East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 17, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    4 .. ..
Your Trade is Cordially Solicited at Pendleton's Newest Store
a m
EVERYTHING the market affords in
Fresh Meats, Fish, Poultry, Groceries, Fruits, and Vegetables
Our Store is Absolutely Clean and Sanitary; Our Stock Freshened Daily
Postoffice Block,
next to Hanscom's
Jewelry Store
(llvj WW
J am
1 I 1 LI i
Postoffice Block
Careful Attention Given to Phone Orders and Goods Delivered to Any Part of the
: City Free of Charge
Phone Main 444
Vitugrnph feature for Sunday and
1. "Testing His Courage." Vita
graph. There's nerve tissue and red
blood in this picture thnt gives it a
stir and whirr of delightful and con
tinuity of interest. Tales of a west
ern terror do not phase an eastern
chap. To tost his courage a girl im
personates the terror, who meets her
In disguise anM she is saved from his
embrace by the easterner, who gets
the drop on him and puts him in tho
2. "A Timely Lesson." A married
man who had become infatuated with
a handsome widow and believes that
he no longer loves his wife and child,
in brought to-his senses through tho
instrumentality of his wife's brother,
who causes him to suffer the same
heartaches he had inflicted upon bis
3. "The Fire Brigade in Moscow."
Paine. A thrilling picture of the
work done by these fire fighters.
4. "The Fright." l'athe. The sit
uation of this remarkably strong pho
toplay is human and very intense. It
is very truly a picture of a fright and
is a picture well worth seeing.
5. "The First Man." Essanay.
There is an ingenuous plot, excellent
acting and splendid stage manage
ment in this comedy. It will cause
ripples, torrents, floods of hearty
Freed From Shooting Pains,
Spinal Weakness, Dizziness,
by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Ottunwa, Iowa. "For years I was
almost a constant sufferer from female
trouble in all its
dreadful forms:
over my body, sick
hcadaclje, spinal
weakness, dizziness.
depression, and
everything that was
horrid. I tried many
doctors in different
parts of the United
States, but Lydia E.
1 Pinkhnm's Vegeta
ble Compound has done more forme than
all the doctors. I feel it my duty to tell
you these facts. My heart is full of
gratitude to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound for my health." Mrs.
Harriet E. Wampler, 521 S. Ransom
Street, Ottumwa, Iowa,
Consider Well This Advice.
No woman suffering from any form
of femalo troubles should lose hope un
til she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound a fair trial. .
This famous remedy, tho medicinal in
gredients of which are derived from
native roots and herbs, has for nearly
forty years proved to bo a most valua
ble tonic and invigorator of the fc
mule organism. Women everywhere
bear willing testimony to tho wonderful
virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
l.ln Comnound.
If you want special ndvlcn writo to
Lydia E. Hnkhnm Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held In strict confidence
Tho Pastime.
The home of good pictures. A
classy program for Sunday's change-
"Kvangellne." Selig. Tho beauti
ful story of Evangeline is probably as
well known and as dearly loved as
was its poetic creator. Henry W.
Longfellow. With a pathetic charm
that brings a Bob to the throat of its
auditor, we are told the story of two
young Arcadian lovers Evangeline,
the beautiful, and Gabriel, son of
Hasil, the blaekhmith.
"His Exoneration." Lubin. A
western story of love and strife, be
ginning in tho east Chock full of
action. Plot skilfully woven and the
love featuro especially good.
"The Vitagraph Monthly of Cur
rent Events." showing things as they
happened and how they are done. First
wo see the New York city mounted
police in their annual parade. Next
comes-"Hello, liill," the It. P. O. K,
who now pass before us in magnifi
cent regalia. This pageant of pano
ramic splendor will be hailed with do
light. The Hoy Scouts are shown
giving us an exhibition drill and many
other features too numerous to men
tion! "Ho Who Laughs Iist." Kalem. A
rollicking Western comedy, present
ing a bunch of American (Kalem)
Friday and Saturday'? program
looks good on paper, it looks better
on the screen.
"Tho Cattlemen's War." Bison. A
fierce war started over one little calf.
Pee the genuine round-up and brand
ing. Sensational riding. desperate
battles, a drop or two of love and fi
nally peace and happiness. A fea
ture. Western.
"When First We Met." Powers.
If ever you went swiping apples in
kid hood days you'll like this sweet
little kid story.
