EIGIIT PAGES DAILY EAST OREQOJnAN, PENDLETON", OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, im-2. PAGE TDTREE HEWS OF PILOT (Special CorreHpondence.) Pilot Koek, Ore., Feb. 29. The Miweg Gertrude Mathews, Myrtle Wextgate, Georgia Jaques and Hazel IleltH, who are attending school at Pendleton, spent Sunduy at Pilot ltock. "Bub" Mathews was a visitor at Pendleton over Sunday. ' Ed Westgate drove down to Pen dleton Saturday returning, home that night. Alta Smith of Pendleton spent Sunday In Pilot Hock with her par OtltB. The Messrs. Henry and Oscar Ow ing spent Monday evening In Pendle ton on business. . Knrl Shear left Monday evening for Portland, where he will make his fu ture home. Frank Humphrey of Pendleton spent Sunday In Pilot Rock with friends. M. D. Orange was a visitor at Pen dleton Wednesday last. Maude Mathews of Stewart creek, spent Monday afternoon at Pilot Rock. George Carnes left Tuesday evening for California, where he will visit for a few weeks. t- Mrs. George Carnes was a visitor In Pendleton Tuesday evening. Miss Gertrude Done was a passen ger on the Tuesday evening local for Pendleton. , Dr. Lleuallen was a visitor at Pen dleton Tuesday. Lewis Mathews left Tuesday even ing for Walla WaKa, where he will have his arm doctored. Adam Llnsner returned from Pen dleton Tuesday morning where he has been spending a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and chil dren spent Tuesday evening in Pen dleton. Mr. and Mrs. William Evans were business visitors at the county seat Tuesday. Douglas Belts spent Tuesday eve ning In Pendleton. The homeseekers will soon come pouring In again. Treat them well. . BETTER TOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN THAN CASTOR OH, SALT3.0R PILLS, AS IT SWEETENS AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM MORE EFFICIENTLY AND IS FAR MORE PLEASANT TO TAKE. YfflJPfFlGS-KIRENNA 15 THE IDEAL FAMILY LAXATIVE, AS IT GIVES SATISFACTION TO ALL, IS ALWAYS BENEFICIAL IN ITS EFFECTS AND PERFECTLY SAFE AT ALL TIMES. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. In tfie Circfe, on everij Pacfca&e of the Genuine. ALL RELIABLE DRUGGISTS SELL THE ORIGINAL AND CENUINE WHEN CALLED FOR, ALTHOUGH THEV COULD MAKE A LARGER PROFIT BY SELLING INFERIOR PREPARA TIONS, YET THEY PREFER TO SELL THE GENUINE. BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT TO DO SO AND FOR THE GOOD OF THEIR CUSTOMERS. WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINES, SUCH DRUGGISTS ARE THE ONES TO DEAL WITH, AS YOUR LIFE OR HEALTH MAY AT SOME TIME DEPEND UPON THEM SKILL AND RELIABILITY WHEN BUYING Note tfw M Name of the Gompan rjiii.i.Tiua juiw.iii.Tj.n J. Ill- JH.1I.J-. 1 !- PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS.NEAR THE BOTTOM, AND IN THE CIRCLE.NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACK AGE.OF THE CENUINE. ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING ' ORUCCISTS. RECULAR PRICE SOc PER BOTTLE., SYRUP OF F1C3 AND ELIXIR OF SENNA IS THE ONLY PERFECT FAMILY LAXATIVE, SCAUSE IT IS THE ONE REMEDY WHICH ACTS IN A NATURAL, STRENGTHENING WAY AND CLEANSES THE SYSTEM. WITHOUT UNPLEASANT AFTER-EFFECTS AND WITHOUT IRRITATING, DEBILITATING OR GRIPING, AND THEREFORE DOES NOT INTERFERE IN ANY WAY WITH BUSINESS OR PLEASURE. IT IS RECOMMENDED BY MILLIONS OF WELL- 1 , INFORMED FAMILIES, WHO KNOW OF ITS VALUE FROM PERSONAL USE. TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE; MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ' TSSBM-. mm H j-torTAnrsTrx tu ; 1 . 