PATLY EAST OTCF.GOXIAX, PENDLETON". (TKEGON. SATURDAY, FEBRUATtY 17, 1912. TEX PAGES PAOE TWO. After Supper Specials Beginning at 6:30 sharp, this evening we will place on sale the strongest lot of Saturday evening specials ever offered in Pendleton-you'll most likely be up town this evening anyway, so don't miss the opportunity to look in and see just what we've got for you. (5 PAIKS MEN'S SOX S1.00 Tlu r m x ;iro double luol aiul too, 0 pairs jm a ran teed to wear i month. They oonie in all colors and all sizes; regu lr.rlv so!.! for 23c4 jht pair. Tonight we have them for vou. o pair for '. si.oo S2.C0 MA XI I ATT AX SHIRTS S1.49 This i eonsideml the ln-st brand of vlurta-in America, cut good and full, perfect fitters, colors positively guaranteed not to fade. The best wearing, most satisfactory shirts in the world. After 0:30 this evening .. $1.49 30f DRESS LTXEX 24? Pros Linen in natural shade only. Heavy quality and fine width. After supcr special 24? 30? MADRAS 20? An assortment of FREXCII MADRAS, SG-inches wide, plain white, very fine. After supper special 20? $5.00 MEX'S PATEXT LEATHER SHOES S2.98 Genuine bench made shoes, welt soles, good broad toes, com mon sense heels a snap. After supper price. S2.98 $3.50 and S4.00 LADIES GUX METAL SHOES $2.95 Genuine welt soles, fine uppers, new stylish lasts. After supper price . $2.95 MISSES' WELT SOLE SHOES. Yici uppers, broad toes, low flat heels, shoes that are- suit able for dress and school wear. S2.50 Values, after supper 2.10 S2.00 Values, after supper 1.60 $1.50 Values, after supper r $1.20 The SAVE YOUR TRADING SERVICES AT THE I German Evan;?. Lutheran Church. There will be services at Myrick Station Sunday February 18 at 10:30 a. m., at Pendleton in the Presby terian church, corner College and Alta streets at 2 p. m. All are wel come. Geo. Im Sprattler, pastor. Christian Science. Sunday services at 11 o'clock Sun day school at 10 o'clock. Subject of lesson: "soul." "Wednesday evening meeting at 8 p. m. Reading room open dally from 2 to 4 p. m. Corner K. "U'ebb and Johnson streets. All are cordially invited. First Christian Church. North Main street, J. B. Holmes, pastor. 9:45 Eible school. Bring a friend. There is a class for any age. 11 communion and song service, 7:30 special program by Younr Peoples' Society. Wednesday evening train ing class. A cordial Invit.-.tion to all our services. Methodi.-t Episcopal Church. Corner Webb and Johnson streets, X. Evans, pastor The morning theme will be "Missing His Chance." Evening topic, "Love, Not Censure." Preaching, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school, 10 a. m Brotherhood meting, 3 p. m.; Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. A welcome awaits you. Come. Church of tho IScdciwr. Tomorrow heing Quino.uage.sima Sunday the Holy Communion will be celebrated at the eleven o'clock ser vice. Sunday school will be at 10 n. ALL YOU NEED IS A CAPCARET TONIGHT No. Sick II-uiar-)m, lillioiiH Stomach, Cotttfd Toiitnic or ConstiputcU towels by Morning. Turn the rascals out the headache, the biliousness, the indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and foul gases turn them out tonight and keep them out with Cascarets. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never know the mlnery caused by a la2y liver, clogged bowels or an upset stomach. Don't put in another day of dis tress. Let Cascarets cleanse and reg ulate your stomach; remove the our, undigested and fermenting food and that misery-making gas; take the ex cess bile from your liver and carry out of the system all the decomposed waste matter and poison in the intes tines and bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep. A 10-cent box from any drug store means a clear head and cheerfulness for months Children love to take Cascarets be cause they taste good never gripe or sicken. Peoples STAMPS m. and the mite boxes for the Lenten offering will be distributed and pro grammes for Lenten services given out. Evening service at 7:30. The soloist will be MLs Edna Thompson. All are cordially invked. Charles Quinney, rector. Presbyterian Church. Sunday school 10 a. m. Rev. Ver non, Sunday School missionary, will address the Sunday school. Preach ing by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. C. E. society of