MUM PA OK KTOTIT. DATLY EAST ORBOONTAN. PEfrDLETOTT. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FETtTCUATlV 21, 1912. EIGHT PAGES Your Dollars v ri I i 1 1 u J Garry a Great Weight at this Store Every staple and fancy ar ticle in the way of groceries. Every seasonable fruit and vegetable that is placed on the market Is Found Here First Careful attention given to all phone orders. A cheerful and sanitary store, -with everything displayed well for your easy choosing, make's this store the most advantageous grocery for TOUR marketing. Phone Main 98. Standard Grocery Company, Inc. Where all are pleased. Frank O'Gara, President Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Treas. - MAYOR MATLOCK IS FOR CAYUSE SPRINGS AS SOl.K SOl'KCE ov I'KXMJ-rro.vs watkk supply cipal streets of the city and most of my time and energies will be devoted to that end. I recognize the water commissioners as capable business men and have no intention of inter fering with their work, but at the sumo time I feci that my position en titles mo to make a suggestion worthy of consideration." Newsy Notes of Pendleton Will Advise Commission of Ills Opin ion That It Is Mono Weston Me Tlmn Thorn Hollow, WlUch Committee Strongly lnvors. That the Cayuse springs fulfills all of the requirements s a source of supply for a gravity water system is the conclusion which Mayor W. F. Matlock has reached aftker ar Inves tigation conducted upon his own InF tlative and he will make a suggestion to that effect to the board of water commissioners which has already made a tentative selection of the Thorn Hollow springs. This was the statement made by the mayor this nf.ernoon but he made it plain that he has no intention of usurping the privileges vested in the commission. "I have had J. W. Kimbrell make an investigation," he said, "and from hi3 report I believe the Cayuoe springs to be the most desirable source of gravity water supply. In constructing a gravity water system for Pendleton, there are three re quirements which must be met. The source of supply must afford a flow of 2,000,000 gallons of water aany, the new reservoir must have four times the capacity of the present res ervoir and the elevation of the source must be sufficient to force the water to a level forty faet higher than the present reservoir. In my estimation, the Cayuse springs meet these re quirements." "There is no question as to the flow from the springs. Engineering esti mates place the minimum flow in summer at 3,500,000 gallons daily, al most twice as much as will be need ed here in many years. With a twenty-four inch pipe lire. I am informed that the water can be raised forty feet above the level of the present reservoir. A reservoir of four times the capacity of mo present one is necessary for fire protection. With two million gallons stored there and an inflow of 2.000,000 gallons daily, we would have enough for all needs." "This investigation has been a side issue with me, for the biff aim of my administration will be to secure per manent improvements for the prln- C.IIJj AGA1V XOMIXATFI rOU MAYOR OF SEATTLE Seattle. Feb. 21. Yesterday's pri mary election resulted in the nomi nation of former Mayor Gill, who was recalled, and Georg6 Cotterrill. a pro gressive. Gill got about 2200, Cot terlll 16. Thomas Parish 12 and Wells, a socialist, 10. Iteturns are not aH in. The two highest will fight it out at the regular election. St. George Cafe and Grill WHITE COOKS SERVICE FIRST-CLASS PRICES REASONABLE Hot Merchant's Lunch Daily From 1 1:30 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. FRENCH DINNER EVERY SUNDAY FROM 11 A. M. TO 3 P. M. Open Day and Xlglit Entrance on W ebb St., or Through Hotel Lobby 11 . V. 554aCa a .4 w XV- G 39 c The man who, apparently, sowed lettuce and reaped sun-flowers did not do his trading at OUR store We apply the same principle to the sale of our seeds as you do to your sowing v.