E1GTIT PAGES DATLY EAST, OTCEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON". THURSDAY, FETMTTATIY IS, 1012. PAGE SEVEN CATTLE MARKET IS STILL STRONG HIGH PRICES MAINTAINED AND HECEUTS VERY LIGHT Hogs Also Show Strength and Will Continue Oood Sheep Itrlng Good Prices ot North Portland Wheal Advances. (From Wednesday's Journal.) The great showing of strength In the cattle situation at North Portland during which prices were advanced to $6.25, as exclusively reported In Tho Journal, was ' continued today, but there was only a handful of stock with which to test sentiment of the trade. On this account there was no change "in sentiment during the past 24 hours, prices being nominally re tained at yesterday's figures. - The strength of tho market has created surprise In the trade, but should not, as it has been duo for Home time. While the better demand for fre.fh meats during the past few days has sltmulated tho appetite of buyers, the great differential that has existed between values here and at Missouri river points means that all tho good stuff would go elsewhere unless there was a -change In the sit uation here. While , the trade here has at all times been offering as well as paying higher prices for ordinary quality cattle than could have been obtained at competitive points and the re ceipts Bhow this quite clearly, the dif ferential between good and poor stuff has not been great enough. While this has been pleasing to lTTV -fi . o MB Every woman's heart responds to the charm and sweetness of a baby's voice, because nature intended her for motherhood. But even the loving nature of a mother shrinks from the ordeal because such a time is regard ed as a period of suffering and danger. Women who use Mother's Friend are saved much discomfort and suffering, and their systems, being thoroughly firepared by this great remedy, are n a healthy condition to meet the time with the least possible sufTcring and danger. Mother':; Friend is recommended only for the relief and comfort of expectant mothers ; it is in no sense a remedy for various ills, but its many years of success, and the thousands of endorsements re ceived from women who have used it are a guarantee of the benefit to be derived from its use. This remedy does not accomplish wonders but sim ply assists nature to perfect its wor!:. Mother's Friend allays nausea, pre vents caking of the breasts, and in every way contributes to 6trontr, healthy motherhood. Mother's Friend h eold at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. BRAEF1ELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Ca Mothp Dandruff Goes Quickest Dandruff Cure World Has Ever Known. If you want to get rid of dandruff In the shortest possible time get a bottle of PARISIAN SAGE today and use it. Besides banishing dandruff and making your scnlp immaculately clean, PARISIAN SAGE is guaran teed to stop falling hair and itching scalp and impart life and beauty to tho hair. One of Rochester s most prominent barbers writes. Gentlemen: "I am a barber ot fif teen years' experience, havo used manv things for hair but never found anything equal to PARISIAN SAGE tnr rnmnvlnsr dnndrnff. It Is also a splendid hair dressing and quickly stops itching scalp. I havo used It for tho last three years." T. IX Smith, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Rochester, N. T.. Juno 27, 1911. PARISIAN SAGE Is sold by drug gists everywhere for 50 cents. 4.75 4.50 4.00 4.00 those that do not properly fill their cattle, It brought about the almost complete divorce of extra good qual ity from the Portland trade while overfilling the wants of killers with ordinary uality. For this reason It has caused great dissatisfaction whenever real good stuff did happen to stray Into the yards.. From the appearance of the trade yesterday, however, the old-time condition has been changed. This will be a help to the entire trade here if carried out. North Portland cattle prices: Select steers $6.10 6.25 Choice steers 5.95 ft' 6.00 Common steers 4.7 5 5.00 Feeder steers 4.75 Speycd heifers 5.60 Ordonary heifers 5.00 Fancy cows . 5. 00 Ordinary cows 4.25 4.50 Poor covs ". 3.503.75 Fancy light calves 7.75 8.00 Medium light calves 7.00 7.75 Fancy bulls Medium bulls Ordinary bulls Stags HK Murket is Strong. Hogs were quoted strong at $6.73 for tops at North Portland today. There was quite a fair showing of supplies this morning, totals being 342 head compared with 602 last Wednesday. The situation in the swine trade is considered favorable for a con tinuation of good prices here. North Portland swine prices: Fancy mixed $6.706.75 Good ht&vy 6.65 Good light 6.65 6.70 Medium light 6.50 Rough and heavy 6.25 Poor and heavy 6.00 Sheep Market la Good. Only one double deck of sheen ar rived in the North Portland market today. Trade started rather slow but conditions in general were the same as yesterday with no change in prices. While the sheep that came forward today were of rather poor quality, the demand was sufficient to tell that better stuff would have brought 10c to 15c above the previous price. This means that yearlings could probably be good enough to bring $5 wool lambs $5.75, old wethers $4 25 and ewes $3.50 to $4.25, according to quality. Sheep market at North Portland: Select lambs $ 5.75 Choice lambs 5.25(fD5.50 Common lambs 5.00 Yearling wethers 4.75 0 4.85 Old wethers 4.254.50 Fancy ewes . 