PAGE ETOTTT. DATLY EAST OTiEGOXTAN, PENDLETON". OKEGOTT, THURSDAY, TETfflTTATtY 1.', 1012. PAGE FTVE New Sprat PERSONAL MENTION Goods of every description coming in every day by express and freight Wo aro now showing a large assortment of pretty SILK and SERGE DRESSES, Suits and Coats in all the new Spring shades. Dress Goods in hundreds of pretty patterns. Silks in all tho new shades. New shoes for ladies in "White Button, 'Colonial Pumps, etc. Let us show you F. E. Livengood & Co. The Ladies' and Children's Store. MARCH Ladies Home Journal Patterns Ready. LOCALS Alfalfa Hay fur Sale. Apply to N. Joerger. 417 Eddy Bt. I. C. Snyder.chlmney sweep. II 3812. Bicycles! 727 Johnson street. Burroughs. Main S. Fuel. Main 178 for coal and wood. The Melrose System. Phone Koplttke & GUlanders, for dry wood and Rock Spring coal. Tou should have the Melrose Sys tem. Wanted Setting hens. Phone Black 2542. To rent Furnished house. Enquire 607 Willow or phone Black 3322. ... Everybody goes to the Orpheum to see the best and th clearest pictures All kinds of good dry wood, also clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal at Koplttke & GUlanders. Egg and lump coal, $7.50 and J8. Wood, 17.00. Leave orders at Com mercial ltarn or phone Black 3622. For rent Uirge furnished front room with or without board, 201 Wa ter street. For Rent Office with heat and light, J 8 per month. Ask J. II. Estes, American National Bank Bldg. For Rent Six room house, modem. Hot and cold water, buth, toilet, woodshed, etc. Enquire Dr. C. J. Whlttaker. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn. 620 Aura street. Phono Main 13. Also dry wood for sale. If you want to move, call Penland Bros. Transfer, phone M 339. Large New I-nundry Department. The Domestic Laundry has 'added a rough dry department to Its al ready well equipped and up to date establishment. Patrons will please have their bundles ready Monday morning. For sale One of the finest resi dences in Walla Walla. Will trade on wheat land or terms to suit pur chaser. Address 606, Bulletin, Walla Walla. MAX LOCKED IV BOILER ' AS STEAM IS Tt'RN'ED OX l)'k Hand on Starln Line Boat Badly Burned and Ix"g May Have to He Amputated. New Haven, Conn. Charles Tulver. a deck hand on the Storm King, one of the Starln Line boats, will prob ably lose his leg and Is suffering from severe burns as the result of being practically locked in the huge boiler of the boat. There had been trouble with the boiler all the way up from New Tork and Tulver was sent from the deck to see If he could make the neces sary repairs. His arrival in the boll j or room was unnoticed. He crawled I into the boiler and was at work there when the Rtronp wind finally blew the I heavy door shut, and it snapped so j that it was Impossible to open it from I the inside. ! Elisha Ailing, the engineer, not knowing Tulver was inside the boiler turned up tho steam. Tulver shouted but tho sizzling of the steam drowned his cries. He rushed toward the door but the steam was so thick he could F. E. Van Dusen, Pasco contractor, spent last night in the city. E. F. Frye, of Colville, Idaho, la a guest at the Bowman hotel. Attorney Frederick Stelwer is mak ing Herml.ston a viwit today. Miss Cora Grant of Pilot Rock vis ited In the county seat yesterday. Ernest Knight, Helix rancher, came in this morning on the N. P. train. R. Brown of Athena, was among the visitors In Pendleton last evening. Miss Bott came In from her home at Helix on the Northern Pacific train today. ' Mrs. Sando of Helix was an incom ing passenger on the N. P. local this morning. Sheriff T. D. Taylor reurned to day from an official trip to Walla Walla. Sam R. Thompson came In from his Eastland ranch this orning on the local. E. B. Richards, Justice of he peace at Athena, Is a visitor In the city today. Pete Murray came down from Ad ams this morning on one of his fre quent excursions. Emmett Reese came in from Stan ton this morning and is transacting business here today. J. D. Whirry of McMinnville, arriv ed In the city yesteraay from his Wil lamette valley home. . Frank K. Welles, county school su perintendent, returned this morning from a visit to the Weston schools. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams ar rived In the city yesterday from the ranch homo near Ukiah and are guests of Mrs. O. E. Harper. Roy W. Rltner has returned from Portland where he attended the Lin coln Day banquet and where he se cured he costumes for the Elks min-t-trel show. James P. Neal, Froewater attorney who Is out for the republican nomi nation for district attorney, came In last night from his east end home to take part in the Elks' minstrel show tonight and tomorrow. Judge G. W. Phelps, Postmaster J. T. Brown, Judge J. W. Maloney, Dep uty Game Warden E. F. Averill and E. B. Aldrich went to Hermiston on the local this morning to look over a tract of land which they own near that town T. I Dodsou Dead at Sumpter. Sumpter, Ore. Word received here announces the death at the Bonanza mine of