-e sow, that we also Ai to reap. For on the reaping depends your future confidence in us. All our seeds are clean and care fully selected from tlie finest stocks in the country. You can absolutely rely on their exceptionally fine quality. We carry a great variety, lmt if we have not what vou want, we will tret it for vou. Come and , i iiiKft our st'K-k today. Some Specials Selected Expressly for This Locality TURNIPS, BEETS, CABBAGE, CAULIFLOWER, WATERMELONS, RADISH, CARROTS, CUCUMBERS, PEAS, MUSKMELOXS, ALL KINDS OF FLOWER SEEDS. Gray Bros. Grocery Co, Quality Grocers To Hold Court In lleppncr. Circuit Judge G. W. Phelps left this morning for Heppner where he will hold court tonight and tomorrow. He will return to Pendleton Friday and convene court here Saturday morn-Ins. GOTHAM TAXI BANDITS HOB A TOOK ARTIST Taxes Comliiir In Slowly. Taxpayers of Umatilla county are miunifsuiiir no great eagerness to se cure the rebate allowed by law for prompt payment. According to Dep uty Sheriff A. C. Funk, the taxes are coming in very slowly. Xew York, Feb. 21. Tavxlcah bandits who for days have terrorized New York, committed another daring crime when, apparently thinking Robert Schenrer, an artist, was a wealthy man, they hustled him Into a taxi, robbed him of thirty dollars and tossed him into the street. Pchearer got a good description of the robbers. BliACK FOX IICXll IX IXDIAXA. Alaska Species Seen In Hills Opposite Ixmlsvlllo. Louisville, Ky. Residents of the Indiana Knobs, opposite Louisville, have caught glimpses of a rare black fox, whose fur Is the most valuable of any of the North American foxes, and an old-fashioned hunt Is being or ganized by sportsmen to catch It. The black fox is a native ot aiuskb. Taft ami Olcott Petitions Out. Major Lee Moorhouse has during the past few days be?n circulating pe titions for the nomination of William Hiiwnr.l Taft ns n republican candi date for president ot the United States! and of lien v. Olcott as a repuDiican candidate for secretary- of state. Two Marriage Licenses. Two more couples were added to the leap year list this morning when County Clerk Sallng granted marri age licenses to Merrill E. Doble of Irrigon and Jennie E. Stockdale of Echo, and to Noah Taylor of Milton and Jane Morrison. Merrill Doble being under legal mge. It was neces sary for his father, L. A. Doble, to file his written consent to the marriage. lNur Given Jail Sentences. Fnrl Knnherir John Richardson The black tox is a i ----- - and It Is thought this may be a freak and Henry Wells were arrested last of the ordinary species. nisrht vhl!f pneneed in a street- al- the ordinary species. - - --- -- - ji n..n I terention in whieh wflrdo were the A year ago a ianuiii - --- - was captured among the knobs and principal weapons. They were charg- court this morning and each drew a sentence of three days in jail or five dollars fine. Being without money they accepted the farmer alternative. Jim Johnny was the fourth offender in court this morning and he drew a simllnr sentence on a ctiarge of be ing drunk. its fur was sold In this city for J300. DOG IXJUGHT FIUEMEX. Would Xot Allow Them to Enter Blazing Tenement. Philadelphia, Pa. An old and feeble but somewhat determined dog created considerable excitement in a three story tenement house at 623 Washington avenue, first by starting a fire, then giving the alarm and, lastly, by beating back the firemen who came to extinguish the blaze. The troublesome animal is the pro perty of Santo Accarito, who occu pies the top floor of the house. While the occupants of the house were asleep, the dog knocked a lamp from a table, setting fire to the carpet. With loud barks the dog aroused his master, who quickly gave the al arm and all In the hotse fled to the street, except the dog. When the firemen arrived and attempted to en ter they found a very much excited canine standing in the doorway ready to repel boarders. Although somewhat senile, (the dog showed a formidable row of teeth and the firemen hesitated. Finally one, somewhat bolder than the rest, flung the dog to one side and the fire fighters entered. TBAIXS SPAUROWS TO SIXG. Indiana University Graduate Hears Them With Canaries. Bloomington, Ind. A graduate of Indiana university. Dr. L. Conradt. now of Clark university, has trained young sparrows to sing like canary birds by simply putting them with the songsters. Dr. Conradt has been making experiments with the much despised sparrow for several years, and his work has now been