East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 15, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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II I i II t1 J 4 tlt'l H 1.1
Tolls Xmvlv krmmilsi-.i llrnllmi-linrul
Tlmt He HuH Wsoovcrisl Many of
.sonny 111 jiii'ir j;anks on 1 tower va
Joe Craig, local Interpreter and
national secretary of the Brotherhood
of North American Indium, Tins re
ceived a copy of the address deliver
ed by H. O, Valentine, commissioner
of Indian affairs, before the meeting
of,- the Indians In Washington recent
ly. The address in full la as follows:
I am very glad to be here today. I
never feel so much in the place where
I belong as when I am talking to the
Indians themselves. I regret, I am
very sorry, for the great amount of
tlmo that I have to spend here at my
desk In Washington, 1500, 2000,
3000 miles away from where you all
are most of the time in your homes.
It would bo better for me, and by
that I mean that it would be better
for me in the sense that It would bo
better for 'you, If I could be, more of
the time, out among you because it
Is out on the reservation and in the
allotted districts and wherever any
single Indian lives that the work of
the Indian service really lies.
There are three big things in Indian
affairs about which I want to say a
word to you. Just a word. Two of
these things I-have something direct
ly to do with but the third I have
comparatively little to do with. The
two things are first, the henlth of the
Indian and Indian children all over
the country, and the second Is the In
dustrial development of the Indian all
over the country. That Is the biggest
work and the most proper work for
the Indian service. We want to assist
each one of you to help yourself and
to help your children to have good,
pound health so thai you can do good
work in the world and be happy and
we want also to bring it about that
every Indian In the country will be
working at some job or other all the
time, earning money. Those are the
two big things that the Indian ser
vice considers its most proper work.
There Is a third which is mainly the
reason for your being here, and one
of the main reasons why I am glad
you are here today, and that is your
political rights and privileges ail
through the country as men and wo
men, citizens of this country. And
this right and privilege of citizenship
is. in my Judgment, superior even
to the things which I have mention
ed in certain senses. A man may be
in poor henlth or a man may be out
of work and still ho wants to feel
that he Is a man.
It is a good thing to be healthy
and well and so have the happiness
that comes from health, and it is a
good thing to be at work, to bo busy
and have the health and happiness
and the money tha comes from being
busy. Hut in certain ways it is a
bigger thing and a different thing to
have that sense of personal manliness
nnd personal womanliness that comes
from fee'ing that you are a citizen
of the United State's. That Is why I
believe in citizenship for Indians.
Citizenship Is bound to give anyone
who possesses It, even If ho does not
appreciate it at first, bound to give
him gradually the feelings of a man
of independence, of being a person of
honor in his community. Conse
quently I am more than delighted to
welcome every meeting of the Indians,
Not Only Relief, but Cure
for All Time.
!( ynii ih to tic permanently frlii"rtl nf in tlie
fitomnrh nn.i Hmvol, tike Ivio llAALMANN'iS UA&
T.WlLKTSf'.rnfTO.I.ivi. H.VAI.M ANYiH'..V:T ABI.TTSnre pttpftTNl dwtinrtlv
and eniwinlly fr Siomnoli (iasnml .rticuliirlyfrJ
the lad ciTf-( coining from ( lWvrc.
That empty, Rono and pmiim ffrlinn at tne pit. of
jour itonuirh will forever liisnppenrinn frwilnyn; tlu t
anxious nd nervwu ferlinj, villi herrt palpitation, will
Tnnirii ami you will onrc more I nl'le to takoadifp
lireath, often prevented by g:u prchsics aeainst jour
lieirt and limp. .
v,ip limlM. rm nnd finen nn t feel eold nr.cl fro
to sleep. lee.iiise HAAl.MAN.YN GAS-TAlll.I TS prevent
cm intcrfvrini ilh die nrnaatmn; ui.ii inicnw
dpmsinrM and sleepy fa-linu after dinner will aooti La
repaired liv desire for eoine form ot rnterti'ininei.i.
Your ditendod stomach will reduce. I'y inrlien Ve.- iMr3
(n simply r.mnot form after a few da' usoul DAALr
These peculiar tahlrtu ore W'l for 80s. liy every
drwit, or send direct to Hahnemann I'liarmaey,
33tl (Juttcr SU, Sn imnrnra.
Every Woman
U Intireitcd and ihouid know
about the wonderful m
i MARVEL Whirling Spray
b new Vaginal Syringe.