4. 104. 15 Ordinary 3.50 3.75 ; nil 11 nnd Hay. Wheat Producers' prices: ' track delivery, 87fi87 1-4: bluestem. 89 fi 90c; fortyfold, 86c: Willamette val ley, 86 iff 87c; red Russian, 85c; Tur key red, 86 iff 87c. Barley Producers' prices 1911 Feed, $35.00; rolled, $36.00; brew ing. $39,005X 40.00. Mlllstuffs Selling price Bran, $23.00; middlings, $29.50; shorts, $25; chop, $19.0025.00. Car lots 50c per ton less. Oats Producers' price Track No. 1, spot delivery, white, $32 iff 32.50; gray, $31.50. Chicago Wheat Advanced. vini.iiSii, teo, ia. xnere was an advance of 5-Sc to 7-8c at the clos ing of wheat market trading yester day. Opening was 1-Sc higher for the three options. - Firmness' abroad was the contrib uting Influence nt the opening here. Tho report that wheat stocks were heavily decreased in the United King dom caused some short covering. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overbeck ACooke Co. WHEAT. May Open, 102; high, 102 low, 101 7-8; close, 102 5-8B. July Open 95 3-8; high, 95 low, 95 1-4; close. 95 7-SB. Sept. Open, 93 5-8; high, 94 low, 93 5-8; close, 94 3-8. 5-8; 7-8; 3-8; ask i.fpkr early to move. Tnconirt .XchtlilKir 1Iolj An Indigna tion Mectinjr. Taooma. While John Earlv. leper, whose efforts to find a place where he might live have caused him to be come a character of national note, was rejoicing that he had at last found a solution of his life problem by adopting the suggestion of the Pierce county commissioners that he fence himself in on an acre of ground Just outside the city limits, neighbors who had Just become aware of his identity were laying plans to compel him to move. An Indignation meeting attended by THESE SIX LETTERS From New England Women Prove that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound Does Restore the Health of Ailing Women. Boston, Mass. "I was passing through the Change of Life and suffered from hemorrhages (sometimes lusting for weeks), and could get nothing to check them. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound (tablet form) on Tuesday, and the following Saturday morning the hem orrhages stopped, I have taken thein regularly ever since and am steadily gaining. , " I certaiflly think that every one who is troubled as I was should give your Compound Tablets a faithful trial, and they will find relief." Mrs. George Juby, 802 Fifth Street, South Boston, Mass. Letter from Mrs. Julia King, Phoenix, R.I. Phoenix, R.I. "I worked steady In the mill from the time I was 12 years old until I had been married a year, and I think that caused my bad feel ings. 1 had soreness in my side near my left hip that went around to my back, and sometimes I would have to lie in bed for two or three days. I was not able to do my housework. " Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has helped me wonderfully in every way. You may use my letter for the good of others. I am only too 5 lad to do anything within my power to recommend your medicine." Airs. cua King, Bos 282, Phoenix. K.I. Letter from Mrs. Etta Donovan.Willimantic, Conn. Willimantic, Conn." For five years I suffered untold agony from female troubles causing backache, irregularities, dizziness, and nervous prostra tion. It was impossible for me to walk up stairs without stopping on the way. I was all run down in every way. ' I tried three doctors and each told me something different. I received no benefit from any of them but seemed to suffer more. The last doctor said it was no use for me to take anything as nothing would restore me to health again. So I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to see what it would do, and by taking seven bottles of the Compound and other treatment you advised, I am restored to my natural health." Mrs. Etta Donovan, 702 Main Street, Willimantic, Conn. Letter from Mrs. Winf ield Dana, Augusta, Me. Augusta, Me. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has cured the backache, headache, and the bad pain I had in my right side, and I am perfectly welL" Mrs. WtNFUCLD Dana, R.F.D. No. 2, Augusta, Me. Letter from Mrs. J, A. Thompson, Newport, Vt. Newport, Vt " I thank you for the great benefit Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done me. I took eight bottles and it did wonders for me, as I was a nervous wreck when I began taking it. I shall always speak a good word for it to my friends." Mrs. John A. Thompson, Box 3, Newport Center, Vermont. Letter from Miss Grace Dodds, Bethlehem, N.H. Bethlehem, N.H." By working very hard, sweeping carpets, washing, ironing, lifting heavy baskets of clothes, etc., I got all run down. I was sick in bed every month. " This last Spring my mother got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound for me, and already I feel like another girl. I am regular and do not have the pains that I did, and do not have to go to bed. I will tell all my friends what the Compound is doing for me," Miss G HA ere B. Dodds, Box 133, Bethlehem, N.H. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound lias been the standard remedy for fe male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself who will not try this fa mous medicine, made from roots and herbs, it has restored so many suffering women to health. p TteWrite to LYDIA E.PIXKHAM MEDICINE CO. JaSWr (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MANS., for advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Ads. WANTED. HAIR WORK MADAM KENNEDY has opened up her hair parlors sec ond door from depot, Athena, Ore., and is prepared to make any kind of hair goods from combings; also the best line of switches, puffs, wigs, topas, for Bale. Everything strictly guaranteed. EGGS from all leading varieties standard bred poultry, express pre paid, $2 00. Write for circular. Simpson's Pheasant Farm, Cor vallis, Oregon. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry Work done with especial care Phone Red 2521. WANTED Continued.- SUBSCRIBERS TO MAGAZINES, IF you want to subscribe to maganlzea or newspapers In the United States or Europe, remit by postal note, check, or send to the EAST ORE GONIAN the net publisher's price of the publication you desire, and we will have It sent you. It will save you both trouble and risk. K you are a subscriber to the BAST OREGONIAN, in remitting you can deduct ten per cent from the pub lisher's price. . Address, EAST OREGONLAN PUB. CO., Pendleton, Oregon. Classified Director? INSURANCE AND LAND BUS IN ESS HARMN3STATOoTIAKE3 reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank in Pendleton. , JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLET & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. New location, 815 Main street. Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STAT Stock Inspector. Office at Koep pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 41S. Residence, 915 East Court street Res. Phone Main 69. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V.. GRADU ate of McKlUIp Veterinary College of Chicago. Office phone Main II. Res. 618 Bush St., phone Main 27. ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALEY,. ATTORNEYS AH law. Office In American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY AI law. Office In Deapain building. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street, Carney & Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good rigs at all times. Cab line In connec tion. ."Phone main 70. MISCELLANEOUS. SAM LEE LAUNDRY Hand laundry work done; all work guaranteed, at No. 540 Cottonwood street, Pen dleton, Oregon. 100 persons was held at which reso lutions were adopted declaring that the United States governent should take charge of the leper and remove him from the community. A com mittee was appointed to wait on the comissloners to protest against the isolation plan. CASCARETS INSURE PENDLETON JjUUliHi jnu. XX A. F. and A. M, meets the urst anu umu iuunv"j 0 - each month. All visiting brethren are Invited. SAYS ALL EUROPE IS IX DEBT TO ROTHSCHILDS Stanford University, Cal. Ever since the battle of Waterloo the Rothschilds have been the actual rul ers of Europe, and the European na tions are so in debt to them that it would be impossible ever to pay them off, said David Starr Jordan, presi dent of Stanford University, in an ad dress to the student pody. Dr. Jordan arraigned "the unseen empire of finance" in its control ov er affairs of Europe, and the prac tice of contracting war debts. He said a European war is not Imminent now because of the destruction of credit which would entail loss to the financiers who, he declared, control the affairs of the European nations. Boy Falls 150 Feet. Canyon City, Or. Elmer Lyon, the 12-year-old son of C. C. Lyon, a mer chant of this city, fell from the sum mit of Castle Rock, near this city, and narrowly escaped being instantly killed. He was with a number of boys playing on the summit of this old landmark when he lost his footing while near the west side and plunged down, headlong, striking the ground fully ISO feet from tho summit. Where he fell the ground is sloping on the side hill, and this is possibly all that saved his life. As it is he was badly cut and bruised, but unless in ternal injuries develop, it is believed he will soon recover. Always ia Tim With Your Lumber Orders 1 Our entire stock of building'material is selected with care and good judg ment. We keep it in good condition and sell it reasonable-that's swhats bringing us our over increasing business. We believe in smaller profits and faster selling it amounts to the. same thing in the end. Get Our Estimates Before Buying Your Lumber Lath. Shingles and Mill Work Crab Creek Lumber Co. Phone Main 92 OSCAR MAHLER, Manager Tho Millioug of Ca.scaret Users Never Have llenduclie, Constipation, Bil iousness or Sick Stomach. It is more necessary that you keep your bowels, liver and stomach clean, pure and fresh than it is to keep the sewers and drainage of a large city free from obstruction. Are you keeping clean Inside with Cascarets or merely forcing a pas sageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil This Is Important. Cascarets immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system the decomposed waste matter and poison in the intestine and bow els. No odds how badly and upset you feel, a Cascaret tonight will straight en you out by morning. They work while you sleep. A 10-cent