"1 - V, -.41? PAGE FTGTIT. DAILY KAST OREGONTAN". PENDLETON. OTCEGOX. fI TTTTT?SDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1912. EIGTIT PAGES Your Dollars Am 11 STREET TAVIXG FOU . SIXTV-F1VH BLOCKS (Continued from rage 1.) Carry a Great Weight at this Store Every staple and fancy ar ticle in the way of groceries. Every seasonable fruit and vegetable that is placed on the market Is Fcund Here First Careful attention given to all phono orders. A cheerful and sanitary store, with everything displayed well for your easy choosing, makes this store the most advantageous grocery for YOUR marketing. Phone Slain 96. Standard Grocery Company, Inc. Where all are pleased. Frank O'Gara, President. Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Treas. instead macadamized far a width of 34 feet. Would chanire recommendation 9 to make street improved ror a wiam of 34 feet to comply with the ordi nances. Recommendation 10 is approved. Would chancre 12 and 13 to make improvement 34 feet wide to comply with ordinances. In anticipation of the reports, the meeting of the council was attended by a number of citizens interested in the street improvement question. Even some ladies, who are property owners on Jackson street, came before the meeting to learn something of the difference between macadam and hard surface A number of men ad dressed the council on the subject of improvement to Jackson street, some favoring macadam and some hard surface. A petition from the advo cates of macadam was submitted and referred to the street committee. Newsy Notes of Pendleton Part Two. Li. CHERRIER Dialect Stories and Monologues Jack KEEFE & NEAU-Jim A NIGHT IN A RATHSKELLER. SLIM BILL WITHERS "The Human Clothespin" LOOSEN YOUR SEI,TS. GEORGE BORDEN "Shake dem feet" MAMMY'S RETURN TO DIXIELAND "A real old plantation frolic" Attorney Improves Home, Deputy District Attorney S. A. Newberry' Is making a material Im provement to tils home properly on East Court street by building a stone fence about it. A Ton of Window Weights. The Pendleton Iron Works, which, bv the way, is an institution ot which Pendleton might well be proud, is at present engaged in filling an order for a ton of window weights. Maklnjr Fixtures for Drug Store. The Pendleton Planing Mills, of which J. A. Borie Is manager, is at present making new show cases and cabinets for the Pendleton Drug com ranv which will be installed this spring. HANK MF.SSENGF.lt BEATEN N AND l'ODIIEK OF $20,000 New York, Feb. 15 Two bank messengers, employed by the East River National bunk, were beaten nnd robbed of $20,000,' while enroute to the bank. The thugs escaped. It is believed an organized gang laid the plans previously. The messengers were William Smith nge 61, and Frank Worrell, aged 16. They had got the money from the Produce Exchange bank and were in a taxicab. The robbers forced the driver to take them to a corner where an auto awaited them. ELKS MINSTRELS ASSURED 816 CROWD HOrSr. WILL BE TAXED AT TONIGHT'S PERFORMANCE Bids were opened last night by the council on the proposed twenty-box fire alarm system and the fire com mittee will report after pondering over them a couple of weeks. The Vm!y three-standard companies in the country submitted bids but after that of the Star company was thrown out because it did not comply with the plans and specifications. The Game weli company, which is the oldest and largest of the three, submitted a bid of S3S75 for the installation of a system with an allowance of $300 for the present apparatus, making its net bid $3575. The Signalphone company's bid called for a much less amount, its gross bid being $2730, with an allowance of $320 for the old apparatus. Whether or not there is any great difference in the two systems is one of the problems which the fire com mittee will deal with before it makes it3 final recommendation. Tickets fur TYWfciy Evening's Show Are Also Rapidly Selling Program for Second Night's Perfornuinee Announced. All Is suspense in the city and will be until S:o0 this evening when the curtain rolls up and reveals the fifty trained Elks ready for the first ot their two performances. A house crowded from pit to dome, from foot lights to skylights will be gathered to laugh at the frolicsome funmakers and its a hundred to one bet that every man, woman and kidlet in the audience will get the Joy equivalent of the money expended for the paste boards. Tickets fr the Friday night per formance are goinar rapidly but there are still some desirable ones to be had. The Elks have no fear that the house will not be filled for the second performance, for they know there is enough class to their show to make anyone hunger for more of the same kind of stuff -And, as the numbers ior the second night will be different only In subject matter, they know they can fulfill the want. The following is the program as an nounced for the second night: Part One. ELKLAND IN ELACIC AND WHITE Introducing Overture Chorus of 50 voices Alexander's Ragtime Band Jack Urquart Fands of the De;ert. . . . Jas. P. Neal Oceana Roll... Jack Watson !ood Night. Beloved, Good Night. . Frank Hayes If You Tuik in Your Sleep Bill