East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 24, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    TAOF. TEN".
Your Dollars
. VI I
Garry a
Great Weight
at this Store
Every staple and fancy ar
ticle in the way of groceries.
Every seasonable fruit and
vegetable that is placed on the
Is Found Here
Careful attention given to all
phone orders. A cheerful and
sanitary store, with everything
displayed well for your easy
choosing, makes this store the
most advantageous grocery for
TOUR marketing.
rhone Main 98.
Standard Grocery
Company, Inc.
Where all are pleased.
Frank OGara, President
Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Treaa.
Chappy Skin
Cucumber, Almond,
25c a Bottle
The drug store that serves
you best.
In order to avoid confusion
as to standing of contestants In
our big Pony Contest, we would
like to have all votes cast aa
soon as possible.
Standings of each boy and
girl In the contest, are now dis
played at our store.
Tallman b Co.
Majority of Officers of Newly Organ
iser Roosters' .Vsmx-kuion Are
Youiijr Men. Who Started Move,
limit (or Combination
With enthusiasm rampant among
the large attendance, the Pilot Rock
Commercial club was last night ush
ered into being and the following of
ficers wore elected to guide the des
tinies of the young booster organiza
tion: e. U. Casteel. president; Rev.
E. W. Warrington, secretary, and G.
W. Done, Dr. Fred A. Lieuallcn and
I.. C. Scharpf members of the execu
tive committee.
As will be soon from the person
nel of the "officers, the new club has
been given into the custody of the
younger business element of the lit
tle town, which clement was in fact
responsible for the meeting which
led to organization of the business
men and farmers Into a working
body. President Casteel Is also may
or of the town and in his combined
positions is expected to bo a promi
nent factor in the new development
of the town.
The meeting was called to order by
ex-County Judge T. P. Gilliland and
the only speeches which were mads
preliminary to the actual work of
organizing were delivered by Secre
tary J. E. Keefe of the local Com
mercial association and James P.
Xeal, city attorney of Preewater.
These two men by their past experi
ence with booster organizations were
able to make many helpful sugges
tions and their remarks were greatly
appreciated by the home people. Be
sides being of assistance to the meet
ing in the work of organization,
Messrs. Keefe and Neal also provided
entertainment for the assembly with
several songs.
While the Commercial club as or
ganized last night is only temporary,
it is expected that a permanent or
ganization will be"" perfected some
time soon with the same officers.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Inland Empire- Tcucliers to Meet.
Supt. Frank K. Welles has been
notified that the Inland Empire Teach
ers' association will meet in Spokane
on April 3, 4. 6 and 6.
(Contlniued from page one.)
Cigars de Luxe
It is generally believed here that
the naming of Senor Trevino, as pro
visional head of the government,
was done solely for the purpose of
compelling the United States govern
ment to recognize the serious stage
of the revolt and intervene in the
Senor Gonzales Enrilo. a promi
nent member of the scientific party
today, according to dispatches which
have been received here, freely ad
mits that he wrote the manifesto and
declares that It is a truthful portray
al of the ideas of the greater mass
of Mexican citizens.
It is expected that the rebels will
attack Juarez early next week and
it is almost a foregone conclusion that
the city will fall and become revolu
tionary headquarters, unless the
United States intervenes.
Mail advices received here today
confirm previous reports of a battle
between federals and rebels last Sun
day at San Pedro, in which the Insur
gents lost 275 killed.
Much speculation and apprehension
regarding the fate of a party of Am
erican refugees, amug whom is Miss
Nellie Wilson, daughter of Governor
Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey, is
manifest here today. According to
reports here, the party today reach
ed Pearson, an American settlement
in the state of Chihuahua and will
probably arrive in El Paso tonight.
Troops Ordered Out.
"Washington, Feb. 24. General
Wood has telegraphed to the com
mandant of Fort Sam Houston or
ders to send a regiment of infantry
and a battery of field artillery, im
mediately to El Paso to protect Am
erican interests.
Echo Iot Is Sold.
