EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST (VREGONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1912. PAGE THREE Vaudeville TONIGHT 0 ip a on dl THEATRE re-opened under the former management that made the show-house so popular and gave to Pendleton the best acta in vaudeville and latest motion pictures. We Recommend Tonight's Program poors Open at 7. TJusal Prices. OBPHEUH Theatre J. P. MADERNACH, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures For Men, Women and Children Program change3 Snnday's, Tuesday's and Friday's See Program in Today's Paper THEATRE CASS MATLOCK, Prop Best Pictures More Pictures Latest Pictures and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and enter taining for tho entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Bo sure and see the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. pendleton'spqpu lar;picture show THE COSY Where tlio entire family can en joy a hlgh-cjuss motion picture kIiow with comfort. Fun, Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Evening. Changes Sunday, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. Next Poor to St. George Hotel. Admission Bo and 10c PASTRSE AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orphciini. 1. "A Terrlblo Discovery," Bio grupb. Taunted by the gang- otrer the conviction of his brother by the district attorney, Dick swears to make the attorney suffer. His plan Is a novel one, which might have suc ceeded but for the daring of the law yer's ten year old son. This subject 1j not only a thrilling production, but U also most logical. 2. "Dad's Smash Up," Pathe. A grouchy old futher refuses to let his daughter marry the man of her choice. He Intercepts a note from her to her sweetheart, making an appointment in the park. Dressing himself in his daughter's clothes, he goes to keep the appointment. Be sure and see what happens to him. 3. "Love Decides," Lubln. A strong story, dealing with the mar riage of May and December. The young wife Is sorely tempted to de sert her, home, but Is prevented at the cruclcal moment through the po tf.it power of love. 4. "Teaching McFadden to Waltz," Vltagraph. This picture Is full of motion. McFadden does many a fun ny turn and gives us all a Jolly good time. The Pastime. The home of good pictures. A classy program for Tuesday's change. No. 1. "A Romance of Wall Street," Vltagraph. Featuring "Ma urice Costello." The vilian "bears the market." Love comes to the as slstance of the hero and Induces "her" god-father to "bull" it. The hero lands his pile, defeats the vil lain and wins the girl. It Is excit ing. No. 2. "The .Other Fellow, Selig. A side-splitting comedy of mistaken Identity. The actress not knowing of Jack's marriage, wants to renew their acquaintance, and wr'tes him a note to that effect which causes a lot of trouble between Jack and his wife. No. 3. "Between Father and Son." Kalem. A Spanish love story. A thrilling romantic drama told In old Spanish California. No. 4. "Hutchinson, Kas., Semi centennial Celebration," Selig. Edu cational. Showing close-up, Intimate views of interesting events. No. B. "Swat the Fly," Essany. An uproariously funny subject. No. 6. "A Hungry Pair," Essany. Musical program; Spanish selec tions: No. 1. Perjura Spenlsh dance. No. 2. Qunnd L'Annour Relfleurit. (When love returns) Waltz. No. 3. Zucatecas March. No. 4. National Airs of Mexico Medley. Cosy. For Monday and Tuesday. "Tho Eastern Cowboy," American. A d-'lghtful western comedy as sweet as love's young dream, light as a crenm puff, sparkling as a brook and with a strong current of fun that Is Irresistibly pleasing. "Tho Actress," Mr.jestic. A mag nlflcent drama. The actress receives word that her child is seriously ill and though torn with grief she must go on and take a coniody part. This cnlls for acting of tj-emendous power. The method of administering oxygen tc 'he sick is also shown in this grip ping story. "Bonnie of the Hills," Champion Parted from her sweetheart Bonnie leaves her western home and later Is restored to her heart's choice by an not of great bravp-y. Pretty little story frosh ns mountain dew. "A Young Squaw's Bravery," Bi son. Stirring western, staged In a beautiful scenic country, showing some clever feats of 'bare-back rid ing, nnd some lively battles between the Indian warriors. At tho