Beit most convenient It
Alk your druvulltf
If he cannot supply 1
MARVEL, accept no other?
but lend sump for Illustrated
book sealed. It lives full particu
lar snd directions Invnluahleto ladles.
sVHSVU CO.. 4 East 234 Unit. Mi Tort"
It S
I.adlml Auk your ItruraUt lor a
4'lil.he-ter'a IHiimnttJ IinindA
rillain llvd and Unld tiieumAv
lioies. tralrd with llliie RiLUm.
Titko no other. Itii of yonr V
lM-nraUi. AOcr.irf'ii.rr.:-T2R 8
IHAMlIND ItllANII I'll I 4.l i U,
years knoti as Deit, Safest. Always Kellal k
I I U ho
aTMriAHTllOAln U
WtH, Lufpr i'wtk, Sll KruUtmf, Chtck
Ntifwnr. Safttv limp. m& ihrnKMiMfr, bl
RIAL rvKMruction of ikrrt walk ttl ovr with mIssMKN
QUARAKtTCD MtwMit Men wm. 90 iimpw nut inykoay cm
Auk big hatchtv Utt wr emit urn and low dlivrMl pric.
Ifilifl trim SI.7S
t HUn Incubator Co., ToUde, Whlnfton
Bronchial Troches
For lloaracneaa, Cougha, Inflamed Throat, ltron
chlal and Aathmatlo Troublea. (live pronijit and
grntof ill relief. An article of superior merit, ab
ulutoly free from any harmful Ingredient. Sold
only in boxes. Nnmple mailed free.
JOHN I. BROWN A SON. Boston, Maai.
and other ilia, due to an inactive condi
tion of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels,
may be obtained moat pleasantly and
moat promptly by using Syrup of Fig
and Elixir of Senna. It is nut a new
and untried remedy, but it used by
millions of weD-informed families through
out the world to cleanse and sweeten
and strengthen the system whenever a i
laxative remedy is needed.
When buying note the fuD name
of the Company California Fig Syrup
Co., printed on every package of the
Regular price 50 per bot one size only.
For sale by all leading druggist.
every galheringr here in Wawhington
or anywhere else in the country,
where you meet to consider together
and arrange together your work as
citizens of the United States. It is
one of the privileges of citizenship,
not only that it leaila to this feeling
of manh ood and independence on thn
part of each one, but It has also for!
you a greater meaning, in that when
you irather together, all your citizens
together present a force and have
the opportunity of accomplishing
things for yourselves that none of you
alone could do. It is that fact that
makes the right of petition or group
of perr.nns to come together and pe
tition the government concerning
their affairs
In other words, I want to see the
Indian all over the country, assert his
rights, political rights in every prop
er way and for that reason it is im
portant that you all meet together
and consider what those rights and
privileges are and what you .leed to
do in connection with asserting them.
I want you to understand how
heartily I am in sympat'ny with any
political movement among the In
dians. You have kindly Invited me
to become an honorary member of
this organization and I want you to
understand Ftraight from me and not
from anybody elso why I can'not ac
cept that honor while I am commis
sioner of Indian affairs.
The Indian Bureau, as I explained
to you at the start, exists chiefly for
those two main purposes of forward-mo-
the health and industry among
the Indians and helping you to put
yourselves, therefore. In the best pos
sible position to a..-rt your political
rights and in asserting your political
rights you ,.vlll have, it wi;i be your
duty and privilege ro take part in
party politics. It will be your duty
to study the candidates in the dif
ferent communities and vote for the
ones that you believe to be right and
good men.
Xow, the Indian office has no hand
of any kind, prop.-rly in politics or
party politics nnd so whl'e I am
commissioner of. Indian affairs I feel
that I cannot accept this honor that
you have offered me; but, if when I
cease to be commissioner of Indian
affairs you still wish to extend me
such an invitation. I might be very
proud to consider It. When that day
comes you will very likely have for
gotten all about it. Hut what I want
to leave with you Is the idea that I
believe in this meeting and organiz
ing to assert your rights and privil
eges and in your taking part in your
local communities In elections I want
the Indian insofar ns my word has
any weight with you or . my Interest
in you any weight In your hearts, to
consider the sacredness of a voter's
duty; the sacredness of each one of
you making up your mind as to the
good character and the ability and
the wisdom of the ninn you elect to
represent you in the congress here.
