.13-'-. ,.ir.-V- . . . . PACE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONTAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1912 EIGTIT PAGES Our Famous Shoe Dep't FOR MEN We are showing abso lutely the best line of shoes ever brought to Pendle ton. At ?6 and ?G.50 wo show the Johnston-Murphy bench made shoos. They aro positively the most satisfactory shoos you can buy ; they fit per fectly ; they are easier on your feet than any other make of shoe. The leather used is the best procur able. These shoes come in plain lace, blucher and button ; in high top and oxfords, tan and black. Our Great Alteration Sale Affords Unparalled Economies in Our Women's Ready-to- Wear Department on Second Floor We are repainting, moving and bettering our upstairs departments, making them better onen than they ever were before, and you know our Ready-to-Wear Department and our Art Department, have always been the biggest and best in Pendleton. The latest styles are always shown here first. You'll always find the best values here too. We guarantee abso lute satisfaction or your' money cheerfully refunded. During this sale the following prices will prevail: We Give the Old Reliable T. P. W. Trading Stamps They mean an actual saving to you of ex actly 5 per cent of .your cash or thirty day purchases. Just think what it would mean to you, if by some means you could increase your salary or income per cent. Think of the extra things you could have. These stamps mean just as much to you. If you don't already save T. P. W. trading stamps, begin now. . . BY EXPRESS this morning, a big lot of Fancy Silks, in waist lengths. "Irredescent Silks" in dress lengths, just the very kind you want, in any number of colors and combinations. Prices 85 to $1.35 vard. Come in. take a look. XO TROUBLE TO SHOW. THE PEOPLES SaveYour Trading Stamps At $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, and $5.00 we have the celebrated Brocton Co-operative line, known everywhere for their great wear ing Qualities. Every new and desirable last is here. Tan and bhick, patent leather, viei. sun metal, etc. Oxfords and high tops, lace, blucher and button. Come and let us show you the greatest lines in America, at economical prices.' Shoe satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheerfully refunded. WAREHOUSE Where It Pays To Trade SPLENDID LECTURE I The Pendleton people have been most fortunate in securing Dr. Pres ton W. Search, the eminent traveler and art critic for two of his remark able lectures, which will be given at the city hall auditorium on Friday and Saturday evenings of this week Tomorrow night's subject will be "Beautiful Sunny Italy." Italy of all lands Is the one most ' attractive to the traveler and lover of the beautiful. Not only are the historic, and the art, literary and classic interests the greatest, but Its superb scenic beauty has been the inspiration of poets and artists in all ages "O, Italia, thou hast the ra tal gift of beauty," sang Byron, and Mrs. Browning ever more enchant ingly cried: "Open my heart and you will see In scribed therein, "Italy." This lecture of tomorrow night, it Is said, avoids the usual paths of travelers and takes the audience in to the superb beauty of the south, where every glimpse is one of en chantment and the music of "Italia Beloved" swells on every breeze. Ve suvius and the unsurpassable Bay of Naples will be visited; also the mag ical Isle of Capri, the wonderful Blue Grotto, and charming Corrento. Then wi:j come an entrancing ride along the Italian Rivera, said to be the fin tst ride in the world. The lecture will be especially rich in a realistic representation of the destruction of Pompeii. Dr. Search's own work in this buried city will be presented in beautiful colored pic tures. There never has been any land of such commingled beauty and distraction, of despair arid hope, with loves so deeply depicted in immortal song as Southern Italy The lecture Of tomorrow night will be a glorious presentation and should be attended by every lover of the beautiful. JACK FKOST AS A POISON KK. CrsokH Bottle in WlwMitiln Home; Con tenia Lnk Into Food. Maiden Kock, Wis. Shortly after having eaten some food, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carpenter and two children, living near Stockholm, became vi olently III with symptom of poison ing. Only hard work of a physician saved their lives. It waa afterwards discovered that a bottle which was kept on an upper shelf of the pantry and which con tained a quack grass exterminator, has been cracked by the frost and some of the contents had leaked on the food. $2.50 BKIDK COSTS $10. Vrcmitrr KloAh-d Forty Mile and C Sum-$1 Miksgo for F Leamington, Canada. Charles Mc GUI, who left early In December for 41 -'Mr? SH-no from Tlio f;ir from Kortor's ut the C1 Tln-ntor, Mnrcli 2. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS , Onlum. Vitugraph feature for Friday and Saturday, 1. "Two Wolves and a Lamb " Vitagraph feature film. This picture makes us understand ourselves and others. There is not a disappointing thing in It. A pretty stenographer , of two unscrupulous sharpers prevents them from fleecing a prospective vic tim. X story that thrills with both Sove and dramatic interest, It acts as a w-arning to the unwary and in-. experienced in business transactions. 2. "The Foster Sister." C. G. P. C. A little baby 'girl Is left by Its rich father In the hands of peasants. She grows up and falls In love with the peasant's son. When her father returns to bring about a wealthy match for her she Insists upon wed ding the man of her choice. " 3. "Jack and the Beanstalk.' Edison. A fairy tale, as familiar In the homes as a household word, un wonderful baritone, at the Grand to night. . . Taft breaking ground for the great Panama-Pacific International expo sition at the Grand toright. Cain and Able Biblical story at the Grand, AT THE OREGON THEATRE In "The Girl from Hector's," at the Oregon theater, Saturday night, March 2, Marcla Singleton is engaged to a stupid, elderly cousin of Richard, a professor whose past would have appealed to the most cultured audi ence. Richard skilfully manages to end that engagement and bring about his own. He drives Colonel Andrew Tandy out of his rooms and good luck takes Miss Sedaine off on a supposed visit to her father, a Grand Army vet eran, in Buffalo, where she spends a few months each year. Richard hies himself to Battle Creek and ar- foldlng the adventures of Jack, hl.Tgemen,t8 5 ,orward Jr Jhe mfur iinfic uiiu tut? Bieiieta buili iiuiii uib triumphant return from the mystic height of the beanstalk, with the gi ant's ill-gotten treasures. The pho tographic work in showing the also of the giant and his wife, is little short of wonderful. 4. "Brave .and Bold." Biograph. It takes a brave man to set calmly in a dental chair and have the heart less knight of the forceps project through one's maxillary ivory. Mr. Blowhard is relating his great deeds of daring to a party of admiring friends, when he is seized with ' a toothache. He spurns the liquid pain killer proffered. by his wife, and rush es bravely to the dentist to have the' aching molar yanked, but, oh, well 5. "Did Mother Get Her Wish?" Biograph. Mamma desired a rich husband for her daughter, Nellie, and so Tom, who was simply a clerk was by no means her choice, though he was Nellie's. Don't miss seeing how they outwitted mamma. east to the west. The complications begin at the same time. Mrs. Cop ley's husband, the general, Is thought to be In Martinique looking after ex tensive plantations, but he is to re turn in time for the wedding. An other guest at the Copley home Is Judge Caperton of the' American court at Shanghai, who spends ten months of the year abroad, leaving his wife to travel In America. Gen eral Copley turns out to be none oth er than Colonel Tandy. "The Girl" Is Mrs. Caperton, the charity- worker. In the closing scene all dine at French Charlie's and Richard Is put In a most trying position. Pro- The lnwtlmo. The home of goo-i pictures gram for Friday's change: ' "The Story of Rosie's Rose." Lu bin. How a coquette learned in the wiles and ways of winning men, car ried her game too far. Replete with stirring scenes, including a fight at sea, the capsizing of a boat and a during rescue and love's triumph. "The Old BoiUckeeper." Biograph A story of heart Interest. Distinct and clear is the recompense of kind ness bestowed. A story sure to prove lasting In the minds of all who see It "Untie Ned's Diplomacy." Kosmik A pleasant comedy, telling of fhe ,love between a young man and ,an actress, of his mother's distress 4nd how her brother, the lad's uncle, helped on the match while he hood