young people meet at 6:30 p. m. Cottage prayer meeting held Wednesday at 7:30. The meeting this week is held at the par sonage, 315 Lewis street. Lenten Services Church ot the Re deemer. Ash Wednesday Divine Service, 10:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sundays Divine Service and Ser mon, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Holy Communion, 1st and 3d Sun days, 11:00 a. m. Holy Communion 2d and 4th Sun days, 7:30 a. m. Week-days Tuesdays and Thurs days, 4:00 u. m. Wednesdays, 7:15 p. m. Fridays (Litany) 8:00 a. m. Palm Sunday Confirmation, 11:00 a. m. Good Friday three hours, 12:00 m., to 3:00 p. m. Easter Day holy communion, 7:00 a. m. Sunday school children's service, 9:30 a. m. Full Easter service and second cel ebration, 11:00 a. m. Evening divine service, 7:30 o'clock. Objects of Easter offering: (1) Apportionment of general mis sions. (2) Church expenses. COXGIIFSSMAX IIEFUSKD TO IiK IlEATKX AT FKEEZE-Oc'T Washington. Assistant Secretary cr the avy Beekman Winthrop, one "t the busiest men in the department has for a long time been bothered by me constant influx of congressmen and others deslrng interviews regard ing the advancement of their constit uents. About two- thirds of Win throp's time being taken up in con ferring with these privilege at pat ronage seeKers, he determined to perfect some method of hurryin them out of his office. Accordingly he ordered that his office windows be opened one zero day. Just before one of the longest winded congressmen was announced. When the representative entered he found the assistant secretary draped In front of a large log fire while the only other vacant chair was several feet away. The temperature steadily fell and the congressman shivered. Winthrop mentally decided that his visitor would leave in a moment and was Just tickled to death to think of his own sagacity. Great was his chagrin, therefore, when the representative chatteringly said: "If you have no objection, Mr. Win throp, I'll send for my fur overcoat. It's a little chilly in here." Then he stayed forty minutes longer. MILKMAN' BALKS AVITTI COWS. Inspector Kays Official Red Cap Is of Too Exciting Color. Los Angeles, Cal. City Milk In- $1.50 OUTING FLAXXEL GOWXS OS? Made of best quality outing flannel, trimmed with pink and blue. After supjKjr price .. .'. 98? $3.95 IIEATIIERBLOOM PETTICOATS $2.19 Made in plain tailored models, extra values. After sup ht price $2.19 $2.00 CHILDREX'S SWEATERS 49? A large assortment, .all colors, values up to $2.00. After supper price 49? $4.50 LADIES' WHITE SWEATERS $1.29 Very fine quality sweaters, nearly all sizes. After sup ptr price $1.29 YARXS OF ALL.KIXDS. Saxony, Shetland Floss, Fairy Zephyr, Ice Wool some of all colors and kinds. Values to 20?. After supper special u skeins for 5? OXE EXTRA GOOD VALUE IX BED SPREADS. This nunuVr is a full size spread, very good value. Regu lar price $2.00. After supper special $1.48 $1.50 STLK HOSE $1.15 Women's regular $1.50 silk hose, lisle garter top ami lisle? sole, black and colors. Saturday night special $1.15 35? RIBBOXS 25? Five and six inch hairbow ribbons of moire, plain taffetas with fancy edges and fancy stripes and floral designs, all col ors. Saturday night special ; .. 25? $1.50 EMBROIDERY FLOUXCIXG $1.19, Forty-five inch swiss embroidery flouncing in daintv new patterns. Saturday night special $1.19 Warehouse WHERE spector Charles Porter of Venice, has refused to wear the red cap provided him by the municipal government. Porter declares the female of the bo vine species has almost as strong an aversion to the glowing hue as the male, and says that unless the cap be dyed or another substituted he will resign. THIS WILL INTEREST MOTHERS Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, a certain relief for feverish ness, headache, bad stomach, teeth ing disorders, move and regulate the bowels and destroy worms. They break up cold in 24 hours. They are so pleasant to the taste children like them. Over 10,000 testimonials. Used by mothers for 23 years. They never fail. Sold by all druggists, 25c. Sample mailed FREE. Address, Al len S Olmsted, Le Roy N. Y. Autoniobilo Xews. Go around to the stone garage on Johnson street and see the champion touring car of America, The Max well Special. A big. handsome, pow