East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 13, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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...''.ri'.A Z-U , ' "is Hi ;. (' i'-jw.-k IWKwmoii'
Your Dollars
Y'A i
Garry a
Orsat Weight
at this Stora
Every staple and fancy ar
ticle in the way of groceries.
Every seasonable fruit and
vegetable that is placed on the
Is Found Here
Careful attention given to all
phone orders. A cheerful and
sanitary store, with everything
displayed well for your easy
choosing, makes this store the
most advantageous grocery for
YOUR marketing.
riione Main 90.
Standard Grocery
Company, Inc.
Where all are pleased.
Frank O'Gnra, President
Bernard O'Gara, Sec.-Tteas.
To The Public.
I wish to announce that I have dis
posed of my millinery store to Mrs.
Myrtle Moller who will conduct the
(business in the future, and take this
method of thanking most heartily my
hundreds of friends for their kind
patronage during the many years
that I have conducted a millinery
store in Pendleton. I will be located
at Mark Moorhoue's office for the
next week in order to collect my ac
Fine Watch
Even the finest works In the
finest time-piece made, will
accumulate dirt causing them
to wear unnecessarily and keep
inaccurate time.
"When a high priced watch
gets out of order, it can at best
Kive only the results of a cheap
time-keeper save your watch
and make it worth its full val
ue by having it looked after
now and then by our expert
watch repairers.
Wrn. Hanscom
THE Jewe!er
They All Do It
c -..
iu;roi:K. iu vui tomokuow
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Carries Volition friii Pendleton Com
mercial Aasoeiutioii Consider This
Tax An Injustice on Money Borrowers.
When Assessor Strain goes before
the state lax board at Salem tomor
row he will bear the recommendation
of the local Commercial association
that the present mortgage tax be re
pealed and that an exemption on
household goods to the amount of
J 50u be provided for. These recom
mendations were made last night at
a meeting of the special committee
consisting of Will Moore, G. W.
Thelps, ir. I. La Dow, C. P. Strain
and Secretary Keefe.
It was the sense of these' men that
the present mortgage tax is an in
justice and works a hardship upon
the money borrowers of the state In
asmuch as it provides for a tax both
on land and on any and all mortgages
on land, securing thereby a double
taxation. Thus if a man purchases a
piece of land, makes a small pay
ment and executes a mortgage to se
cure the balance, he is taxed upon the
fu'.l value of the land while the hold
er of the mortgage la taxed upon Its
value. The latter, naturally not wish
ing to be loser, raises his rate of in
terest with the result that the hold
er of the land Is burdened with dou
ble taxes.
It is estimated by local business
men that this law has raised the rate
of interest two per cent in this coun
ty and has driven many capitalists
and their money away from here.
At present there is no household
er's exemption law, trie one formerly
in the statutes having been found to
be non-operative and the commit
tee, believing in the justice of such
a law, voted to recommend a new
(Continued from Page 1.)
The money was paid to him and he
delivered over to them warranty
deeds signed by W. G. Robertson,
president, and S. D. Slentz, secretary,
and acknowledged before George C.
Fisher, notary public of Bellingham.
Both the seal of the company and of
the notary public were stamped upon
the documents.
So happy was Mrs. Altmeyer over
her investment that she immediately
began negotiations for the sale of
her interest in the restaurant that
she might move onto her lots in Col
ur.il'ia River. Before the transaction
had been completed, however, a friend
v.l-.o had been at Columbia River told
her that the town was nothing but a
hotel and an expanse of rocks. In
iltcrnant to think that she had invest
ed her money upon a false descrip
tion, she wrote to the company de
manding a return of her money. The
letter denying responsibility and in
forming her that she was the victim
of a clever swindler was the answer.
To the letter was signed the name
of S. D. Slentz, secretary, and the
handwriting was almost identical
with that of the signature affixed to
the deeds. Therefore, it is evident
that if the same hand did not write
the two, a clever piece of forgery was
Mrs. Altmeyer this afternoon made
formal complaint at the sheriff's of
fice after consulting an attorney and
finding that she had no other recourse.
Spinal Meningitis Claim YleUnv
A victim of the dread spinal men
ingitis, Gazaney Xoel McCrea, the
thirteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
P. L. McCrea of Holdman, died yes
terday afternoon at the family home
and his remains will be Interred at
the Holdman cemetery tomorrow.
Demonstrate lire Alarm System.
C. E. Stillwell, representative of the
Signaphone Fire Alarm company of
Milwaukee, is in the city with appara
tus demonstrating the efficiency of
hU company's fire alarm system, the
council having already advertised for
bids for a twenty-box system. The
demonstrations are being conducted
at the city ha'.l.
IViHlH'ton Fans Delayed.
Pendleton baseball fans who tele
phoned Saturday night that they
wouiu arrive nere Sunday to discuss
the proposition of organizing a league
for next spring, failed to show up
their spark-plug blowing out at mile
post 187. Correspondence is still fly
ing fast, however and plans may yet
materialize Walla Walla Union.
