East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 21, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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oun rot,icy
We both make money.
We give you advantage of
our cash discount, also bargains
In GOOD GOODS bought for
Sltccial This Week.
Popular Candy, guaranteed
under the pure food law, 10a
and 15c per lb.
We pay lOe for each delivery.
Send your boy, any purchaseof
5c or over we will give him
the 10c.
Special sale on Druggists Sun
dries all this week.
Burroughs. Main 6. Fuel.
Main 178 for coal and wood.
The Melrose System.
Bicycles! 727 Johnson street.
I. C. Snyder.chlmney sweep. R 3812.
Phone Koplttke & Gillanders, for
dry wood and Rock Spring coal.
Tou should have the Melrose Sys
tem. Kverybody goes to the Orpheum to
see the best and the clearest pictures.
All kinds of good dry wood, also
clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal
at Koplttke & Qlllanders.
Friday morning at 10 o'clock. See
Alexander's advertisement, page 6.
Egg and lump coal, $7.60 and $8.
Wood, 7.00. Leave orders at Com
mercial Barn or phone Black 3622.
For rent Large furnished front
room with or without board, 201 Wa
ter street.
For Rent Six room house, modern.
Hot and cold water, bath, toilet.
woodshed, etc. Enquire Dr. C. J
Patronize Bowman's fireproof
cleaning works. There you will not
be inconvenienced by having your
clothes burned up. Phone Main 432
120 West Court street.
Special inducements to all pupils
Joining the day or night school at the
Pendleton business college before
March 5, 1912.
Bowmans operate the only fire
proof cleaning works In Pendleton
Phone Main 432.
Experienced man and wife wants
place on ranch. Phone Farmer 71.
For rent Up to date four room fur
nlshed house. Inquire of J. E. Bean,
corner "Webb and "Willow streets.
Special rates to horses boarded .by
the week or month at the Commercial
Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13.
Also dry wood for sale.
If you want to move, call Pcnland
Bros. Transfer, phone M 339. Large
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 647 Main street..
For transfer work, hauling bag.
gage, moving household goods and
pianos, and all kinds of Job work.
phone Main 461. B. A. Morton.
Save yourself fuel troubles by us
ing our famous Rock Spring coal and
good dry wood. Delivered promptly
Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 6.
Demonstrators Ladles to demon
strate In stores; no experience neces
sary. Apply by letter, giving address
and phone number, to E. A. D., Ore-
gonlan office.
Wanted Girl for general house
work in small family no children
Neat, Intelligent, willing girl, experi
ence not required. Liberal wages
and comfortable home for right girl.
Address L. M. J. this office.
Fort George Farm Lands.
An ounortunltv to set a farm at a
very low figure In Frater River Val
ley. , Call and see or write us for
particulars. Teutsch & Bickers.
Combine Harvester for Sale.
For Eale Daniel "Uaby" Best
Combine, practically new, only used
In cutting BOO acres of grain. In per
fect order. Good reasons fer selling.
Apply Peter Tachella, Pendleton, Ore.
Livery Stable lor Sale Owing to
Dress of other business. I am forced
to sell the Pioneer Livery and Sale
Stable at Hermiston. W. W. Stelwer,
Jr., Hermiston, Ore.
Alfalfa Hay for Sale.
Apply to N. Joerger. 417 Eddy st.
Xo lire at liownian's.
All rlnthea am safe at Bowman's
cleaning and pressing works. Four
reasons why you should patronize us:
1st Your clothes ara kept In a
fire proof building and are fully in
sured. .
!nd All rhemlrnl rleanlncr is done
in a separate building, more than 12
blocks away from our Court street
shop. '
3rd Reran we are modernly
equipped to do your work and do it
right and we get it out on ume.
4 th We have spared no means In
bringing to you ah up-to-date and
fire-proof cleaning and pressing
Phone Main 432, 120 W. Court
Rags Wanted.
The EaBt Oregonian will pay cash
for large, clean rags. Bring them to
this office.
For Sale.
Holt Combine Holley Harvester, In
first class condition, practically new,
cost $1800. hitch cost $260, total
$2050. Will sell for $1100. Call at
Room 4, Ronan Building, Walla Wal
la, Wash. . "
Attention Moohc.