I cannot leave this meeting with
out saying just one word more about
my belief In the Indian race or races,
as people. I am no sentimentalist on
the subject, and like other people In
this country, nil other citizens, you
Indians have a lot to learn. But I
have not ridden thousands of miles
over your reservations nnd over your
allotments, many times in company
with some of my friends hero today
without finding out that the Indians
have a lot of ability nnd character
which are nmong the best things this
country possesses. In nbility, there
is, In my Judgment, substantially no
Indian In this country who starts
young enough who cannot accomplish
uny object which any of tho other
peoplo in this country can accom
plish. There are men right in this
room, and you will find them in every
other gathering of Indians anywhere
who have succeeded in every calling,
from the fnrm up through all tho pro
I want you to know direct from me
that I have no doubt about your abil
ity. As soon as you get accustomed
as tribes nnd as persons to our ways
of doing things, you have proved
many times over your ability to ndapt
yourselves) to those ways nnd make
good In them. Neither will there be
any fear if the Indian will only assert
his native honesty and integrity of
chnracter. If each one of you will
nssert his. own behalf and In behalf
of Tils character, honesty nnd Integ
rity which you possess, the Indian
will tnko a very high place in the cit
izenshlp, the political citizenship of
this country.
I thank you all for this Invitation
to speak to you today and I want you
to know the doors of my office are
always open to anyone to come to
me and see me with the same hos
pitality which you have always shown
to me when I have visited you in the
Indian country. I thank you.
uyu uuu
"Til imi mi list Oisfl"
The Great Central British Columbia Territory has been term
ed by those who are thoroughly acquainted with the beautiful
climate, the fertile valleys and picturesque scenery, as being
the Paradise of the Pacific.
A Vast New Country, to be Opened
Up This Year
On Main Liue ol Great Transcont
inental Railway
The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway lias just let contracts am
ountiii"; to $20,000,000 and rushed 10,000 era men into Cen
tral British Columbia in order to complete their great trunk
line through tho famous Fort George country this 3'ear, thus: -establishing
a transcontinental railroad from the - Atlantiq !
ocean to the Pacific ocean, with Prince Rupert as the Pacific
, This great railroad, when completed, WILL OPEX TO .
IN THE WORLD which are owned by the NORTH COAST
LAND CO., LTD.. OF VANCOUVER, B. C. a company
with a paid up capital of 00,000, and selling land over the
entire world.
The Climate of British Columbia
is Ideal for Bumper Crops
The summer months have long warm days and cool nights
with sufficient rainfall for all crops, without irrigation; wink!
feather is clear and dry; no wind, occasional cold spells of
snort, duration.
t The crops that are now being grown with great success are :
y mr
TABLES. , Wild grasses: Red Top, Pcavine, Rye .Grass and
.several varieties of vetch.
Buy the Choicest of these Lands
Thousands of homeseekers "will rush into this country the
coming year, so we urge you to investigate at once. Our local
agents will be pleased to give you any information you desire.
These Farming Lands Now on Sale in Pendleton at Very Low Prices
The land is being sold in 160, 320 and 640 acre tracts, small cash payment
down and balance in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years with interest at 6 per cent.
Now Selling at $15 to $25.00 an Acre
For further information ask for our special Fort George Booklet.
North Coast Land Co, Limited
Maneuver, B. C. Portland Office, Chase-Corn Bldg. V. A. Seale, Pacific Coast Mgr.
j Oregon and Eastern Washington
Tablets. DruRgists refund money If It
ran to cure. E. W. GROVE S tlgna
ture U on each box. JIc.
omuix.Ui axi HAitMoxiors
dkcouatioxs rou Mi'.irr
unlt nml White of Onlcr Will Mix
With Patriotic Colors in KUvtrloal
Schonio Business Men IJusy.
rortlancl, Ore., Feb. 15. Original
ity nnd harmony will bo manifest in
tho decorations with which the Klks
will adorn Portland durii? the Na
tional convention next July. The
special committee, of which John H.
Burgard is chairman and which is
composed of George L. Baker, Pr.
Harry F. McKay, A. C. Callen nnd
Dr. C. W. Cornelius, met and ap
pointed a number of subcommittees,
each of which shall have chargo of
a special feature of the work.
The various subjects of decoration
will confirm to the one general
scheme that now Is in course of pre
paration and which will make the
city's festival dressappenr harmoni
ously dazzling by day nnd artlctically
brilliant by night.