crowned with success. Professor M. E. Hag gerty of Indiana university has been conducting experiments much along the same lines In connection with his study of the imitative behavior of animals He savs that it is now a known fact that the young sparrows when placed with the canary win im itate that bird ana pick up many oi its notes." Xew Class Is Ahnndoncd, After teaching but two days. Miss Fay Warren is Without a ' class through no fault of her own. She had been given a fifth grade and a sev enth grade class from crowded rooms In thjs Hawthorne and Washington schools and was assigned a room in the Field school, but owing to the ob jection to the change by many par ents on account or the added dis tance which their children would have to traverse under the new ar rangement, the board finally decided to allow the pupils to remain In the crowded room. MOKE THAN 110.000 ARE TREATED I'OR HOOKWORM Cooler Weather Welcomed. Farmers and fruitgrowers In par ticular are welcoming gladly the cool er weather which has succeeded the two weeks of springlike days. Un der the influence of the warm sun shine and refreshing showers, vege tation has been developing prema turely and the ranchers feel tharthefe should be several weeks of winter weather to hold back this- growth. Fruit buds in particular have been growing fast, subjecting the horti culturists to the fear of damage by frost. The weather turned percep tibly cooled last evening and during the night a heavy flurry of snow fell but soon melted away, during the day. Slugger CaiiRht. New Orleans, Feb. 21. Harry Bla den, aged 24, who Is said to be want ed by the police of Portland, Ore., on the charge of slugging a woman in a hotel in that city last December and robbtngVher of more than $900, was arrested here last night. Bladen was in a telegraph office with a bride of two weeks, with whom he is said to have eloped from Suisun, Cal. Bla den had only 17 cents when arrested. He is originally from Indiana. Tele grams from Portland said officers were en route to this city to take tne prisoner back for trial. Workingmen Can Economize by securinu: their clothing and furnishing necessities from thin btoro, where economy is the watchword ; where prices are lower on the best grades of merchandise, but cheaper goods are kept for those who desire them. N GOOD WORK SHOES FROM $1.25 UP. GOOD WORK SOX FOR ONLY 5 PAIR. GOOD Dili OVERALLS SELL HERE FOR C5. RLAXKETS, MACKINAW COATS, UNDERWEAR. GLOVES, ETC. Workingmen's Clothing Company Corner Main and Webb Streets SHIP IS Tl'KXED OVER 11Y 11 Kit CRIST OV ICK New York. How a three-masted schooner had capsized through the weight of ice on her rigging was told In a wireless message to the Com mercial Cable company from the steamship Mackay Bennett. The Mackay Bennett, a cable repair ship, was operating east of Halifax when she fell In with the Caledonia, a Nova Scotia vessel which had set out from Lunenberg, bound for New York. The sailing craft had been making heavy weather, and the sheets of spray thrown upon her rigging had frozen. The crew of ten let it be known that they were anxious to be rescued from their drifting berg. With great difficulty, owing to the heavy sea, they were transferred to the steamer. Then a towline was run to the schooner and lanterns hoisted In her rigging to indicate that she was under tow. Throughout the en suing n!i;ht the Pteamer lurched through the sea, dragging her wallow ing burden. When the dawn came a fierce northwester and the light showed the schooner sharply eareenud under its weight of ice. Then came the cap sizing and the snapping of the tow line from the strain. The wreck did not sink and may remain long a men ace to navigation unless a derelict de stroyer finds and sinks It. That mar iners may be warned of its presenco, the captain of the cable ship gave IT LOOKS WELL, Report of Rockefeller Sanitary Com- mission snows liuu ureal wore js 1 Villi; Accomplished in the south. Washington, D. C More than 140.000 ncrsons in nine states of the south were treated for the hook worm disease by the Rockefeller sanitary commission during the last year, ac cording to the second annual report of the commission. The grefct value of the work done, however, was not in the number of people aided to better health, the re port says, but In the fact that the people are being educated in sani tation and that the states co-operating with the commission, have en lte'.ed in the war against disease caus ed insanitary conditions. The commission and the states ex- r emle.i 11 4 . 