East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 17, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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New Sprag
of every description coming in every
day by express and freight
Wo arc now showing a large assortment of pretty SILK
and SERGE DRESSES, Suits and Coats m all the new
Spring shades.
Dress Goods in hundreds of pretty patterns. Silks
in all tho new shades.
New shoes for ladies in White Button, Colonial
Pumps, etc.
us show you
F. E. Livengood k Go.
The Ladies' and Children's Store.
MARCH Ladies Home Journal Patterns Ready.
Bicycles! 727 Johnson street.
Burroughs. Main S. Fuel.
Main 178 for coat and wood.
The Melrose System.
I. C. Snyder.chlmney sweep. R 3812.
Phone Koplttke & GHlanders, for
dry wood and Rock Spring coal.
Ton should have the Melrose Sys
tem, y
Te rent Furnished house. Enquire
607 Willow or phone Black 3322. ...
Everybody goes to the orpheum to
see the best and thn clearest pictures.
All kinds of good dry wood, also
clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal
at Kopittke & Olllanders.
Wanted Position by man and wife
on farm. D. J. Ward, 388 E. 6th
street, Portland Oregon.
Egg and lump coal, $7.60 and 88
Woed, 87.00. Leave orders at Com
mercial Barn or phone Black 3622.
For rent Large furnlahea front
room with or without board, 201 Wa
ter street.
For Rent Office with heat and
light, 88 per month. Ask J. H. Estes,
American National Bank Bldg.
For Relit Six room house, modern.
Hot and cold water, both, - toilet,
woodshed, etc. Enquire Dr. C. J.
Special rates to horses boarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13.
Also dry wood for sale.
If you want to move, call Penland
Bros. Transfer, phone M 339. Large
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 647 Main street.
For transfer work, hauling bag
gage, moving household goods and
pianos, nnd all kinds of Job work,
phone Main 461. B. A. Morton.
Save yourself fuel troubles by us
ing our famous Rock Spring coal and
good dry wood. Delivered promptly
Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 6.
Wanted Girl for general house
work in small family no children.
Neat, intelligent, willing girl, experi
ence not required. Liberal wages
and comfortable homo for right girl.
Address L. M. J. this office.
Railroad Official Also At trad Short
Course For Farmers and Schools
Clowe in Order That Pupils Might
Hear Lectures.
Now Laundry Department.
Tho Domestic Laundry has added
a rough dry department to Its al
ready well equipped and up to date
establishment. Patrons will please
have their bundles ready Monday
morning. . v
Fort George Farm Lands.
An opportunity to get a farm at a
very low figure In Fraer River Val
ley. Call and see or write us for
particulars. Teutech & Bickers.
Combine Harvester for Sale.
For Sale Daniel "Baby" Berat
Combine, practically new, only used
In cutting 600 acres of grain. In per
fect order. Good reasons for selling.
Apply Peter Tachella, Pendleton, Ore.
Alfalfa Hay for Sale.
Apply to N. Joerger, 417 Eddy st.
We both make money.
We give you advantage, of
ur cash discount, also bargains
In GOOD GOODS bought for
Special This Week.
Popular Candy, guaranteed
under the pure food law, 10c
and J5o per lb.
We pay lOo for each delivery.
Send your boy, any purchase of
6o or over we will give him
the 10c.
Special sale on Druggists Sun
dries all this week.
(Special Correspondence.)
' Stanfield, Ore., Feb. 1". There
were two meetings of the Farmers'
Institute course yesterday, which was
opened at the old school house with
a lecture by Dr. James Withycombe
on the subject of "The cow," which
contained much valuable advice on
the selection and care of the cow. He
urged his hearers to get together as
a unit in the community and select
the same breed of cows and gave a
reason therefor, tho fact that in dis
posing of surplus stock later on the
ability of the community to deliver a
car load of any one good variety
would command better market open
ings with consequent favorable prices.
Prof. Ayres. also of the Agricultur
al College at Corvallls, followed with
an Interesting talk on the subjet of
"Good Roads."
At the evening session the large
audience was favored with an extra
lecture, the result of an unexpected
visit to Stanfield, by C. L. .Smith,
agriculturist of the O.-W. R. & X.
R. R. Co., who delivered a talk on
the subject of "Home Making." F.
W. Robinson, general freight agent
of the same company altso delivered a
short address.
Tlie evening program closed with
an address on the subject ' of "Tree
Planting" by Prof. R. W. Allen of the
Hermlston experiment station.