H. P. Dodson. Mr. Dodson has been ill since last fall. He leaves a wife and other relatives. Firewater Ditch Men Meet. r i ee wilier, ure. a meeting was held in the Hadley hall by the Hud son Bay Ditch company. E. C. Bur- Ungame of Walla Walla in the new president. Dormitory Itoor Bums. Milton, Ore. The roof of the college dormitory was discovered on fire. No serious damage was done. dray moves you quick. Trash hauled ; not find it and was badly burned once a week. 647 Main street. When he did, ho pounded on it, burn. . . . . I,.,-. Inir himself more severely, and final' LrfW. asi BHiuruHy, ru,,uu, K, attracted the attention of Ailing, brooch set with diamond and pearls, i battracte the a te n Finder return to Hanscom's jewelry store and receive liberal reward. For transfer work, hauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos, and all kinds of Job work, phone Main 461. B. A. Morton. Save yourself fuel troubles by us ing our famous Rock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly. Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 5. Livery Stable lor Sale Owing to press of other business, I am forced to sell the Tloneer Livery and Sale Stable at Hermiston. W. W. Stclwer, Jr., Hermiston, Ore. Wanted Girl for general house work in small family no children. Neat, Intelligent, willing girl, experi ence not required. Liberal wages and comfortnblo home for right girl. Address L. M. J. this office. Notice. who opened tho doer and Tulver fell out unconcvious. MINCE TIE MISSIONARY. Culinary Talent of Treacher's Wife Wins J"l tor Both. St. Louis, Mo. To teach the natives of Jamaica how to make mince pies and Irish stews, while her husband teaches them how to pray and read tho bible, will be the duty of Mrs. Frank Beach, who has been appoint ed, together with her husband, the Rev' Beach, pastor of the Fourth Christian church, to go as a missionary to the island. Mr and Mrs. Beach took their de grees together at Texas Christian col lego In 1906. It has been their Joint ambition to go to foreign fields. The realization of their long desire came about through Mrs. Beach's excellent rulinarv cit'ts. This talent for do mestic science was noted by a mem ti n Tnlnn.1 Grain iw.- nf tho National Women s Jioaru . a inr, win moet wlth'nf Missions who came through ec uivwtia . the members of the Association at th Commercial Association Rooms, Pendleton, Saturday, Fob. 17th, to consider tho sack matter. A full at tendance of tho members is requested. Members wishing to place orders for sacks should be present. C. A. BARRETT, Pres. Combiiio Hnrvester for Sale, For Sale Daniel "Baby" Best Combine, practically new, only used in cutting 500 acres of grain. In per fect order. Good reasons for selling. Apply Peter Tachclla, Pendleton, Ore. DONALDSON RELIABLE DRUGGIST OUR POLICY WE PAY CASH, WE SELL FOR CASH. We both make money. We give you advantage of our cash discount, also bargains In GOOD GOODS bought for cash. WATCH Otm WINDOW. Special This Week. Popular Candy, guaranteed under the pure food law, 10c and 15c per lb. We pay lOo for each delivery. Send your boy, any purchase of BOo or over we will give him the 10c. Special sale on Druggists Sun dries all this week. Louis and visited me ueauu uni i 1403 Newhouse avenue. Domestic science has recently been included by tho national board as things ne cessary to be taught in the foreign schools. Mrs. Beach was appointed a teach er of domestic science and her hus band the pastor of a Jamaican mis sion with 4 50 members. A Uttlo girl of 13, the only other member of the family, likewise is in cluded in the appointment. She la a graduate of the Beethoven conserva tory, the youngest graduate ever turn ed out by that institution. She will teach music In the mission schools. YOUTH WOUNDS TWO JAPANESE. Rifles Cash Register and Opens Fire on Sleep'"!? Men, Baker. Ore. A youth, whoss name Js given as Howard Collins entered the restaurant of two Japanese nam jed Yoshlda and Minzo at Haines, and after rifling the cash register, proceeded to the rear of the building where he found Yoshlda ana Minzo asleep. He opened fire upon them with a 32-callbre revolver. Both men were struck by the 'bullets, but were not dangerously wounded. They were brought to St. Elteabcth hospit ni bore. Collins was' captured at I X'rttv, TAturiAi nnrt hrnuo-ht to Baker by Sheriff Rand. If Orosco Zapista, or any other revolutionary leader should win In Mexico he would have a revolution on his hands within 15 minutes. Rnndii Rob street Car., Ogden, Utah., Feb. 15. About 1 o'clock this morning three masked men held up and robbed the conduc tor and motorman of a street car, ob taining about $35. The bandits took the conductor's gold watch but re turned it when informed that it was a present from his mother. "We'll also leave you $1 50 for change," said the leader of the trio, returning tho money. "Now, get on your ear and beat it." The street car was No. 23. A posse of officers was organized and is now on the trail of the men. Attempt