erfu', five passenger touring car fully etiu'pped, including self starter and offered at a price never before heard of for a car In this class. Thermo siphon cooling, no pump; three point suspension, best for bad roads; multiple disc clutch, running In oil never wears out; steel frame, strongest and most durable for west ern roads; pressed steel bodies, the only kfnd that will endure this, cli mate; circulating oiling system, uses the same oil over and over; right hand drive, the natural way; Inside control, levers all out of sight; beau tiful straight lino bodies; full cloatlng Columbia rear axle, never before placed on a car under the $2500 class; Columbia radiations and bonnets, the handsomest and best made and other refinements missing In other cars. Five other beautiful models to suit every taste and at prices to suit every purse. We sell the lowest priced high grade runabout on the American mar ket. M. K. Long sells them all. Don't buy your new car until you see this line. No other car on this market at any price, offers all of the improved mechanical features found In the Maxwell Special.' Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor exercise. Insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, wor ry and anxiety, are the most common causes of stomach troubles. Correct your habits and take Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by all dealers. KARRIXGS KEEP EARS OPENT. Italian GJrl Sa That's Why They're Worn Xot Xeoued on Mouth. Kansas City, Mp. Why do Italians wear earrings? Style, you say. Not a bit of it. Li sen to the explanation given by Rosa Bruno, 15 years old, to Judge E. E. Porterfleld in Juvenile court. The Judge wanted to know why an Infant in the arms of Mrs. Pasqualo Bruno, Rosa's mother, wore two big gold hoops which dangled al most to its shoulders, and Rosa re plied: "Us Italians, you know, we are dif ferent from you people. We don't believe In our babies' ears stopping up. So we put in the big earrings to pull down the corners and keep 'em open, see?" ! IT PAYS TO TRADE "Quite an Idea," agreed the Judge. "But what do you Italians do to keep their lips from growing together?" "Oh, dat funny," laughed Rosa. "Dat's a Joke. The baby he cries with his mouth too much, or we'd hand earrings there, too. Maybe sometime baby he cry with his ears and then we throw away hoops alto gether." An attache of the court hereupon stuffed his handkerchief in his mouth but despite this precaution he led the laugh in which the court joined. How to cure a cold Is a question in which many are interested Just now. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won its great reputation and immense sale by its remarkable cure of colds. It can always be depended upon. For sale by all dealers. DIES LEARNING TO LIVE. Otis Ruhlin, Former Fishier, Expires While Raiding IJmk on Longevity. Brooglyn, N. Y. Gus Ruhlin, one time a king of the heavyweight ring, and of late the proprietor of a cafe, died sudden y while in his apartment above his place of business. His death was caused by apoplexy. At 7 o'clock he went upstairs for dinner, his wife, the well known suf fragette of Brooklyn, having sum moned him. He sat down to read the Introduc tion to a new book Just given him, "The Art of Longevity," when ho sud denly fell over unconscious. Mrs. Ruhlin quickly summoned a physician, but Ruhlin was dead when examined. He was 40 years old. TO CURE A COLD IX ONE PAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qalnlne Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture Is on each box. Zlz. OCEAN'A DOES TURKEY TROT. Tries With Siiccck to Vie With Dance Held on Hoard Liner. Xew York Heaven has rendered its Judgment on the turkey trot, ac cording to passengers of the Bermuda steamship Oceana, which arrived eighteen hours late alter the most tempestuous voyage It has ever ex perienced. The s'.orm broke on the vessel in the of a dance in which the un- regenerato turkey trot figured, and for the following twenty-four hours the Oceana was at the mercy of tur bulent Beas. "It was most terribly awful," said Mrs. Allen P. Hex. "We were plung ed into each other's arms and rolled about the deck, bounced out of our berths and bounced back Into them When the ship was not standing on her nose she was spinning on her