r a) aVrK'lHavM (tfHW.DMJiltMltWM.- pack von;. D.MIA' EAST OUEGOXIAX, PENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1012. EIGIIT PAGES . Jff 'some convenient polr.t in t'.io busln I H a7K(feYfKV section. There are ma-iy on st I Zj-jtte.. -Z7 i buildings on Main s-.-.vt ami AN IXl'KPKNl'ENT NCWSI'AI'KR. OSS story no -doubt some owner will erect a second story for the use of the club if it is Pnbllihed !li)r and S.-tuI Weekly at Fen- i aosirevl dlfioa, urrgou, by the ! . L nder the last Commercial administration a club paid secretary was secured. The new administration j could do nothing finer for the town CAST OllEUONUN ITI.I.1SU1XU CO. Roti-red at the poetofftf at t'pnd'.etoa. Uretfuii, at iwona-ciam mall matter. t!rr.sri:in ion katus. Pally, one year, by tcall 15.00 er for the- club than to secure good lahj, il tuouitm. by wall 2 50 . . ., lai:y, three months, by mall 1.23 quarters for the organization.- Ially, one muth. by mall 50 j iHilly, one vt-ar. by carrier 7.50! " Il;y, nil iron t ha. by carrier 8.75 A KIGllTKOl'S MOVK lally, tirev mmt!.s, by carrier 1.93 ! DaJ.y, one month, by carrier BS I Heoil Weekly, one year, by mail 1.50, Dr O. Edward Jennev, chairman leml-W eeklr, atx months, br mall 15' meml V eeklv, lour mouth, by ma'.l... .50 : the national vigilance committee The haily Kast -)reSoninn is kept on ai : for tne suppression of the white slave at the Oivkou Newa Co.. 3i Morrleou i traffic, has published a book upon afreet. Portland. Oregon. Northwest News Co.. Portland, Oregon. ! the subject of the "White Slave Traf- Chii-aco I'.urwiu. IH0 Security liulltikg. j Wtuhineton, U. C, Lureau, 501 Four- fic in America" and a copv of the taentb Kreet, S. W. . " 1 same has been sent the East Ore- Klember United lTesa Aasoclatlon. gonian by the author. telephone Main 1 j In his book Dr. Jenney handles the i subject temperately yet he sets forth facts that are absolutely astounding I; seems safe to say the public ai large has no real conception of the horrors of the traffic. Realizing this condition the committee has brought about the publication of Dr. Jenneys !i i ... , . ... i iiihk Mini uiey pet lorin me TOiinwing 4 ' reasons why it should be read: Official City and Ccnnu Patxr. The world is fall of men who might Have claimed the best the fates have given, Who mipht be standing on the height. Had they been driven. Theworld is full i f men who mourn And think that Fortune has betrayed them; Who, while they sit around for- lorn, Let Ease persuade them. There seems to be need for a de scription of the white slave traffic in this country, and for some account of the movement that has arisen for its suppression, together with a dis cussion of the methods that may be employed to accomplish that end. The world is full of men who j There are multitudes of parents. plan Great things that never are computed. Who scorn to venture rather than To be defeated. teachers and other persons having ( crarge of young people, who are un- Aj aware -of the dangers that threaten i ! yc ung women through the adroit , agents of this traffic. These need The urorld is full of men who ! might Do well to cease their futile sighing And help to make the outlook bright By bravely trying. Chicago Record-Herald. There are many social workers who should know the facts herein re lated, and have presented to them methods by means of which they may assist in the suppression of the evil. XOW FOR A NEW HOME. AVhile the Commercial club is under a full head of steam why not open the throttle a little more and make a run for new club quarters. It seems a favorable time. In a live western town like this the Commercial club should be the largest, busiest and best equipped or ganization in the city. The rooms should be commodious and fitted up in a manner creditable to the place. They should be the great rendevous for business men, a place where local functions may be held and visitor entertained. Pendleton is a place that particu larly needs such an establishment as this. AVe often have visitors because this is a convention town and a good railroad point. The location near Pendleton of the branch asylum increases the need for there will be frequent delegations composed of state officials, legislators and others to visit the institution and courtesy will call for their entertainment by the club. It should be possible for the club j to secure new and larger quarters at1 There are many others who if they knew and understood the facts would jeffer moral and financial support to a movement to