Escape. San Diego, Cal.. Feb. 13 Thirtv- elght prisoners, all charged with vi olating the free speech ordinance. made a desperate effort to overpower their keepers and escape from the jail looay. J ive break came a few min utes after the daily line up took place. As the crowd was being marched to tno main cell J. p. Gordon, who has constituted himself a leader of the crowd, struck Bailiff Paul Connors and all but overpowered him. Con nors pulled his club and beat the fel low back. Connors sounded the riot call and a reserve force of officers rushed into the corridor and by the display of their clubs drove tho riot ers to their cells. The Best Showing of New ilif i and ilif I If you don't believe our showing is bet ter and our prices lowerthen come in and see Wohlenberg Dep't. Store Better Goods for Less Money O. A. O. GLEE CLUB WINS PRAISE FROM PORTLANDERS If Portland enthusiasm Is any cri terion of the excellence of the con cert given by the Oregon Agricultur al College Glee and Mandolin Club at the Corvallis opera house last Sat urday, then the 40 members of the club now on tour should have little doubt of a welcome reception at the Heillg theater tonight, says the Port land Oregonian. Many of the Items on the program are by no means easy even for older singers, and it is therefore all the more gratifying to find that not only at Corvallis, but also at Albany, the first town visited on tour, all the songs were given with splendid vol ume and modulation of tone, while the harmony of the Mandolin club brought forth rounds of applause; In face every member was encored at least once. Stars there are in plenty, but pos sibly the greatest hit so far has been made by Henry Russell, "Lauder's Only Rival." With real talent, a fine makeup and almost entire absence of "amateurtim," in the general mean ing of the word, he has given several songs, yells and Jokes which, should prove a fitting ending to an enjoy able evening's entertainment. The O. A. C. Glee Club Is to appear in Pendleton at the Oregon theater on February 22. Fort George Farm Lands. An opportunity to get a farm at a very low figure In Fraser River Val ley. Call and see or write us for. particulars. Teutsch & Bickers. Once in a while a man who gets away with a lot of poor people's mon ey is convicted and punished a little. GET BIDS FOR 300 TONS OF BUTTER Washington, Feb. 15. Uncle Sam's fighting lads at sea won't lack lor butter, even if the price is high. Bids for 300 tons of tho finest but ter, the best dairy herds can produce, were opened in the navy department today. The proposals specify that 540,000 pounds are to be delivered In New York and 48,000 pounds in San Francisco. The lowest bid was more than sev en cents above tho average weekly market wholesale price at the time of delivery. The government pays this extra charge for packing and handling. Jewish Women Riot. Portland, Feb. 15. Enraged be cause the Jewish markets In South Portland raised the prise of Kosher meats and then attempted to stop a cooperative store which they started, twenty-five Jewish women descended on the mea market of R. Nudeiman today, wrecked the shop and beat him up. He swore out warrants against seven of tho women. 200 IT. S. Sallorg Mutiny. Norfolk, Feb. 15. As a result of a mutiny when they were ordered to submit to Inoculation against typhoid fever, two hundred blue Jackets p'board the battleship Vermont, at Guantanamo, are reported in Irons today. .A special court martial will be ordered. Spring OUR. NEW es an ho xfor s For Ladies and Misses are Here You'll be most agreeably surprised at the snappy new styles we are now displaying for spring at prices unheard of in the annals of Pendleton's merchandising history Bought by our great Corps of Buyers, Direct from the Eastern Factories. Styles absolutely the latest prices guaranteed the lowest. Don't buy until you have compared ours with other lines. Infant Shoes Soft Soles 25? and 49? Kid, Patent Tip, lace 49tf Pongola Kid. Patent Tip, button 79? Champagne. Color, button 98? Patent, velvet top, button 9S? Patent, Velvet, ton. patent enff $1.39 Chileren's and Misses' Shoes Aid lace, pat ent tip, a Rood all solid shoe, 5 1-2 to 8 at 69? 8 1-2 to 11 at S9o 11 1-2 to 2 at9S? Kid, mat top button, 5 1-2 to S at 9S? 8 1-2 to 11 $1.25 1 1-2 to 2, $1.49 Patent leather tan top -with, pat ent cuff, button. 5 to 8 at $1.49 Patent leather, velvet top, button, 5 1-2 to 8 at $1.39; 8 1-2 to 11 at $1.49 Tan Calf, button, 8 1-2 to 11 at $1.69 11 1-2 to 2 at $1.98 V 'T'W ! ".V V 'IV Ik? Ladies' Shoes and Oxfords All solid leather kid, lace 31.49 Dongola Kid, and Clin metal, but ton and lace at $1.98 Kid, gun metal, cloth top, pat ent, button and lace S2.30 !Mat top. patent, srun metal. hi 1 velvet, button and lace S2.9S White Buck, tan and metal, lCi-button at .'. S3.9S t Oxiords, Strap Sandals and Pumps Lace and button kid, run metal, pat ents, suedes, white canvas, tan Kuss. calf, in tho new spring shapes and toes. GOLDEN RULE STORE WE LEAD OTnEPvS FOLLOW.