East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 26, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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In if
Satoipsllay Evening Was au (Brand
A "fffaitrGood Music and Several Hundred Listeners, Everybody Was
Glad. Such an Array of Beautiful Premiums
Just Arrived another Lot of LADIES
Gome and see
We Have on Display This Week a
Complete Line - of
Just Received by Express This Morn
ing New High Black and Tan SHOES
Come and see
AuJxsiMfP s (Srasr&so DS(BpsiEfni3:.DimoDDaB: Sihnre
fej ifcJi fee! pfe i tei NSIfc'l S1 Nil N?3 Wwm :
MB' yfefeE iSsS iSSB (bataaj jBaSffi ftggsjj e& jfcsgligg fEai jlkaj ftadj Ife-5 I'yjfs '
Declares New Jersey Candidate for
Democratic Presidential Nomina
tion Has More Substantial Views
Than Others.
(By Colonel C. E. S. Wood In the
Oregon Journal.)
My preference among all tho can
didates, that have been named on
both sides Is Woodrow Wilson, and
the reason I prefer" him is that he
seems to be the only one who has a
decided constructive policy. I would
say the difference between a states
man and even a good laudable poli
tician is that the politician simply de
sires to hold things as they are, but
to make them clean and honest, while
the statesman perceives the flux and
flow ever going on in human life and
seeks to make such changes in our
Institutions as experience and added
"If s an 111 Wind"
But It can't blow anything but ozon
Into our thoroughly washed clothes.
Done at tho Troy moans nice, white
table cloths and napkins, shirts, col
lars and cuffs. -
We Also Do
Hough Dry
7c Per Pound
Steam Laundry
Phone Main 17D.
wisdom suggest.-For examplo, Wood
row Wilson, both In private conver- J
nation and in his public addresses, has
certain very distinct programs. He
thoroughly believes in the Initiative
and referendum and yet ho does not
believe the Initiative should be the
regular dally method for making laws
(nor do I); but he believes that if
we can achieve a body of legislators
truly representative of the people
they may be trusted to do the gener
al routine of lawmaking and the Ini
tiative may be kept for great occa
sions or emergencies and as a check
on the legislative body.
ltCMpousibillty to Pooplo,
Everyone knows we have never had
a legislative assembly, either stato or
national, which represented the plain
common people. Wilson points out
that the reason for this is that tho
one agent who is directly, responsible
to the people, on whom a single re
sponsibility rests or ought to rest;
who is the eyes and ears and tongue
for the people, the executive, never
has had any voice or standing in the
halls of legislature. He very clearly
Instances the example of the appro
priation bill, or taking of the people's
money from their pockets. The ex
ecutive and his subordinates will be
charged with the duty of spending
this money. They have the manage
ment of the state's business and know
what Its bills are and its needs are,
and they do prepare the necessary
facts and data for appropriation
bl'.ls. But there their control over tho
matter ends, and in both national and
stato legislatures the estimate of ap
propriations or the budget Bent In by
tho Dresident or the governor is
thrown Into the waste paper bosket
and the members begin a system of
logrolling, swapping and wire pull
ing, each for himself and his own lo
cality, until an appropriation bill is
finally passed with which the execu
tive sas really had nothing to do.
He compares this with the English
system, where the executive or prime
minister, or his cabinet, can go upon
the floor of the house, explain the
budger, drag It out of pigeon holes,
prevent Its being mutlliated, or at
least can by dally speeches report It
In the press and by the records or
tho house keep the people fully post-
od as to just what their so-called rep
resentatives are doing, with the prac
tical result that the house of com
mons does represent the average man
much more truly than does our house
of representatives.
Then, again, Woodrow Wilson
ppints out that the clause of the con
stitution requiring all bills of reve
nue to originate in tho houso, has
become a dead letter, being observ
ed merely In the narrow letter of the
law. Because, after a bill has once
originated in the lower house the sen
ate. under the pretext of amend
monts, injects Into It all manner of
appropriations and the senate by tho
cohesive power of public plunder,
and by tho prestige of a longer term
of office. Invariably beats out the
house If disputed 'points go to con
Amendment Urged.