prevent the moral and economic loss which the com munity now sustains- through the op erations of the white slave trafficker And finally, there are those who, in bondage and suffering too acute for words, make their pitiful appeals for help, for freedom and for sym pathy. Dr. Jenney's careful study of the subject, in this country and abroad, enables him to present it in such a way as to hold the attention of the reader and convince him of the ex tent and terrible results of the traffic. Every parent and every social work er should know the facts contained in this book in order that the inno cent may be protected, the ignorant enlightened, the foolish and reckless warned, the weak safeguarded, the wicked and designing thwarted, and the traffic suppressed. The price of this book Is one dol lar, post-paid. Orders should be sent to the National Vigilance Commit tee, 156 Fifth Avenue, Xew York. A NATURAL SEQUENCE. Stomach Bother You? lKn"t trifle with or neglect it. Just get a bottle of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS today. It will tone and hUingthen the stomacli und make you well again. Socialists and I. "W. W'.'s in Port land objected to the boy scout meet ing that was addressed by Baden I'owell, noted English general Sat urday, and they interrupted the meet- ing with hisses and questions, accord i ing to reports from Portland, j That sort of thing is wrong. It I was ungentlemanly and un-American, j It was an attempt to interfere with I the rights of free speech and it will j not advance the socialist cause. The 1 socialists are strong advocates of 'free speech and they should have ac- corded Baden-Powell a respectful : hearing. j It is only truthful to say however, that this sort of disorder is not as bad as the anarchy displayed at Ijiwrence a week or so ago when mi litiamen and police under orders from the mill owners forcibly and illegally prevented parents from sending their suffering children away to other towns where they might be cared for during the strike. Inter rupting a speaker is a mild offence compared with bludgeoning women and children without just cause and throwing them into jail nterely be cause they asked for wages upon which they can live and because they want to keep their children from starving. If we tolerate anarchy by the rich we cannot well object to anarchy by the poor. iUEAT COPPER rilOIH'CTlOX. The copper mines of the United States have produced more than fif teen and a quarter billion pounds of copper, and of this total twelve min ing districts have produced in excess of 100.000.000 pounds each, accord ing to the United States, have yielded 94.69 per cent of the total output of the country since 1S45. when the total product of the United States was but little more than 200,000 pounds. These districts are Rutte, Mont., which has yielded 3.315 000 pounds, or 34.73 per cent of the total produc tion: Lake Superior. Mich., which has yielded 4.756.000.000 pounds; Bisbee, Ariz., 12S5.000.000 pounds; Morenci Metcalf, Ariz., SS2.700.0OO pounds; Jerome. Ariz.. 570.00Q.0OO pounds; Bingham. Utah, 465.000,000 pounds; Shasta county, Cal., 336 000,000 pounds; Olobe, Ariz., 334.700,000 pounds; Ducktown, Tenn., 211,700. 000 pounds; Ely, New. 125.000,000 pounds; the foothill belt, California, 104.000,000 pounds; and Santa Rita X. Mex.. (where mining is believed to have been begun as far back as 1S00) 103,000,000 ponds. All other districts have produced 804.300,000 pounds. It is interesting to note from the United States geological survey's re port on copper production for 1910 that the first ten of these districts are also the .first ten largest produc ers today, although the order is slight ly changed. These ten districts yield ed 93.S4. The United States is by far the greatest copper-producing coun try, our smelting output of copper in 1910 being 57.75 per cent of the total for the world. Xearly every one of the leading copper-producing districts of the United States, according to the geo logical survey, made a record output within the three years preceding 1910, and nearly every one of them could have done so in 1910 so far a's the ability of the mines to produce the ore was concerned. An indifferent cop per market and metallurgical diffi culties, however, resulted in a de crease in the output for 1910 for sev eral districts. You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the QUELLE Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakes Good coffee Every day i We Invite your patronage and I aim to please you. ! A clean