DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON", OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1012. EIGHT PAGES PAGE TWO. fat Now Going on in the Women's Ready-to- Wear Department We are remodeling, painting, re novating and improving our ready to-wear department preparing for the spring trade, and in placing our goods around in their new places we find we have entirely too much stock for this season of the year--tve positively must v in. i it 1 n ' ill 1 1 mm reduce our stock and in order to do so we are offering the follow ing remarkable low prices on the latest spring styles. PENDLETON'S Cleanest and Best Grocery In Our Model, Sanitary Basement Phone Main 17. All Other Depts. Main 22. Diamond V. Pure Maple Syrup, qt., 60; 1-2 pal., $1.00; gallon ?1.90 Pure Honev pt. 30 ; qt 60 ; 1-2 eal.,' $1.00 Comb Honey, 3 for 50 Olympic Pan Cake Flour, pei package 30 Self Rising Buckwheat Flour package 20 Kiln ' Dried Pure Buckwheat Flour, 10 Jb. sack : GO? Quaker Oat?, family size pack- . 30 pound 35 Snap?, 2 25 Cookies 10 30 aero : ... Eastern Corn Meal, sack 10 Fresh Crisp Ginger pounds Parker's Home Made package Cala Arab Candy Figs, lb, Diamond W. Extra Fancy Prunes package 35 Home Dried Apples, pound 15 Fancy Driel Peaches, 3 pounds Fancy Dried Pears, 3 pounds LOT 1. This lot is composed of a largo assortment of nifty suits ranging in price from $15 to $30 for one week these suits will go for only $8.98 LOT 2. Contains suits in black, navy, tan, green and fancy mixtures. Prices-from $19.95 to $35.00. Al teration sale HALF PRICE. Please remember that ever-one of these suit3 that we have been telling you about is a new one of 1912 spring style. $15.00 Alteration Sale . $11.95 $20.00 Alteration Sale $15.95 $25.00 Alteration Sale $19.95 $27.50 Alteration Sale $21.95 $30.00 Alteration Sale $23.95 $35.00 Alteration Sale : $27.95 ONE LOT OF COATS in tan, grev, navy and black. Prices $15.00 to $31.00. Alteration Sale choice ONE-HALF PRICE. CHILDREN'S COATS Caricul and Fancy Mixtures. Alteration Sale HALF PRICE. LADIES' DRESSES. Silk, Velvet and Wool. Prices $25.00 to $40.00. Alteration sale, HALF-PRICE. PONGEE SILKS Stand out in big favor again this season for the pretty dresses, waists and the like. Its the one cloth that gives satisfaction. We now have the best, biggest assortment of qualities in stock. Prices ranging from 65, 75, 85, $1.00 up to $1.50 yard. CLOTH OF GOLD. Just the very material for that long coat, one-piece dress, or anything of the like. Comes 3G inches wide at 1 , $1.50 Also one 3G inches wide, only heavier cloth, at $2.50 NO TROUBLE TO SHOW. 50 Good Raisins, in bulk, special por Ik 10 50 Grxxl Black Figs, special, per pound... 10 Save Your Trading Stamps ThePeoples Warehouse PENDLETON, OREGON Where It Pays to Trade ATM PICTURE SHOWS Orplicum. feature film for Tuesday's Kalem change: 1. "The O'Neill." . Kalem. A thrilling story of an Irish patriot, made In Ireland In authentic loca tions. This is one of the best and most exciting of the Kalem Irish productions. The leading role is played by Mr Jack Clark. Miss Oene Gauntler is seen in a charming char acter and Mr. Sid O'.cott portrays the part of an enfeebled old peasant In his usual convincing stylo, 2. "Broncho Billy's Adventure." Essanay. The ever-popular Bron cho Billy, played by that king of mo tion picture players, O. M. Anderson, meets with an adventure that you can spe.i with a oapital "A." This pic ture Is a sensation. Don't miss it. 3. "A Conspiracy Against the King." Edison. This is a spirited tale of old England, in which "Gal loping Dick" plays an important part. Although a highwayman, he Baves a young man from the conse quences of a rash action and brings him and his sweetheart together. 4. "Chumps." Vltagraph. This picture will produce the laughs in clumps, in fits and starts, and jumps It falrl ybeams with hilarious screams, covering the earth with ir resistible mirth. Yon will laugh your selves sick looking at Bunny and Mar shall P. Wilder in their impersona tions of the "Chumps," who spend their time and money on a girl whom they afterwards learn is already married. l. i imn nmV I i 'itim BuMi'iWim, into the crowd of weak, -weary, depressed; or are you filled with vitality and energy? Health is the founda tion of success. Nerves, Brain, and Body should be staunch dependable. Scott's Emulsion the best of food-tonics, is the firm footing for health. all DKuaaitTm 11-54 Tlio Pastime. The home of good pictures. - A classy program for Tuesday's change. "A Just Verdict." Lubln. A very dramatic story in which' a suicide uses a revolver which is engraved with the name of his daughter's sweet heart. A guest of the house, who is a somnambulist, walking In his sleep, falls over the suicide's body and on awakening believes that he has killed his host. Dean, the sweet heart is arrested for murder, but the mystery is cleared up in time to save his life. "Merely a Millionaire " Sell. Art absolutely original comedy drama. Depicting a laughable situation aris ing from af encounter between a tramp and a millionaire. "The Cowboy's Bride." Kalem. A romantic western story, with an elopement as the principal feature. The life of the picture is the numer ous difficulties which beset the girls father in his attempt to overtake them before they are married. "To Save Her Brother." Edison. A story of continuous interest and out of the ordinary. ' Musical program: No. 1 Alexander's Ragtime Band. Rag. Irving Berler. No. 2 Melody. Rag. R. Birch. No. 3 Fair Thee, Lizzie Lee. Rag C. N. Daniels. No. 4 Hallowe'en. Jack O'lantern. A. Manlowe. 