V EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAy. PENDLETON, OREGON". FKIPAV, FEBTUTATtY 10, 1012. PAGE THREE Ycur Trade is Cordially Solicited at Pendleton's Newest Store 1' ,v. mB EATS" EVERYTHING the market affords in Fresh Meats, Fish, Poultry, Groceries, Fruits, and Vegetables Our Store is Absolutely Clean and Sanitary; Our Stock Freshened Daily nnr i..ir Postoffice Block; next to Hanscoms Jewelry Store nnn r Postoffice Block Careful Attention Given to Phone Orders and Goods Delivered to Any Part of the '- City Fre of Charge s : DOWNEY & MARSH.-Proprietors F. M. DOWNEY Phone Main 444 G. E. MARSH AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Tlio Orplieuin. j Where pictures are shown under the most favorable and delightful conditions. Vltagraph feature for Friday's change. 1. "The Heart of the King's Jest er." yitHgraph. Feature film of ex treme beauty. Th6 "Jester" falls In love with the king's daughter. She falls In love with a young shepherd. The Jester tells the king, who con demns the shepherd to death. The Jester repentB, saves him and aids the young couple to escape. It de picts tho manners,- customs and dress of the slxtefcnth century. It Is a Vlt agraph and that means a whole lot. 2. "The Maid's Double." Kalem. A very dramatic and absorbing story dealing with a dishonest maid and a young society girl who is Just return ing from Europe and is to meet her fiance at the railroad station. It's a rattling good story, fresh and pleas ing. 3. "Jimmlo on Guard." Gaumont. He takes care of the farm, although It proves strenuous for a time. 4. "Crossing the Alps In a Motor. Gaumont. We have an excellent view of a beautiful excursion In the Alps. Beautiful colorings throughc it the film. - 5. "The Cowboy's Adopted Child." Sellg. A tense drama of rare west ern life. It Is a very interesting pic ture. 6. "He, She and It." Sellg. A screamingly funny comedy In pantomime. Frl- Francis Dainty, at tlic Grand Thcuicr. Tho Pastime, The home of good pictures day's change of program. "The Younger Brother. Vltagraph." An English military drama with the Soudan, at the time of Kltchner'a sec ond campaign, as Us background. The heroes of the story are two English soldiers. One Is captured by the stately horsemen of tho desert. Tho other disguises himself as a dervish and rescues bim. This Is a picture one can safely commend to every one, even the most exacting audience. "Oblect. Matrimony." Lubln. There is a comical mlxup In this picture when Jack runs away from Nancy and Bess runs from Tom. Jack and Bess finally meet and everything ends happily. "The Higher Toll." Kalom. A romantic drama. The theme of this story is the sacrifice a girl makes for her slstec even to smothering her own love that the younger sister may be happy. "Hearts May Be Broken." Kosmik The story of how an Innocent coun try lass was deceived by an artist, and how her lonely heart finds rest. "The Oyster Industry." Lubln. Ed ucational. scene. A story that grips the heart string. .Simply a "better picture." "Mutt and Jeff and the Black Hand." Nestor. They saw dreams of glittering wealth via the black mail route, but alasl the end was a nightmare. It9 a snappy, lively funmaker. r "The telltale Parson." Powers. Comedy of a village deacon, a run away horse, an unexplained parasol and a Jealous wlfey. "Romance and Uppercuts." Nestr. Country comedy with a little love and lots of fighting. Coming! Great two-reel submarine feature, "From the Bottom of the Heft." It's an ' Imp nothing more need be said. the management of the theatre has decided that the spectators In the first three rows should recline, those in the next three rows be on their knees, and all the others be standing. In that way everybody will be able to enjoy the play." This notice is followed by a sug gestion implying the Turkish wo man's lack of romance: "It Is strictly forbidden to laugh, for It Is a tragedy that Is being performed." Then he astonished the town by walking into a barber shop and hav ing his bard removed and h5s hair trimmed. The beard extended to his waist and his hair hung dow.j his back al most an equal length. GIRL OF COURT IS THIEF. FEUDIST, WHO KILLED TWENTY-TWO, SLAIN At The Grand. Friday nnd Saturday. The Lost Freight Car, a Kalem film. Showing a real railroad wreck. Lieutenant Grey of the Confeder acy, a Sellg film, showing that great General Grant. The Foolishness of Jealousy, a Vlt agraph film, the same old story, the wife-, thinks her husband is in love with his stenographer. In connection with our splendid motion picture program. Miss Francis Dainty and company, novelty slack wire and bicycle artists. Miss Fran cis Dainty and company has been one of the feature acts with Rlngling Bros, circus for the past