. i ' PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN". PENDLETON, OK EG OX, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1912. EIGHT PAGES TO LEARN GARDENING WILL ( I l.TlVATr. THVCT NEAR SCHOOL BVILDIXG Practical Knowledge of Agriculture Mill !! C.ained ly Pupils on One At tv tr ljuul Now Cliureh Is Pnio-d. (i-c-lal Correspondent .ti.nfi.-l,!. Feb. 22. Under the su pervision "f Frf. Frank D. Carruth, V rir.cir.il "f the Slanfieli public The hig'a-.-st jmint of -woman's hap piness is n..k.,.it.-J only tliroih moth erhood, in the clasping of her child within htr arms. Yet the r.V'Lher-to-be is ofteti fearful of nature's crJeal and shrinks from t"..e suilerincr inci dent to its c r. r.r'.r.ia'ion. Iut for nature's ills and discomforts nature provides remedies, and in Mother's Friend is to be found a medicine of preat value to every expectant mother. It is an oil)- emulsion for external application, composed of ingredients which act with beneficial and sooth ing effect on those portions of the system involved. It is intended to prepare the sj stem for the crisis, and thus relieve, in great part, the suffer ing through which the mother usually passes. The regular use of Mother's Friend will repay any mother in the comfort it affords before, and the help ful restoration to health and strength it brings about after baby comes. Mother s Friend is for drug nte lor our free book for expectant moth ers which contains much valuable information, and many suggestions of a helpful nature. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Co. schools, the pupils are planning to do some practical work In tho line of gardening, arrangements having: been made by Mr. Carruth with the City Realty Co. w hereby a tract of ground comprising about one acre will bo use,; for the purpose. Tho ground lie.- near the school building in the alfalfa field and is well adapted to the growing of ull kinds of vege tables, etc. Tne local schools were dismissed today on account of this being the anniversary of the birth of Ueorge Washington. The City Realty Co. has deeded lots 9 to 12 inclusivo in block S3, to Hope Presbyterian church of Stan i'ield and the church will at once commence work on a new church li:ildmg. It. A. Leonard, who Is connected with the Sherwood t-nd Co, "which t-oncern h:u a sales contract to dis poe of lands iu the furnish pro ject, left for Nebraska Sunday and plans t -i bring a party of prospec tive land buyers from that state early iti March. W. T. Reeves, who went to Fort land with a shipment of beef cattle, teturned home Sunday. whose sentence may extend Indefin itely into the futur. . But she never comapllns, chiefly 'because, it is to be presumed, she never is denied even the slightest wish. And the young woman is a flirt, too. This, in spilo of the fact that her age -and term of service in the Jail are coincident, she having been hern there just five months ago. '"Mary simply won't be content to remain in tho cell with her mother," Jailer Will T. Davis said to tho as tonished visitor, who discovered him holding the baby on his knee in the jail office. She is Mary Nicholost, the Infant daughter of Carmello XU-holosi . and his wife, who have been convicted of the kidnaping of Angelo Marino, the fi-yoar-old Italian boy who was stolen from his parents early in August. The baby's father has been given a life sentence in tho penitentiary and the mother must serve a period of seven years. Both parents are waiting for the time when they are to be taken from the jail and as yet no dispo sition has been made of the infant. "She is -the most wonderful child I have ever seen." said the jailer, while the coquettish Mary dug her Jay Fulmulder went to Milton and I tiny fingers into his mustache. "I Walla Walla on a business trip Tues- wish we could keep her here always. H "It'c -Mi 111 Wind" 11 O Ull 21 vt ma day, 11. X. Stanfield and Chas G. Ad ams returned Tuesday from Weisev. Idaho, and went to Portland Tuesday night with a shipment of several car loads of sheep. Mrs. F. A. Baker was a Hermiston visitor Tuesday. John Beavert returned from Pen dleton Tuesday after having visited relatives there for a few days. Geo. L. Ward of the Stanfield Mer cantile Co., was transacting business in Pendleton Tuesday. Mrs. Anna Young of Echo, is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Frank Sloan. Attorney A. W. Gray transacted le gal business at the county seat yes terday. Mrs. C. W. Connor, who has been spending a few days In Pendleton, re turned to Stanfield yesterday. Mr. Erickson, the civil engineer of Hermiston, accompanied by two as sistants, were here yesterday making observations of tho seepage water from the U. S. reclamation service feed canal. O. G. Allen, photographer, arrived from Pendleton yesterday morning and left for Hermiston in the after noon. Mr. Payne, the land cruiser of Ta coma, was a Stanfield visitor yesterday. IJABY PRISONER IS LIGHT OP RIG jail Lamms ami Plays, Although Her Five Months of Lifa Have Been Passed rsehlntl Prison Bars. Chicago, 111. There Is one prison er in the county jail who is the su preme monarch and dictator even of the authorities themselves. She Is a young woman who thus far has served a term of five months, and But it can't blow anything but ozons Into our thoroughly washed clothes. OUR WORX WILL PLEASE YOU. Done at tlie Troy means nice, white table cloths and napkins, shirts, col lars and cuffs. We Also Do R-ough Dry 7c Per Pound TROY Steam Laundry PAINE BROS. Phone Main J 79. We just can't- help being in good hu mor when she squeals out at us from her mother's cell to be taken out for htr daily walk." But Mary must be given a home outside the walls of the county jail and that is one of the puzzles that the jailor now has to solve. "She's got to go to a good home," he said determinedly. "Mary is too sweet a baby to be given to just any one," and the youngster gouged a little fist into his eye 'by way of as serting her independence. Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor exercise. Insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, wor ry and anxiety, are the most common causes of stomach troubles. Correct your habits and take Chamberlain's Stomach pnd liver Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by all dealeis. ' 'TAFT IS WHAT WE CALL SICK," SAYS SEF.RESS Particularly the Ladies. Not only pleasant and refreshing to the taste, but gently cleansing and sweet ening to the system, Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is particularly adapted 1 1 I t I II to ladies and children, and beneficial m all cases in which a wholesome, strength ening and effective laxative should be used. It is perfectly safe at all times and dispels colds, headaches and the paint caused by indigestion and constipation so promptly and effectively that it is the one perfect family laxative which gives satis faction to all and is recommended by millions of families who have used it and who have personal knowledge of its ex- ;cl'ence. Its wonderful popularity, however, has led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita tions which act unsatisfactorily. There fore, when buying, to get its beneficial effects, always note the full name of the Company California Pig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package of the genuine Syrup of Figr and Elixir of Senna. For sale by all leading druggists. Price 50 cents per bottle. Paris. Mme de Theba, a famous French prophetess, whose reputation for predicting great events is Inter national, has taken a glance Into America's Immediate political future and In an Interview said: "At the present moment former President Roosevelt Is living in pro found silence. He Is burning with a desire to be president again but is afraid to risk his popularity by dis regarding the third term precedent He sits mute, like a doctor with his hand on the pulse of the American people watching for some sign. . "If he could wait until August he would be able to settle the question without difficulty, but he must not wait. This worries him because he does not know whether to obey the voice of ambition or listen to the counsel of prudence. "I can tell him that if he is nom inated he .will be elected; I can tell him he could -be nominated If he wished, but he will not be nominated or elected because he will not be candidate. "As for President Taft he is what we call here sick, not physically sick but the conditions surrounding him are unfortunate. He has lost ground ami will not again be president. "This Is wholly his own fault, be cause he has not been decorative enough in office, or a3 you would say not picturesque enough. He has not appealed to the imagination of the people. "As to Woodrow "Wilson. I will say that men of his type will be better appreciated in America 20 years from now than they are today. "Some man who Is what you call an outsider, will have much influ ence In determining America's poll cal future. I believe this man. will come from your congress or from a home executive position, but upon his -counsels much will depend." to the penitentiary to serve an In determinate sentence of from one to four years. Hyland said upon his departure that after serving his sen tence he would return to this city, and that ho would have nothing to do with either of his wives in future. ' After his marriage to Elsie Wilhelm in this city recently it was learned that Hyland had a wife in Chico, Cal. He and his bride left the city and were located in The Dalles. It was learned soon after the couple came here that they were not married and Hyland was arrested. He agreed to marry the girl, and was released, Justice of the Peace Samson perform ing the ceremony. Judge Campbell sentenced Miller Logan, convicted of trying to stab Policeman Green to six months in the- penitentiary and paroled him. Tom Malonevv given the samo sen tence for stealing a watch, was also paroled. BIGAMIST WHEN FREE TO ESCHEW BOTH WIVES Oregon City, Ore. Richard Hy land, convicted of bigamy, was taken Reinforced Concrete See my many beautiful do signs for Basements, Hous Fouudations, 'Walls, Fencfca. Curbing, Building Trim mings and Cemetery Fences. They grow stronger with age. . Concrete Blocks Concrete Blocka' and re-in-forced concrete are cheaper and far more satisfactory. Make prettier work when finished and give the great est comfori in either hot or cold weather. Whan You Build il of Conc'ek, Ycu need to Build but ones Estimates Furnished on Application D.A.MAY Thone Black 376. Pend lcton, Oregon. Contractor and Builder of all kinds of Concrete Work. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on to the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chest give it a. trial and you are cer tain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which It affords. Sold by all dealers. uistrbute equally the burdens of tax ation, to confer equally the privileges to be conferred by our government, to destroy private monopolies, to pro mote anil improve our river and har bors, and to secure for our great state its full share of the funds available for reclaiming our semi-arid lands, to encourage the settlement and cul tivation of our wild lunds and the building of homes on our frontiers, to establish parcels post, and to insure strict supervision of interstate sys tems." His slogan Is: "Equal rights and exact justice to ull; special privileges to none." A. A. Kadderly of Portland has fil ed for d legate to the democratic na tlonal convention. He Is the