Grand. Commencing Saturday night, under new management, In addition to reg- E A Common Sense Treatment for Colds and Catarrh, Givejs Instant Relief, No mutter how miserable you aro with cntarrli or n cold in the hind, nose stopped up, throat sore, eyes running dull pain iu the bead, dry cough, fever, foul breath, Ely's Cream Balm will give you iustaut relief. It gets right at the root of the trouble, cleanses, heals ami strengthens the raw, Sore membranes, stops the nasty discharge so that von are not constantly blowing the noso and spitting. In a few minutes after applied you rnn just feel it doing its work of clearing the head, tho pain mid soreness are relieved, the breathing becomes natural and the stuffed up feeling U gone. This cleansing, healing, antiseptic Halm con tains no mercury, cocaine or other harnjful drugs. It is ensy to apply, pleasant to use, and never fails to give relief, even in the worst cases. Never neglect a cold, nnd don't suffer the miseries of catarrh nor disgust your friends with your hnwking, spitting and foul breath. Get a 50 cent bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druijgist. and start the treatment at ouee. You will find that it will be the best investment you ever made. OS STOPPED WITH GftTARRH St. George Cafe and Grill WHITE COOKS SERVICE FIRST-CLASS PRICES REASONABLE Hot Merchant's Lunch Daily -rom 1 1:30 m. to 2:00 p. m. FRENCH DINNER RVEHV vnY FROM 11 A M TO 3 P. M Open Day anil Nlirht F-ntnimf on Webb St.. or Through Motel lohhv ular picture program. Sterling & Sterling Musical Novelty Act Jos, B. Sterling, World's famous trumpeter and solo cornetlst, veteran of Cuba, Philippines and China. Lenora Ster ling, government nurse demonstrat ing and grand transformation scene. This act comes highly recommended from the Pantages circuit as one of the best of Its kind in existence. Jos. B. Sterling was a trumpeter with Roosevelt's Rough Riders In Cu ba: was also chief trumpeter of. the Third U. S. Heavy Artillery; aid to General McArthur la Philippine ser vice; also aid to General Llscomb when the general fell in battle at Tien Tsin, China. Trumpeter Sterling was shot down on the wall of the city of Pekln, Chi na, as he was fixing the line that he had scaled the wall to fix, bo that the other men could swarm over and open the gate. MILTON TO HAVE A IMtECOOLING STATION' Freewater, Ore. At a meeting held in the offices of the Milton-Free-water Fruitgrowers' union a large number of the fruitgrowers discussed the advisability of erecting a pre cooling station. D. F. Pratt' of the department of agriculture w-as present and announc ed that If a proper building could be secured the government would es tablish a pre-coollng station here for experimental purposes. The great waste in shipping fruit Is due to the fact that the fruit goes Into the cars in a heated condition and the consumption of ice while the fruit Is in transition is very heavy. The pre-cooled fruit would go to the cars at the proper temperature, thus Insuring it reaching its destination In a much better condition. The directors will take up the mat ter and come to a decision at a meet ing to be held during the week. ANGRY FORTY YEARS: DEATH KAILS TO HEAL TROUBLES Kansas City, Mr. Death's hand could not break the compact of en mity entered into nearly forty years ago by John and Joseph Medley, ac cording to a verdict by a federal court Jury here denying Joseph the right to participate in his brother's estate. After a quarrel back in the '70s, the Medleys parted, announcing they would not speak to each other again. Joseph went to Pennsylvania. When John died here five years ago, leav ing his estate of $20,000 through a verbal will to his landlady, Mrs. Elizabeth Foley, Joseph filed a con test. The Jury awarded the estate to Mrs. Foley. GET EARLY LAMBS AT ECHO, OREGON Echo, Ore. Lambing on hay Is go ing on briskly here. Joe Cunha is lambing a large band of sheep on his nome ranch near here. Antone Vey is also lambing on hay at his Butter Creek ranch. In speaking of this early lambing on hay. Messrs Cunha and Vey say that while It Is expensive and the risk of saving the lambs Is great, the extra size ami carlv lambs for market pay them well. Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor exercise, Insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, wor ry and anxiety, are the most common causes of stomach troubles. Correct your habits and take Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tablets and you win soon be well again. For sale by all dealers. TAFT'S MANAGER CLAIMS ROOSEVELT AIDS PRESIDENT Washington, D. C, Feb. 12. "Theodore Roosevelt has done Presi dent Taft's campaign much good. He has concentrated the progressive sup port and Is not a candidate." This statement was made today by Con gressman McKinley, one of President Taft's campaign r.:anagers, in an in terview on the attitude of Colonel Roosevelt toward the fight for the re publican presidential nomination. "When It becomes apparent that Roosevelt Is not a candidate," said McKinley, "you will find the pro grevsises volunarily supporting Presi dent. I'm now tryink to harmonize tho party." EACH HOG TAIL WTTEX OFF. Fifty Animals Owned by a Farmer Strang1!- Arflkted. Hagcrstnwn. Ind. Representative Lee J. Reynolds, living near this place, is having a new experience with a pen of fifty hogs. Dr. Clark, a vet erinary, nnd Dr. Scotelmyer. the health officer here, were called to see the hogs and both aro puzzled. The animals froth at the mouth, some seem to be paralyzed, and none will cat. The tall of each hog has been bitten off. The doctors sny the hogs show symptoms of both hydro phobia and poison. CROW PALLS OX HER HAT. New York Next time Miss Ruby Allen, a Valhalla schoolgirl buys a hat there will be no taco on it, or net, either. At least she said so her self upon dislodging a crow which fe'l In the meshes of her hat nnd caught there as she was leaving Bronxvillo depot. Miss Allen spun nround hysterically until the crow wiggled Itself free and departed with most of tho trimmings. Tho spokesman of protection and privilege nre greatly worried about Governor Wilson's progressive record. UMATILLA BEES ARE DISEASED The United States Department of Agriculture calls attention to the fact that American foul brood has been found to exist in Umatilla county. The department has no means of knowing how long the dis ease has existed in the region, but desires to notify bee keepers of the trouble and to suggest that, if not already Informed concerning the dis ease, they inform themselves at once. Very frequently colonies of bees are destroyed by diseases and the loss Is attributed by the bee keepers to some other cause. Farmers' Bulletin No. 44 2. The Treatment of Bee Diseases, given a description of the brood dls. ea-s and methods of treatment. It will be sent free on request to the Secretary of Agriculture, Washing ton. D. C. Attention is also called to the fact that the brood diseases do not at all Injure honey for human consumption, s.) that there need be no fear on the part of purchasers of honey. DIDN'T WIN THE WALK ON VEGETABLE DIET l)r. Sargent of Ha nurd Tell or Transcontinental Kike of the Ruf- funi Brother. Cambridge, Mass. Dr. Dudley A. Sargent, physicial director of Har vard, has declared the cross-continent walk by John and Warren Buf muf one on a meat diet and the oth er on a non-meat diet, a draw, with the vegetarian a shade ahead because he finished In better condition. War ren was found on his arrival at Los Ange'es to have gained 12.7 pounds, while John added 11.2 pounds and traveled the last 300 miles on a rail way train. "The matter of the diet has proved nothing at all to me." said Dr. Sar gent. "Why?" Well, it must be borne In mind that Warren Buffum, before the trip began, was stronger organically than his brother, besides being a little heavier. It was be cause Warren was the stronger that I suggested the vegetable diet for him. as I thought that if either! weakened it would be the man who! was deprived of meat. My own exper iments have convinced me of this. "Also it must be remembered that Warren did not confine himself to vegetables wholly. He was allowed cheese, eggs and milk, all of which come under the head of meaty foods. "On the face of It it appears that the vegetable diet was the more suc cessful, but In realty they both gain ed greatly by the trip and Warren's slightly greater gain may be ascrib ed to his advantage over his brother in physical condition at the start. "However, there was a great change in the condition of the men. While both were sound and healthy at the start the close of their walk found them in a vastly better condi tion. What the trip