DAILY EAST O.RRGOXTAN', PENDLETON. OKEGON". SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1012. TEN PAGES TACK FOUTL 8 fesd AN IM'Kl'ENUUNT NEVStAI'KK. Published Illy nd s.'ml-Wffkly at Pen dleton, ureson, by tbe EAST OKKUONI AN 1THL1SHIXG CO. Srr.SCKIlTION KATES. Pl'jr, on j?r. by mail f.YOO lli, tlx munl'-ia. by umll . .. 2.M Daily, three moDibs, l.v mall 1.-3 Llly, one month, by mall 60 Dally, on year, by carrier 7.60 Daily, six month, by carrier 3 75 Da I It, 'hree montU. oy carrier l.M Daily, one momb, by carrier - femlAVeekly, oue year, by mall 160 K-ml Weekly, six month, by mail 75 genii-Weekly, four mouths, by mall... .60 The Dally East )regontao la kept oa sale t Ibe Oregon Ne Co., 3J Morrison street. Tort land. Oregon. Northwest News Co., Portland, Oregon. Cbhago l'.ureau, 9i'9 Security liuildlng. Washington, L. C, Kureau. 501 Kour tacnta xreec N. W. Entered at tbe postoffiee at Pendletoo, Oregon, aa eeconJ class mall matter. Member I'nlted Press Association. felepbooe taaln Official City and County Paper. JIKK A1IVICE. Be gooJ. be brave, be one who wins The highest prizes men may eeek; 13e strong to turn from all the sins That tempt the foolish and the weak; Have courage every day to be One of the noble, worthy few; Bring all your troubles home to me, But, first of all, be true be true: Be rich, be one whom other men Shall learn to honor and obey; To me Impart your secrets when Tour tasks are ended for the day; Go forth each morning to suo ceed From doubt of your high mer- it free, But in each thought and word and deed Be true, be true be true to me! Be one whom other men shall cheer , And ask their sons to emu- late; With purpose high and con- science clear, Be wise, be earnest and be great; Be powerful, be splendid, cause Tour fame to spread to every zone; Be worthy of the world's ap- plause But keep your smiles for me alone! S. E. Kiser. I I :! i i ! :i ! ! ! I AIDING THE MORALLY SICK. Jn dealing with wrong doers as with other evils it is true that a pre vention is always better than a cure. It -would be splendid if the world could get at the cause of crime and wipe it out completely. Incidentally there are many who think a long step in this direction could be taken by eliminating social and economic wrongs that prevail. But the world moves slowly and man's upward progress is gradual. So U is idle to expect perfection in any thing and until people do become per fect thtre will be wrongdoers and the need of rescue work. Within recent years people have come to have a greater appreciation of what may be done towards aiding those who are more or less down arid out. Just now Police Judge Frick of Cincinnati is, attracting some good attention be cause of a plan he is following. He has called upon the people of Cin cinnati, of all classes to aid in the tusk of reclaiming derelicts, especi ally of the Juvenile order. Individu als arc- urged to take upon themselves for the period of one year the task of guiding and rehabilitating .wrong doers who come before his court. It is an effective way to work. The man, woman or child who ha through v.eakne-s or through imperfect train ing fallen into crime and finds him self in the grip of the law Is more liable to regain hold upon decency if supervised by some well meaning in dividual with the tact and kindness essential to the success of the task. All people, no matter how- low, have ar. appreciation of the good and beau tiful. They may do wrong but they do not uphold wrong doing. Often they will climb out of the pit If given assistance and encouragement. When they can be reclaimed It is worth do ing bo, not merely because a human soul Is worth saving but because a good man or woman contributes to society while bad people are but para sites upon the world. IIAKMO.N A TAFTITE. There Is considerable discussion going on these days as to whether or not Governor Harmon is a progres sive or a reactionary. Were he in Oregon he would be classed as a re actionary, most emphatically. He opposes the initiative and referen dum and when the subject was re cently under discussion in Ohio said: "I am not convincej that the in itiative and referendum, applied gen erally to subjects of U'-,ilalion, would be an improvement on our system of government by representatives. Xo one can Justly claim that this new departure in government has yet passed the experimental stage In other states, while even if it has. none of them has so large or so di versified a population as Ohio, or such a great variety of interests." From the above it would seem that the Ohio governor and presidential aspirant holds much the same view-as- does the man already in the White House. If a man is wanted who is opposed to direct legislation why make any change? A Sl'IMalCAIj I.l-IYPKR. There are heroes of peace as well as war and one of the former died in London last Sunday. He was Baron Lister, who is credited with being the man whose discoveries brought about