season. They sail March 9th on the steamer Sierra to do an engagement n Honolulu and go from there to China and Japan, continuing on to Australia and New Zealand. Aged Kentneklan lulls From Con stable's Bullet Just Before His Son. Pikevllle, Ky. Lewis Hall, one of the most noted feud leaders in the Big Sandy Valley, who had boasted of killing twenty-two men, -was shot and killed at Shelby Gap, in the Pine moQtains, by George Johnson, a con stable. Hall's son, Morgan Hall, met the same fate a moment later at the constable's hand. People of that section fear a re vival of the feud. Johnson had a warrant for Morgan Hall, who was suspected of operating a "blind tiger" and. had openly de fled detectives to enter his home. Johnson followed Hall out of a store to the porch and was reading the warrant when Hall made signs of resistance. The elder Hall, who was eighty-three years old, rushed out of his home, a short distance away. Johnson at once opened fire, shoot ing first the father and then the son. FREE BOOK OX TILES. Telia How Cures Are MnJo With An Internal Medicine. TO CROSS OCEAX IX 2 DAYS Daughter of Emperor Francis Jos eph's Physician Admits Stealing. New York. Miis Marie Werr, a young woman reared in luxury and moving in the charmed circle of roy alty In Vienna, where her father was physician in waiting to Emperor Francis Joseph, was arraigned In the West Side Police Court on the charge of burglary. Greatly annoyed by the questions of the judge, she haughtily confessed that she had stolen $20 from Mrs. Emily Johnson, with whom she boarded, but did not apparently real ize the seriousness of her plight. The magistrate informed Miss Werr that, her friends would send her to Vien na, he would dismiss the charge, and the prisoner thought this could be arranged. The girl was remanded to the Florence Crittenden home. GERMAN PRINCE TO COME. Adalbert Will Visit United Slates In June With Squadron. Berlin. June has been selected for the v.'"'1 of the German squadron to the United States to. return the visit to Kiel of the second division of the United States North Atlantic squad ron last year. It is now certain that Prince Adalbert, the Emperor's third sen, will accompany the squadron. Investigation and say the negro with a quantity of eggs. Realizing the high price of the commodity, he in sistantly drew a revolver on the man and arrested him. Abandon McKinley Trip, Seward, Alaska, Feb. 15. Profes sor Herschel Parker of Columbia university and Belmore Browne of Tacoma who set out in a small dory from Kern creek, February 9 en route to Knick to join their Mount McKinley expedition encountered a heavy ice pack when three miles from their Ico pack and were forced to turn back. Their boat was caught in an ice jam at night and they experienced great difficulty in freeing their craft. They left Kern creek today with dog sleds to make the trip overland to Suistna where the others of their party await them. Army Adjutant Disciplined. Washington, Feb. 15. On account of "insulting letters" written to the secretary of war and General Wood, chief of staff, Major-General Ains worth, adjutant general of the army, was relieved of his duties today and held awaiting orders as a measure of discipline. The action was taken on orders of President Taft. BAPTIZED IX ICY RIVER. . Deafness Cannot Be Cured h local applications, s they cannot reach fh dlHcaBr. portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure dcafnejs, and that ; by constitutional reraeciles. Deafness Is rinsed b an Inflamed condition of ! tha mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, ana when It Is entirely closed. Deafnesa is tha result, and unless the Inflammation can be token out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroy ed forever : nine cases out of ten are caus ed by Catarrh, which la nothing but an infl.mt condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars tot anv cone of I)afncB (caused by 'at"")' that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. K. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. Hold by Drnrolsts, TRe. Taka Hall's Family Tills for constipation. DYNAMITE! McNanmrns nt the Pastime Saturday, F. K. Blackndar of Los Angeles, lecturer and newspaper man, will tell of this dynamite outrage and,,the sub sequent McNnmara trial. Actual thrilling scenes of the trial nnd of tho dynamiting of the Times building will be flashed on the screen. All over the country the pictures have been shown to capacity houses and It Is a certainty the Pastime will bo crowded to the doors Saturday. Will be shown In addition to the regular program. All for the usual price of admission, 10 cents. Cosy. Friday and Saturday's program looks good on paper, it looks better on the Bcreen. "The