stern." BECOMES VALET TO COW. Northeaston, Mass. Alonzo Hatha way, a junior In Ames College at Webster City, Iowa, has obtained a year's leave of absence from his stud ies and has accepted a position as valet" to Dolly Dimple, the $25,000 prize winning cow of F, Lathrop Ames of this town. Hathaway Is the original college boy cow valet. His duties are to keep the bovine looking her best, attend to bathing her carefully, manicuring her horns and hoofs and keeping her hid cleaa and glossy. Pleasant! Beneficial, GGntloandEffGctiYG, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ia tfie Circfe. on evenj Package of tno Genuine. DO NOT LET ANY DEALER DECEIVE YOU a SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA UNIVERSAL SAUSi ACTION FOR MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS PAST. AND ITS WONDERFUL SUCCESS HAS SCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS OF IMITATIONS INFERIOR PREPARATIONS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES AND COSTING THE DEALER LESS; THEREFORE, WHEN BUYING. NotetfioMNaineof the Gompan V.IIIIJ.I.lllinUhl 1 1 iT sJsl I 1 - ... . PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS.NEAR THE BOTTOM, AND IN I THE CIRCLE.NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE.OF THE! GENUINE. REGULAR PRICE 60c PER BOTTLE; ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA IS THE MOST PLEASANT. WHOLE. SOME AND EFFECTIVE RtMLDY FOR STOMACH TROUBLES, HEADACHES AND BILIOUSNESS DUE TO CONSTIPATION, AND TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS IT IS NECESSARY TO BUY THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, WHICH IS MANUFACTURED BY THE California Fig Syrup Co. ARE OETEN BOGUS O. A. C. AUTHORITY GIVES BREEDERS VALUABLE FACTS Describes Methods Usert to Mislead Buyers anI Names Ixn List of Alleged Offenders I Yam! Are In Four Classes. Oregon Agricu'tural College, Cor vallls. Ore., Feb. 17. "Bogus Pedi grees" is the title of a particularly in teresting article by Prof. E. L. Potter of the Oregon Agricultural College, secretary of the state board of stal lion registration, in "The Oregon Countryman" for February, Just off the press. It describes the four classes of fraudulent pedigrees for horses: those Issued by associations or companies without recognized stand ing; those Issued by recognized asso ciations upon misrepresentation from the owner; pedigrees correct in them selves but belonging to a horso which has died, for which a "grade"' has been substituted; and pedigrees in which the age or description has been changed to make them fit another horse. Sometimes, when an Imported horse is sold, his foreign certificate Is used, and his American certificate retained for use in selling a grade, or vice versa. "Most of the bogus certificates now current in Oregon are of the class is sued by unrecognized associations The following Is a list of such asso ciations," says Prof. Potter, "as far as they are known to the writer: American Horse Breeders' Trotting Ass'n., 161 High Street, Boston, Mass American Horse Registry Ass'n. N J. Harris Des Moines, Iowa, Secret- tary; American Iceland Pony Club Geo. II. Simpson, Wheaton, 111 , sec retary; American Percheron Registry Ass'n., S. M. Herlierllng, La Grange, III, secretary; Belgian-American Draft Horse Registry, A. J. Meyers, Lovlngton, 111., secretary; Conch and Draft Horse Ass'n., of America, Fred erick Wightman, La Crosse. Wis., sec retary; Hartman Stock Farm Reg istry Record Co., Adam Kruman, Co lumbus, Ohio, secretary; Internation al Consolidated Record Ass'n., H. A Jones, Penn Yan, X. Y-; Morrison's International Roadster, Des Moines, Iowa; National Percheron Horse Breeders' Asso'n.. D. E. Phillips, ad dress unknown; The National Stand ard Pacing and Trotting Horse Breeders' Ass'n., Tlios. C. Tarsons 1023-5 Williamson Bldg., Cleveland Ohio, Registrar; Tho American Jack Register, W. L. Clough, Cedar Rapids Iowa; The Standard Jack and Jennet Registry of America, Kansas City, BETTER WAY TO BREAK A BAD COLD ENDS MOST SEVERE GRIPPE MISERY IX A FEW HOURS The most effective and harmless way to cure the grippe or break a se vere cold, either In the head, chest, back, stomach or limbs, is a dose of rape's Cold Compound every two hours until three consecutive doses are taken. You will distinctly feel