did prove beyond any question is that systematic exer cise more than anything else gives vigor and strength to the body. Let any man or woman eat good, whole some food, including meat, and take exercise regu'.arly by walking a cer tain number of miles a day and there will be the same result of gaining in strength, weight and health." MAHOl'IS or Ol EENSBEIUVY RIINF.D BY SHARKS Has Already Paid More Than S I.OOO,. ooo to the I'Mirns and They Clam or for Moro. London. Tho Marquis of Queens bury, against whom a petition in bankruptcy was entered has sent a written statement explaining why his former tremendous fortune and the estate of his ancient family have passed to other hands, indicating, al so, why he has chosen to make Am erica his permanent home. The doc ument is also remarkable in its reve lations concerning the death and es tate duties of England, especially when the wealthy die. The Marquis says: "I borrowed during my father's lifetime some $125,000 from two in surance companies, the North British and the Imperial, the latter now merged with a company controlled by the Rothschilds. Five years later my father died and I. had to pay $600, 000 estate duties; also $130,000 to my younger brother, Lord Alfred Doug las; $100,000 for my mother's annu ity, and to my grandfather $15 000. "My father left me $1,200,000 and Scotch lawyers took two years to realize on the estate, all stocks and shares." which could have been done In a fortnight. "All this time I was paying 7 per cent to the insurance companies on the $123,000 and was simply so cut to pieces that again I had to resort to the money lenders. "In the two years while the estate was being adjusted I got into their hands and for eleven years since my father's death they have tortured me with extracting usury at from a hunrod to two hundred per cent ac cumulations on loans. I shall refuse to pay any more. "I have in my lifetime paid money lenders over $1,000 000 at enormous rates ami they still want to make me bankrupt, although my total liabili ties are now only $10,000. "The bankruptcy court In England is nothing but a debt collecting agen cy for money lenders. No one else will ever use it. I can and will pay if they let me alone, but I am not going to take the bread out of my children's mouths to do so." COMFORTARLY SEATED. MAX WAITS DEATH BY TRAIX Drain. Or. Northbound train No. IS the Roseburg local, killed a man at a point about two miles- north of hero T'e man had been seen going southward along the track and evi dently stopped to rest having placed ''Is roll of bedding on one of the rails of 'he track and sat down upon It. "Ymr eve witnesses of the occurrence snv that the engineer of the train blew tht whistle vigorously but that the man paid no attention except to A HEALTHY, HAPPY OLD AGE May be promoted by those who gently cleanse the system, now and then, when in need of a laxative remedy, by taking a desutspoonful of the ever refreshing, wholesome and truly beneficial Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, which is the only family laxative generally ap proved by the most eminent phy sicians, because it acts in a natural strengthening way and warms and tones up the internal organs without weakening them. It is equally benefi- I ficial for the very young and the mid dle aged, as it is always efficient and free from all harmful ingredients. To get its beneficial effects it is always necessary to buy the genuine, bear ing the name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package, glance toward the approaching en gine when It was almost upon him, making no effort to get out of the way. Those who saw the occurrence are confident he meant to commit suicide. He was apparently about 60 years of age and from papers found In his pockets his name was C. McEihany. Other papers showed he had worked for the Utah Construction company, probably upon the extension of the Natron branch of the Southern Pa cific' Coroner Jewett came from Roseburg and took the body there for burial, deeming an inquest unneces sary. Tou are probably aware that pneu monla always results from a co'.d, but you never heard of a cold resulting in pneumonia when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used. Why take the risk when this remedy may be had for a trifle. For sale by all deal ers. rtOOSEVELT IirXTIXG TROPHY MAKES A BRIDE HYSTERICAL Washington, Feb. 13. Opening a package containing a wedding pres ent from Colonel Roosevelt, Mrs. Walter Howe, a leader of the young er social set, dropped it and screamed as a black snakey ooject rolled out. it was a rhinoceros tall, secured when Colonel Roosevelt was hunting in Africa. The news of the gift was suppressed. When her chi!d is in danger a wo man will risk her life to protect it. No great act of heroism or rl.