twelfth canjidato of that party. SAWS I'OIM) IX CKIili or HAN KF.It'S M L'RDKHKK FALL IV HOSPITAL ENDS LI EE OF MINER Seattle, Wash. Charles Chrlsten- sen, an Alaskan miner, was killed by a fall when he slipped from his cot in the city hospital and struck his head on the cement floor. It was his second fall within an hour. While out for a walk he was knocked down by a man fleeing from a police of ficer. He was taken to tho hospital where the second fall occurred. A heavy cold in tne lungs that was expected to cure itself has been the starting point in many cases of dis ease that ended fatally. The sensible course la to take frequent doses of BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP It checks the progress of the disord er and assists nature to restore nor mal conditions. Price 25c, EOc and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. OOSIIOW'S PLATFORM FAVORS PEOPLE'S RILE Salem, Ore. O. P. Coshow of Rose- burg filed for the democratic nomi nation for United States senator. This makes two democratic and thre re publicans who have filed for this of ficc. Coshow's platform says: "I will devote all my time, energy and abil ity to establish and maintain equality of opportunity for all our citizens, to. Chehalis, Wash. In a shakedown of the Lewis county Jail tho sheriff office found a saw made from a spring taken from his shoe sole In the cell of Del Clarke, murderer of Lawrence liar, the Centralla banker, In Decem ber. Another combination saw and knife was found in Clark's cell, made from a piece of steel taken by him from the bottom of his bunk. Clark, who is a millwright, had cut the notches for the saw by rubbing tho steel on the chilled steel corner of the bars of his cage. He Is kept con fined In the cage all the time anil it U unlikely that had the saws been used it would have enabled Clark to escape. Other prisoners who have the freedom of the corridor might have made a break, but Clark would hard ly have been able to do so. EMCEZZI.EIt WRITES HE'LL JDIP INTO SEA ago, according to the letter, Shaw was $300,000 ahead of the game, but he wished to make $10,000,000, he wrote, and kept up rhe gambling. Continuing the letter read: "If I had won I would have been a hero; now I am a son of a gun. My courage i8 gone, my brain worn out, so I shall end It all." The writer then went on to say that he had so little momey that he should have to ship on a tramp steam er and drop over her side. . He also inclosed a request to no tify his family, which consists of his wife and four daughters, two of the latter being married. One of the un married girls has Just been operated on for appendicitis. None of the fam ily, his bunkers nor business associates had any idea of defalcations. The firm is in th hands of receivers and tho business will be continued. You are probably aware that pneu monia always results from a cold, but you never heard of a cold resulting In pneumonia when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used. Why take the risk when this remedy may bo had for a trifle. For sale by all dealers. WHAT'S THE REASON? Onco $300,000 Ahead of Came. Ist Firm's MiHy on Stocks, Says Shaw, Maker of Shoos. i'oruanci, Ale. A sensation was sprung in Maine business circles when It became known that A. W. Shaw, who founded in 1890, and has since controlled tho shoe manufacturing concern which bears his name in Freeport, Me., had lost thousands of dollars of tho firm's money through stock manipulation and in a letter of confession to his partner, J. W. Amlck, had declared his Intention of committing suicide in mldocean. Late In January he left on a busi ness trip for tho firm and a letter from him dated New York, February 1, and mailed from Boston, February 6, was made public. The letter read: "It Is all over but the mourners," and continued to admit that Shaw had played the market heavily and lost, first making a fortune and then loos ing it and more. A year and a half Many Pendleton reoplo In Poor Health Without Knowing the Cause. There are scores of people who drag out a miserable existence with out realizing the cause of their suf fering. Day after day they are rack ed with backache and headache; Buf fer from nervousness, d'zziness, weak ness, languor find depression. Likely the kidneys hive fallen behind in their worg of filtering the blood and that Is the ro of the trouble. Look to your kldne, assist them In their work give th m the1 help they need. You can use no better remedy than Doan's Kidney Pills. Below is gr.itcful testimony from a sufferer In this locality. Mrs. Frank Pike, 101 Greenwood street. La Grande, Ore., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills were used In our fam ily and proved very effective. The person who took this remedy had weak kidneys and suffered a great deal from bachache. Stooping was difficult and sharp twinges often darted through the loins. Doan's Kidney Pills were used on a friend's advice and it did not take them long to bring relief." y For sale by all dealers. Price BO cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan' and take no other. ETTA ."A r,r . U t ' ' I ,1. ,-", - - ., -,;s. J , " '-c ' (j I. w is ' V i , '''4 i ,i Wi fiSfli HISS Scene from "THE KISS WALTZ" Casino Theatre, New York The musical success of the season at the Casino Theatre, New York City. The cast includes such notables as Chas. Bigelow, Eva Davenport, Robert Warwick, Flora Zabelle, Adele Rowland, Elsa Ryan & W. M- Pruette Soairt-IBoos EmonEnrDrm oddsdoU" is one cf tne catchiest numbers from the show - The music is written by the "Viennese Waltz King' C. M. Zeihrer. Matt Woodward wrote the words. T. B. Harms, & Francis, Day & Hunter, New York Gity, owners of copyright. This Song Free in Next Saturdays East Oregonian