EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OltEQONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1012. PAGE TILREE Vaudeville TONIGHT (B p si on ofl THEATRE re-opened under the former management that made the show-house bo popular and gave to Pendleton the best acta In vaudeville and latest motion pictures. We Recommend Tonight's Program , Doors Open at 7. Uusal Price. THEATRE CASS MATLOCK, Prop Best Pictures More Pictures Latest Pictures and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and enter taining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant i Entire change three times each week. Bo sure and see the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. . PENDLETON'S POPU LAR PICTURE SHOW THE CGSY Where the entire family ran en Joy a high-class motion picture ttliow with comfort. Fun, Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Evening. Changes Sunday, Mondny, Wed nesdny and Friday. Next Door to SU Georg Hotel. Admission 8c and 10c ARE SPREADING GO IN FOR DAIRYING AND POTATO GROWING Fruitgrower Will Extend Tlielr Ac tivities to Other Mutters Nouly- wtxU of Irrigated DlMlrlet Honored at I hippy FJitertninim-nt. Stanfleld, Mar. 5. At the meet ing of the Stanfleld Fruit Growers' association Saturday evening there was a grand discussion of the'eubject of duirylng, there being a large attend ance of those who are already en Raged ut least a limited degree, in that line, or are contemplating the purchase of a few cows which will en able the small farmer to obtain an income whilo his orchard is coming into bearing. It seems likely that the farmers of this community will unite upon one breed of cows, either Jersey or Holatein. On Saturday eve ning, March 16, the members of the associatln will entertain their friends with a supper prepared entirely by the men, which promlse3 to be a very novel and interesting affair. The Fruit Growers' association has ordered a carload of seed potatoes for those of this- section who are in terested in growing this vegetable, which It has been demonstrated can be profitably grown here. This ship ment which will soon arrive in addi tion to seed that is already here will plant a considerable acreage of the popular tubers. On Friday evening a farewell party was tendered Floyd Brumfleld on the eve of his departure for Park Place, Oreg at the home of Wm. Haagman, the evening being most enjoyablj spent with music and games, dainty refreshments being served by Misses Julia and Jennie Haagman. Those present were Misses Mary Connelly, Myrtle Anderson, Murillu Dunning, Helen Wheeler, Pulia Haagman and Jennie Haagman. and Messrs. Floyd Rrumfield, Harold Wheeler, John Renvert, Wm. Haagman and Glen Wallace. fhe Stanfleld newlyweds were en tertained on Friday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan W. Dun ning on Dunning's Heights. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. E. Llnd wall, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R. Hazen, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C Coe Mr and Mrs. Dunning. The guests were de lightfully entertained with music and refreshments. Several Stanfleld citizens Journeyed to Hermlston Saturday evening and witnessed the wrestling match between Eddie O'Connell and Jack Kennedy. Mrs. Sarah E. Rrumfield and son Floyd, left this morning for Park Place where they will remain for some time. County Commissioner Horace Walk er was attending to county business In this vicinity Saturday, Including the construction of n bridge south east of town to cross the irrigation feed canal. R. X. Stanfleld returned Saturday from a business trip to Raker county. A. H. Thompson of Echo, manager of tho E. O. Independent Telephone Co., was transacting business in Stan field Saturday. E. X. Wheeler went to Portland this morning to remain a few days attend ing to business matters. Lew D. Smith of Los Angeles has been visiting here the past few days, the guest of R. H. Irwin. SELLING WILL NOT DEBATE WITH LOWELL CHALLENGE OF JX)CAL MAN WILL NOT HE ACCEPTED Portland's .Senatorial candidate Suyx Ho Cannot Saro the Time Neces sary for Joint Discussion of Issues. GRANGE TO INITIATE OWN HIGHWAY BILL Theatre J. P. MADERNACII, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures For Men, Women and ' Children Program changes Snnday's, Tuesday's and Friday's See Program in Today's Peper Portland, Ore., Mar. 5. Despite the efforts toward harmony in tho "good roads" movement, the Interests included have failed to come to a satisfactory understanding on the Question, and the Oregon State Grange has decided to Initiate tho bills it has prepared irrespective of tho attitude of the "harmony" committee. Tile following communication ad dressed to Governor AVest by C. E. Spence, master of tho Oregon State Grange, sets forth tho position of the grange on tho "good roads" ques tion: "I met with the 'good roads har mony committee and endeavored to eliminate tho objectionable features In tho proposed good roan's bills. Four of the bills proposed by tho so-called highway committee wero materially changed and the grengo highway en gineer bill was adopted. As stated in tho letter sent you yesterday by the harmony committee. Wo could not agree on the state aid bill of the committee and tho grango county bonding act. The majority of the 'harmony' committee ngreod to accept the grange county bonding bill on conditions that the grange Indorse the four bills proposed by tho state high wav committee as amended bv tho 'hnrmonv committee' and It vtm fur ther agreed that the proposition bo submitted to the next session of the state grange which will meet In May next. We nre Informed today by the chairman of the 'harmony