By a deed recorded today Louis
Scholl. Jr., and wife of Ehco have
sold lot 1, block 8, Koontz's addition
to Echo to Tom eweee for a con
sideration of J12C.
Kid well Child Pies.
Theresa Lila Kidwell, the two year
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Kidwell, died last night at the ranch
of Frank Pedro and its body is being
prepared today for shipment til Baker
where it will be Interred.
Two in Potlee Court.
I wo offenders were arested last
night by the police. Ed Johnson,
charged with being drunk and disor
derly, will be given a trial this af
ternoon, but E. Wilson pleaded guilty
iu oeing aisoraeriy ana accepted a
three day sentence in jail.
Sultensoi Stolen from Squaw,
Y hile Mrs. Van Pelt, a well known
Indian woman, was returning to her
home on the reservation last evening,
her suit case was stolen from the
back of her hack on the road between
St. Anthony's hospital and the upper
bridge". A man walking along the
road snatched it from the rig and
made a quick getaway. The squaw
drove back to the city and notified
the police, but, though they search
ed all of the jungles, they were un
successful In finding the culprit.
Golden Rule Merchant Rack.
A. D. Frost, manager of the local
Golden Rule Store, returned yester
day from a six weeks eastern trip made
for the purpose of purchasing a new
stock of clothing. It is the custom of
the big syndicate to send the man
agers of its different stores to New
York twice a year in order to make
their own selection of supplies and-it
was in accordance with this custom
that Mr. Frost went east. He was
accompanied on the trip by his wife.
"The Brownies' Rand.
The Sunday school of the Christian
church will present a juvenile can
tata entitled "The Brownies' Band,"
at the Christian church next Thurs
day evening, February 29, under the
direction of Mrs. Walter Rose. About
forty children representing brownies,
fairies, butterflies, wood nymphs and
gypsies, wilt take part In the produc
tion. They are now hard at work on
rehearsals and by Thursday evening
will be ready to give all those who at
tend a peep into a real and beauti
ful fairyland where fairies play and
brownies dance and a tiny fairy
queen rules over all.
Good Roads Ass'n Meeting.
The Umatilla County Good Roads
association is holding a meeting this
afternoon in the Commercial club
rooms for the purpose of going on
record regarding the proposed good
roads legislation. Up until press time
no action had been taken but a letter
had been read from Governor West
requesting that any decision reached
be wired to the recently appointed
harmony committee which meets In
Portland Monday.
(Continued from page one.)
mles for Ross and that Judge Gilbert
stopped them and made them refund
the money which Ross had advanced.
In San Francisco Judge Gilbert
admitted that his children did this
but said they did e unwittingly.
Admits Children's Crime.
San Francisco, Feb. 24. Admit
ting that his son and daughters had
acted as dummy entrymen for J.
Thorburn Ross, Judge Gilbert today
said his land fraud decision was only
in line with a previous supreme court
decision and that it did not change
the law a particle and could not pos
sibly afect the Ross case.
We hov Vm toih All el7.. all grartep,
11 prices, jfxtlon of selection is up to
Y. J. Conner & Co.
Successor to
Cigars, Candle and Pool Room.
(41 Main Street Phone M. 4.
London. Feb. 24. Dispatches
from Beyrout say three -Italian war
ships started a bombardment today.
She. Is bursting in principal sections
of the city killed many and most of
the population fled. Much fear Is
expressed for the safety of many
foreigners there who stop en route
to Jerusalem. The population of the
port is 20.000.
Indians Holdings Meetings.
The special meetings at Tutuilla are
well under way. Services are held in
the morning at 9:30, afternoons at 2
p. m., and evenings at 7 p. m. Rev.
Mark Arthur has been doing most of
the preaching, with Rev. J. G. Dick
son, the local pastor assisting. A new
delegation of ten visitors came to
day from Idaho making eighteen to
date. Others are expected from Warm
Spring reservation on No. 18 this af
Pendleton high school basketball
teams won two victories last night,
one In Pendleton and one In La
Grande. The girls' team defeated the
Waltsburg high school co-eds by an
8 to 6 score while the boys outclassed
the quintet of La Grande high
school in a 27-19 game.