the system of aseptic surgery now in use throughout the world. He was S7 years of age and during his long life time did wonderful work towards advancing his profession. When Lister was a young house surgeon in a London hospital the mortality in the surgical wards every where was something frightful. The germ theory was not then understood as it is now and the simplest opera tions were often followed by troubles that brought on death. It was the theory then that the decomposition of the tissues of a wound was due to oxy gen in the air. ' Lister held the idea . that the troubles arose more from local caus es than anything, else and worked upon that idea. He made use of antiseptic washes and sprays and al so insisted that patients be wisely protected against infection with germs from the instruments or from the per son of the operator. Through the development of ideas set forth first by Baron Lister, ac cording to his biographers, the sci ence of surgery made great advance. The mortality rate has been wonder fully reduced and operat'ons are now possible that at one time were re garded as entirely beyond the limit of human ability. Of course the ad vance of surgery along other lines than those upon which Uster worked has no doubt contributed largely to the progress made. But if Lister is entitled to half the- credit that has been given him since his death he did great things for the art of sur gery and was a benefactor of suffer ing humanity. A SOCIALIST CITY. Pocatello, Idaho, Feb. 14, '12. Editor East Oregonian: In your issue of Feb. 13th you com ment editorially on the efforts of the Schenectady, N. Y. administration to carry out real constructive program. I think it would be only fair to the men who are setting so worthy ex ample of honesty and efficiency in city administration to mention the fact that these men all 'belong to the socialist party. Some of yonr readers know this. A great many do not. Many other cities have become wearied of the inefficiency and cor ruption of the old parties and have decided to give the working class a chance to put into practice some of the demands of the socialist program. Many of these, such as full municipal ownership, have been in operation in the European countries for years, that they are a success. Is a fact open to fullest Investigation. Xo democratic or republican co administration pldes Itself before election to a program as beneficial as that so successfully started in the OF It Was Awful. Cried Continually. Had to Hold and Watch Him to Keep Him from Scratching. Suffering Was Dreadful. Had not Used Half a Set of Cuticura Remedies Before Head was Clear and Free from Eczema. "I think the Cuticura Remedies are the best remedies for eczema I have ever heard of. My mother had a child who had a rash on its head when it was real young. Doctor called it baby rash. He cave us medicine, but it did no good. In a few days the bead was a solid mass, a running sore-- It was awful, the child cried continually. We had to hold, him and watch him to keep him) from scratching the sore. His suffering was dreadful. At last wa remembered Cuticura Remedies. We got a dollar bottle of Cuticura Resol vent, a box of Cuticura Ointment, and a bar of Cuticura Soap. We gave the Resolvent as directed, washed the head with the Cuticura Soap, and applied the Cuticura Ointment. We had not used half before the child's head was clear and free from eczema, and it has never come back again. His head was healthy and he had a beautiful head of hair. I think the Cuticura Ointment very good for the hair. It makes the hair grow and prevents falling hair." i Signed) Mrs. Francis Lund, Plain City, Jtah, Sept. 19, 1910. Cuticura Soap and Ointment are for sale throughout the world, but to those who have suffered much, lost hope and are without faith in any treatment, a liberal sample of each with 32-p. book let on the ikin will be mailed free, on application. Address Potter Drug A Cnetn. Corp., Dept. 12B, Boston. HUTS HEAD SOLID III city of Schenectady, or so well ac complished in the larger city of Mil waukee. . Moral: Worklngman, look into the socialists position. Yours truly, CHAS. E. HITCHING. RESOIATIONS. Maud Multer is a test severe; But I aver . - i I'il write no parodies this year Concerning her. , Pittsburg Post. The Female of the species is A dainty hit. But I will write no- parodies .Concerning it. Milwaukee Sentinel. Miss Mary has a fleecy pet, 'Twas not a ram; Xo parody will I abet Concerning iamb. Cincinnati Enquirer. The boy stood on the burning deck May be there yet; No parodies on him, by heck, Will I abet. Birmingham Age-Herald. Bards, 'tis a privilege to praise You. one and all; This year, I'll make no paraphrase Of Locksley HalL MEMORY. The snow is deep within the lane Through which you walked a year ago. But, halting there, I hear the strain Sung by June zephyrs, sweet and low. The boughs 'ueath which you stood are bare . And scarred by glinting shafts