All members of Pendleton Lodge
No. 780, Loyal Order of Moose, are
requested to be present at the regular
meeting tonight. Business of import
ance will be discussed.
R. J. BRUSH, Sec.
For Sale.
One span young mares and colts.
$76.00 takes all four if taken this
week. Ed- Maher, 317 College street
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank our many friends
for their sympathy and many deeds
of love and respect during our late
bereavement In the loss of our dear
wife and mother.
. .New York. A large green parrot,
supposed to have escaped from the
Oceana of the Bermuda line, stopped
traffic at Montgomery and Washing
ton strets, Jersey City, and stayed on
the Job until It had called out the
police reserves and the fire npparatus.
Crowds on their way to work were
startled to hear hum shrieks coming
from nn upper floor of the Lincoln
Trust company building.
"It's murder!" paid a fat man.
Martha WoMoy. the chief scrub
woman, immediately telephoned to
the police and brought Captain I.ar
Uens down the street In his automo
bile, followed by the reserves.
Xo. 1 hook and ladder company fi
nally enme to the rescue, while the
crowd swelled momentarily and fan
tastic rumors began to spread.
When a fireman got half way up
the ladder the parrot flew away.
F. A. Berlin of Athena is among the
business visitors in the city today.
Miss Mary O'SullIvan has returned
from a visit to La Grande and Ba
ker, j, J ,
R. L. Wilson of Weston was among
the residents of that.town in the city
yesterday. '
William Devlne, the . Underwood
typewriter agent. Is making Pendleton
a visit today.
Mrs. Edith Ray has left for Port
land where she will remain for sev
eral weeks.
J. W. Etter, well known resident
of Pilot Rock, is spending the day in
the county seat.
H. L. Morris of Welser, Idaho, was
numbered among the guests at the
Bowman hotel yesterday.
Mrs. Verne Porter, nee Miss Lillian
Stanfield, is up from Portland and is
a guest af her aunt, Miss Iva Hill.
Manuel Frledley, well known far
mer of the Juniper country, Is tran
sacting business in the city today.
Miss Audrey Rust of Portland, for
merly a well-known Pendleton girl,
Is the guest of Miss Edna Storle.
Mr. and Mrs. Polydoro Mones, who
have been spending the winter in the
city, are moving baek to their ranch.
W. J. Lloyd, representative of the
Polk Directory company, went to Pi
lot Rock yesterday in the interests of
his company.
X. A. Miller, the .ithena fucniture
man, came In on the Walla Walla
local this morning and transferred to
westbound No. 1.
George G. Pell, deputy state com
mander of the Knights of the Mac
cabees for eastern Oregon, left on
the local this morning for the west
part of the county.
More Stars In Viag.
Washington, Feb. 21 An official
order for changing the stars of the
national ensign and Union Jack In use
by the navy to show the addition of
two new states to the union has been
Issued by the navy department.
The change, effective July 4. pro
vides for 4 8 stars, to be arranged in
six rows of eight stars each with the
corresponding stars of each row in a
vertical line.
(Special Correspondence.)
Echo, Ore., Feb. 21. Mrs. Ada
Wallace Unruh, state president of the
W. C. T. U., spent the day here yes
terday. In the afternoon she held a
meeting for women at which she dis
cussed ways and means for the prop
ogation of the temperance work.
In the evening she delivered a very
able lecture on equal suffrage but ow
ing to the fact that the subject had
not meen previously announced, Mrs.
Unruh did not have a large audience
Wm. Frazler, a Portland livery
man and horse dealer, who was here
last week buying draft horses to ship
to the Klondyke, left Monday for Pen
dleton from which point he will buy
the horses. He secured several head
of valuable animals here.
Two cars of cattle and one car of
Hheep were shipped from the O.-W.
It. & N. yards at this place last night.
The sheep were shipped by F. W.
Andrews and the cattle which were
shipped by Elmer Spike were the best
that has gone from here the present
year. They were of a uniform size
and averaged In weight 1360 pounds
each. .