000 during the last year, making the average cost of each per- on treated J1.Z7. Chemical Revision Passes. Washineton. Feb. 21. By a vote of 158 to 127, the house today passed the Underwood bill, revising the chemical schedule. A few men worth hundreds of mil lions each and many working long hours are not enough to live on, iooks bad. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. - The Kind YouKavs Always Bought and as good as new, no matter what it looked like before we undertook to clean that skirt. We change the ap pearance of a garment in short order when it is sent to us to be Cleaned or Dved. We are experts at the bus iness and have a system that does riot Injure any fabric In the least. We call for and deliver all orders and our charges are most reasonable. Pendleton Dye Works Phone Main 169 206 hi E. Alta. the exact locality, placing it In lati tude 43.20, longtltude 63.55. The captain added that ho was heading in for Halifax, where he would land the schooner's crew. Notice. To all members of Daphne Circle No. 2, there will be a social at Moose all on February 22nd. Each neigh bor invite one friend. Invited friends will plesent cards at door. Those not having cards, 25 cents admission. BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE. II lamed a Good Worker. "I blamed my heart for severe dls tres In my left side for two years," writes W. Evans, Danville, Va., "but I know now it was indigestion, as Dr. Kings Now Life Pills completely cured me." Best for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, constipation, headacho or debility. 23c at Koep-pens. llllllf Fine Watch Repairing Even the finest works in the finest tlme-pleco made, will accumulate dirt causing them to wear unnecessarily and keep Inaccurate time. When a high priced watch gets out of order, it can at best give only thi results of a cheap time-keeper- ave your watch and make H vorth its full val ue by havln- It looked after now and tlv n by our expert watch repairers. Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler DALE ROTHWELL Optometrist Bears the Signature of S7 FEARED THEY MIGHT TEACH. ManUntoan's Steixlautfiter Ponied Kdueation. hut Get Estate. Mankato, Minn Judge A. R. Tfau has filed a decision in the district court in the suit of Mrs. Anuna Hahl of Cottonwood county and Mrs. Ren ncr of Nebraska to secure the estate left by their stepfather, the late Mathlas Sloffel of this city. Stoffel was found dead in his house where he lived alone, last summer. Tila wlfn had died and his step daughters married. The estate was claimed by the stepdaughters and al nenhewa and nieces. The court finds that when Stoffel married Mrs. Joseph Humpl he agreed to leave his property to her daughters In re turn for their working on the rarm until thev nhou'd be married. . Mrs. irahl van married when 19 ..o... aIH and Mrs. Renner at 21 Stoffel did not educate them for fear they might become school teachers Let Oregon be modest in its boast ing until it raises all tho hog meat and eggs It consumes. Wanted Position to ' do general housework. Address M. this office. Cigars de Luxe JUICY Tender Meats Cut right Kept rUhl We. will choose your phone orders carefully and deliver promptly. DRESSED POULTRY EVERY SATURDAY CENTRAL MEAT MARKET S'A 4 We have "en l-atti All sizes, all grad'je all prices, uentmii ot seir-clion Is up tc you. WE DO HI- !lT. W. J. Connor & Co. Successor to nARRY O'DELL. Cigars, Candles and Pool Room. 649 Main Street Phone M. 4. "Clark's Grocery" Closset Bb Devers Are the leading importers on the const of Teas and Coffees, Wfc handle their goods. Coffees from 25 to 50 per pound. Teas, 25 to 75 per pound. If you are particular as to your brnnd of either article, and are not satisfied with what you are now using, call in. Wo will put you right. CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174 . J 612 Main Street