Today's program includes a prac
tical demonstration of correct prun
ing under the supervision of Mr. Al
len, in one of the young orchards ad
joining town; also a lecture by Prof.
A. C. Boquett on "Vegetables." Prof.
Kent will give an address on "Dairy
ing"; and Prof. Dryden a lecture on
R. It. Miller, traffic manager, F.
AV. Robinson, general freight agent,
C. li. Smith, agriculturalist and Jack
O NeH, traveling passenger agent of
the O.-W. R. & X. company, who
spent yesterday here attending the
farmers' Institute, returned to Port
land Inst night on their special car.
The pupils of the Stanfield high
school were dismissed yesterday af
ternoon to permit of their attendance
at tho meeting of the farmers' Insti
tute. . .
Wm. Seneschal Is erecting a new
residence- on his three acre tract in
I the north-east part of town.
Prof. Frank D. Carruth, principal
or me local public schools took a
day's respite from tho arduous duties
of the school room, going to Pendle
ton to assist the orchestra of the
Elk's minstrels Thursday and Friday
John F. Bagnn nnd R. A. Holte were
llermlston visitors Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bales went to
Pendleton Thursday, returning Frl
day morning,
Mr. and Mra. M. C. Baragar went to
Pendleton yesterday morning, where
Mrs. Baragar underwent a serious
operation. Her many friends here
will be pleased to hear that she Is
getting along nicely since the oper
Mrs. C. W. Connor and son Frank
have gone to Pendleton, where Con
nor & Son have a contract for con
structing a sewer for the city.
Walter W. Weir In charge of U. S.
drainage investigation engineering de
partment, with headquarters at North
Yakima, 'is spending a few days here
looking over drainage conditions.
J. L. Parker was a Pendleton vis
itor Thursday where he went to at
tend the Elk's minstrel.
Chas. T. Kenlson was a motor pas
senger to Pendleton Friday morning.
Glen McCullough went to Pendle
ton Friday to take In the Elks min
strels. Dr. Henry W. Coe went to Port
land this morning to remain a few
Mr. Story of Pendleton, ' was tran
sacting business here Friday.
J. Bagwell of Adams is a business
visitor in Pendleton today.
P. C. Hunter of F.lcho was among
the visitors In the city yesterday.
Mrs. J. Mlilard of La Grande was
a visitor in tne city yesieruay.
Col. J. H. Raley returned this morn
ing from a business visit to Portland.
George Tonkin, county school .jju-
pervlsor, spent yesterday evening in
the city. s
Marshall .Jeff Stevens of Umatilla,
came up rrom the seaport town u-
day. .
George Propeck, Freewater con
stable, Is making Pendleton a visit
Dr. C. J. Smith left this afternoon
for Portland to visit with his wife
and daughter.
Miss Velma Wilkinson of Athena,
came down from her home thisj morn
ing on the local.
Rev. Sprattler of the German Luth
eran church, came .In on the X. P.
local this morning.
. J. F. Wyrick, a prosperous Helix
farmer, is a visitor In the city to
day. '
P. Mollahan- and Jojin Connell of
Heppner, were over from Morrow
county yesterday.
J. p. Lleuallen of Weston Is num
bered among the out-of-town crowd
In the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Brownell arriv
ed in the city last evening from Uma
tilla and spent the night here.
Attorney S. F. Wi!son arrived In the
city this morning after visiting the
office of his firm In Athena.
H. H. McReynolds, Pilot Rock
constable, came in from his home yes
terday and remained over night.
J. G. Cutler, roadmaster for the
Northern Pacific, came In on the
morning train from Pasco.
Ed Ringle came in from his ranch
north of the city thb? morning and is
spending the day In the city.
John Lewis of Heilx was among
the incoming passengers on the morn
ing Xorthern Pacific train.
Letcher Xorvell, well known young
Helix resident, made one of his fre
qpent trips to the city this morning.
J. G. Cutler of the Xorthern Pa-!
clflc, was a visitor here this morn
ing, having come over from Walla
Dale Rothwell, optician at Hans-
com s Je"velry store, lert today to
spend a week with relatives near
Senator Charles A. Barrett came
down from his home at Athena this
morning and is spending the day in
the city.
James P. Xeal, whose singing was
one of the features of the Elks min
strels, returned to his home at Free
water today.
Mr. and Mrs. John Adams return
ed to their home this afternoon.
Louis Hodgen of Freewater, is in
the city today.