Thursday Afternoon Club.
The Thursday Afternoon Club is to
be entertained on Wednesday after
noon instead of Thursday this week
The meeting will be at the La Dow
home on West Court, the club mem
bers being entertained by Mrs. G. I
LaDow and Mrs, A, L. Schaefer.
Other Delegates Are Appointed.
President Dan P. Smythe yesterday
afternoon completed his appointment
of delegates to the Portland Irrigation
convention by naming Joe Skrable
and John Montgomery. Dr. C. J.
Smith, Judge S. A. Lowell and O. D.
Teel had previously been appointed.
New Autos Purchased
Roy Ritner, well known young
farmer who is now in Portland, has
Just completed his purchase of a new
model, four passenger Stoddard-Day-ton
car. Dr. Fred Lieuallen of Pilot
Rock has just bought a new Ford car
and it is reported that Mayor W. F.
Matlock aas placed his order for a
"honk-honk'' wagon.
Old Offender Caught Again.
Ed Smith, who is a more or less
frequent offender of the laws, land
ed in trouble again toaay when Chief
of Police Kearney arrested him on a
charge of immoral acts and practices.
He was found to be unlawfully co
habltatlng with a transient woman
by the name of Mabel Anderson and
will be tried in police court tomorrow.
Jim Wyrick Hurt by Horse.
James Wyrick, well known young
farmer, is nursing a badly sprained
ankle as a result of the horse which
he was riiiing falling upon his leg last
week. First reports had It that his
leg had been broken and that he was J
confined in the local hospital, but
they proved to be exaggerated - rumors.
and my attempts to make the Episco
pal church stand for something. My
congregation objects to my work in
social service. I shall always con
tinue this work."
It is said that the resignation of
the rector was to be asked for at u
meeting of 'prominent members of
the church this week. The Rev. Mr.
Pell recently joined a labor union in
order to be in closer touch with the
Speeinl Escort-of Armed Men Will
ltcnr "I'nlucky" Ciem to and
From Vaults.
Washington. No Jewel was ever
guarded more Jealously than is the
Hope diamond by its new owner, Mrs.
Edward Beale McLean.
Arrangements were made by which
this celebrated gem will be kept in
a bank vault, from which it will be
taken to the McLean residence as
social functions require, by armed
detectives. When it is in the McLean
home a particular member of the
household will bo designated to keep
watch over it.
A minute log will be kept of the
occasions on which the diamond is
worn. In the vault with the Hope
diamond will repose the other Mc
Lean treasures, including the Star of
the East, of 98 karats, once the pro
perty of a European potentate, and
a gigantic white stone known as the
McLean diamond.
The Hope diamond is set in plati
num on a hair fillet of rings crusted
In smaller diamonds. The great dia
mond, as worn by Its new owner, rests
in the middle of the forehead and
looks like a gigantic blue snowflake
under a microscope.
Pure Food Officers to Feed Candy
and Tomato Pulp to Them.
St. Louis, Mo. Candy and tomato
pulp will be a feast for fishes that
federal authorities will spread upon
the Mississippi river within the next
twenty days, upon an order by Judge
"Jelly beans." ,a barrel of them
will be the first course. The next
course will be the tomato product. 1
350 cases of the pulp having been, set
All of the food was condemned by
pure food inspectors and selzod in
wholesale houses of St. Louis.
Elegant Scenery
Supberb Costumes
Latest Songs
Jokes and Sketches
February 15 arid 16, 1912
Reserved Seats on Sale at the Pendleton Drug
Store. Tickets for sale by any of the members
Knox Off for Trip.
Washington, Feb. 13. Starting his
diplomatic tour of Central American
republics, Secretary of State Knox is
today en route to Palm Beach. He
will remain' there a week and then
embark on the cruiser Washington for
Colon. His itinerary has not been
announced yet.
Glen Emlck is In from his home at
Pilot Rock today.
But a Symptom, a Danger Sig
nal Which Every Woman
Should Heed.
Tomorrow is our last day in town.
Take advantage of our low prices, at
Baker's Furniture Store.
Stranger Gives Girln Present Because
of Arfection Toward Father.
Chico. Adelaide and Marlon, the
two young and pretty daughters of
M. D. Baker, a popcorn and peanut
vender of this city, were given $50
in gold by a stranger, because they
kissed their aged father good night
"That is not all," he said. In tak
ing leave.
Two nights ago a stranger gazed
at the girls as they hugged their par
ent on tarting. He walked over to
! the popcorn man after they had gone,
! and said: "That is the sweetest thing
! i ever saw, them two gal3 a-kissin1
I yon. It ain't all ga!s nowadays mat
: tiiinks y much about their people as
to give them a kiss ana a. iuvin hub.
I think a heap of them girls and I'm
going to do something for them."
He handed them the envelope in
scribed "From a friend." It contain
ed $S0 in gold.
Takes Athena Law Office.
