EIGHT PAGES PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH G, .1012. WEST FORESTALLS .One Night Only UivJ SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT !aturdoy,iv3arGh 8th THE ItIG XEW YOllK AND I.OXDOX SI CCESS. THE - TO K F.F.I' NAME OP TEXT HOOK. COMMITTEE 8ECKET s, Xew Course of Study for Oresmi Soliool Children May no Ordered for xt Six Years, . Ileghiiilug Next Kail. Salem. Or.. March 6. Governor West announced that he Intended to appoint immediately the five mem ire :1AKES ISQiH BAtCiKG EASY Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crus!s The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Crceia 1 Tartar ber of the state text book commis sion, whose duty will be to select books to be used in the public schools f'r six years, beginning with the fall term of 1913 The members 'of the new commis sion will go into office the first of next year, but Governor West will make his appointments now so the members may have opportunity and time to study the school text book question thoroughly before they are ca'led upon to make selections. "The appointments wiil not be maJe public now," said the governor, "as I want to give the members of the commission a chance to Investigate quietly and without being besieged with agents of book publishers. No member will know who the other members of the commission are. It anyone has books to submit or sug gestions to offer, they can be sent to this office and I will see that they reach the members of the commis sion." Xew Course of Study Probable. Under the Oregon law a school text book commission is appointed every six years. The present commission went into office the first of 1907, and ! A A'SCPElin CAST AXO IMSODICTIOX DY Exactly as presented for over 300 nights at the Hackett The atre Xew York and one year at Froman's Theatre, London, England. y v Prices: 50c 75c S I $ ( .50 Reserved Seats now selling at Pendleton Drug Co. NOTE On account of stores remaining open on Saturday night, the curtain will be held until 9:15. Miss Grace Aylesworth as Patrlca O'Erlcn in The Chorus Lady A' ' - i x "sf ! x 7 .'-wrf" i 1 , ' 5 f ' , t i f v ' t-t.' ''ismir-- 'xbif v v SCENE IX ' THE CTIOUCS LADY" AT THE OREGON" THEATER, SATCR DAY EVENING, MAUCII 9TJI In June of that year officially adopted tho books now in use. It is probable that the new commission will adopt a new course of study, or at least make many changes in the present course, and will be ready to make a report early in tho number of 1913, so the books may be on hand by the beginning of the fall term of next year. Is Tlicro n ScImoI Book Trust? Often the nssertion is made that a school book trust exists and that va rious contracts for books are appor tioned among the trust members by themselves, whi'e on tho surface ther is the appearance of competition be tween the various publishers in their bidding. Whether Governor 'West had such an idea In mind when he decided to appoint members of the text book commission nearly a year before time for them to assume office is not in timated by him, but at least he is giving the members ample time to look beneath the surface if they so desire. x At the time of the last selection of school books, contracts were let to the firm submitting the lowest bid, but it will be noticed that the con tracts are quite equally divided am ong a number of leading publishing houses. This may mean nothing or It may mean much that will deserve tho careful attention of the members of the new commission while they are working with their identity unknown Phone Koptttke & Gillanders, for dry wood and Rock. Spring coal. nun insiBiii mmm Thursday, larch 7th THE BE1LHARZ EITERTflifOS I M PERSONATIONS, MONOLOGUES, DUOLOGUES, HEADINGS, VOCAL MUSIC, INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC cm GiWn. Mandolin, Guitar, Euphonium, Violincello and many other instrument.. . .1 fuaciiuithirj cnli Hninmctit from slml lo finish, full of hifjlt-clnxs melody and comedy an. eveniny of snides. Adults 75c, Children and High Schoo! Students 35c 4 JM SIPcs ffers That Are Now Being Offered by the t the Inland Empires Greatest Paper We are making you several offers, mipht letter bo called rifts below that should appeal to every home, family and fireside We have alu-n" tried and you know with what remarkable success to tfvo our readers that which stands for the best m a bright, clean newsv newspaper one that may bo safely read by the entire family and household no sensationalism to pollute the younger minds, but the actual harpeninss of the day, presented in an interesting, dependable and readable manner. AND NOW WE ARE GOING TO GIVE EVEN MORETO STRETCH A POINT! We are giving you your choice of six of the lest special offers ever heard of. Read each offer carefully. Here is a chance to make tho home by lamplight even brighter, and gain a little social hamine!3 and contentment such as makes "Home Sweet Home." , ... - , , , ... .A . . x. , , , , , If vou wish to keen iut a little closer in touch with local happenings, or with what is transpiring in any part of the country, be it city, county, state,, nation or world, you could not choose a better and safer method than by obtaining that information through the columns of tho East Oregonian, the official county and homo paper of Umatilla county the paper that prints the news the day it happens the leading paper in prestige and circulation in Oregon, east of Portland. The Best, Stories by Lhe Best, Authors, and all the News the Day it Happens for the Entire Family-6 Extraordinary Offers SEMI-WEEKLY OREGON JOURNAL AND SEMI-WEEKLY EAST OREGONIAN Both Papers One Year f Paid in Advance . . p.UU "SPECIAL OFFER "E" IJegukir price Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal, by maiL.$1.50 Regular price Semi-Weekly East Oregonian, by mail 1.50 Good Reading SPECIAL OFFER "A" Sim?et-rucific Monthly with Daily East Oregonian paid in advance, new subscribers or renewals Regular Price Sunset-Pacific Monthjy Regular Price Daily East Oregonian by mail. Total one year $3.50 $1.50 5.00 .$6.50 SPECIAL OFFER "B" The Sunset-Pacific Monthly and Semi-Weekly E. O. paid in advance, new subscribers or renewals Regular Price Snnset-Paeific Monthly Regular Price Semi-Weekly East Oregonian.. Total one year $2.00 $1.50 1.50 $3.00 Please State if New or Renewal. Ka-t Oregonian Pub. Co., Pendleton, Orejron. Enclosed find $ for which i.I'm- send vour ial Offer. . .... following address: Address t the Cut Out and Mail U Todax All the News of the World and Home Contained in the Two Leading Papers for the Price of One. SPECIAL OFFER "C" The Weekly Inter Ocean and Tanner with Daily East Oregon ian by mail one yeaV paid in advance, new subscribers or c newals $5.00 Regular price Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer, one year $1.00 Regular price Daily East Oregonian by mail, one year 5.00 Total $6.00 It SPECIAL OFFER. "D The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer with Semi-Weekly East Oregonian one year paid in advance, new subscribers and re newals '. ?!50 Regular price Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer, one year $1.00 Regular price Semi-Weekly East Oregonian, one year- 1.50 Total ..$2.50 Total $3.00 . Our price of $2.00 saves you $1.00 and is for both new and old subscribers. SPECIAL OFFER "F" Weekly Portland Oregonian and Semi-Weekly East Oregon ian, both papers for . 1 $2.00 Regular Price Weekly Portland Oregonian $1.50 Regular Price Semi-Weekly East Oregonian 1.50 $3.00 Our prico of $2.00 saves you $1.00 and is for both old and new subscribers. , 1" -1 l.-J 3 il ?11 -1 3 1 .1 .1 , , ' Fast Oregonian subscribers can come to the East Oregonian office and subscribe for any newspaper, magazine or penou.cai puuuieu, ana mey win oe cnargea less man mey would bo com pellcd to paj by dealing w?th the publisher, direet. We do this as a favor to our largo family of readers, savmg them the trouble and risk of sending themselves.