committee' that the agreement mado with us had been reconsidered and it was decided by three members of the committee that no county bonding act was ne cessary to put Into effect tho amend ment to tho constltulon permitting counties to Incur Indebtedness for road building, and they hail decided not to indorse tho grange county bonding bill and that they would aropt tho grange highway engineer bill If drawn satisfactory to them. "Therefore we seem to be ns far apnrt aa ever upon tho questions at issue, namely, In whom the power to select the roads to be Improved shall bo vested and under whoso supervi sion the funds shall be expended. Un der these conditions we feel justified In proceeding to Inltlato tho grange good roads bills as now prepared." . Portland, Ore., Mar. 6. Challenge to joint debate Is made by Stephen A. Lowell of Pendleton to Ben Seling. Both are. candidates for the United States senate. There will be no Joint debate, however, as Mr. Selling yes terday stated that while he has not received the challenge of his eastern Oregon rival, he cannot spare the time to debate from the demands made up on him at his headquarters in this city. Lowell's challenge Is contained in an open letter addressed to Sellini;, in which he says in part: "Permit me to extend to you an in vitation to join me in a campaign of the state, to the end that the repub lican voters may know and consider our respective views upon the Issues ; of the day, and may choose between us with full knowledge of the capacity of each. Mr. Bourne long since de clined like Invitation, but I hope you i will not follow his lead. We will in- j vlte Mr. Morton of Salem, who la i likewise desirous of succeeding! Bourne at Washington, and the sever al candidates for state and district of fices as well. By pooling funds all can keep within the limitation of the corrupt practices act, and each will have an opportunity to meet and ad dress the people upon public issues. Would Debate Issues. 'I would be pleased to discuss with you in the larger centers of popula tion the serious national problems which demand solution, and upon seeking that honor, must have decid ed views, in accord alike with sound judgment and public sentiment. I as sume that you have thought these questions out, and are ready to pro claim your opinions and to defend them. - It is best thus; otherwise 1 think your candidacy a mistake both for you and the state. "You are reputed to have expended on the eve of the formal announce ment of your Candidacy, from $5000 to $7000 in circularizing the state, postage, stationery, printing and cler ical work, while the corrupt practices act, a law which every good citizen is bound to obey In spirit as well as letter, provides a limit of 15 per cent of the first year's salary, which in your case would amount to $1125 only. If your expenditure of $5000 is within the law, what is there to pre vent some man whose wealth happens ' to bo ten times as great as yours, from spending under like circum stances $50,000, and is not the law by your procedure deliberately assas sinated? Ca.oltal and Lalxr. "The people, too, would like to have I think, a complete explanation ot the basic reasons for your change of front in the last legislature, upon the Dlmick bill looking toward improved conditions In the Oregon City paper mills. Men are now thinking of Law rence, Mass. If you found Justifica tion In placing the interests of capital above labor then, is It not fair to con clude that you will do the same thing lu the federal senate? "The land owners of the state would like to listen to your eloquence upon tho very vital subject of the single tax: and upon the moral responsibility W the People's Power league, of which you have long been president, for the adoption of that mistaken con stitutional amendment, which makes the danger 'of the single tax in our counties a very imminent one. "Never do I permit political differ ences to interfere with my personal relations with men, and I guarantee you courteous treatment. Let us not take ourselves too seriously. There is no monumental demand for the services of either you, or me, or Mor ton, or Bourne. We are fill candidates however, and we have a right to be candidates, the Oregonian to the con trary, notwithstanding as to Bourne, Morton and myself. We are a'l ask ing support for an exalted position. Let us play the game in tne open, Hon estly and without deceit." Uliuls If LIISM t bbiy The grocery department in many stores is run on a very narrow basis', some dealers seem ingly think that any old tiling is good enough 1o eat, and that low prices are tho chief consider ation in grocery selling. True, low prices arc important they have helped us to win a big grocery trade, hut we consider quality first. Then fore you can rely on it that all groceries sold here aro pure and wholesome. j JERSEY CREAM $1.00 DOZ. i FULL LINE FRESH GARDEN SEEDS AND OXIOX SETS. HE HAN SCHOOL OF CRIME. Man Taught Son to Steal and Prison Holds Doth. San Quentln, Cal A father and son aro in prison here' to serve fifteen years each for burglay, and it Is be lieved to be tho firs'- time in the his tory of the state prison records In California that a father and son fig ured in such a unique episode. The prisoners are Nelson Primrose, tho father, and Edwin Primrose, his son. Both pleaded guilty to commit ting a series of robberies. Tho elder Primrose apparently con ducted a school of crime for his twin sons and their associates, who are still in their early twenties The case Is one of the most unique in tho crim inal records of this country. EXT. FAXCY SPITZEXBURG APPLES. FULL LINE FAXCY AMERICAN AXD IMPORTED CHEESE. The Place to Buy What You Eat SXOW BALL