East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 13, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    .;.-... a hit'1.
1 Valentines
Feb. I 4
77ks is Aimed at You
WE hope it will hit you just right. We
can't send it to you in a special envel
ope with a lot of lace paper edging and
ribbons to decorate it. But it means
just as much, so far as we're concerned.
We like you; very much. So much that
we've brought together here the finest
lot of merchandise for your inspection and choosing you
ever saw all the latest ideas and we're going to sell them
to you at piices that you'll really agree are low enough
when you know what the goods really are. Come in and
be our valentine and let us be yours.
For house dresses, chil
dren's school dresses, nil
kinds of dresses in new
patterns and spring colors.
Prices 10, 12 l-2,
1S and 35.
' Big assortment just received.
New Cotton
In navy, Alice and
browns, dotted patterns
and small designs. Soft
finish, the very thing for
a nice house dress. Prices
15 and 25.
Contributions to Fund to Cover E.x
IK'iiso, Arc Liberal and Many Ftith
ts will Send Their Sons Call Has
Been Issued.
New Serpentine Crepe ,
For kinionas in all colors and 35 different, distinct pat
terns, also solid colors. Price 20
New Percales
Just received of best quality, in lights and darks. We
have the best assortment to select from. Prices 5,
10f , 12 l-2 and 15t.
Suggestion From the Art Dep't
Tiic-llac Braid in all widths and colors. Best quality
f braid, suitable for trimmings of all kinds. Comes in
two prices, for the white 8 and 10 ; colors in twelve
yard lengths - - - - 20
For making bags, so popular at present. This thread is
being used mose extensively for the crochet work. Xow
on sale in the Art Dept. Pink, blue and white. Prices
6o and t of.
New Shoes For Me i
We have just received a large shipment of Johnston
!Murphy shoos. Genuine bench made. The latest styles
in button shoes and oxfords in loth black and tan. These
shoes are the easiest fitting, best wearing shoes in Am
erica and they have the style too.
Our women's shoe department NEVER was so full of
fine footwear. All the new styles in tan, suede, satin,
velvet, kid and patent leather in button and the new col
onial effects. We take particular care to see that our shoes
fit. properly. You'll never have corns, bunions, etc., if
you will let us fit your shoes for you. Our women's shoes
run from ! $2.5 to $6.00
Showing of New Spring Coats
Many new and leautiful models shown this season in
plain tailored and fancy ifoveltys. All wool worsteds,
serges trimmed with circular collars. Elongated in front
fastened at left side, fastens with silk braid ornaments.
Eight weight reversable coats, especially adapted for
spring and summer wear, of diagonal mixture material in
many wanted colors. jfJa
The Peoples Warehouse
Atlantic City, X. J. Muggins, a
prize Boston bulldog, owned by R. P.
Taylor, a contractor, successfully en
gineered a bold bank robbery here,
getting away with 1000 for awhile.
He trotted into the Atlantic City
National bank at the heels of Taylor.
While his master was transacting
business with the cashier Muggins
nosed open the door and entered the
The cashier chanced to knock a
racket containing ten $100 bills from
the counter. The dog evidently
thought it was tossed to him, for he
pounced upon the roll, eripped it in
his teeth and trotted blithely out in
to the street before the cashier re
covered himself.
Bank clerks and pedestrians gave
chase and Muggins playfully eluded
capture for an houi, when the money
was recovered.
Chicago, 111 The Identity of the
possessor of probably the longest
name in Chicago came to light in
Judge William E. Dever's court.
girl, ID years old, is the possessor,
ami her name Is Harbertunninnlbert
unnia Pillow.
The girl was the complaining wit
ness against Frank Alexander, 25
yearn old, who was charged with hav
ing attempted to attack her. Mb case
wag continued indefinitely.
"What U your name?" asked Judge
Dever, when the girl stepped before
the bench.
"Harbertunnlnnibertunnla Pillow,
sir," she said.
"What's that?" queried the court.
"Spell that."
The girl did, with ease.
"That's a pretty long name," re
sponded the court.
"When your parents or friends ad
dress you, do they call you by your
firs: name?" asked the court, with a
puzzled frown.
".Sometimes they do," she answered
"but for short they call me Harbert
unni." The court continued the hearing of
the charges.
No Longer Foods on Pigeons, Rut
Adorns Hitchcock's Office.
Washington. AH that remains of
the post office department hawk,
which for a long time depended for
its existence on the dainty meat of
the hundreds of pigeons gathered on
the clock tower of the building Is a
gentle remainder that even the most
strenuous sometimes come to grief.