Miss Verna Dwelly of Walla Wal'a
will arrive In the city this evening to
be the guest of Mrs. f5ain R. Thomp
son for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams have
returned to their home near Uklah
after a brief visit with Mrs. O. E.
Robert Goss, a cousin of Mrs. Wil
liam Goedecke, is visiting at the
Gofdecke home, having arrived here
from Minnesota several days ago.
Mrs. Ralph B. McEwen returned to
her homo near Athena today after
spending the greater portion of the
week as the guest of Mi.-s Ura smith.
S. F. Wilson, formerly of Athena,
but who now Jias headquarters In
Portland, was here this forenoon and
left on train Xo. 17 for the nietropr
olis. Edgar W. Smith, state agent for
the Equitable Life Insurance com
pany ,. -turned to Portland this morn
ing and will arrive in the city again
next week.
Mrs. Gilman Folsom and daughter
Genie, returned today from Pilot
Hock, where they had been visiting
Mrs. Folsom's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Jacques.
H. A. Waterman, ruayor of llermls
ton and who Is thinking of running
for ;he republican nomination for
county commissioner, returned home
last evening after a short visit in the
J. A. Dupuis, formerly a local car
penter, Is up from Portland to make
repairs to tne old Arnold house on
west Bluff street, which was partly
destroyed by fire recently.
Misses France Armstrong, Dorothy
Elliott, Ruth Martin, Nell M. Thomp
son, Jessie Cunningham, Erna Martin,
Sylvia Van Hollebeke, Edna Wilson,
Beryl Wadsworth and Edna Conwell,
comprising the Walla Walla high
school basketball team, were regis
tered at the Bowman last night.
Ladies and Childrens 15c black Hose, pair 9c
$1.25 Cream or Black Serge, for yard . . . 98c
Striped Ripplette in blue and white, pink and white and
1 tan and white at yard . . . . . 15c
16-ihch Sea Island Percales in light colors at 12 l-2c
Shantung natural and mercerized Pongee in various
shades, at yard . . . . 25 c and 35c
30c German Ticking, yard- . . . 24c
Tan silk finished Lisle Hose for women and children 25 c
New Dress Ginghams at 10c, 12 I -2c and 20c yard
All best Calico, at yard 5 c
Great Bargains in Dependable Shoes for Women and
Don't fail to see our showing of spring Suits and Coats
Better Goods for Less Money
night on the outskirts of San Jose.
They stabbed each ' other repeatedly
and silently
Shortly after the groans of the men
aroused the neighborhood. The- po
lice rushed the men to the Emergen
cy hospital, where they are now In
a dangerous condition.
Livery Stable lor Sale Owing to
press of other business, I am forced
to sell the Pioneer Livery and Sale
Stable at Hermlston. W. W. Stelwer,
Jr., Hermlston, Ore.
Notice to Terpschorean Club.
The next of the regular series of
dances will be given In Eagle-Woodman
hall on Monday evening, Febru
ary 19.
Anti-rolling water tanks, designed
to overcome the rolling of ships, are
likely to be adopted on all big liners.
In China at the present time there
are 4000 protestant missionaries and
1400 of the Roman Catholic church.
San Diego, Cal., is said to be the
first American city to take up sci
entific forestry as a municipal enterprise.
Our New Spring Shoes
and Oxfords Are Here
Ladies, Misses. Children and Infants
can secure a perfect fit here in the late
st and most stylish footwear-yet save
25 to 1 00 per cent on every purchase
IFe Golden Rule Store
Card of Thanks,
The officers and members of Pen
dleton Lodge Xo. 288, B. P. O. Elks
desire to thank all persons who assist
ed in making the minstrel show n
grand success and also desire to thank
the public for their generous patron
age and wish to assure them that
Pendleton lodge ln the grand Elks'
parade at Portland'on July 11, 1912,
will Burely put Pendleton and Uma
tilla county on the map.
Chairman Publicity Committee.
San Jose. Bleeding from a hun
dred wounds, Tony Hudrter and Frank
Twlzzell, two ranch hands, battled
with knives for five hours In Delmos
avenue to settle a grudge which had
existed for several years. Only the
intervention of the police, who were
called after both men were almost
exhausted, prevented life from being
The men met by . agreement at
New Models Now on Our Floor
Come and See Them
Ask for Demonstration
Penfcdletomi Auto Co.
Garage, Repair Shop, Tire Repair Shop
Full Line Tires and Accessories