It is proposed to erect a number of
arches across the principal streets
and to make every foot of the lino
of march, which Includes streets on
both the East and West sides of the
river, pleasantly attractive to all who
gather to view the parade as well as
to the men in line.
Seventeen Committees Xanitxl.
The following committees were
named f"r tho several decorating
Arches Dr. Harry F. McKay, J. A.
Graef, L. F. Thiheau, George L. Hut
chin. Line of Parade George l Baker,
W. H. Fitzgerald, J. B. Coffey, A. C.
City, County and Government
Buildings 15. b. Sigler, D. Soils Co
hen, W. H. Fitzgerald, John B. Cof
fey, William Adams.
Lighting of Buildings R. E. Men
efee, A. G. Rushlight, Tom Monke,
F. E. Walklns, George Dunning.
Railroad Terminals K. V. Lively,
Milllam McMurray. A. D. Charlton,
R. W. Foster. William Burke, Ed
watd Lyons.
Hoiels C. W. Cornelius, Phil '..fet
schan, Jr., M. C. Dickinson, II. C.
Bowers, Joseph Dletz.
Department Stores A. C. Callen,
D. M. Dunne, A. E. Beard.
Class "A" Buildings H. W. Fries,
G. E. Stroeter, J. B. Yoen, George
Henry, A. L. Finley, V. M. C. Sllva.
Oother Buildings George H. Kel
ly, George M. Hyland, F. W. Watson,
R. C. Bishop, W. O. Van Schupver.
River Front Captain J. E. Spier,
Thomas H. Crang, Eugene Tarrell,
Dou Wlnther, Felix Isherwood.
Window Decorations A. Felden
helmer, A. B. Stelnbach, W. H. Gads
by, C. C. Bradley, K. K. Kubll.
Electricity John H. Burgard, Geo.
L. Baker.
Banks J. S. Beall, George W. Hoyt
A. M. Wright.
Theaters John F. Cordray. W. T.
Bangle, John J. Johnson, LuwTenee
Armory E. H. Lnngford, IT. P.
Chriwtenson. W. C. Haselline.
East Side George H. Kleiser. II.
II. l'omeroy, John F. Cordray, EJ
win Xewbegin.
Fraternal Orders C. C. Bradley.
A. Feldenhelmer, R. W. Foster, Wal
ter Holman, George S. Bergers.
Professional decorating firms in
various part of the country are in
communication with Chairman Bur
gard and Harry C. McAllister, sec
retary of the convention commission.
They propose to transform Sixth
street. Seventh street, AVashington
street and other business thorough
fares into veritable avenues of bril
liance nnd beauty.
Plans Vndor Consideration.
The general scheme of decorating
now is being worked out. The illu
minating plan devised by E. E. Mc
Claran. a Portland architect, and
providing' for a canopy of electric
lights radiating from a high Illumi
nated tower on top of the A'eon buil
ding is being considered nmong oth
ers. The committee decided yester
day that all colors used In decorat
ing will be purple and white with
the American flug.
Owners of various business build
ings already are laying plans to win
the first prize offered by the general
committee for the best decorated
building. It Is probable that other
substantial prizes will be ofered.
As it will require much time to ar
range the elaborate decorations ne
cessary to present a proper setting
fr the his conclave tho present is
none too early to lay plans, say the
committeemen. The committee cal
culates to begin work on constructing
Its electric effects and its street and
building ornamentions lato in June,
that they may he completed on tho
opening day of the convention, July
Application has been made by the
Elks to erect a viewing stand on the
Postoffiee grounds for a week, dur
ing the meeting of the grand lodge.
It has the approval of Postmaster
Merrick, and with his recommenda
tion the request has been forwarded
to the department at Washington. It
has been agreed that the stand will
not Interfere with the entrance to
the postoffico and that six special
pollcement will he employed by the
Elks to keep the entrance clear at
all times.
Weak nnd miserable. If you have
kidney or bladder trouble, dull head
pains, dizziness, nervousness, pains In
tha back and feel tired all over, get
a package of Mother Gray's AltO-MATIC-I.KAl',
the pleasant herb
cure. It never falls. AVe have many
testimonials from grateful people who
have, used this wonderful remedy. As
a regulator it has no equal. Ask for
Mother Gray's Aromntlo-lA'nf at drug
gists or sent by mail for 50 cents.
Sample FREE. Address. The Moth
er Gray Co., Le Roy N. Y.