of sleet. But petals, while I linger there, Drift tenderly around my feet. SWEET LITTLE HARRY. "Ma," said little Harry, "I'll tell you what you ought to do." "What, dear?" his mother asked. "You "ought to go over to live in some country where the people are Mohammedans." "What on earth ever put such a thought as that into your dear head darling " " 'Cause over there they think all fat women are beautiful." "Harry! If you dare to open your mouth again this evening you will be sent to bed with nothing to eat." CAPTA1X AND HIS ACDIEXCE. The ship upon clearing the harbor ran tntoa half-pitching, half-rolling sea, that became particularly notice able about the time the twenty-five passengers at the captain's table sat down to dinner. "I hope that all twenty-five of you will have a pleasant trip," the cap tain told them as 'the soup appeared, "and that this little assemblage of twenty-four will reach port much benefited by the voyage. I look upon these twenty-two smiling faces much IKe Substantial Worth of the SELF CRANKING AND ELECTRICALLY LIGHTED ? " J J Motor In rnnn t J J y . J Cadillac Distributers 315 East Court Street Pendleton Phone M. 468 Absolutely Pur To have pure antf wholesome food, be sure that your baking powder is made from cream of tartar and not from alum. The Label will guide you Royal is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Lime Phosphates as a .father does upon his family for I am responsible for the safety of this group of seventeen. . I hope that all thirteen of you will join me later In drinking to a merry trip. I believe that we seven fellow-passengers are most congenial and I applaud the judgment, w-hlch chose from the pas senger list these three persons for my table. You' and I, my dear sir, are here, steward! Bring on the fish and clear away these dishes." Ev erybody's. IF YOU LIKE CARP. The fishing season will soon be hero and it is only proper, therefore, that our readers should be furnished with simple instructions concerning the best methods of preparing carp. Not being willing to trust to our own judgment in the matter, we have prevailed upon W. F. K. of Sterling where many of our most expert carp catchers reside, to impart such Infor mation as is considered necessary. His advice is as follows: Two Nice Ways of Preparing Carp. To prepare carp dellclously wash the fish carefully, skin it and fill with bread pudding; then pour sour but termilk over the whole fish; wrap up neatly, and express It to anyone whom Is adjudged by the public opinion backed by j years of unfailing The car with a self -cranking device which is 1 00 per cent efficient and developes the full 40 Horse Power k7 you have a grudge against. Clean the fish nicely and let it dry for two days In the sun. Nail the fiBh to a pine board, cover it with salt, and After it has stood for two days put it In an oven and bake it slowly for six hours. Then draw the nails, throw the carp away and cat the board. A KIND OF EMPTINESS. Two hunter had "beaten" the trail along the marshes of Long Island for three days with an unusually small bag resulting. The food supply had run out much ahead of scheduled time; far worse, the "liquid ammu nition" had been exhausted in the early stages of the hunt. After following the coast vainly for three hours, looking for some sign of habitation, they spied an empty house on the beach. "Go in and look It over. Bill," said one. He did so, returning in a moment empty-handed. "Anything in there?" asked his companion, expectantly. "Nope," replied his running mate, with a profound sigh "nothing but two empty bott'.es full of water." Everybody's Magazine. TouriER Car Pluitton Roadster Torpedo Coupo Limousino Tf you wnut information re gard ins the re liability of these cm, ask the first owner 13 you meet. verdict of service 3. CREAMS A SPECIAL FOR Chappy Skin Weather Cucumber, Almond, Edelweiss 25c a Bottle Koeppen's The drug store that serves you lest. The Pendleton'Drug Co. la In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN TOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES Two Old jr.laids Anna What do you think Mr. Ek lund charged me for sewing on a pair o; soles on my shoes T Clara Don't know and don't car Anna, he only charged me 65c and did fine work too yes, but I don't like him. Anna Well, well, you evld ntly do or you wouldn't care. Men's soles sewed on for 90c Full line of men's fine shoes. A. EKLUND Main Street BRING IN YOUR PONY VOTES In order to avoid confusion as to standing of contestants in our big Pony Contest, we would like to have all votes cast as soon as possible. Standings of each boy and girl In the contest, are now dis played at our store. Tallman Co. You'll get the best meal in Pejidleton at the QUELLE Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakea Oood coffee Every day x We Invite your patronage and aim to please you. A clean kitchen Regular Meals 25c Gus. La Fonta.no Ia Fontaine Block, Main Street