Bailey Tiie King of the Deep Am I Chas. W. Melghan Hit of Thurslay night rand Final-;. Jim Estes, Ends, Chorus Augmented Orchestra. Songs New Stories New Performers Accompanist and Director, J. E. Keefe. Jr. COUNCIL OPENS FIRE ALARM BIDS GRAFT ACCUSATION CAUSES IX. n. OFFICIALS TO COX FEU San Francisco. Feb. 15. Officials of the Chicago. Milwaukee and Purr-1 Sound Railroad are here today and it is expected their presence fore casts an Important conference over roods alleged graft charges. Stock holder., in St. Paul orenly express their disapproval of the way the road "wound" Itself northward. Some of them have even declared that certain men connected with the extension grafted several millions by buying land over the proposed route and then reselling it at an increase to the line Much of this land lies in Washington, Idaho and Montana. St. Taul dispatches say a compromise has been reached by which one million dollars will be returned to the road's treasury. NEW BALLOON MAY STAY IX AIR WEEKS AT A TIME A $10,000 Transaction. By a deed recorded today, Ida M. Avey and husband transfer to Alice A. Helckes twenty acres just north of Freewater for a consideration of $10,000. Mrs. Hall Is Recovering. Mrs. J., L. Hall of Gurdane, w ho has been confined to the local hos pital for some time following an op eration, is improving rapidly and will he removed to a private house with in a few days. 'Woman" Buys Drinks Over Bar. A big crowd on the street last night was shocked to see a fashionably garbed woman entering different sa loons on Main street, walking up to the bars, calling for drinks and stroll ing out with great unconcern for the staring horde of men. However, be fore the police could be notified, the word was passed quietly around that the figure beneath the feminine rai ment was in reality that of a man, the disguise being his makeup for the masquerade in the Eagle-Woodman hall. Free Speech Fight Bitter. San Diego, Calif., Feb. 15. It be came apparent today that the fight for "free speech," in San Diego will be long and Mtter. With more than one hundred street speakers, many of thfm women, In jail the ball of $750 is too high for them to raise. Charges have been made against the police and feeling is high. It is declared that the Jail conditi ons are almost intolerable. The speakers who are led by the I. W. W. want liberty to speak in any part of the city and the council has establish ed a restricted district for the ora Cc MAINE VICTIMS BEING BROUGHT TO AMERICA Washington, Feb. 15. Today, the fourteenth anniversary of the de struction of the battleship Maine, was marked by the starting of the funeral cortege from the Cuban capital, bring ing the bodies recovered from the wreck to Washington for burial in Arlington cemetery. The Maine Is now raised and will soon bo towed to sea and sunk. As the funeral cortege left Havana muf fled drums were beat and taps sound ed by the buglers. Sisisfrils .t&GS) .Wife OREGON THEATRE Elegant Scenery Supberb Costumes Latest Songs Jokes and Sketches February 15 and IG, 1912 Reserved Seats on Sale at the Pendleton Drug Store. Tickets for sale by any of the members Clothing Store Makes Chanjrcs. L. Moses, manager of the Working men's Clothing Co., has just - com pleted making a number of changes in the interior of his clothing store. He has done away with all the balconies and replaced them with shelving and fixtures which make a marked im provement In the appearance of the store, besides affording, greater room for the display of merchandise. Pendleton Printery Moving. The Pendleton Printery is today moving its equipment to a room ac ross Court street from the building occupied by it for so long. As soon as the latter building 13 vacated, W. F. Matlock will set a force of men to tear ing it away in preparation for the construction of a modern garage for B. F. Trombley. Mark Ferguson Is Injured. Mark Ferguson, one ot the owners of the Pendleton Printery, was so un fortunate as to catch one of his feet in the fly wheel of a press and as a resu'.t of the accident is temporarily unable to walk. ' No bones were broken, but the foot was badly wrenched and bruised. New Work, Feb. 15. The invention of a dirigible balloon In which the operator may remain aloft for weeks, is announced here today In the Sci entific American. Melvin Vanlman, whose recent attempt to fiy to Surope failed. Is the inventor. The balloon envelope is composed of cotton with rubber composition, reinforced by piano wire. Inside is a collapsible air ballast tank. When the operator wishes to ascend he al lows the air to escape, and to descend he pumps air into the tank. Thomas Edison is very enthusiastic over the invention. AMERICAN BASEBALL LEAGUE 1912 SCHEDULE IS ADOPTED New Chicago, 111., Feb. 15. At a meet ing of the team owners of the Am erican Baseball league, the playing schedule, for the year was adopted. No objection was offered to the sched ule as prepared by the committee. As usual the season will consist of 154 gimes. It will open April 11, and close October 6. Opening games will be played with St. Louis at Chicago, Detroit at Cleveland, Washington at Philadelphia