the cold breaking and all grippe symptoms go ing after the very first dose. It promptly relieves the most miserable headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, feverlshness, sneezing, sore throat, running of the nose, sore ness, stiffness and rheumatic aching. Take this harmless Compound os directed, with the knowledge that there is no other -medicine made any where else in the" world, which will cure your cold or end grippe misery as promptly and without any other as sistance or bad after effects as a 25- cent package of Pape's Cold Com pound, which any druggist in the world can supply. After three years' research we have conclusively demonstrated that quinine is not effective In the treat ment of colds or grippe. HAS CIVEN LED UN TO OFFER MINIATURE NCTUfU. OF PACKAGE. Mo.; U. S. Horse Register, J. E. Rags dais. Gibson City, 111., secretary." Prof. Potter says that some of the horses registered by these associa tions are really pure bred, but that it is not usually the case. They may not bo certificates from all these asso ciations in this state, the ones common ueing the Hartman Stock Farm Rec ord Co., the American Draft Horse Registry and the American Percheron Registry association. The Couhtrymun of this month also contulns articles by S. . Boddlng house, '12, Wlllmette, III., on "Plant ing the Apple Orchard;" Prof H. D. Scudder on alfalfa as a dairy ration; H. L. Rees of the horticulture divi sion on "The Scope of Plant Pathol ogy;" A. E. Vlock, '12, Junction, on "Selection of Sheep for tho Willam ette Valley;" J. D. Griffin. '12, As toria, on "The Cranberry Industry;" and tho departments of domestic sci ence and experiment. A scald, burn, or severe cut heals slowly if neglected. The family that keeps a bottle of BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT on hand la always pre pared for such accidents. Price 25c. 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Another good Job in a small way done by tho house is cutting down the army cavalry. Is A Constltutlcra! Disease. It rnanifi'sls it n io. til iu h.-s and pains, InilanieJ j-;int. and Miff mus cles, but It litniHH bu cured by local applications. It reip.lrts cori-Ct j' :t.n;il treatment, and the bo-n U- n coins.' of the great blood purifylni; atd t nlu medicine Which rorrc.ts the a !1 t ond:t!m of in the system. Ui' I'nnl,: frr; ,., the blue :in.l hi:!! Get II to. I iv i:; u GAS IN STOMACH AND BOWELS Product oil Borta of unnoyinj iytnptomi, which ymy often become alarming. Excessive Drrvousncmiiind Uenrt preiwilre, difficult And oppressed brenthimr, sinning, seem m if patient cannot take deep breath. Lump in the throat and cheat, with premtire, pain and inuioui ferlirut around tlic henrt region. Empty, gnawing and gone f fil ing at tlx) pit of your stomach, relieved by eating. Small qur ntity of food makes you fool as if a heavy meul had been taken. Exccmive nimhling in alidomen and stomach with llching. Sleepy feeling after eating. Starting during sleep with a sort of a fair and apprehension. Fingers, hands or limbs feel numb and go to sleep, especially on right side. Tain in back and top of head and constipation. That's all from a nervous stomach full of das, and ail permanently dono away it)i by BAALMANN"8 , OAS-TABLETS. These pecul iar tal ilcts arc sold tor 50c by every dniggirt, , or send direct to Hahnemann Pliarmocy, 330 Sutter St, 8an Francisco. , Every Woman l Intirested and should know . unu uic wonderful ft MARVEL Whirling SpTiy ntsi most convenient. It : cleanses instantly., Ask Tout druggist for It? ir ne cannot supply I MARVEL, accent no e Jother bat send stamp for Illustrated book sealed. It aivn full n.rtl.. lars and directions 1. 1.,.. mum co.. uuu2u simi . 1 iTsrk' CHICHESTER S PLLS SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERWHERF lof Water. 'I . t-l. ti , ... . F'wwrr. Stltv rams. ItMarl thm..!. I smIVsV " , , .rrr w,,a .,) ov., atft , -CD ch wig. So mtpta thai uiya . Om mt cittlof im ii kn. rUlrxrW art.. "! from 01. 71 s t Hefani Inoubater Co., Toledo, Wthln(ton JCENT. Or ALCOHOtVfl . jj jj mewr a?VV?a,t omi jjj j j j r w as - wt ". uj r - 7f 1 IcAlPCSYRtTC? IMNs In Ued and Uold mI"lA w lhr. tint of V lIAA?...Vn HKA NU IMlJjtVS ? nia H nnwn KM. -.. A I il iPMHsauiriakUuauj V "II III f rnenMTi MIOV na mrs