kitchen ! Regular Meals 25c Gus. La Fontaine La Fontaine Block, Main Street PURELY VEGETABLE It is a generally reeojniized truth that medicines made from vegetable ingredients are a great deal better adapted to the delicate human system, and safer in every way, than those composed of strong Imineral mixtures and compounds. Mercury, potash, arsenic, etc., which are used in the manufac ture of most blood medicines, are too violent in their action, and frequently derange the system by disturbing the stomach and digestion, affecting the bowels, and when used for a prolonged period often cause Rheumatism. S. S. S. is the only blood medicine guaranteed absolutely and purely vegeta ble. It is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, selected for their purify ing and healing qualities. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, and all other blood diseases, because it cleanses and purifies the blood, and at the same time builds up the entire system by its fine vegetable tonic effects. S. S. S. may be taken by young and old with absolute safety, and with the assurance that it will cure the diseases and disorders due to an impure and poisoned blood supply, even reaching down and removing hereditary taints, Book on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA, XOT SO SURE. A bright-eyed old man boarded the train at St. Paul bound for Seattle. As the conductor passed through the car the old man stopped him and ask ed how far it was from St. Paul tt Seattle. Sixteen hundred and twenty miles," the official answered, curtly. . The next time the conductor came along the old man stopped him again and asked him how Tar it was from Seattle to St. Paul. "See here, my man." said the con ductor DomDOUslv: "It's lfi'ft miles from St. Paul to Seattle and it's 1620 miles from Seattle to St. Paul; do you understand?" "Maybe so," said the little man, modestly. I didn't know. You see it's only seven days from Christmas to Xew Years, but It's a long time from Xew Years to Christmas." Stubble I a ml for Rent. For rant Eight hundred acres stubble land. For further particu lars call on or address Purl Bow man, Pendleton, Oregon. OUR EXTIUE STOCK OF Tinware, Graniteware and Enamel ware Below Cost ALSO THREE DIFFERENT PATTERNS OF Johnson Bros. Semi-Porcelain Dinnerware This is not a special sale or short time offer, BUT A BONA. FIDE CLOSING OUT SALE of the uWo stock and we are 'making prices that will do tlio work. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET THOSE NEW KITCHEN UTENSILS THAT YOU 1LWE BEEN WANTING. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY OWL TEA HOUSE R. J. Cresswell, MSr Phone Main V We give 'S. & II." green trading stamps jE witn an casii pureiiases. m m fS3 NATURE'S CURE FOR Rheumatism You need not suffer. Write today for illustrated booklet descriptive of Hot Lake Sanatorium. Na ture's great cure place. A natural boiling spring of curative mineral wa ter. Thousands have been cured here after suffer ing .years from RHEUMATISM, STOMACH, SKIN, BLOOD AND KIDNEY DISORDERS. Directly on main line of O.-W. E. & N. Railway. Ask for special excursion ticket. Hot i ;) Valter M. Pierce Oregon Pres. & Mgr. We Sell Sulphur ro Koeppen's The drug store that serves you best. BRING IN YOUR PONY VOTES In order to avoid confusion as to standing of contestants In our big Pony Contest, we would like to have all votes cant as soon as possible. Standings of each boy and girl In the contest, are now dis played at our store. Tallman & Co. Dale Rothwell Optometrist Eyes examined, glasses fitted, lenses duplicated and frames repaired. With Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler, Pendleton. When you want particular and satisfactory watch and Jewelry repairing or first-class engraving, take it to Han scorn's Where all work Is guaranteed. The Pendleton Drug Co. U In business for "Your Good Health" REMEHBER THIS WHEN TOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES i 111 lilt II 111 1 ' J' -i V. M 1 j A Big Broadway Song H;t Free Every Week in the uaiutuujr iaai vsrcguiiiau I Like Them Just Like You The Big Song Hit of Gus Edwards Famous Vaudeville Production "School Boys and Girls" Sung with great success by the Daintiest of Commediennes Miss Lillian Conne AS SASSY LITTLE Words and Music Free with next Saturday's Issue of the East Oregonian Words by PAUL WEST Music by GUS EDWARDS Publishing Rights Secured From. GUS EDWARDS, Inc. MUSIC PUBLISHERS 1531 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Owner of Copy wright