CAULIFLOWER FAXCY RHUBARB FAXCY LARGE FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT 20 EACn. FANCY WHITE ASPARAGUS FAXCY HEAD LETTUCE FAXCY BLOATERS 40 FAXCY MACKEREL, 2 for. 25 Tho Grocery stock is only one of the several important departments in this store, and therefore we deiend uon it for but a portion of our profits. This enables us to sell pure food products at close prices. SAYE YOUR "S. & II. STAMPS. Alexanders Deo't. Stor Bring your "S. & II." green stamps to our bij premium parlor. We save you money on - every purchase. Ww'uvw the syncopated theme of the opera, "The, Girl of the Golden West." "There Is the same dythm. the same notation, only the key is different," he maintains. "This is a very odd co incidence, and yet the history of mu sic is full of such coincidences. One composer writes something he be lieves to be original and discovers that another part of the world has produced the selfsame melody at about the same time." TRIPLETS CELEBRATE THEIR 70TII BIRTHDAY Chester Pa. There was observed here the seventieth anniversary of three prominent members of the So ciety of Friends, two sisters and a brother, who were born triplets Feb- uary 24, 184 2. The sisters are Mrs. Rachel P. West Leys and Miss Kate D. West of Xo. 319 Broad street, this city. The brother is Elias H. West of Upland. All are enjoying excellent health. The anniversary was observed with a private little dinner In their honor at the home of a relative, Mrs. Lillian II. Mais, Xo. 516 East Broad street Mr. West and his sisters are de scendants of one of the oldest fam ilies In Delaware county. They were born at Shepherd's Plain, in the home built more than 200 years ago, orig inally owned by their great-grandfather, Samuel West, and later by their parents, William and Martha D. West. The house still stands. Elias IT. West still lives In a house on the original property. . Why Salves Can't Cure Eczema Since the old-fashioned theory of cur ing eczema through the blood has been given up by scientists, many different salves have been tried for skin diseases, lint It has been found that these salves oulv clog the pores and cannot penetrate to the inner skin below the epidermis where the eczema germs are lodged. This the quality of penetrating probably explains the tremendous suc cess of the well known liquid eczema remedy, oil of winterqreen, thymol, glyr rerine, etc., as compounded in D.D.D. prescription. We have sold other remedies for skin troubles but none that we can recom mend as highly as this for we know that D.D.D. stops the itch at once. We can give you a trial size bottle for 25 cents that will be enough to prove it Of course all other drugelsts have D.D.D. Prescription go to them it you can't come to us hut don't accept some big rrofit substitute. But if you come to our store, we are so certain of what P.P.U. will do for you that we offer you n full size bottle on this guarantee: If you do not find that it takes away the Itch AT OXCE, it costs you not a cent TALLMAX & COMPANY. Benjamin West, the celebrated painter, was a brother of William West, great-grandfather of the trio. TWO BIG MEN NOT DEAD. Augusta, Ga. Robert T. Lincoln, former secretary of war, was greatly surprised to learn that a report was current in Chicago that he had died in the afternoon. "I am not dead," said Lincoln, "and I hope the event Is still far off." Lincoln played golf all the after noon and seemed in good health. On the links he met John D. Rockefeller, a report of whose death caused ex citement in New York. Every Woman Is Interested and should know about the wonderful i MARVEL Whirling Sprits The new Vaginal Syringe. Best most convenient. It Cleanses Instantly. msm xv i : )s Ask your druggist for it If be cannot suddIv thj MARVEL, accept no otheiN but send stamp for illustrated book sealed. It fives full particu lar and directions invaluableto ladies. MUa CO.. 44 bit 23a f tract. New Tars BROWN'S Bronchial Troches Save the voice tn all kinds of weather. Invalua ble M singers and speakers for clearing the voice. There is nothing more ettectivefor Throat Irrita tion, Hoarseness ami Coughs. Sixty years repu tation. Sold onlyin boxes. Samiilemailecl free .lOUS I. RKOWX & SON'. Hoston, Mass. Effigy1 Phone Koptttke & aillanders, for dry wood and Rock Spring coal. MADE QI EEN OF REALTY. Viscountess Curwm to Give Prizes nt Khnkesenronii Tournament. London. Viscountess Curzon. daughter in law of Lord Howe, has been chosen Queen of Beauty for the Eglinton tournament, the chief fea ture of the Shakespeare English fes tival which Is to be produced by Mrs. Cornwallis West at Earlscourt next summer for the benefit of the Shake spear memorial fund. There aro to be Jousts, tlltin and other competi tions, and the victors will receive their laurels from ths Queen of Beauty. KAGTIME IS IN OPERA. Alexander Band am! Girl of Golden West Have Suie Theme. Boston. Felix W. Ingartner, the famous Viennese conductor, who was imported by Director Russell of tho Boston opera-house,, has made a dis covery of some magnitude. It Is that "Alexander's Ragtim Band," the new national anthem, Is note for note like Reinforced Concrete See my many beautiful de signs for Basements, House Foundations, Walls, Fences. Curbing, Building Trim mings and Cemetery Fences. They grow stronger with ago. mm iw Concrete Blocks Concrete Blocks and re-in-forced concrete are cheaper and far more satisfactory. Make prettier work when finished and give the great est comfort in either hot or cold weather. When You Build it of Concretj, Ycu need to Build but once Estimates Furnished on Application Phone Black 3786. D.A.MAY Pend let on, Oregon. Contractor and Builder of all kinds of Concrete Work. IS 3C