winked his sistr. "The Squaw Man's Revenge." West ern Pathe. A remarkable story of western life, full of thrills from start to finish. No. 1 Where the River Shannon Flows. Two-step. J. I. Rusael. No. 2 Angel Eyes. Two-step Kendis & Paley. No. 4 Be Jolly, Molly. Two-step A. Plantadosl. No. 3 Good Bye. Girlie, and Re member Me. Two-step. O. W. My er. No. 5 I'll Be Your Honey When Its Moonlight. Two-step. Jos. E. Howard. the Newfoundland oil fields as driller sent a descriptive and Interesting let ter to a Leamington friend. Among other things he described a native wedding. The bride was bought for $2.50, about the price of an ordinary mink skin, but when it came to the preach er there was a different story. He had to travel forty miles by dog sled to perform the ceremony and the husband was assessed $40, or Just a dollar a mile. ECHO GIRL TO IG0I1 (Specla4 Correspondence.) Echo, Ore., Feb. 29. A very pretty wedding occurred here on Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. C. Stockdale when Merrll Doble of Irrlgon and Jennie Stockdale were united In mar riage. Rev. F. E. Finley performed the ceremony. Only relatives and a few intimate friends were present. Mr. and Mrs. Doble left on the early train Wednesday morning for . their future home at Irrlgon. Mrs. Frank Heater of The Dulles Is here visiting with MIhs Avis Gaunt. E. Ripper and L. B. Wells were business visitors at the county seat yesterday. Travis and Ben Hosklns left for their home at Walla Walla yesterday after a short visit here with relatives. Mrs. J. Hafstead returned home this week from a five weeks' visit with relatives and friends at Port' land. Ore., and North Yakima, Wash Wilfred McFall left this morning for Pendleton where he has, accepted a position with the Peop'es Ware house as manager of he grocery dc partmeut. J. B. Saylor left this morning for his home at Freewater. SHOE IJITTOXS CUKE I'AIX. Man FimU the KHstdiorH Just tin (iXHl as tlk Pills He Wanted. Middlebourne, W. Va. Roused in his sleep in the dead of the night from Intense pain caused by acute indiges tion', T. P. Swan, road commissioner. went to the cupboard, where the pills were usually kept, and, finding a box, swallowed three of the pellets. After taking the supposed pills. Ewan seated himself in a chair and In a few minutes the pain wore off. He went to bed and was not bother ed with the pain again until morn ing. He went to take a second doso of the bills. Then he discovered that three shoe buttons were missing from a small box and that the pill box was untouched. How to euro a cold Is a question In which many are interested Just now. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won Its great reputation and Immense sale by Its remarkable cure of colds. It can always be depended upon. For sale by all dealers. . FUNERAL OF BASEBALL CAT. Children of tlie Neighborhood, Turned Out En Masse for Buriul, New York. Children living In the vicinity of Horton avenue, New Ro chelle, are mourning the death of their playmate, Blackie, a large black Maltest cat, that could play baseball and was owned by Police Sergeant George P. Smith. Thep planned a funeral In which every child in the neighborhood took part. The children made a coffin out of a box, covered and lined It with' white silk, and carried it on. a catafalque made from a boy's express wagon, draped with white cloth. They bu rled him In Smith's back yard. A scald, turn, or severe cut heals slowly If neglected. The family that keeps a bottle of BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT on hand is always pre pared for 'such accidents. Price' 25c. 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppon & Bros. A good thing about summer Is your appreciating It when the mer cury is flirting with' the zero mark. The. Cosy. For Wednesday and Thursday powerful Ambrosia drama and some good comedies. "The Burden of Shame " Ambro sia. A very strong dramatic story of the results of an attempted elope ment. The automobile went over i cliff with realistic effects. Beautiful lycoiore dandact edin superb The Chinese Smugglers." Bison A graphic story of the illegal smug sling of Chlnrse in the United States. Scenes laid on the Pacific coast. "Four Yale Men." Powers. A col lege friendship picture of tho old clnfs leunion. "Back to His Old Home Town." Imp. The funny things that hap pened to