"Tho Musician's Daughter." Am
erican Eclair. A feature picture with
real sentiment expressed In every
scene A story that grips the heart
strings. Simply a "better picture."
"Mutt and Jeff and the Black
Hand." Nestor. They saw dreams
of glittering wealth via the black
mail route, but alas! the end was
a nightmare. Its a snappy, lively
"The telltale Parson." Powers.
Motor Cur Conductor to Build a New
Home Ladies Aid Elect Officers
For Ensuing Year New Druggist.
(Special Correspondence.) '
Umatilla, Ore., Feb. 17. Conductor
Cherry of the motor car will begin
the construction of a new residence
Comedy of a village deacon, a run-! on the' south side of the depot on the
away horse, an unexplained parasol D. C. Brownell addition,
and a jealous wifey. I Xev Cross Walks.
"Romance and Uppercuts." Nestor. Several new cross walks have been
Country comedy with a little love and ! laid during the week, also the corn-
lots of fighting.
Coming! Great two-reel submarine
feature, "From the Bottom of the
Sea." It's an Imp nothing more
need be said.
At Tho Grand.
Friday and Saturday, j
The Lost Freight Car, a Kalem
film. Showing a real railroad wreck.
Lieutenant Grey of the Confeder
acy, a Selig film, showing that great
pletlon of the sidewalks on F street
will be rushed.
Ladies' Alii Officers.
The ladies' aid elected officers for
the ensuing quarter today and are
H3 follows: President, Mrs. J. T.
Bullock, vice president, Mrs. L. Bul
lock, secretary Mrs. C. Correll, assis
tant secretary Mrs. C. B. Harvey,
treasurer, Mrs. D. C. Brownell.
Concrete Sidewalks.
Concrete sidewalks are being put
down this week in front of the new
General Grant.
The Foolishness of Jealousy, a Vlt-jciine' block which will add materially
ngraph film, tho same old story, the I to the appearance of the block as
wife thinks her husband is in love I
with his stenographer. j
In connection with our splendid j
motion picture program, Miss Francis
Dainty and company, novelty slack
w ire and bicycle artists. Miss Fran-'
els Dainty and company has been one
of tho feature acts with lllngliug
Bros, circus for the past season. They j
well as to the city.
liuys New Horse.
Mr. D. R. Brownell has purchased
from Hormiston parties during the
week a fine delivery horse which will
!e used to meet the demands on his
rapidly increasing business.
Basket Social.
A basket social and dance will be
At The Grand
Mrs. H. T. Duncan has returned
from Portland. She has been very
ill since her return.
Miss B. Brownell who met with a
somewhat serious accident some weeks
ago is now convalescent.
Mrs. Jeff Stephens and daughter
are visiting at Pendleton this week.
D. C. Brownell has gone to Seattle
on a business trip.
O. W. Walker of the Pacific Tele
phone company has been transferred
to Kennewiek, having left for his
new station early in the week.
sail March 9th on the steamer Sierra ; held on Friday evening to create a
to do an engagement n Honolulu and : fund to lix up the Umatilla cemetery
go from there to China and Japan, ! grounds. Shade trees will be planted
continuing on to Australia and New 'and the grounds otherwise improved.
Zealand,, j New Druir Store.
Earl ("ilbson the Stanfleld druggist
has closed up his store; there and will
open a drug store In the Svvitzler
building on Railroad avenue. This
Ts not for those suffering from kid-; will be the first drug store here.
At The Grand
prompt use of Foley Kidney Pills will
dispel backache and rheumatism, heal
and strengthen sore, weak and ailing I
kidneys, restore normal action, and
wi:h it health nnd strength. Mrs. M. j
F. Spalsbury, Sterling, 111., says, "I
suffered great pain in my back and j
kidneys, could not sleep at night, and j
could not raise my hands over my I
head. But two bottles of Foley Kid- buck,
ney Fills cured mo. Foley Kidney f. W
Personal Mention.
Mrs. Jane Davidson has returned
from a visit to her granddaughter.
Miss Jewel Franklyn who is attend
ing school at Portland.
Miss Eva Brownell has resigned
her position at the post office.
Mrs. D. W. Jackson is visiting in
La Grande.
Mrs. L. Hukill is visiting In Star-
Cameron, superintendent of
the Pacific Telephone company, who
had been . visiting his family in Se
attle returned today.
Mrs. H. N. Dryer has returned from
an extended visit to Portland.
Mrs. Mary Suit on and Mrs, D. R.