Mr. Hawk now occupies a place in
Postmaster-General Hitchcock's pri
vate office. He met his death two
weeks ago. He had been sentenced a
year ago to be shot and finally the
janitor hit film.
Newark, Ohio. Mark Ames of
Newton Falls, Trumbull county, Ohio
and Mrs. Jeanette Hays of this vil
lage were married here at the resi
dence of the bride's sister, Mrs. Helen
Lewis. The bridegroom is 83 years of
age and the bride Is 77.
Ameg was formerly a business man
at Warren, Ohio, and served In the
Ohio state legislature for four terms.
Din, Mow I Itched!
What long nerve-racking dayi of con
stant torture what ajleepless nights of
terrible agony Itch itch Itch, con
stant Itch, until it seemed that I pauat
taar off my rjr akin then "
Inatant relief my akin cooled, southed
and healed!
The very first drops of D.D.D. Pre
scription for Eczema stopped that awful
Itch Instantly: yea. the very moment
DDD. touched the burning skin the tor
inn -ajwd. A 25c bottle proves It
DD.l). has been known for year as
th. only absolutely reliable ecxems
snjedy, for It washes away the disease
germs and leavea the akin as clear and
healthy as that of a child.
All other druggists have D.D.D. Pre
scription go to them It you can't come
to ua but don't accept some big profit
But if you come to our store, we are
so certain of what D.D.D. will do for you
that we offer you a full size bottle on
this guarantee: If you do not find that
it takes away the ltcb AT ONCE, it
coats you not a cent.
He and the bride had not seen each
other for forty years. Their families
were formerly very friendly, however.
The death of Mrs. Ames a year ago
left him alone. Hays died eight
years ago.
Last November Mrs. Hayes wrote
to Ames. He replied promptly and
one of his sentences substantially was:
"If you were here I believe I would
marry you this minute." This paved
the way for the ceremony. The cou
ple left for Cleveland and will go to
their home at Newton Falls.
J. U. Meolian, Confesses to Einboz.lc
mcnt in Laredo. Texas,
Stockton, Cal. Because his con
science bothered him, John P. Mee
han walked into the police' office and
gave himself up, stating that he had
embezzled $1,000 in Laredo, Tex.,
twenty-one years ago, while in the
employ of a bank. The man Raid
that although he had lived through
twenty-one years of mental agony,
he could stand It no longer and was
now ready to take his medicine.
Chief Briare has notified the author
ities in Laredo.
Samuel Viitormoyer's Rolx? do Nnlt
Stolen ly Attorney uh Joke.
Omaha. Somewhere between Oma
ha and New York Samuel Unter
meyer. New York lawyer,. Is traveling
without a nightshirt and with no
change of linen. His personal ef
fects are following him on a later
train. The loss of his nlghtrobe Is
said to be the result of a Joke played
on him by fellow lawyers with whom
he has been trying a case In Lincoln,
Artificial Respiration Produced and
Vitality Kept I'p for Twenty-Nine
Chicago. An extraordinary vacuum
cleaner, -with an equipment for pro
ducing artificial respiration was the
means employed at a hospital here
for prolonging a young woman's life
twenty-nine hours.
At the time the resuscitation work
began the patient was what had been
scientifically termed "Incompletely
dead." Respiration, heart action and
pulse became almost normal.
While two physicians worked with
the machine over the patient two oth
ers performed an operation. After
the operation the machine was sto
pped for a moment and the patient
Fully twenty-five boys of this city
will be sent to Walla Walla to at
tend the convention of the Men and
Religious Forward Movement worker
next week, so generous hns been the
response of individual citizens to the
request for financial aid. According
to Supt. J. S. Landers, one of the
members of the committee appointed
from the Commercial association for
the purpose of soliciting funds, con
tributions have been made, quite free
ly while a number of men have sig
nified their intention of sending their
own boys to the convention.
The convention will be divided In
to two parts, the meetings on Wed
nesday and Thursday of next week
being devoted to men and those on
Friday and Saturday to boys.
Pastors of local churches have re
ceived copies of a call just Issued by
John Gibson, chairman of the Walla
Walla committee which Is taking
charge of the convention. It reads
as follows:
"As Chairman of the Committee of
One Hundred of the Men and Rellgi
on Forward Movement, and on behalf
of the committee, It Is my privilege
to extend a "call" to the Christian
men of southeastern Washington and
eastern Oregon, both ministers and
laymen, to meet in Walla Walla for
two days, Wednesday and Thursday
February 21 and 22, to launch the
movement In the district allotted to
us. This gathering already promises
to be one of the most notable In the
religious history of the Northwest.