Wilson says that this vice should
be corrected and the constitution
ought to bo amended so as to allow
the people's choice and hand (tho
president and his cabinet) a place up
on the floor of the house, so that as
the agents for the people they may
keep au eye on what is done and re
port to the people just who Is to
blame for graft, looting, extrava
gance or improper legislation. Ho
says that he will, if elected, through
constitutionally denied any - voice in
the house, publish In the daily press,
for the benefit of the people,' just
what is being done in congress, re
gardless of any question of political
Anyone who will think upon ths
matter will become convinced that it
is much better that our executive
should with all dignity and decency
have the right to watch legislation in
the house and report to the people
as in a sense a member of that house,
than to have to use backdoor meth
ods, sending for members and laying
the cudgel on their backs, dickering
for patronage as tho price of sup
port, etc., etc. .
It would take too much time to
enumerate the progressive and con
structive ideas which I believe Gov
ernor Wilson approves as a student
of political history, and particularly
as a student of conditions in the Unit
ed States.
From personal talks with him I
know that, while he Is of course
nothing like so radical and extreme
ns myself, he is certainly to be class
ed as a progressive man with a con
structive program and with due def
erence to Governor Harmon and Mr.
Clark, knowing them to be fine gen
tlemen and honest politicians, I do
not think this can be said of them.
That Governor Wilson stands for all
the principles of democracy, Includ
ing free trade, we know, and what has
been urged against him namely, that
he has changed his views is to my
mind all in his favor, for it shows
two things: That he has the capac
ity for growth and ehange and that
he has the courage to avow his con
version and to admit his former mis
takes. No one who knows him or has
watched him can believe that his
change is from motives of tricky pol
icy. In fact, he would be much more
popular in the populous centers and
with tho "interests'' and standpat
democrats if he were not so frank an
advocate of thos progressive policies
which belong to the comparatively
scantily populated west.
less they can procure another con
signment, find themselves at harvest
time in the predicament of the scrip
tural husbandman whose seed the
birds ate up for that is what hap
pened to pouches full of congression
al free seed here.
The pouches were thrown off by
trains going west but when they were
picked up from the shed to be placed
on the proper trains they were found
to be perforated in scores of places
and contained nothing excepting emp
ty packages bearing the names and
addresses of deserving and loyal con
stituency. Hungry sparrows, made desperate
by the cold weather, had pecked holes
in the pouches and eaten every grain
out of hundreds of "packages.
Treat the Inward Cause If You Want
a Cure.
Is piles a skin disease?
No, it is a stagnation of blood cir
culation a swelling of blood vessels.
Why expect a cure from applica
tions outside? The treatment should
for good.
Dr. Leonhardt's HEM-ROID (sugar
coated tablets) Is taken Inwardly; it
restores circulation, rids you of piles
for goggodg.
Sold by Pendleton Drug Co. and all
druggists. $1 for 24 days' supply,
satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. Leon
hordt Co., Station B, Buffalo, N. Y.
Calf Which Is Owned by Illinol
Parmer lis a Prcnk.
Dixon, ill. William T. Rucker has
on his farm west of Pouo, a curiosity
in the shape of a calf with two heads.
It Is a male calf, large, strong and
perfectly formed in every other re
spect. The heads branch from the
shoulders and are of the same size.
The four eyes are Just alike and the
mouths are identical. The calf has
two back bones running the full
length of its body.
tween the political and economical
soldiers instead of weaponed hosts."
Daughter of Laborer Claimed Crown
Prince or Austria. Was Father.
Des Moines, la. "Countess Viggo
vrtn Heastin Rath'ou," who, with her
husband, has been arrested in Colo
rado Springs, Colo., on a charge of
obtaining money under false pre
tenses, is Goldie Lang, whose former
home was a farm near Des Moines.
Her father Is not Crown "Prince
Rudolps of Austria as she asserts but
Is a day laborer In Kansas City.
The couple are under indictment
here on a charge similar to that on
which they were arrested in Colorado
and Sheriff Beness leaves to make
an effort to bring them back. They
advertised as instructors of beauty
Doughnut Enters on Bet Call for
Doctors at 20 ami 33.
San Rafael, Calif. Because they
engaged In a doughnut-eating contest
neither John Dollarp or H. Ridgeway
was able to do his work for the lo
cal electric light company here.
They got Into an argument over
their several capacities in the eating
line and the contest was on.
Dorrarp choked down 33 circles of
fried dough with five cups of coffee
and Ridgeway gave up and signaled
for a doctor and a stomach pump
after he had-stowed 26 sinkers and
four cups of coffee below his hatches.
of the Great Plains," in which the
damage done by the dogs was point
ed out, and various methods of pois
oning them were suggested. This
report may be said to have blazed the
way for practical extermination work.
Prairie dogs devour grass. Where
they establish themselves the destruc
tion of the range is only a question
of time.