The local game, while not quite so
exciting as the recent fray with the
Walla Walla girls, was a fast one
and kept the spectators Interested
throughout. The outcome was in the
balance throughout for the teams
were evenly matched. In the first
half the visitors 'had the better of
the argument, having made a total
of six points to tlio-home girls four,
but In the second half the locals out
played their opponents in every de- j
partment of the game. In fact the
hull (.. in WnltVilrir t.ri'Itlrv'i
but three or four times during this
canto, and, as a result, four points
were added to the Pendleton score,
whil the Waltsburcers drew a blank.
Ella LaZinka. one of the Pendle- j
ton centers, was the bright star of
the game, while Muriel Sallng, the
clever litle forward, though playing
a good game, had hard luck at free
The Pendleton score was made by
three field baskets and two con
verted fouls, while the visitors made
their total up with one field goal and
four fouls.
No details of the La Grande game
were to be had on account of wire
troubles occasioned by the storms in
the mountains althoagh the dispatch
which gave the final result charac
terized the contest as a fast one. To
night tjie boys will piny the Union
high school team and will return
home tomorrow.
Berlin. The question, "Is $30,000.
a year enough for a young man to
live on?" sums Up the controversy
which is going on between August
Thyssen, $1,000,000,000 steel magnate
and his eldest son. The father, who
is known as King Thyssen, thinks it
is, but his son doesn't.
The son. who is serving a sentence
for dueling in the Fortress of Made
burg, was adjudged a bankrupt some
time ago. Ills liabilities amounting to
$3,750,000, consisting principally of
loans incurred in the course of lux
urious life in Berlin. Herr Thyssen
notified the creditors that he would
pay all legitimate claims if his son
would renounce any further right to
his interitance and declare himself
satified with $30,000 a year. In a
letter published to day the son says:
"What would I do with $30,000?
I don't need more than $3000, but
that I should give up my right as
heir to yourself and my mother is
Wages Will Increase!
by securing their clothing and furnishing necessities from this
store, where eeonomy is tho watchword ; where prices are lower
on the best grades of merchandise, but cheaper goods are kept
for those who desire them.
Workingmen's Clothing Gompany
Corner Main and Webb Streets
something you cannot expect of me
The size of my share of the estate
has been variously stated, but no ex
pert denies it is less than $18,750,
000. After you have paid all my
debts I will be willing to give all my
rights under the arrangement that
you have made If In turn you guar
antee by legal share of the fortune.
The refusal of young Thyssen to
negotiate with his father Is due to
the tact that his credit' is still good
and that a number of people have
offered to lend him anything up to a
Two Old Maids
Anna What do you think Mr. Ek
lund charged me for sewing on a pair
o: soles on my shoes?
Clara Don't know and don't care
Anna, he only charged me 65c and
did fine work too yes, but I don't
like him.
Anna Well, well, you evid ntly dc
or you wouldn't care.
Men's soles sewed on for 90c
Full line of men's fine shoes.
Former Teacher Coming Back.
James H. E. Scott, formerly a
teacher in Umatilla county schools
and later in the government employ
In the Philippine Islands, is coming
back to this county a lawyer. Accord
ing to a letter received from him by
County School Superintendent Wel
les today, he will finish his law course
In Chicago university this spring and
will arrive In Pendleton some time in
Would Go To Convention.
Major Lee Moorhouse Is today cir
cuiting the petition of O. C. Apple-
gate of Kla ath who aspires to be
a delegate to the national republican
convention. Applegate will be re
membered here as the supervisor of
census who came to Pendleton to se
cure the enumerating of the Indians
on 'the reservation when Chief No
Shirt and some of his followers stirred
up a rebellion against furnishing the
desired information.
London. A woman's mode, which
was highly popular In medieval days,
Is shortly to be revived. It Is that of
wearing the sleeve well down over
the hand, so that only the fingers are
left revealed.