"The movement has taken tremen
j i . . t . . . i .
I unus noiu in oiner pans or our coun
I try. Cities and rural communities
all over the country are organized
and at work. The Northwest both
needs and deserves for her men and
boys the best the movement can af
ford. Let us get together during th
days of this convention and organize
and equip ourselves to personally pre
sent the claims of Jesus Christ an
His church to every man and boy I
our territory during the comin
"It Is our hope and prayer that
every church to which this 'call
sent will be represented In this con
ventlon by from five to twenty-fly
or its strongest men."
m l t .. . . . .
i nia convention win bo a rart o
ine nation-wide Men and Rellglo
forward Movement. Walla Walla I
one of the seventy-six centers In th
i nuea .states In which convention
will be held, and from which the in
fluence of the movement will radl
T .1 . ....
1,1 " centers eignt-ilav cam
paigns will be conducted by leaders
or national reputation In church
work. The two convention days are
a pan or the eight-day campaign
ana a Rpeclnl program, complete I
uscir, is arranged for there davs.
Among those who will address th
convention are the following:
luiaxa Mlnakuehl. a dlstingulshe
Japanese orator of remarkable abl
ity, on Missions.
j.wnes a. unit more, active, alert
man who has been remark
successful In bov's work.
Chns. R. Drum, the buslness-ma
.M'e "r evangelist. Stands nnvr
Fre,J B. Smith ns a sneaker to mnn
Isaac J. Lanslnsr. active In reform
worn; a municipal nnd civic expert
nansing represents the socla
service phase of the work.
W. C. Penrce, of the Internationa
Sunday School association. A sue
cessful lawyer, but who recently has
uevmeo: nimseir to Bible study.
iiiviu i.nnsaw, a man who ha
hltpn rnm n fir n V.I.. . . .
....... ........ nc,,,,y. .Muucfssiui in com
m unity Extension work.
Women who bear children and re
main healthy are those who prepare
their systems in ndvance ol Daoy s
coming. Unless the mother aids
nature in its pre-natal work the crisis
finds her system unequal to me ae
tuands made upon it, and she is oftea
left with weakened health or chronic
ailments. No remedy is so truly a
help to nature as Mother's Friend,
and no expectant mother should fail
to use it. It relieves uie pain ana
discomfort caused by the strain on
the ligaments, makes pliant and elas
tic those tibres ana muscies wnica
nature is expanding, prevents numb
ness of limbs, and soothes the inflam
mation of breast glands. The system
being thus prepared by Mother 3
Fritnd dispels the fear that the crisis
may not be satcly met. Motner s
Friend assures a speedy and complete
recovery for the mother, and she is
left a healthy woman 10 enjoy we
rearing of her
child. Mother's TkrATnTTTiQ
Friend is sold at I'lUllililiW
Write for our free
book for expect- ,
ant mothers' which contains much
valuable information, ana many eug
pestions of a helpful nature.
SlXWi llUS w-
.Missionary In China Makes Journey
to Michigan in Red.
Battle Creek, Mich. The Rev. C.
P. Antisdel of Chicago, a missionary
la in a sanitarium here after a jour
ney on a cot of 15,000 miles from the
Interior of China. He Is afflicted
with neurasthenia and not once dur
ing the entire Journey was he able
to sit up. Four hundred miles of
the trip was through mountains, the
cot being carried by Chinese coolies.
Twenty-two relays were used.
Gackwiir of Banxlu Leave Many
Friends at Cambridge.
Cambridge, Mass. Jaislnt Oaek
war, Harvard's Indian prince and heir
apparent to the thronu of Baroda, In
dia, left for his home, having suc
ceeded In winning his degree of A.
B. in three years and a half instead
of the usual four years.
The Oaekwar, who has specialized
In religious studies at college, has
made many friends among the stu
dents. His father, the present Gaekwar of
Baroda, is noted for his democratic
manners and progressive Ideas.
Winchester, Pa. A freakish result
of the cold wave was discovered by
laboring men going to work. Sitting
in a snowbank they found a dog that
did not respond to their calls to
corao along. Then they , went closer
and found he wag frozen stiff and
dead forming a statue In the flesh
as he sat erect and lifelike. The
weather became Intensely cold unex
pectedly but It Is not certain wheth
er this or a previous cold wave froze
the dog.
