East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 24, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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if It's Smart Stylish Suits or Coats
at a Popular Price You Are Looking
torCome in and View Our Spring Showing.
A'V ...
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hi mi
XO. 5. Suit of navy
blue French Serge, lined
with messaline ; skirt
plain, sizes 16 to 20.
Price $25.00
ft -lit A i
The Wohlenberg
Publlihed Dally and Semi-Weekly at Pen
dleton, Oregon, by the
Entered at the poetofflce at Pendleton,
Dregeu, a recond-claaa mall matter.
Member United Presa Association.
rtephone Main 1
Iflclal City and Count Paper.
Let's -pretend, Just for today,
That our hearts are free from
That the -wind blow Just the
We would like to have It
Let's pretend that what we do
Is the work we like the best;
Let's pretend the Bcene w-e view
Is all of the loveliest.
Let's pretend we're satisfied,
Let's pretend we're brave and
Maybe after we have tried we
We can do it right along.
S. E. Klser.
Judge Lowell Is a lawyer but he U
sufficiently liberal In mind to admit
.there is much that Is wrong with the
administration of the law in the
Xo. 6. Suit of Cream
Serge, heavy cord trim
med with grey stripe
silk on collar and sleeve,
lined with messaline.
Price $37.50
United States. If more lawyers would
do as he it would be vastly easier to
bring about reform in the judiciary.
In his address before the Sons of
the Revolution in Portland, Judge
Lowell made one suggestion that Js
novel and particularly interesting. He
suggested that the state should not
only prosecute criminals but should
also provide for their defense. If
he means. by that to do away with
private attorneys in court rooms he
has a radical suggestion indeed but
one of much merit for it strikes at the
root of a world of wrong.
Beyond doubt the greatest defect
of the Judicial system now. in use is
that it grants a wonderful advantage
to the litigant who has money or
other resources at his command. The
law does not arrange for a square deal
between the contestants in either
criminal or civil cases. A rich crim
inal is virtually immune from pun
ishment unless t(je evidence against
him be very conclusive. With money
he can employ able lawyers against
whom the public prosecutor cannot
successfully cope. With money de
tectives may be hired to "manufac
ture" evidence, witnesses may be Jug
gled with, jurors may be bought, now
and then, and often it occurs ipflu
ences can be brought to bear to keep
the prosecutor from prosecuting.
Men of experience know these things
to be true.
To insure exact justice those who
face the court should come alone and
naked before the bar. There should
We Are Now Showing Some New Styles in wool
Dresses-Size 16 to 41, Priced lrom $12 to $25,00
Cream Serge Suits Priced at from $25.00 to $37.50
Cream Serge Suits, Grey Striped at $25.00 to $35.00
XO. 9. A very clev
er suit of grey or tan
English Whirr Cord.
Jacket 5s plain and
lined with messaline.
Price $35.00
XO. 4. A smart new
style coat of navy blue'
Serge, double faced,
green or tan inside.
Price $35.00
be nothing to show a man's worldly
position. The rich man and the poor
man should be weighed by the same
scales and under similar conditions.
In no other way may we hope for
real justice.
But necessarily no such state of af
fairs can come about as long as the
present system is followed. A man
or wealth or Influence now may take
his riches with him when he goes
irto court. We are all so familiar
with the idea that many do not see
the absurdity of the thing. There are
some even who contend that our sys
tem is splendid and that the courts
should be considered as something al
most sacred. In reality they are of
ten monstrous.
It Is a trite remark but a true one
that there are as many ways of
building good roads as there are ways
of. going to heaven. . It Is also true
that there is fully as much contention,
or more, among the road builders as
there Is among those who would
guide us to the spiritual paradise.
But the greatest truth of all with
reference to good roads is that if we
have improved roads we must con
struct them. We cannot get good
roads by continuous and perennial
wrangling. Nor can people reason
ably hope for a good roads plan that
will be entirely equitable and satis
factory to everybody. The interests
of the various sections of the state
are so conflicting and there are so
T'S NOT a boast when
else in the vicinity can
comprehensive a showing of Spring Suits and
Coats as here below we picture a few styles and
Drices the workmanship on these garments is
Deyond compare their style and fit we guarantee
XO. 10. A very pop
ular and serviceable coat
of Xavy Blue Serge,
trimmed in contrasting
colors of tan, etc.