1CF.NT. Of ALCOHOL il I1 S "it WOir'Uif tOM, Jl jl ' j "mumiuai cotsnpnno, i jj j l(Aim)wunc"sYRiJPHlJ MINIATURE PICTURE CONVERTED EX-OONVICT ' V, cry Ex-Convict "Billy EaBtman." For fifteen years a convicted felon behind steel bars, "Billy" Eastman, the converted ex-convict, is now tour ing the country on a mission of re form and he will address an audience tonight at 8 o'clock in the Methodist church. With him is W. G. M'Laren, superintendent of the Pacific Coast Rescue and Protective association, who has been in the work of uplift for many years. ,. Eastman has the distinction, unde sirable though tt may be, of having been the first prisoner sent to the Washington. stat penitentiary after It 'Was established at Walla Walla, but his record as a convict is not con fined to that prison. He has served terms In four other "pens," at Deer Lodge, Montana, at Carson City, Ne vada, at Tuma, Arizona, and at Mc Neils Island, the federal prison in Washington. It was while at this last place that he was converted and dur- the last three years of his final teiYn. he preached to his fellow convicts. He has been out a little more'than a year and a half now and In that time he has converted hundreds of people to the ways of God and has been In strumental In saving many others from lives of crime. Eastman and McLaren come here fresh from a crusade against vice In Huntington. Spending a week in that city dressed in rough laborer's clothes they mingled with the habitues of saloons and brothels of vice and se cured direct evidence of the viola tion of the laws. As a result of their crusade, the saloons are now com pelled to close on Sunday, the slot machines and gambling tables have been closed down and the many pros tttutes who plied their trade openly have been driven from the city. Eastman will "be attired In his con vict stripes tonight when he addresses the public and will tell something of his own fifteen years experience as a forger, yeggman and all around criminal. NO AVOXDElt EGGS AUE 1IIG1I. Farmer In Xew York StaU? Feeds Ills IIciih on Diamond Stick Pins. Vew York. The hleh cost of eggs In Elmfoord, X. Y., was party explain ed recently when a neighbor found one of George Fox's hens with a di amond stick pin -In its beak. Fox sells eggs to the Klmford cor ner grocery store, but it was never suspected , that he fed diamonds to his hens to keep up the price of eggs. When the neighbor returned the stickpin Fox explained that when he went out to feed the chickens In the mornine he forgot to put the clasp on the pin and It no doubt fell in the yard. The hen, knowing a good thing tried to swallow it, but the point stuck in its throat. Fox promised that eggs will drop In price. A heavy cold in tne lungs that was expected to cure Itself has been the starting point in many cases of dis ease that ended fatally. The sensible course is to take frequent doses of BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP It checks the progress of the disord er and assists nature to restore nor mal conditions. Price 25c, 60c and SI. 00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. GOATS DO WELL IX BUISII. Raisers Become so Xunwrous Angora Society May IK" Formed. Klickitat, Wash. Goat raising is growing in favor in the Klickitat river country. Then years ago Rev. Mr. Hylton, who came from Virginia and located In a brushy section, procured Angora goats, which made It possible for the pioneer of the section soon to have neighbors. The Hylton place, south of Apple- ton, Is five miles northwest of this point. Hylton and his sons found the goats useful in other ways than as land cleaners. Mohair growing ap pears to them to give a sure return every year. Goat venison is said to excel that of the much-sought deer, often seen grazing with the Hylton goats. Goat meat Is not so stringy and dry as deer, tout has a tender and juicy flavor more palatable than mut ton. Today ten of Hylton's neighbors are engaged in goat growing and the In dustry is becoming more popular. LIES IX tXitTlX HE MADE 20 YEARS AGO Eccentrlo GciiIiih WIwj Invented Many Article Hurled In Old Home. Candalia, Mo, Lying in the coffin he had made, the body of Colonel D. W. Hughes, .a former citizen of Van dalla. Mo., was brought here from Ohio and laid to rest in the Vandaiia cemetery. . Co!onel Hughes, who was an eccen tric man, 80 years old, built hl cof fin over twenty years ago. while in an undertaking business here, and kept it in his rooms until he left Vandaiia, when his wife died a