At the wedding of Miss Dagmar
Wiehe, the pretty actress, to Major
Edward Finch-Hatton, the bride wore
no gloves, but the sleeves of her dress
came down well over the hands end
ing In a point.
A court dressmaker declares that
It is highly probable the early Eng
lish long sleeve will become popular
again, adding tbat a woman must have
very fine, shapely hands for the long
sleeve to be a success. The long
sleeve looks beet if finished with a
point coming down to the middle
.New Teacher and Nctv Director.
County School Superintendent
Welles has been notified of the se
lection of a new teacher and a new
director in the Athena school district.
Charles A. Guerne has been appoint
ed to the high school faculty to take
the place of Frank W. Turner who
has been called east by business mat
ters and E. E. Koontz has been chosen
to the board of directors vice S. F.
Wilson who recently changed his res
idence to Portland.
Los Angeles, Feb. 24. After elud
ing the officers for six weeks, in the
Santa Monica hills where he fled after
an alleged attempt to kill his wife,
Trablzco Gonzales, a ranch hand, re
turned to his home near Lankershtm
today, bound and gagged his wife,
threw her into a light wagon, beside
her sick Infant whom he bad torn
from her breast and again headed for
the hills. Three posses of police In
autos are following from. Hollywood.
Officers say he has a secret hiding
place which they can't find. The wo
man's fate la troubling them.
Main Street.
the Chinese doc
tors, with wond
erful remedies
Compounded from
Harmless and
Non-P o 1 s onous
Roots and Herbs,
are successfully
treating many ob
stinate cases of
Kindeny, Stomach
Lung, Heart,
Rheumatism, As
thma, Fever, Cancer and private di
seases of men and women. If peo
ple 'want a safe cure to obtain the
roots and herbs compounded medi
cines. We have hundreds of testi
monials from prominent people, on
file, which are open for public In
If you live out of town, come or
write for free Bymptom blank and
circulars. Consultation free.
22 W. Alder St. Walla Walla, Wn.
Pendleton Drug
U In business for
"Your Good Health"
and as good as new, no matter what
It looked like before we undertook to
clean that skirt We change the ap
pearance of a garment In short order
when It is sent to us to be Cleaned
or Dyed. We are experts at the bus
iness and have a system that does
not Injure any fabric in the least. We
call for and deliver all orders and our
charges are most reasonable.
Pendleton Dye Works
Phone Main 1(9.
208 E. Alts.
Fine Watch
Even the finest works In the
finest time-piece made, will
accumulate dirt causing them
to- wear unnecessarily and ke,ep
Inaccurate time.
When a high priced watch
gets out of order, it can at best
give only the results of a cheap
time-keeper save your watch
and make It worth its full val
ue by having It looked after
now and then by our expert
watch repairers.
Wm. Hanscom
THE Jeweler
Working Men
take a look at the following prices
and see how much farther your hard
earned cash will go here than elsewhere
Men's Work Shirts, regular 25f
Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear, regular 25
Men's 75c Blaek Sateen Shirts, regular .... 49
Men's C5c arid 75c Work Shirts, regular - 45
Men's $1.25 Bine Flannel Shirta, regular 69
Men's 75c Welt Seam Calf Gloves, regular 49
Men's .$1.00 Heavy Bib Overalls, regular 83f
Men's $2.50 Double Solo Work Shoes ..: $1.98
Men's $.3.00 Corduroy Pants, Welt Seam, Peg Top, Cuff
Bottom 81.98
Golden Rule Store
"Clark's Grocery"
Beginning February 24, 1912, tho S. & II. Green
Stamps are given out on all cash purchases, at this store.
It means a return to you of 5 per cent of tho purchase
price. The detail of this work will be explained to all
of our customers, fo those that are not our customers,
we extend a cordial invitation to come to our place, and
try tho deal out for ono month. We know that you will
bo pleased with tho result
A Book with 10 Stamps FREF- to each customer.
Phone Main 174 612 Main Street