-k of life is neces-ary to protect a child from croup. Give Chamberlain's Remedy and all danger Is avoided. For sale by all dealers. Powder Magazine Explodes. New York, Feb 12. With a report heard for ten miles, a powder maga zine on the government proving grounds at Fort Hancock, Sandy Hook, exploded this morning. Fly ing sparks from embers of a small fire were the cause. Five hundred soldiers at the garrison escaped in jury. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on to the affectd parts Is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chest give it a trial and you are cer tain to be moro than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Sold by all dealers. WHAT'S A Tl'RKEY? Ql'ICK. Government Official Needs Immediate Information on Subject. Bend, Ore. Under what classifi cation of livestock does a herd of tur keys come? This is the question which is puz bllng J. Roy Harvey, supervisor of the Deschutes National Forest, who thinks he is the recipient of the most extraordinary application for a graz ing permit on record. A turkey rancher who owns a tract of land near Lapine. Ore., has asked the supervisor to grant a per mit for his herd of 1200 turkeys to graze on the grasshoppers said to thrive in the reserve. The disadvantage about building a castle in the air Is that you can't raise anything on a mortgage. SURELY BREAKS TIE MOST SEVERE COLD HOW TO END A COLD OR GRIPPE IN A FEW HOFRS The most severe cold will be brok en and all grippe misery ended after taking a dose of Pape's Cold Com pound every two hours until three consecutive doses are taken. You will distinctly feel all the dis agreeable symptoms leaving after the very first dose. The most miserable headache, dull ness, head and nose stuffed up, fe verlshness, sneezing, running of the nose, sore throat, mucous catarrhal discharges, soreness, stiffness, rheu matism and other ditress vanishes. Pape' Cold Compound is the result of three years' research nt a cost of more than fifty thousand dollars, and contains no quinine which we have conclusively demonstrated Is not ef fective in the treatment of colds or grippo. Take this harmless Compound as directed, with the knowledgo that there Is no other medicine made any where elso in the world which will cure your cold or end grippe misery as promptly and without any other assistance or bad after-effects as a 25-cent package of Pape'.s Cold Com pound which any druggist in the world can supply. Get a Fine WATCH, BANK and WATCH FOB o. at Alexanders This Htore Is tlio home of "correct clothes for boys." In our rapid strides forward in order to always keep abreast of tlio times, wo uao not over looked the coming men of Pen dlcton, hut liavo bought ex ceptionally slrong . lines of 1mV merchandise for the com ing year. Mothers can outfit their boys at this store with confi dence as wo guarantee every article to give satisfaction or cheerfully refund their money. We have taken the lead in lxys' wear and aim to maintain It. See our windows for the new boys' styles. WOOLY BOYS SUITS 3 Full peg top knlckerbocker pants. Guaranteed all wool. Tho dressiest thing out for boys the coming spring and guaran teed to give ngsolute satisfac tion. SUITS $4 to $10 FREE watch and Iwselmll b given free with every suit. RED GOOSE SHOES tub: most popular footwear for Young America of today. They combine that dash ing stylo that young men de mand, with durability. work manship and fit. All the essen tial elements tlint a rugged and healthy lKy demands in foot wear, is found in Rent Goose Shoes. $2.25 to $3.50 A PAIR CD EE savings bank given iliLCf, M every pair of these, shoos. . Tench the boy to save nnd provide for the future. T. & . Blouse WAIST Military collars, very stylish with service also taken into con sidoration. Tho latest thing out for spring. 50c to $1.50 Each The New BOYS HATS for Spring are Here 75c to $2.50 See window display mm