5 Angle Worm Wiggle. Rag. Lorch. Rag. No. H. S. BEAU BREAKS FROM CAGE AX I) STARTS EXPLORING Claw Clothe Off Koeor: Eats l'hkkii; Cuffs Fanner; Xw He'll lio Stuffed. Elgin. Ill "Doc Bruin" of the city zoo broke out of his cage here and went on an exploring tour. It ended in his death, but not until he had clawed half the clothes off his keep er and after he had devoured the bent part of a flock of fifteen chickens belonging to a farmer and cuffed the farmer out of the chicken house when he was Interfered with. Thomas Dwyer, keeper of the zoo, chased the bear up a tree when he fcund him. The bear wouldn't come down, so Dwyer went up. He had a rope, but the bear did not want his company, and clawed at him several times, tearing nearly all his clothes off and finally pushing Dwyer out of the tree. Later he climbed down and next was heard of in the hen house on John Meyer's farm. , When Meyer found him, nearly ail the source of the Meyer household's egg supply had perished. The farmer sought to shoo the bear out of the coop with his hat. "Doc" resented the familiarity, cuffed the tormentor on the side of his head cutting a deep scalp wound and leaving several claw marks on Meyer's cheek. Incidentally the owner deserted the coop with some precipitation. He returned with a gun, however, and now the bear will be stuffed for the zoo. Dwyer was not seriously injured. The Industrious, honest poor deserving of a better chance. Tboro lo Only One "Bromo Quinine99 That lo Laxative Bromo Quinine THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLD M ORE OAT. Always remember the full name. Look nc ttti signature on ererj box. 25c. 61HA KING'S DOCTOR TO VISIT V. S. New York. Sir Bertrand Dawson of London, physician to King George will sail for America to spend several months In surgical studies on this side. Most of his time will be spent at Rochester, Minn., and in the Johns Hopkins hospital, in Baltimore. "America has surpassed Europe in surgical science," Sir Bertrand said, "and henceforth we must come to you to learn. It is time your methods re ceived universal adoption." A Obko of Kolf-PosHCssion. vvaiton Lackaye at a recent din ner at the Lambs was rather bored by a pompous layman who ventured In that community of wits to make a speech that was dull and intermin able, but perfectly self-possessed, be cause of the sheer egotism of the speaker. ' When he got through Lackaye said he would like to tell a story of which he had been reminded by the last speaker. Said he: "There were- two editors of rival papers out In a little town of Illi nois, and they spent most of their time writing mean squibs about each other. Unfortunately for one of them, he one day purchased a mule for his farm, Just out of town, where upon the rival newspaper printed the fact as a news item and commented on it as 'An Extraordinary Case of Self-Posseslon!" New Tork Herald. Tlio Cosy. For Wednesday and Thursday powerful Ambrosia drama and some good comedies. . "The Burden of Shame " Ambro sia. A very strong dramatic story of the results of an attempted elope ment. The automobile went over cliff with realistic effects. Beautlful- lycolore dandact edln superb The Chinese Smugglers." Bison A graphic story of the Illegal smug gllng of Chinese In the United States. Scenes laid on the Pacific coast. "Four Yale Men." Powers. A col lege friendship picture of the old class reunion. "Back to His Old Home Town Imp. The funny things that hap pened to a man who was mistaken for a moving picture actor. Shows how a moving picture is made. "Twecdledums Financial Distress." Ambrosia. The comical way in which this comedian relieved his "broke" condition. "Playing the game." Imp. Amus ing story of a lazy man and a game of golf. AT THE' OREGON THEATRE THE GIRL l'ROM RECTOR'S Coming to the Oregon theater, Sat urday night, March 2, is a comedy that has had reputation as being tho funniest ever produced In New York! Its long run demonstrated this as .a fact. It has been equally successful on the road and the management takes a pride in keeping the com pany up to Its first standard. One of tho best methods known to in terest the nubile in nnv thine one wished to bring before them is "What J Other People Say About It." So we reproduce copies of some notices as follows: Tlio Princess. A comedy, "The Girl from Rector's fu'.l of gay grotesquertes, drew a large audience to the Princess Theater last evening. And it contained laughter, through act after net, and If the vo ciferous curtain calls at the end of each act are genuine crlterlons of the merits of a farce comedy, then the Girl from Rector's quite justified Itself. It Is full of action find compli cated episodes, and these are enough to give a comedy adequate life. In short, "The Girl from Rector's" Is a bright farce, and for those who like that sort of thing, will give gen uine entertainment without In any way shocking the moral sensibilities. To enjoy It one must simply take the attitude of a tired man, loll back in the opera chair