box' from your druggist will keep your entire family feeling good tor months. Don't forget the children their little in sides heed a good, gentle cleansing, too. MILWAUKEE PRIEST HAHRED AT DKTKOIT Polish Clergy Expel Rev. AViklaw Krtr.ka From .National convention for "Ottering to Anti-Catholic Press hi Views Expressed. Jjutroit. One of the features of tho national convention of Polish Catholic clergy in this city was the expulsion from the convention of the Rev Waclaw Kruszka, pas'or of St. Albertus' church of Milwaukee, on tho charge of "writing articles for and catering to the anti-Catholic Pol ish press." More than 300 priests, from different parts of the United States, are attending the meeting. Commenting on the expulsion of Rev. Gather Kruszka, the lit. Rev. Paul Rhode, auxilliary bishop of Chi cago and chairman of the convention, said: "It became clear to all that the views o Father Kruszka differed with the policy and material matters of the convention. He differed with practi cally every Polish priest. All at tempts to come to an agreement with Faiher Kruszka on some of the es sential issues In question failed." Three articles said to have been written by Faiher Kruszka were read to the convention by Bishop Rbide before action was taken. The Rt. Rev. Edward D. Kelly, auxilliary bishop of Detroit, welcom ed the delegates In behalf of his ec clesiastical superior, xne Rt. Rev. John S. Foley, who is ill. He declar ed the convention should stand firm ly for the unity ot the holy church. for the duly constituted authority of the papal see, for constitutional civ il government and for a continued Catholic parochial school system. For Sale. New No. 10 -Smith Premier type writer at a sacrifice. Apply "M" at FRATERNAL ORDERS. DAMON .LODGE NO. 4, K of P.. meets every Mon dav evening in I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting brothers cor dially invited to attend. J. A. Best, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. R. S. R. J. SLATER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of America National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AI law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEY and consullors at law. Office la Despaln building. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNETi at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. -Room 17, Schmidt block. PETERSON & WILSON, ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 SmlUk. Crawford building. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on an kinds of masonry, cement walks, stnn walls, etc. Phone black 3786, or Oregonlan office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL, di rector and licensed embaimer. ODDOsite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. 'Phone main 75. AUCTIONEER. COL O. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK Auctioneer. Athena. Oregon, uei- erenen First National Bank of Athena and Farmers Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN rvv and second-hand goods. Cash paid fnr all second-hand goods bought Cheapest place in Pendleton to buy household goods. Call ana get nis prices. 210 E. Court street. Phone Black 8171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT. NOODLES nnrt rhnn suev. Unu D. Goey, prop. At the old stand, Alta street In rear of Tallman Drug Co. East Oregonlan by carrier. 65c per month. PUYSICLVNS. H. S. GARFIELD, M. D., HOMEO pathic physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephone: ornee black 3411; residence, red 2633. FREDERICK STEIWER, ATTORN Bl' at law. Office in Smith-Crawford, building. ' DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNEY! at law. Willpractlce In all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 2, I, and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. JOHNSON & SKRABLE. ATTOR neys at law. Office In Despaln buildlnsr. The Providence that takes care of the childless and drunkards takes care of the United States. What you call treason today will be patriotism tomorrow when it succeeds. "She is Waiting" DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO- nlc and nervous diseases, and dis eases of women. X-ray and Electvo- theraputics. Judd building, cornel Main and Court streets. Office 'phon Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 554 DENTISTS. DR. THOMAS VAUGHAN, DE.NT1SI Office in Judd hullding. Phons Main 73. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS wedding announcements, embosseJ private and business stationery, et Very-latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office nnd see samples. Taxicab Service DAY BHD NIGHT. Stand at Hotel St. George 25C to Any Part of City Phone Main 1 2 Joseph N. Bohl, Prop. and so are those she is waiting on. And mind you, a good high-ball is well worth waiting for. Good, pure, wholesome Rye Whiskey, like the brands we are now selling, will make one wait patiently, but enjoy the wait when the liquid arrives cool, comforting, and refresh ing. If you are a high-ball B lover, better try a bottle of this splendid Whiskey of ours. Yo- will always want that brand afterwards. And the price will satisfy you, too. TheOlympia Bar Phone Main 1S8 and Pioneer Bottling Works Phone Main 177. PETERS & MORRISON, Prop. this office.