and Boston at New York. Mayor Invited to Tacoma. Mayor W. F. Matlock yesterday re ceived an invitation from Mayor W. W. Seymour of Tacoma to attend a meeting of the Pacific Northwest Im migration association which is to be held in that city on the 21st and 2 2d of this month for the purpose of dis cussing the problems which will con front the northwest when the "Pan ama canal is opened, thus making immigration to the coast more easy. sF ai!"'iiim-!iu;s. Fine Watch Repairing ' Even the finest works in the finest time-piece made, will accumulate dirt causing them to wear unnecessarily and keep Inaccurate time. When a high rriced watch get3 out of order, it can ot best give only the results of a cheap time-keeper save your watch and make it wor(h its full val ue by having it looked after now and then by our expert watch repairers. . Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler DALE ROTHWELL Optometrist Join With the Wise Housekeepers Cook With If you are not a user of gas, call at our office and learn the slight cost and the creat convenience to bo derived from its installation. Save coal, wood, kindling and dirt Make your home a place of pleasure have a modem kitchen and not a bakeoven. Wo sell all supplies at wholesale cost If you are a user of pras and want any chanrres made, extensions or overhauling now is tho time to look to it. WE ARE "ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE' Pacific Power & Light Company Phone Main 40 Leo Street Bridge CritlcUod. In a lengthy report to the city council last night. City Engineer Geary Klmbrell took occasion to criticize the Lee street bridge which was built by the Eberhardt company sev eral years ago. He had "been in structed to investigate it o ascer tain whether or not it would sup port a concrete floor but besides find ing it too weak for such, a floor, he also found it lacked several other parlculars. on; a se. uur wmcaow For Advance Spring Showing ma Tha red price denotes the values and prices charg ed elsewhere, and the black price what we are actu ally a.skinr. you for thew? new, nobby epring suits.. DON'T PAY MORE UNTIL YOU INVESTI GATE. Workingmen's Clothing Company Corner Main and Webb Streets StfUa Allege,! Thief. Sheriff Till Taylor passed through the city yesterday and at Touchet he secured the services, of Deputy Sher iff Barnes in trailing a man alleged tc have stolen a load of wheat from a warehouse in Umatilla county in the fast through the hills .and will set has Information that the man Is driv ing fast through the hills nnd will set out in pursuit on horseback. No word was received from them late last night. Walla Walla Union. Cigars de Luxe I'lno Team Props Bead. L. J. Hall, well known Gurdane rancher, Is mourning the loss of a valuable team of mares which drop ped dead in their harness from some mysterious cause. He had hitched up to his buggy several days ago to drive Into Pilot Rock when one of the animals suddenly dropped in Jts tracks and expired. After putting an other horse In its place, Mr. Hall drove on into Pilot Bock and, upon his arrival there, his other driving mare dropped Just as Va mate had done and died immediately. Mr. Hall Is unable to explain the cause of death as both animals had always been sound before. He valued the two at $375. We hive both. All all pric. you. ::zos, all gradC3, ,-s. jjest,on of selection Is up to WE LO THE REST. W. J. Connor & Go. Successor to IIAKRY O'DFXL. Cigars, Candles and Pool Room. 649 Main Street. Phone M. 4. IT LOOKS WELL George. IVrpison an Insurance Man. George A. Ferguson, who recently resigned as manager of tho shoe de partment of tho Alexander depart ment store, has entered the life insur ance business, having closed a con tract yesterday whereby he became special agent for the Western States Life Insurance company of San Fran cisco with Pendleton as headquarters. Mr. Ferguson is a popular and ca pable young man of the city and his friends predict that he- will make a success of his new venture. Harry B. Thlxton, company agency director for Oregon, is here to assist him in starting In the business. SSI! juicy tS3f.a Tender bleats Cu! right Kepi rUhl We will choose your phone orders carefully and deliver promptly. PRESSED POULTRY EVERY SATURDAY CENTRAL MEAT MARKET St. George Cafe and Grill WHITE COOKS SERVICE FIRST-CLASS PRICES REASONABLE Hot Merchant's Lunch Daily From 1 1 :30 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. FRENCH DINNER EVERT SUNDAY FROM 11 A. M. TO 3 P. M. Open Day and Night Entrance on Webb St., or Through Hotel Lobby and as good as new, no matter what It looked like befora we undertook to clean that skirt. We change the ap pearance of a garment In short order when It is sent to us to be Cleaned or Dyed. We are experts at the bus iness and' have a system that does not Injure any fabric In the least. We call for and deliver all orders and our charges are most reasonable. Pendleton Dye Works Phone Main 1(1. t0tt E. Alta. "Clark's Grocery A Very Choice BROOM while they last, at )(fl) ONION SETS and a full line of garden seeds NOW READY CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174 612 Main Street