East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 24, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PROFIT SHARING to the Extent of 5 PER CENT.
Everybody, without exception is entitled to this profit sharing privilege, IT'S AB
After Supper Specials
at Pendleton's Greatest and
Best Store
25c Childrens Hose 17c
Sizes 5 1-2 to 9
75c PONGEE 59c
One special number in
Silk Pongee for this eve.
after supper . . 59c
One Lot Ladies
Underwear 1-2 Price
This lot consists of very
fine lingerie, comes in all
sizes lace and embroid
ery trimmed, after, sup
per special . 1-2 Price
Lace Collars 1-2 Price
Our entire stock of lace
collars in white and scrim
after supper 1-2 Price
$1.50 BedSpreads 97c
Big assortment of pat
terns and full size, 'after
supper special . . 97c
This lot, Piled out on
counters for an after
supper special . . 4c
itary Grocery in "Ply less Basement"
Save Your
The People Warehouse
Where It
to Trade
Where pictures are shown under
the most favorafble and delightful
conditions, Sunday's program a good
one. Don't miss it. '
1. "Willie's Sister." Vitagraph. A
Beauty. Willie doesn't mako a hit,
but "Willie's Sister" does and puts
her brother "in right" with the boys.
Then Wlllio gets back at them. He
laughs last and everybody laughs all
the way through. Jolly good com
edy. Bright and sprightly.
2. "A Child of the West." Essa
nay. A remarkable western drama
with a remarkable child actress. The
story is a crackerjack.
3. "Love Moulds Labor." Ameri
can. Pathe drama. In the works of
the Fuller foundry, Margaret Fuller
is saved from a terrible burn by the
foreman. This leads to a close
friendship between the two, which is
looked on with decided disfavor by
Kirk Stanley, a partner of Mr. Ful
ler and a suitor for Margaret's hand.
Stanley causes dissatisfaction among
the laborers and a strike is narrowly
averted and an altercation occurs,
enough of which Is seen by the head
of the firm to cause him to turn
Stanley out, while the loyal foreman
gets the girl.
4. "Pottery Making In Thoflne.
Switzerland." Eclipse. The products
of these potteries are known all over
the world for their originality.
5. "Lazy Bill and the Strikers."
Eclipse comedy. Bill leads the office
force on a strike and then back to
work again.
Says Department Is Considering
Plan for Immediate Change for
t'matilla Project Wrestlers Sign
Agreement for Contest.
(Special Correspondence.)
Hermiston, Ore., Feb. 24. That
the settlers on the Umatilla govern
ment project will receive a proposi
tion for the graduation of the water
right payments is an assured fact,
but Just what the scale will be is not
as yet known. It is thought that in
the first unit the 1910 payment will
be the only payment that will receive
the graduated scale; that no credits
will be given to any units on the
amount of payments that have al
ready been made In each unit. The
Umatilla River Water Users' will hold
a meeting on March 4, at which time
the stockholders will be given a
change of contract and also the by
laws which will enable settlers to ob
tain the payments on the graduated
scale. They can have the graduation
or they can keep to their old con
tract, there has been much specula
tion among the settlers in regard to
the payment which is delinquent
March 1, 1912, the following tele
gram has been received by G. II. Up
thegrove of the association which, will
"G. II. Uptheerove,
"Hermiston, Oregon.
"Department considering plan for
graduated payments will provide op-
To Get
Its Beneficial Effects;
Always Buy the Genuine
manufactured hyihe
6old by all leading
OneSize Only, $04 o Bottle
portunity for making payments re
quired thereunder after March 4th.
"Acting Secretary.
Therefore the payments will not
have to be made until after the peo
ple have decided whether to change
the contract and by-laws or not. In
case the graduated payments are ex
pected by the people each one wish
ing to avail themselves of same will
be required to make a new water
right application to the government
making the change in the building
Mrs. E. W. Croup and Mrs. H. A.
Loundagin of Pomeroy. Wash., are
the guests of Mrs. G. H. Upthegrove.
E. P. Dodd, president of the Com
mercial club and C. S. McXaught of
the Maxwell Land and Irrigation
company, have returned from Port
land where they had been to attend
the irrigation congress.
Dr. M. V. Turley will leave in a
few days for a trip in the Deschutes
country to superintend the work on
his ranch.
Harry B. Giese has purchased the
land Interest of his brother. Mr.
Giese recently sold his homestead
right to Edward J. Krosler.,
William H. Skinner and J. IC
Shotwell, who have been in Spokane
for several weeks, are expected home
this evening.
Wrestlers Sign Agreement.
The agreement for the wrestling
match between O'Connell and Ken
nedy has been signed and the bout
will take place on March 2. This
will be the best two out of three falls
and to a finish. Mr. Kennedy is his
own manager for this match. It is ex
pected that there will be quite a dele
gation of people from out of town.
Seats are.ow on sale at Henry Hitt's
and are going rapidly.
R. W. Fletcer, of the East Orego
nian, and G. Spence of the Journal,
were in the city yesterday.