a in;in who was mistaken for a moving picture actor. Shows how a moving picture is made. "Twredledums Financial Distress." Ar.ibrosia. The comical way in which this comedian relieved, his "broke" condition. "Playing the game." Imp. Amus ing story of a lazy man and a game of golf. At the (irand Tonight. Ed Keith in the latest song hits, bright monologues and original par odies. Louis Jones, buck wing dancer. Blanche Clifton In song and dance. Ed Shaw, the clown comedian. Don't fail to hear Ed Keith the ' HANDICAPPED. Hits I tlio Cnso With Many Pendle ton People. Too many Pendleton citizens are handicapped with bad backs. The unceasing pain causes constant mis ery, making work a burden and stoop ing or lifting an Impossibility. The back aches at night, preventing re freshing rest and in the morning Is stiff and lame. Plasters and lini ments may give relief but cannot reach the cause. To eliminate the pa'ns and aches you must cure the kidneys. Duan's Kidney rills tre for sick kidneys. The following statement should con vince every Pendleton reader of their efficiency. Mrs. Thomas Burns, 803 W. Birch street, Walla Walla, Wash., says: My back caused me mi'ch suffering and It was almost Impossible for me to attend to my housework. The secre tions from my kidneys also bothered me a great deal and were very un natural. Soon after I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills these difficulties were relieved and my kidneys were restored to a normal condition. My relatives also think highly of Doan's Kidney Pills, having used them with benefit." For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, Sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. A woman never smiles more nat urally than when she wants to cry. v rariONT i ; mid -rare ILra I'M Wsiir. 1mm IsAk. WW Rmbmr. CtMck Hmnrntr. kfttv Imm, mu4 InimmMiif. ha tlAb tmmnKtim f tknt walk all mm arrth mmm taiwlNf imtfitm. CtMfnutDpM4UwMT.(iiPrK. St. George Cafe and Grill WHITE COOKS SERVICE FIRST-CLASS PRICES REASONABLE Hot Merchant's Lunch Daily From 1 1:30 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. FRENCH DINNER EVERT SUNDAY FROM 11 A. M. TO 8 P.' M. Open Day and Night Entrance on Webb St., or Through Hotel Lobby THE GREATEST SUCCESSFUL C "E OF ANY CHRONIC DISEASE WITHOUT THE KNIFE. See our patients testimony, Dee. 1st, 1911. I am glad to tell the publlo wha the Chinese Doctor did for me. I was nearly dead suffering from abcess tn the stomach and three Am erlcan doctors told me there was no 'hope for me except an operation which I felt woflld kill me. So we called Dr. Leo Citing Wo and tried his medicine and In two weeks I was out of danger. Took hU wonderful medicine four weeks more and am nearly well. I can cheerfully recommend hi remedy to any one whb is In need of a doctor, for he certainly saved my life. Mrs. Ida Herring, 216 West Alder St., Walla Walla, Washington. We receive testimonials from our patients dally whb have been cured. If you want to be cured, come and see us or If unable to come, write and enclose a two .cent stamp for symptom blank. Write without delay. Address: LEO CUING WO, CHINESE MEDICINE CO., 14 E. Main St., Walla Walla, Washington. uoutlovilSo TONIGHT - CS LP Si LTD dfl THEATRE re-opened under the former management that made the show-house so popular and gave to Pendleton the best acts In vaudeville and latest motion pictures. We Recommend Tonight's Program Doork Open at 7. Uusal Prices. FASTI g THEATRE CASS MATLOCK, Prop Best Pictures More Pictures Latest Pictures and illustrated songs in the city. . Shows afternoon and ere nings. Refined and enter taining for tho entire family. aSHMaMBWBBHSBBHWMBaaBBBMaMMSHBHSHBMM Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be Bure and see the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. PENDLETON'S POPU LAR PICTURE SHOW THE COSY Where the entire family can en. Joy a lilirh-clnss motion picture show with comfort. Fun, Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Evening. Change Sunday, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. Next Door to St. Georgw Tlotol. Admlsston' 5c and 10c Theatre J. P. MADERNACTI, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures For Men, Women and Children Program changes Snnday's, Tuesday's and Friday's t See Program in Today's Paper '1 v t - , ,,. MII ... .1 l 1 1 . .. . .... -