Cattlemen's War." Bison. A fierce war started over one little calf. See the genuine round-up and brand ing. Sensational riding, desperate battles, a drop or two of love and fi nally peace and happiness, A fea ture. Western. " "When First We Met." Powers. If ever you went swiping apples in kldhood days you'll like this sweet little kid story. "The Musician's Daughter." Am erican Eclair, A feature picture with real sentiment expressed in every Do you know the cause of piles? Is it inward or external? Is it a skin disease? Will salves or cutting cure for good ? Do you know how Dr. J. S. Leon hardt found the long-sought Internal cure? These questions fully answered in a booklet mailoJ free by Dr. Lcon- hnrdt Co., Station B, Buffalo, N. Y., or by Pendleton Drug Co , who sells HEM-ROII), the successful remedy at $1 pe'r large bottle, under guaran tee. At all drug stores. TURKS SOLVE PROBLEM OF HUGE THEATRE HATS First Three Hows eellne, Next Three Get on Their Knees nnd tho . Tlint's What an Englishman Says flis Invention Will Mean. I London. To" cross the Atlantic In (two days lsthe ambition of a san guine inventor named Burdet, who claims to have created an entirely . new system of marine locomotion. He calls it the "Burdet lever traction." Iits prlnclpnl feature Is a large horl-" -aontal fin projecting flush with trie water from the stem of the boat. The slow flapping of this fin pro pels the boat through the water nt a remarkable speed. A small boat fit ted with one of these fins and oper ated by hand was navigated by a. child ! seated in a boat so successfully that it attained a speed equal to an elght oared skiff. Burdet believes the same principle on a big scale applied to ocean-going vessels would have the Mauretanla classed among the old windjammers. Remainder Stand. Constantinople. An amusing and curious notice Is to be seen In one of the theatres In Constantinople. It ef fectively solves the- problem of peo ple at the back obtaining a clear view and is very much more radical than the polite request made in English and French theatres that women should not mar the view of the stage with their huge hats. The notice rends: "In order to render the perform ance agreeable to all those present, BRYAN FAXATIC IS DEAD. Connecticut Man Who Let Hair and Beard Grow Is Xo More. Stamford. Conn. John H. Kidney, who gained notice by vowing when William Jennings Bryan was first nomalnted for president that he would not cut his hair or 'beard until the Nebraskan should foe seated in the White House. Is dead at the Soldiers' Home at Noroton at the age of T9 years. He kept his vow until a year ago. Seventeen Negro Converts Go Through Ceremony at Four Below Zero. Brownsville, Pa. With the thermo meter four degrees below zero, twenty-seven men and women converts at a recent revival at Mount Zion Af rican Methodist Episcopal church here were immersed in the Monon gahela river after a hole thirty feet square had been cut in the ice. One convert, a well-knowr negres of the town, chilled at the sight of two negro preachers with icicles in their whiskers coming for her, resist ed and had to be ducked. Three thousand persons shivered two hours and a half watching the baptism. PREFERS EGGS TO JEWELS. Thief Ignores Silver. But is Arrested With Precious Haul. Baltimore, Md. Eggs looked big ger nnd more valuable than silver and jewels to James Frlsby, a negro vhen he entered the home )t John B. Brown, 300 North Sticker street Patrolman Daly, seeing a window broken nt the Brown home, made an TILES CURED IX e TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist win renind money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any case of Itching Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days. 50c Colonist Fares DAILY March 1 to April 15, 1912 From the Middle and Eastern por tions of the United States and Cana da to all points in the Northwest on the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Hav. Co. From CHICAGO $33.00 " ST. LOUIS $32.00 OMAHA $25.00 " KANSAS CITY $25.00 " ST. PAUIj $25.00 Proportionately low fares from all other points. Direct service from Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha and Kans as City over tho C. & X. W.. UXIOX PACIFIC, OREGON SHORT LIXE and O.-W. R. & X. LINES PROTECTED BY AUTOMAT IC BLOCK SIGNAL YOU CAN PREPAY FARES Whllo these rates apply Westbound only, fares may bo prepaid by de positing value of the ticket with your local agent, and an order will be tele graphed to any address given. Aid In telling of our vast resources and wonderful opportunities for Home Building. Illustrated nnd reliable printed matter will be mailed anyone to whom you wish it sent, bv addressing:, WM. McMUHRAV. Gen. Pass Agent., Portland, Oregon.