German KvafiR. Lutheran Church.
There will be services at Echo
Sunday, February 25, in the M. E.
church at 2 p. m. All are cordially
invited. Geo. ti. Sprattler, pastor.
Christian Science,
Sunday services at 11 o'clock, Sun
day school at 10 o'clock. Subject of
lesson, "Mind." Wednesday evening
meeting, 8 p. m. Reading room open
dally from 2 to 4 p. m. Corner E.
Webb and Johnson streets. All are
cordially Invited.
Cliureh of tlio Redeemer.
There will be a celebration of the
Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. m., divine ser
vices and sermon at 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. Lenten services this week
will be on Tuesday and Thursday at
4 p. m. Wednesday at 7:15 p. m.
Friday, Litany at 8 a. m. All are
cordially invited. Charles Quinnev
First Christian Church.
Xorth Main street. J. B. Holmes,
minister. 9:45, Bible school. There
Is room and a welcome for von. 11
a. m., communion and song service. A
snort ousiness meeting following.
6:30, young people's meeting; no eve
ning service. Wednesday evening,
training class, a cordial invitation
to all our services.
Methodist Episcopal.
Methodist Episcopal church, corner
Webb and Johnson streets, N. Evans,
pastor. Baptism reception of new
members and communion at 11 a. m.
Reports from Walla Walla convention
at 7:30 p. m. Sunday school, 10 a.
m.; Epworth League. 6:30 n. m. Th
boys from the big feed will report
at mis service. Brotherhood meet
ing. 3 p. m. You are wanted at all
Presbyterian Church.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.: nreach-
Ing by pastor, 11 a. m.; Christian
Endeavor at ft . r,.iv,i- k..
t on. -....... ...,s ujr yan-
tor, 7:30; cottage prayer meeting at
7:30 Wednesday evening, place to be
announced from pulpit. Normal bi-
siuay ciass Thursday evening,
7:30, at church. Everybody welcome.
The, First Baptist Church.
Corner Johnson and E. Alta streets,
Rev. Herbert T. Cash, pastor. Ser
vices tomorrow at 11:00 ami 7-sn
Sunday school at 10:00. Intermedi
um; xoung People at 4:30. Senior B.
Y. P. U. at 6:30. Midweek wrvl
Wednesday night. Bible reading for
an unristians Friday at 3:00 p. m
A hearty invitation to all.
How to cure a coid Is a question in
which many are interested Just now.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
won its great reputation and immense
sale by its remarkable cure of colds.
It can always be depended upon. For
sale by all dealers.
Paris. While tourists were vlfllting
the historic forest of Fontainbleau
they became wildly excited when they
heard the "bleating of a sheep which
was qukkly followed by the roar of
a lion. The tourists fled in a panicky
state and soldiers were hastily sum
moned. The found the Hon devouring the
sheep and at the command of the
officer fired and killed the king of
It was learned that a moving pic
ture man had bought the Hon and
sheep and had let the lion loose on
the sheep to get a good picture. The
thing failed because when the cinet
matograph operator heard the roars
of the Hon he fled.
The man who engineered the
scheme hag heen requested to appear
before the courts. He stands a good
chance of going to Jail.
Diaz prevented the Mexicans from
revolutlng so long that they now want
to start a new revolution every day.
The Past lino.
The home of good pictures. A
classy program. Sunday's change:,
"The Voice of a Child." Glogfnph.
A picture in which a child's call to
her mother who Is on the point of
eloping with her husband's false
friend, averted a tragedy. One of
the most pleasing players of the Bl
ograph Co. takes the leading role as
the wife.
"The Wager." Vitagraph. Nothing
so good as a laugh. It's a cure for
the darkest ilia and It lightens the
doctor's bills. This picture will win
grateful and everlasting apprecia
tion. "Love Will Find a Way." Eclipse.
An Interesting and unique story of
love that never fades.
"Freezing Auntie." Edison. A
farce full of comedy situations in
which Mrs. Henpeck effectively turns
the tables on her husband and his
scrapegoat nephew.
"Codfish Industry, Newfoundland."
Musical program of Bohemian mu
sic: Xo. 1 Cupr Chase. Polka Two
step. No. 2 Kydz Json Nasi PIravall.
Sedlak Songs.
No. 3. Mladencl. Two-step.
No. 4 Bozenka. Waltz.
No. 5 Adulko Safarova- Two-step.
Friday and Saturday, one of the
most extraordinary and exciting
western pictures ever produced.
"Getting his Man." Bison. A most
sensational western picture in which
a horse and man tumble down a steep
mountain side. Entirely different
from the usual western and is very
speedy and interesting.
"Their Burglar." Thanhouser. In
which a burglar becomes an unwill
ing messenger and makes possible an
elopement and got the presents he
had come to steal.
"Baby's Choice." Solax. A bright
little kiddie tries to pick out a suitor
for her sister and Is finally success
ful after many amusing and exciting
"The accusing Dog." Ambrosia. A
man Is brought to Justice by means
of a clever dog.