Mrs. A. B. Thomson left thi9 morn
ing for Portland to Join her husband
who went down last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomson will visit
with friends the remainder of the
Miss Bertha Allen hag been visit
ing the past week with the Misses
Moore and Mrs. L. C. Rogers. She ex
pects to leave soon for the east.
, T. R. considered it a hiRh duty for
him to tell the people of Ohio how
to make a constitution.
Wanted Position In country to do
housework. Address A, this office.
Courthouse Clerks Blush niul Flee
When Pastor Sujreests Salute.
Cleveland, Ohio When the Rev.
C. E. Peck invited Samuel Swain, a
machinist living at 1530 East Forty
Fifth street, to kiss his bride, Swain
complied without demurring. When
the Rev. Mr. Peck immediately there
after extended a general invitation
to the rank and file of bashful pro
bate court clerks, who had witnessed
the ceremony, to do likewise. tbo
probate courtroom became pudden'y
depopulated. Later they filed In.
shook hands with Swain and his bride
and offered congratulations.
Swain took out a license to marry
Miss Elizabeth Campbell. 37, 1.'30
Fast Forty-Fifth street. They told
the marriage license department that
they would like to have a Methodist
minister perform the ceremony, but
were at a loss whom to pick. Just
then the Rev. Mr Perk wa'ked In.
Heine a Methodist minister, he filled
the bill.
Tt was the first ceremony ever per
formed in the probate courtroom.
Former Follower of Evelyn Arthur
Seo Discharged in Juvenile Court-
Xow Attending College at Gales
burk. Chicago, 111. Mildred Bridges, for
mer follower of Evelyn Arthur See,
the founder of Absolute Life, was dis
charged with only a few words by
Judge Pomeroy In the Juvenile court.
According to Henry Lynch, chief pro
bation officer of the court, the girl
has recently become of age and there
is little evidence to show that she Is
a delinquent.
The hearing was over within three
minutes after the girl and her guar
dian entered the court.
"You are atending school now?"
asked Judge Pomeroy of the girl.
"Yes. I am attending Knox college
at Galesburg," replied the girl, who
has recent'y passed her eighteenth
"I don't see that there is any ev
idence that this girl is a delinquent
and Incorrigible, as stated in the com
Crete Defies Powers.
Cananea. Crete, Feb, 21. Follow
ing the receipt of a formal demand,
from the powers, that those respon
sible for the Moslem murder's be pun
ished, the Cretan government today
severed all relations with foreign
is the near-nature treatment
for Consumption.
The power it creates,
its purity and whole
someness are Nature's
greatest aid in over
coming disease.
New Today
New Suits and Coats
Size 16s to 44a
New Wool Dresses
Size 1 6s to 4 1 s
New Ginghams
10c 12 l-2cand 20c
The New Rippelette for wash dress
es, doesn't need ironing 15c
New Shantong. Pongees
In Wanted Shades 25c and 35c
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Better Goods for Less Money
plaint," declared the court, "and I
will discharge her."
It is said the girl will return to col
lege at once.
The alleged leper near Tacoma Is
probably a far better man than most
of those who are howling abou; him.
Members of the cabinet will all go
campaigning as usual though they
are paid to attend to business.
Warner's Rust-Proof
There is a feature in Warner's Cor
sets that it pays to keep in mind when
selecting modern corsets. There is
plenty of room in a Warner's Corset
no feeling of congestion and yet it
shapes wonderfully the new figure con
tour. Warner's Corsets are always in
fashion, as they are kept up to the min
ute in st3le.
Made to wear well, to shape fashion-
iluHl'V jk iiblv, not to rust, break or tear. Every
t K-.'i V I ' I filial tllllV.l.T.1. UltlllH.) JlLtUI'I JJUl'
''1 V- llose Supporters are attached to
ymJf this.corset. The best supporter there is.
$1.50 Corset 98
$2.00 Corset $1.49
$-.'0 Corset - S1.9S
Golden Rule Store
1 A Y an:
We will place on sale for three days 1 500 pairs of LADIES' SHOES and OXFORDS in
nearly all sizes, all leathers-mostly patent. Values $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00, such
famous makes as John Kelley, Sil-Kid and R. J. & R.
Sale Starts Thurs. Morning
See Window Tonight
Your choice and all
you want for 3 days
IS o