Range improvement in national for
ests is one of the chief objects of
regulating the grazing. For this
reason the forest service of the Du
rango national forest Is going to leave
no stone unturned to pre"ent range
Stockmen who have suffered heav
ily from the prairie dog pest, were
solicitous to have the work taken up
and have offered to co-operate with
the service in furnishing men and
horses to distribute the poison.
Experiments were made last year
in parts of the Leadville and Pike
national forests. The region In these
forests upon which the dogs were lo
cated aggregated 300 square miles or
more. An area of some 60,000 or 75,
000 acres was selected for the test.
From 80 to 90 per cent of the dogs
were killed with the first distribution
o the poisoned wheat.
It will be necessary to go over the
ground a second time this spring, and
by "spotting" the occupied holes kill
off the remaining dogs.
Bin mod a Good Worker,
"I blamed my heart for severe dis
tress in niy left side for two years,"
writes W, Evans, Danville, Va., "but
I know now it was indigestion, as Dr.
King's New Life Pills completely
cured me." Best for stomach, liver
and kidney troubles, ' constipation,
headache or debility. 25c at Koep-pens.
Hungry Sparrows In Kentucky Raid
Pouches Consigned to Farmers.
Guthrie, Ky. Thrifty congressmen
of Western Tennessee and Kentucky
who had hoped to reap a rich har
vest of votes from the timely scatter
ing of garden seeds furnished by the
1 department of agriculture, may, un
V Clear Brain and healthy body
are essential for succesa Business
men, teachers, students, housewives
and other workers say Hood's Sar-
saparilla gives them appetite and
strength, and makes their work seem
easy. It overcomes that tired feel
How many times have you heard
that expression from wife, mother or
sister. In nine times out of ten, ex
treme nervousness in woman is caus
ed by an unhealthy condition of the
female system.
Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound acts promptly and thor
oughly In such cases. It strengthens
the nerves and muscles, heals Inflam
mation and restores the female sys
tem to a normal healthy condition.
Japanese Diplomat Predicts Thnt Xo
More. Big RnttlOs Will Be Fought.
Chicago. War is a thing of tho
past, according to S. Chindo, the new
ambassador from Japan to the Unit
ed States, who stopped here on his
way to Washington.
"All the world will be at peace for
thousands of tomorrows," he said.
"Political, economical and artistic
pursuits have thinned the ranks of
the world's armies and left the sol
diery of nations a mere shell. War
has had its day. Hereafter the great
battles of the world will be fought in
velvet carpeted rooms between men
who smile Instead of shoot and who
wield pens instead of firearms be
lli Forestry Service Perfecting Lines
of a Campaign to Exterminate Pest
Thnt Destroys Ranges.
Durango, Col. Supervisor Ernest
Shaw of the Durango national for
est and his corps of assistants are
preparing a crusade for the extinc
tion of prairie dogs. Poisoned wheat
will be scattered over tho forests and
The experiments made with poison
last spring -proved highly successful
in riding selected areas of prairie
dogs, and in all forest departments
plans are being made to carry on the
work on a much larger scale.
The first experiments in this line
were made in New Mexico by a stock
man, who now Is in the forest service.
In '1901 Dr. C. Hart Merriam, chief
of the division of biological survey
of thn Denartment of Agriculture,
'made a report upon "The Prairie Dog
Disguised Sweetheart of V. S. Marine
Bobs Hair for Naught.
Louisville, Ky. In the hope of
joining her sweetheart, who is in the
marine corps stationed at Peking,
China, a young woman clad in male
attire applied at the marine recruit
ing office here for enlistment.
She broke down when ordered to
undergo physical examination and ad
mitted her sex. She refused to give
any name other the one under which
she applied, "Jacob Lansing," Tell
City, Ind., and tearfully confessed she
had bobbed her htir and disguised
herself that she might be sent to
China. :
"And now my hair is ruined," she
A heavy cold In the lungs that was
expected to cure Itself has been the
starting point In many cases of dis
ease that ended fatally. The sensible
course is to take frequent doses of
It checks the progress of the disord
er and assists nature to restore nor
mal conditions. Price 25c, 50c and
$1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C.
Koeppen & Bros.
Artifice for Artifice.
Lady customer (In department
store) Have you anything to keep
hair from falling out?
Clerk Hairpins; two counters to
the right, madam. Boston Transcript.
Your druggist will refund money
If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any
case of Itching Blind, Bleeding or
Protruding Piles In S to 14 days. SOo.