few years ago. The care of his coffin was then surrendered to W. S. Waters, a local furniture man and undertaker, and In his establishment had been kept. On hl visits back to Vanda'la, Colonel Hughes looked after his cof fin and amused himself by lying down In it many times. That the thought of it was not tinctured with any horror is shown by the spirit he maintained while measuring his length in its depth. The coffin is a splendid ' piece of workmanship, and cost Colonel Hughes many months of labor. It is constructed of one and one-half inch wa'.nut andoak, in combination. Along the center, mid way between the top and bottom, is a hand coping of oak. A groove on the underside provides a grip for the hand. Around the casket, on the upppr edge and inside. Is fixed a light, hollow gum tube, and when the cover is placed and pressed down by drawn hooks, it Is rendered airtight and waterproof. The casket weighs over 300 pounds. i CASCARETS USER . EVER HAS HEADACHE A 10-(cnt Rox Will Kee,o Your Mrer Stomach and ItowelM Clean, Pure and Frcli fur Months, Sick headache, biliousness, dizzi ness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath always trace them to torpid liver, delayed fermenting food In the bowels or sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged In the Intestines, instead or being cast out of the system Is re-absorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue. It causes con gestion and that dull, throbbing, sickening headache. Salts, cathartic pills, oil and pur gative waters force a passageway for a day or two yes but they don't take the poisons out and have no ef fect upon the liver or stomach. Cascarets immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the fystem all the decomposed waste matter and poisons in the Intestines and bowels. A Cascaret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist means inside cleanliness and a dear head for months Ask any of the millions 'of Cascaret users if they ever have headache. Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor exercise. Insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, wor ry and anxiety, are the most common causes of stomach troubles. Correct your habits and take Chamberlain's Stomach end liver Tablets and you will Bon be well again. For sale by all dealers. ' hoy is kilij:d BY TALL FROM WAGOX When her child Is in danger a wo man will risk her life to protect it. No great act of heroism or risk of life Is necessary to protect a child from croup. Give Chamberlain's Remedy and all danger Is avoided. For sale by all dealers. Keeping a husband in hot water is a poor way to preserve him. Mohler, Wash. The 10-year-old son of Edgar Williams lived only half an hour after being violently thrown from a wagon to the frozen ground. Mr. Williams while driving a four horse team lost control of the lead ers and In the confusion that follow ed he and the boy were thrown to the earth. The child expired before a doctor could reach the scene of the accident. Mr. Williams was not In jured.- Von are Drobablv aware that pneu monia always results from a cold, but you never heard of a cold resulting in pneumonia when Chamberlain's Cnueh Remedv was used. Why take the risk when this remedy may be had for a trifle. For sale by all deal ers. When Teddy speaks, stocks tumble In Wall stree. The stock gamblers of Wall stree are the most easily scared people on earth. Jl'DGE XOT OX TIME; DEAD. For Twenty Years Always Appeared on Bench at 10 O'clock Exactly. Ottawa, Kas The hands of the clock In the court of Justice Hobert A. Richards showed it was Just two minutes of 10 when the constable rapped for order and formally open ed court. The qudge had not arrived yet. but In the twenty years he had held court he had never been known to be late, and the bailiff felt no fear that he would not be on the bench by exactly 10 o'clock. When the two minutes had passed and the Justice had not appeared the officer felt little concern, but when the hands of the clock moved around to the quarter, and then the half hour he began an investigation. He learned Justice Richards had been found dead In bed a short time before. Justice Richards was seventy-one years old and a bachelor. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on to the affectsd parts Is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains In the side or chest give it a trial and you are cer tain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which It affords. Sold by all dealers. Ei&m Special! fekig That Are Now Being Offered by the K-.tg Cta the Inland Empires Greatest Paper We arc mnkino; you several offcw,-miRl.t l etter Lo called Rifta-below that should appeal to .XIJ "Wit, clean newsy newspaper-one that may bo safely read by the AND NOW WE ARE GOING TO GIVE EVEN MORE-TO STRETCH A PO NT . . , . ,7 , i i ir t. i i ft , M We a chanco to make the home by lamplight even brighter, and gain a little social We are giving you your choice of six of the lest special offers ever heard of. Read each offer carefully Here is a cnanco to ma w j y happiness and contentment such as makes "Home Sweet Home." rt rf the country be it city, county, state,, nation or world, you could not choose a If you wish to keep just a little closer in touch with local happenings, or with what is transp ring in any part ot the ' ntry, ue u " th that' r;ntg the new8 the day better and safer method than by obtaining that information through the columns of the East Oregoman, the official county and homo paper of Umatilla count the paper prints ne y it happens the leading paper in prestige, and circulation in Oregon, east of Portland.' the Best, Stories by the Best Authors, and all the News the Day it Happens Good Reading for the Entire Family-6 Extraordinary Offers L m m m mmm m SPECIAL OFFER. "A" Sunset-Pacific Monthly with Daily East Oregonian oneyear paid in advance, new subscribers or renewals Sj5j.oO Regular Price Sunset-Pacific- Monthly $1.50 Regular Price Daily East Oregonian by mail 5.00 Total .$0.50 SPECIAL OFFER "B" The Sunset-Pacific Monthly and Semi-Weekly E. O. one year paid in advance, new subscribers or renewals $2.00 Regular Price Sunset-Pacific Monthly $1-50 Regular Price Semi-Weekly East Oregonian 1.50 Total -$3.00 Please State if New or Renewal. East Oregonian Pub. Co., Pendleton, Oregon. Enclosed find $ for which please send your Snecial Offer. : : to the following addreaa: Name : '- Address Cut Out and Mail Us Today. All the News of the World and Home Contained in the Two Leading Papers for the Price of One. SPECIAL OFFER "C" The Weekly Inter Ocean and Fanner with Daily East Oregon ian by mail one year paid in advance, new subscribers or ,e- newais ?! ?5'00 ' Regular price Weekly Inter Ocean 'and Farmer, one year $1.00 Regular price Daily East Oregonian by mail, one year 5.00 Total ..$6.00 SPECIAL OFFER. "D" The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer with Semi-Weekly East .Oregonian one year paid in advance, new subscribers and re newals : ?150 Regular price Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer, one year $1.00 Regular price Semi-Weekly East Oregonian, one year 1.50 Total $2.5 SEMI-WEEKLY . OREGON JOURNAL AND SEMI-WEEKLY EAST OREGONIAN Both Papers One Year f( Paid in Advance . . ip.W "SPECIAL OFFER "E" Regular price Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal, by maiL$1.50 Regular price Semi-Weekly East Oregonian, by mail 1.50 Total $3.00 Our price of $2.00 saves you $1.00 and i3 for both new and old subscribers. SPECIAL OFFER "F" Weekly Portland Oregonian and Semi-Weekly East Oregon ian, both papers for 2.00 Regular Price Weekly Portland Oregonian $1.50 Regular Prico Semi-Weekly East Oregonian 1.50 $3.00 Our price of 2.00 saves you $1.00 and ia for both old and new subscribers. East Oregonian subscribers can come to the East Oregonian polled to pay by dealing with the publishers direct. office and subscribe for any newspaper, magazine or periodical published, and they will bo charged less than they would be com-