Brownell were in Pendleton during
the week on a pleasure and business
It checks tho progress of tho disord- Dr. B. Monkman and Russel Brow
er and assists nature to restore nor- noil were visitors from Ilermlston to
mal conditions. Price 26c, 60c and, day.
$1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. W. F. O'Connor has returned from
Koeppen & Bros. ' a three weeks' trip to the coast,
Pills have my heartiest endorsement.
For sale by all dealers.
A heavy cold In the lungs that was
expected to euro itself has been the
starting point in many cases of dis
ease that ended fatally. Tho sensible
course Is to -take frequent doses of
Portland, Ore.. Feb. 17. iSrooial)
A dozen members of the Philadel
phia, Pa., lodire of Elks will make a
transcontinental automobile trip
early in the coming Summer to at
tend the national convention of their
organization in Portland.
Che-ter r. Ray, a prominent man
ufacturer of Philadelphia, is organ
izing a party that will leave the Qua
ker city early in May and travel b.-is-erely
across the country, stopping at
vaiious cites and towns where Elk
lodges are located. They will not at
tempt to break speed records but ore
determined to reach Portland in ad
vance of the opening day of the con
vention, July S. The regular con
tingent of Philadelphia Elks will
come to Portland on a special train
tlraham Xevins and Loo MeCud
den. members of the VaUejo. Cal..
lodge, are -planning an automobile
trip from that city to the convention.
Shellhorn Lady Suffered a Great
Deal, But Is All Right Now.
Shellhorn, Ala. In a letter from thl
place, Mrs. Carrie May sayB: "A Bhort
time ago, I commenced to have weak
Epells and headaches. I felt bad all
the time, and soon grew so bad I
couldn't stay up. I thought I would die.
At last my husband got me a bottle
of Cardul, and it helped me; o he got
some more. After I had taken the
second bottle, I was entirely welL
I wish every lady, suffering from
womanly trouble, would try Cardul.
It Is the best medicine I know of. It
did me more good than anything I ever
Cardul is a woman's tonic
strengthening medicine for women,
made from Ingredients that act spe
cifically on the womanly organs, and
thus help to build up the womanly con
stitution to glowing good health.
As a remedy for woman's ills, it has
a successful record of over 50 years.
Tour druggist sells it Please try It.
N. B. Write to: laJifs' AJvlsory Dept., Cht
oon Medicine Co., Chattanooea, Tenn., for Special
hiitnictitiftfi, and bouk, '"Home Tneatmaal
fof Women." sent in plain wrapper, oa request.
w iiiits with his ti:i:th.
You are probably aware that pneu
monia always results from a eo'.d. but
you never heard of a co'.j resulting
in pneumonia when Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy was used. Why take
the risk when this remedy may be
had for a trifle. For sale by all dealers.
Man Without Arnw Civcg Legal
Proof of Signature.
Pottsville, IM. Frank J. Dotter
weich of Palo Alto astounded tho of
ficials of tho Schuylkill county re
corder's office whin he swore that his
signature had been affixed by him
self to a legal document executed be
fore Justice of the Peace John J. O'
Connor, although ho has neither
Hands nor forearms.
In a railroad accident some years
ago Pouerweieh , fell beneath tho
wheels of his train ar.d had both his
arms severed.
To verify his statement the cripple
gave a demonstration of his proive.-.;
with the pen. which he hold between
his teeth.
Arkansas has moro mineral springs
than any state in the union.
DVafness Cannot Io Cured
by lenl appltcnttoua, as tlu-y cauuet reach
tiie dlsou.-ioil portion el tlie ear. Tlu-re la
only one wny to cure deafness, nml that la
by roustltiitliMuil remeules. lVufu"sa Is
caused bv nn inflnmcd condition of tho
mucous Unlus of ttie F.utuuclditn Tube.
Ii.mi this tube Is iiu'lnuHvl yon have a
rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and
when It Is entirely closed. lVafness is tha
result, and unices the Inflammation can
be taken out and this tube restored to Ita
normal coiiiiiUou. hearing will be destroy
ed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caus
ed by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an
Inflamed condition of tha mucoiw' aurfacm.
We will give One Hundred lMlara f'ir
any ense of l)eafuss (caused br catarrh
that cannot be cured by Haifa Catarrh
Cure. Send for clrrnlara free.
V. 1. CHKXEY A CO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by DrtisTKlsts. 75c.
Take Ualfi Family Pills for constipation.