"Paper Making Industry." Solax.
The history of a sheet of paper from
the log to the finished product.
"Tweedledum in High Life." Am
brosia. The popular comedian In some
good laughable stunts.
At tlio Grand.
Chase, M Cloy and Geraldine hn
the highest class vaudeville acts on
the road, featuring "The Racing
Lady," a racy comedy, different from
any you have seen. A sketch of
laughable misunderstandings. Not a
quiet moment In It.
The Bells. The strongest dramatic
act on the road. The McCloys have
played this act over Geith, Orpheum
and Pantages circuits. Read what
others say about it:
The best we have seen In vaude
ville. Cleveland World.
It is a positive fact that a dose of
Pape'g Cold Compound taken every
two hours until three consecutive
doses are taken will cure grippe or
break up the most severe cold, cith
er in the head, chest, back, stomach
or limbs.
You distinctly feel the cold break
ing and a'l the disagreeable grippe
symptoms leaving after the very first
dose. It promptly ends the most mis
erable headache, dullness, head and
nose stuffed up, feverlshness. Bnoez
lng, sore thtoat, running of the nose,
mucous catarrhal discharges, sore
ness, stiffness and rheumatic twing
es. Pape's cold Compound is the result
of three years' research at a cost
of more than fifty thousand dollars
and contains no quinine, which we
have conclusively demonstrated is not
effective in the treatment of colds
or grippe.
Tako this harmless compound as
directed, with the knowledge . that
there Is no other medicine made any
where else in the world, which will
cure your cold or end grippe misery
as promptly and without any other
assistance or bad after-effects as a
25-cent package of Pape's Cold Com
pound, which any druggist In the
world can mipply.
The only Baking Powder
made from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Saves Butter, Flour,
' Eggs, and makes
home baking easy
No Alum No Limo Phosphate
An act played with all the fire of
the old masters. X. Y. World.
At last we have the refinement of
drama in vaudeville. Denver Post.
Sir Henry Irvlng's legitimate suc
cessor. Chicago Tribune.
Entire change of program Sunday.
You are probably aware that pneu
monia always results from a cold, but
you never heard of a cold resulting
In pneumonia when Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy was used. Why take
the risk when this remedy may be
had lor a trifle. For sale by all dealers.
North Dakota Ranchers Cut Crust So
Herds Can Forage.
Earl, X. D. Disking snow is the
latest employment on the extensive
sheep ranches In western North Da
kota. For a time sheepmen In this vlcli.
lty feared that thousands of sheep
would perish because of unusually
heavy snows followed by rains and
thaws that crusted tho Bnow so hard
the sheep could not break through
for forage.
R. J. McAllister, owner of a vast
ranching outfit in this vlcinityy
though of the disk ho uses on his
fields In the summer. Ho tried it on
the crusted snow with such success
that many ranchers aro at work
disking the Bnow.
Murren, Switzerland. There was a
lively fancy dress ball hero tho other
night, which Mrs. Asqulth played a
large part In organizing. Some of
the dresses were striking, bur none
more so than her own gold-brocaded
Turkish trouser costume. When the
fun became furious, she danced a
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of tlie ear. There la
only one way to cure deafneja, and that la
by constitutional remedies. Deafama la
caused tfrv an Inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Etmtachlan Tube.
When this tube la inflamed you have a
rmnhllnty antinrt nr lm,iat.fA,.t Vn. .. I .. -..,
when it Is entirely closed. Deafnesa is the
result, and unlesa the Inflammation can
be taken out and thla tube restored to Ita
normal conuition, Hearing will be destroy
ed forever; nine rase out of ten are caus
ed by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an
Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollara for
any case or Deafness 'caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hairs Catarrh
Cure. Bend for circulars free.
. . CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by DniKirlsts, 75c.
Take Hall s Family Pills for constipation.
pns scul in the center of the floor,
while the company marvelled at the
unconventlonality of the British prime
minister's wife.
This recalls a famous incident in
her bachelor days, -when as Margot
Tennant sho caused a tremendous
sensation by entertaining a company
at a Melton hunt ball with a skirt
L Hot M
B N-r ,
nut RiAL
iltt.luspei J int. Ml RfvUMf. Lbrk
Mltli lamp. ts4 ihsrifkcMtr. bswt
Ol tt'tt Willi H OWf with tm
nktXs bag biUM. Ct Mt nulocM and ka 4Ut4 port.
t HUnt Incubator Co., Toledo, Washington
"It's an 111 Wind"
But It can't blow anything but ozon
into our thoroughly waahed clothes.
Done nt tlio Troy means nice, white
tnhlo cloths and napkins, shirts, col
lars and cuffs.
We Also Do
Rongh Dry
7c Per Pound
Steam Laundry
riiono Main 170.
Hon. Eugene IV. Ghafin
Will' A.
' t fx
f. H, ff
Prohibition Candi
date for President
of United,' States in
r -.1908
At Pendleton
2:30 p. m.
Tuesday, February 27, 1912