G. H. Bishop, a young 1 attorney)
from Washington county, Tennessee,
and a graduate from the law school :
of the University of Tennessee, class
of 1911, arived last night to take!
charge of the law office of Peterson
& Wilson at Athena. The young
man is an old friend of both of the
attorneys mentioned and tfiey pre
dict for him a brillian future.
1 hree In Police Court.
Three offenders were booked in the
police court today. Gien Busnee was
arrested on a drunk and disorderly
charge and will stand trial this af
ternoon, John Welsh received a three
day sentence for being drunk and
Oscar Hyden forfeited bail of S25 for
disorderly conduct. The last named
has been under surveillance by the
officers for some time and the arrest
last night was by way of letting him
know that his presence is undesirable
in the city.
Ob whir? from the first cigar and h
lars, 'T" tak the box."
V. J. Connor & Co.
Successor to
Cigars, Candle and Pool Room.
CIS Main Street Phono M. 4
Husband nl Children Weep Over
Corn n Thut Contains Stranger.
Maiden, Mass. Abraham Levlne
and his three children were weeping
over the coffin bought for Mrs. Le
vlne, the wife and moiner, wnen ju-
iahsim, opening the casket for one
!at look at his wife, discovered that
the body was not there Mrs. Levine
had been a patict at the Tewkbury
hospital and Abraham had received
word that she was dead, investiga
tion showed that his wife was still
olivo and that the mistake had been
due to the fact that her name had
been due to the fact that her name
and the name of the dead woman
were somewhat' similar.
IK's Moines Clersymnn Denounces
Attitude of Fashionable Congrega
tion When He Quits.
lies. Moines, Iowa. Declaring that
he had been persecuted by member
of his church because of his work
among the poor of the city, the Rev.
Robert II. B. Bell, rector of the St
Paul's Episcopal church, one of Up
most fashionable churches in the '
city, read his resignation as pastor
of that parish, effective June 30. j
"I refuse to longer submit to the
abuse that has been heaped upon mo
during the past few weeks," Bald the
Rev. Mr. Bell. "All the animosity Is j
due to my broad views of Christianity
Backache is a symptom of organic
weakness or derangement. If you have
backache don't neglect it To get per
manent relief you must reach the root
of the trouble. Head about Mrs. Wood
all's experience.
Morton's Gap.Kentucky. "I suffered
two years with female disorders, my
health was very bad
and I had a continual
backache which was
simply awful. I could
not stand on my feet
long enough to cook
a meal's victuals
without my back
nearly killing me,
and I would have
such dragging sensa
tions I could hardly
bear it I had sore
ness in each side, could not stand tight
clothing, and was irregular. I was com
pletely run down. On advice I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and am enjoying good health. It
is now more than two years and I have
not had an ache or pain since. I do all
my own work, washing and everything,
and never have backache any more. I
think your medicine is grand and I praise
it to all my'neighbors. If you think my
testimony will help others you may pub
lish it" Mrs. Ollie Woodall, Mor
ton's Gap, Kentucky.
If vu have the slightest doubt
that Lydia K. IMnMi;mis Vegeta
ble Compound will help you, write
to Lydia I'.Pinkhani Medicine Co.
(confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad
vice. Your letter will he opened,
read and answered by a woman,
a-td lie-Id in strict con tide nee.
Coinpnro our prices and compare our quality do not buy until
you have seen the ninny beautiful new models now showing at Uie
Golden Rule Store
Many jaunty, stylish and serviceable patterns and all the new col
or shadings. Largo run of slcs.
Our Regular Prices $9.90, $12.50,
$16.50 and $17.50
Other stores soli roffularly at twice these prices, '
"Clark's Grocery"
A Very Choice BROOM
while they last, at (D(B
and a full line of garden
Phone Main 174
612 Main Street
Shliw Collide; 40 Japs Wo.
Nagasaki, Japan, Feb. 13. Forty
six lives wero lost today when the
Japanese steamers Ityona Maru and
Morla Maru collided and both sank.
Thirty-two of the Hyona'a crew and
fourteen aboard the Morla were
caught between decks. The rest were
rescued by nearby ships.
The girl who marries an aviator
ron't necessarily have high ideals re
garding matrimony.
illlfis Hi
Wmwj U
and as good as new, no matter what
it looked like before we undertook to
clean that skirt. We change the ap
pearance of a garment In short order
when It Is sept to us to be Cleaned
or Dyed. We are cxperU at the bus
iness and have a system that does
not Injure any fabric in the least. We
call for and deliver all orders and our
charges are most reasonable.
Pendleton Dye Works
Phone Main 19. 20H E. Alta.
i Tim
With Your Lumber Orders
Our entire stock of building'material
is selected with care and good judg
ment. We keep it in good condition
and sell it reasonable-that's whats
bringing us our over increasing business. We believe
in smellier profits and faster selling it amounts to the
same thing in the end.
Get Our Estimates Before Buying Your Lumber
Lath, Shingles and Mill Work
Crab Creek Lumber
Phone Main 92