Price $20.00
Department Store
many different ideas upon 'the sub
ject that it will simply be impossible
to get a plan that will please every
county in the state. Unless happy
thought we turn the matter over to
the reclamation board that recently
Investigated the West Extension.
Those men are good diplomats as well
as engineers. If Governor West's
get together committee falls in its ob.
ject it might be well to put the Job
up to Chief Engineer Davis and his
When the children of strikers are
suffering from lack of the necessities
of life as they seem to be at Law
rence it would appear to be a human
thing to send them to other towns
where they may be cared for. It looks
like a very proper move particularly
when tjiere are people elsewhere who
want to take care of them and when
the children are provided with tickets
upon which to make the trip.
Just why the authorities at Law
rence should try to stop the exodus of
children and whx they should have
police and militiamen charge upon
them as stated in United Press reports
today does not seem clear.
It is a very ugly story to put it mild
and If true then the congressional or
ators who tout a short time ago were
hurling vitriolic speeches at "barbar
ic" Russia should turn their batteries
on Massachusetts.
Those who work to direct youthful
we say that no where
you find as complete or
XO. 7. Dressy Coats
of Scotch mixture in
greys and tans.
Price $20.00
steps into clean and upward paths
do well and incidentally they serve
mankind as well as Ood. The boy
forward movement If it accomplishes
even a small part of what is intended
will be something well worth while.
Pendleton Chinese are Just a little
bit Blow. They have no- tong war or
If they have It Is a very quiet affair.
Some snow was needed In the moun
tains so as to provide moisture for the
lowlands later on. Most of the winter
snowfall Is now in the ocean.
Having been thwarted In their de
signs on Alaska are the Guggenhelms
now trying to steal the United States
La Follette does not seem ready to
quit even though the colonel makes
a decidedly progressive talk.
She led the Bashful One Into the
conservatory, where the strains from
the Blue Siamese Band floated out
to them and the creepers crept coyly
over the Rockery, and even the gold
fish seemed to bubble with love. She
led him to two chairs those same
two chairs which had sealed the fu
ture thousands,
"I am afraid," said the Bashful
One furtively, after she had led him
farther still, "that your father would
hardly give his consent."
."My father is always willing to lis
ten to reason," she urged.
"But your mother "
"Absolutely dotes on you, George."
"M'yes. But you would never get
on with my own people, I'm certain."
XO. 8. Xavy blue
French Sergo Coats.
Tastely trimmed in tan
or grey effects. Sizes
16 to 40.
Price $15.00
"Why, dear, I simply love them!"
"And of course, my Income is
"Luxury," she cried, clasping her
hands, -'has ceused to possess charms
for me! I think it would be so heav
enly to have a cozy little cottage,
where I could do all the cooking my
self." "Well, confound it, then," he ex
claimed, "let's get married."
A religious worker, while visiting a
western town, gave a "Talk for Men."
during the course of which he ex
pressed his conviction that no young
man should visit any place to which
he would not feel Justified in taking
his sister.
"Is there any young man present
who thinks one may safely disre
gard this wise rule?" ' asked the
"Whereupon a youth in the rear
of the hall arose and shouted in a
stentorian tone; v
"Yes, sir, I do!"
"And what, sir," demanded the an
gry and surprised speaker, "Is the
place which you yourself would think
of visiting to which you could not
take your sister?"
"The barber shop!" replied the
youth. St. Paul Dispatch.
Up to Date.
Hampton Robley wants his son to
follow in his footsteps.
Rhodes That's too old fashioned?
I want mine to follow in my auto
tracks. Not Named Vet. ,
Friend Haven't you named the
baby yet?
Proud Mother No; we must be
very careful to give him a nice one.
because there will be so many named
after him when he Is pVesldent.