and let the merry whirl go on. Miss Katherine Reynore as Loute Sedaine, is certainly a well begotten creature and was charmingly naughty In her role. Richard O'ShaughneBsy ("Dicky Bird"), made the most of her part as the too-involved lover. But for capable acting in a part which could easily have become Idiotic rather than funny and grotesque. Professor Maboon surpassed his col leagues. The other members of the company were satisfactory In their roles. Scats go on sale at Pendleton Drug Co. SLY NEEDLE IX 1IEU ARM. It Got In Without Woman Knowing It Till Afterward. Altooia, Pa. After being treated for various ailments for eight months during which time she suffered In tense pain, an X-ray photogreph of Mrs. Margaret Myers' right forearm was taken, disclosing a sewing needle. Its presence in her arm she cannot account for, as she has no recollec tion of ever experiencing any pain until Inst June, when the arm began to swell, apparent without cause. The needle was cut out. RAKER TEACHER GIVEN HEATING RY PUPILS hits, par- At tlio Grand Tonlglit. Ed Keith in the latest song bright monologues and original odies. Louis Jones, buck wing dancer. Blanche Clifton in Song and dance. Ed Shaw, the clown comedian. Don't fail to hear Ed Keith the wonderful baritone, at the Grand to night. Taft breaking ground for the great Panama-Pacific International expo sition at the Grand tonight. Cain and Able Biblical story at the Grand. V. or O. CO-EDS TO DERATE WOMAN SUFFRAGE University of Oregon. Eugene, Ore. Women suffrage Is the subject for the dual co-ed debate betveen the Lnlverslty of Oregon and the Univer sity of Washington, scheduled to take place at Eugene on the first Friday in May. Great interest is taken In the annual forensic battle with Washington by the women at Oregon and already candidates for the team are studying on the question. The subject of suffrage Is an especially interesting one to the "Oregon stu dents as a thriving woman's suffrage club has been formed by some of the leading students and it is expected that there will be an unparalleled crowd in attendance at the debate whim it takes place. The dual debate league between Washington and Oregon Is one of the three such organizations in the Unit ed States. The Oregon lassies won the debate held at Eugene Inst year, while the grits from Washington Uni versity won the year before Tlio KklHOys ami tlio Skin. If the kidneys are weak or torpid, the skin will be pimply or blotchy. Hood's Sarsaparllla strengthens the kidneys, and clears the complexion. By thor oughly purifying the blood it makes good health. Baker, Or. A severe beating, fol lowed by 'the painting of a portion of his body, was administered to Pro fessor G. R. Mullen, Instructor In mathematics In the Baker high school, by five young men. Forced at tentions to young girls In school and otner acts on his part, are given ns the reason for the severe treatment. The noyg taking part In the job are members of well known families and are Leslie Finch, Lorlng Hyde, Rert Littlg. George McCord and Robert Finkelnberg. ALIMONY FOR HUSBAND. Woman Granted Divorce ami Must Pay SIO a Month to Man. Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Edna Hac-kett, aged 49, obtained a divorce from John Hackett, agt-d 63, on proving that was a habitual drunkard, and l court decreed that she should pay her husband $40 a month for his support as long ns he lived. The property of the couple, valued at $26,000, was nwardod to Mrs. Hackett. They're all progressives and State ment No. 1 men now. It's So Easy To End Catarrh Go to Tallman & Co. and say I want a HYOMEI outfit take It home open the box pour a few drops of HYOMEI from the bottle into the lit tle hard rubber 'inhaler breathe It for five minutes and note the refresh ing relief breathe It four . or five times a day for a few days and catarrh and all Its disgusting symptoms will gradually disappear. HYOMEI contains no opium, co caine or other harmful drug and Is sold on money back plan for catarrh asthma croup, colds, coughs and ca tarrhal deafness. Complete outfit 11.00 extra bottles if needed, 60 cents at Tallman & Co. and druggists everywhere. Simple Instructions for use in every package you can't fall to banish catarrh if you follow Instruction!. Ifaudouillo TONIGHT (S ip ai on gI THEATRE re-opened under the former management that made the show-house so popular and gave to Pendleton the best acts In vaudeville and latest motion pictures. We Recommend Tonight's Program Doors Open at 7, Uusal Prices. PASTIME THEATRE CASS MATLOCK, Prop Best Pictures More Pictures Latest Pictures and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and enter taining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be sure and see the next change. Adults 10c Children under 10 years, 5c. PENDLETON'S POPU LAR PICTURE SHOW - TME COSY Where the entire family can en joy a high-clans motion picture show with comfort. Fun, Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Evening. Cliangcs Sunday, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. Next Door to St. George Hotel. Admission 5c and 10c. Theatre J. P. MADERXACn, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures i F or Men, Women and Children Program changes Snnday's, Tuesday's and Friday's See Program in Today's Paper