Girl Chokes Burglar
San Francisco. Maud Dennis did
not know whether to faint, run or yell
when she saw the burglar at her
dresser. So Bhe didn't do either. She
made a leap, got a strangle hold on
the Intruder and choked him into
Oklahoma Sheriff Will Deputize News
pncr Man if Negro Hangs.
v.iunrie. (in. r. B. Edgar, edlto
or the Oklahoma City Times nnd re
cently of St. Joseph, Mo., will be ram
missioned by Sheriff Bart Murphy o
mis county to spring the trap In cas
governor Lee Cruce's final word
that Governor Brown, the Crescen
township negro n'mll hang here for
the murder of n -l.ert L. Burks nen
( rescent last July. Cruce has post
poneii the hnnelnT until March 15.
according to Sheriff Murphy, M
r.ognr nas been very Insistent In h
paper that the negro should hang,
On the contrary, Sheriff Murphy
flrmlv believes that Brown is of un
sound mind and should he given Ufa
imprisonment. Murphy said:
'The newspapers may announce
that I will deputize Mr. Edgar to hang
Brown If the time cornea when that
act is necessary."
There are only two ways to check
the extravagance of the girl you are
engaged to. Either break off the en
gagement or marry her.
Gas in Your Stomach
Not Always Dyspepsia
It's Nervousness
Your Kfrrw my oftro mike your Btonurh irritable.
It rrfuin la work; food dura not digrat and Gas forma.
That'a one kind i Pyaprixia, the Nervous kind, a ndth it
kind you ran cure only by i Remedy that acta directly on
the Stomach Xcrvea.
Baalmann'aOM-TahlfUidothMtnperfcrtion. Tbeyare
made especially fur Cna. Thry art on your Stomarh
Kervea, they quiet the irritable, rebellious (as forming
Blomarh, nnd Dot only relieve, but rare das permanently.
Iteally it ere ma a pity if you suffer from Gaa in the
Btnmarh and Ikmeli not to try Ifculmann'a Gaa-Tabkta.
These jieruliar Ubleta are aolil for 50c by every druggist,
or send direct to Hnhncmann Pharmacy, 330 Sutter St,
San Franciaro.
Ask Nr. Brown
Here's Some Important News for Men
Who Are Growing Bald.
People who have taken our word
for It that PARISIAN' SAOE Is the
real hair grower, beaut If ier and dan
druff cure have never been disap
pointed. Here's the word of a per
son who took our word.
"I have been using PARISIAN
SAGE about a year. When I 'began
to use It I had only a light "fuzz" on
my head. Now I have a good thick
growth and It Is growing thicker and
longer right along. Many peoplo
don't believe it can be done, but I
know from my own experience with
PARISIAN SAG E that it can; I rec
ommend it in the fullest confidence.
Gains Brown, 718 North Fillmore
St. Maryville, Mo.
The above statement was made to
Tr. C. D. Koch of the Koch Pharma
cy, Maryville, Mo., April 29, 1911.
Largo bottle 60 cents at Tallman &
Co., and drugglnts everywhere. It Is
They Never Have Headache, l'.lllons
iicsh. Sluggish I .Ivor or Bowels or a
Sk-k. Sour Stomach.
No odds how bad your liver, stom
ach or bowels; how much your head
aches, how miserable and uncomfort
able you are from constipation. Indi
gestion, biliousness and sluggish In
testines you always get the desired
results with Cascarcts and quickly,
Don't let your stomach, liver and
bowels make you miserable another
moment; put an end to the headache,
biliousness, dizziness, nervousness,
sick, sour, gassy stomach, backache,
and all other distress; cleanse your
Inside organs of all the poison and
effete matter which Is producing the
Take a Cascaret now; don't wait
until bedtime, In all the world there
U no remedy like this. A 10-cent
box means health, happiness and a
clear head for months. No more
days of gloom and distress If you will
take a Cascaret now and then. All
druggists sell Cascareti. Don't for
get the children their little instdes
need a good, gentle cleansing, too.
March 1 to April
15, 1912
From the Middle and Eastern por
tions of the United States and Cana
da to all points in the Northwest on
Railroad & Nav. Co.
... $33.00
. . . $32.00
... $25.00
... $25.00
... $25.00
from all
Proportionately low fares
other points. Direct servico from
Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha and Kans
as City over the C. & N. W., UXION
and) O.-W. n. & N.
While these rates apply Westbound
only, fares may be prepaid by de
positing value of the ticket with your
local agent, and an order will be tele
graphed to any address given. Aid
in telling of our vast resources and
wonderful opportunities for Home
Illustrated and reliable printed
matter will be mailed anyone to
whom you wish it sent, by addressing,.
Gen. Pass Agent., Portland, Oregon...