he did not think he had done wrong. Judge Crow and the state's attor ney changed the charge to petit lar ceny and Tucker wad sentenced to Jail. Nineteen Miles a Second without a Jar, shock or disturbance, is the awful speed of our earth through space. We wonder at such ease of nature's movement, and so do those who take Dr. King's New Life Pills. No griping, no distress, Just thorough work that brings good health and fine feelings. 25c. Koep-pens. A good treatment tor a cold settled In the lungs is a HERRICK'S RED PEPPER POROUS PLASTER ap plied to the chest to draw out In flammation, and BALLARD'S HOKE HOUND SYRUP to relax tightness. You get the two remedies for the price of one by buying the dollar size Horehound Syrup; there is a porous plaster free with each bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. ;kts thirty inch tkovt. ' A pain in the side or back that catches you when you straighten up calls for a rubbing application of BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. It relaxes the contracted muscles and permits ordinary bodily motion with out suffering or inconveinence. Price 25c, 50c and $1, per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. mony uniting his dapghter, Frances, to William Boone. The father claims his daughter was only fifteen years old and that the preacher had been warned of the pa rental objections. The bride put th figure elghtoen In her shoe and told the parson she was "over eighteen" and showed him. a license issued In another county. A Seven Cent Soclul. Tho Ladies of the Maccabees an nounce a unique event for Monday, March 18. It is to be a seven cent social, every person except the sev enth paying seven cents to enter. An. art gallery, a fish pond and fortune telling booth will be prepared anil an admission of seven cents will be charged at each one, while a cafeter ia dinner at seven cents per course will be served. I KATE PA SL KS THE PAJISOX. Wants Dunuitfcg for Marrying His Kloplitg Daughter "Over 18." Montgomery. A novel suit has been filed here in which Benjamin Windsor, farmer, sued the Rev. S L. Palmer, Baptist minister, for $2,- 000 for performing the wedding cere California Angler Oiptiircs Two Huc Steolhcntl. Los Angeles, Cal. Steelhead trout are running in their natural habitat, which Is the streams of southern California, and recently twelve of thi beauties were caught from near the mouth of the Ventura river. Fred Hartman of Ventura got the prizes of the day in two fish which are the largest which have been caught In many seasons. One measured twenty-eight and one half Inches in length and the other thirtv inches. IXWKITTEX LAW OX C HICKS. Ills Wife Stolen. Negro Made Re prisal on Rival's Hencoop. Alton. III. Gus Tucker, a negro, charged with stealing chickens, a fel ony, pleaded the unwritten law when called for trial before Circuit Judge Crowe. He told the cmrt he stole chick ens from the negro who stole his wife To Break Up Cold Smiw Advice That Will Save Time and Money. Strong drink and iulnine may re lieve a cold, but it usually does more harm than good. To break up a hard cold in either head or chest thousands are using this sensible treatment. First of all look after your bowels; if they need attention use any reli able cathartic. Then pour a scant teaspoonful of HYOMEI Into a bowl of boiling water, cover head and bowl with a towel and breathe for 5 or 10 minutes the pleasant, soothing, healing vapor. " Do this Just before going to bed; your head will feel line and clear and you will awake from a refreshing s'eep minus a cold In the morning. For colds, coughs, catarrh, asthma and croup HYOMEI Is guaranteed, A fifty cent bottle is fill you need to break up a cold and this can be ob tained at Tallman & Co. and drug gists everywhere. , LOCALS To SUCCESS ""MA .Builders of Homes. Our "PROFIT-SHARING Investment Certificates areREALlfoneyMakers Send for Booklet 604 5 6 GrbettBlPortland Ore Burroughs. Mam 5. Fuel. Bicycles! 727 Johnson street. I. C. Snyder.chlinney sweep. R 3812 Fhone Koplttke & GUlanders, for dry wood and Rock Spring coal. Everybody goes to the Orpheum t ee the best and the clearest pictures Will trade Victor Phonograph for second hand Incubator. Inquire this office. For good cedar posts, go to the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. Egg and lump coal, $7.50 and $8.00 delivered. Dry wood, $7. Phone Black 3622. All kinds of good dry wood, also clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal at Koplttke & GUlanders. Large stock of telephone poles at the Pendleton Planing Mill and Lum ber Yard. For rent Large furnished front room with or without board, 201 Wa ter street. 359 acres, 80 acres In alfalfa. Only 4 1-2 miles from Pendleton. Price, $12,000. Terms. H. E. Bickers. Lost O. A. C. 1910 oratorio medal with initials C. D. Finder report to Wonder store and receive reward. For Rent Six room house, modern. Hot and cold water, bath, toilet. woodshed, etc. Enquire Dr. C. J Whittaker. For Rent Small dairy, fruit and vegetable farm, half mile from Uma tilla. Address Box X, Umatilla Ore. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13. If you want to move, call Penland Bros. Transfer, phone M 339. Large lray moves you quick. Trash hauled ince a week. S47 Main street. " Something new. Photographic his tory of the civil war. 10 volumes, beautifully Illustrated. Falling, ngent. For Rent Furnished sulto of rooms two blocks from Main street. Board if desired. Inquire this office or Phone Black 3492. For transfer work, hauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos, and all kinds of Job work, phone Main 461. B. A. Morton. Save, yourself ruel troubles by us ing our famous Rock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly. Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 6. We have on hand several cigar lmw cases and counter show cases that we will sell very reasonable If taken at once. Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard. 20 acre orchard tract. 6 acres 7-year-old trees; 4 acres 5-year-old trees; 9 acres alfalfa and timothy, only 2 1-2 miles from La Grande. WW take Pendleton residence property up to $2000. II. E. Bickers. Notice to Public. I have changed my express and transfer wagon stand from Grltman Bros, to Griggs & Stanglcr's cigar store. Phone Main 464. FRANK STROBLE. rUJES CURED M TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any case of Itching Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In to 14 days. 50c. He's a poor minister whose voice fills the church and empties the pews. WITH THE CANDIDATES (Paid Advertisements.) i ' 1 It"-"--? ' GEO. T. COCHRAN Progressive Republican Candldato for nomination Representative in Congress Second District. JAMES P. NEAL Candidate for Republican Nomination for District Attorney H. A. Waterman Of Hermlston, Oregon, Republican Canaldate for Nomina tion for COUNTY COMMISSIONED I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Cemmlssloner, sub ject to the approval of the people at the Republican Primaries. I stand for an economical admin istration of county affairs as a busi ness basis, and for. permanent im provement of our public roads.