PAOE ETGIIT. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1912. TEN PAGES the gridiron; ; (March and Two-Step.) As played by ARTHUR PRYOR and his Concert Band, Special Edition.' ARTHUR PRYC3. Xi I i- , 'V U I -T1--J.. I " 1 ff a a mf SO is2 r r i, 11 i 1 1 gpy 1 A a t ' tz !r!-. izz -t a Ai A - - : i i ' -V - -aj tt - Published by MURRAY MUSIC CO., New York. Copyright, looS, by Caxl Fischer, New York. Used by permission. PROGRAM OF FARMER (Special Correspondence). Stanfield, Feb. 10. Advice has just been received here from Ralph D. Htzel, director of extension of the Oregon Agricultural College at Cor valis, submitting a program f"r the institute that -will be held at Stan field next week. The program is as follows: Friday, Feb. 16 1:30 p. m. "The Cow," Dr. James Withy combe. "Good Roads," Prof. Ayres. Friday Evening. "Vegetables," Prof. Boquet and others. Saturday, Feb. 17 10 a. m. "Dairying," Prof. Kent. 'Tree Pruning," R. W. Allen. Saturday Afternoon. "Poultry," Prof. Dryden. "Tree Planting," R. W. Allen. This program insures an institute as good as can be enjoyed in any community in the state and as it in cludes topics of general interest to nearly every person in this vicinity a large attendance is expected. YOUTH IX FEMALE ATTIRE STARTS LAUGH IX CHURCH Steamboat Springs. Colo. Because he could not find a girl who would go to church with him, Harry Love, a high school student, induced his chum, Daniel Gooding, to don female attire and enter the Methodist church last Sunday night while Rev. O. T. Gatley was in the midst of his ser mon. The di.-igul-e of Gooding was immediately penetrated by the mem bers of the church, who began to laugh so loud and long that the min ister was forced to stop his sermon for the time being. The next day Rev. Mr. Gatley asked the city mar shal to have Love and Gooding ar rested, but that official refused. This ended the matter. FIXD PART OF A BURIED FORT. ( Dlnoorery la Made While Rigging for Detroit Building. Detroit. Workmen excavavtlng yes terday for a new "skyscraper" in the heart of the business district at Fort and Grlswold streets unearthed, nearly six feet below the street level a portion of the palisades of old Fort Shelby, which occupied that site when Detroit was a frontier village. The section unearthed is about six feet long and formed half circle. PAID SALARY TO "DEAD" MAX FOURTEEN YEARS j t p New York. After paying a salary for fourteen years to William P. Lar kln. the Metropolitan Life Insurance company ha Just made the Interest ing discovery that it paid on a policy on his life and recorded him a dead in 1S8. During all the years he had been thought dead Larkln wan working un der his own name In the printing de partment of the insurance company's offices. It never occurred to him, he says, that his life had been insured or that his wife had collected his pol icies on the supposition that he was dead. IXSECT EATS STEEL RAILS. Italian Engineers Find Strange Crea ture in Piedmont, Rome Italian engineers have dis covered a destructive insect that bores into the steel rails and seems to have the digestion of an ostrich. The railroad line in Piedmont became ex tremely rusty so quickly recently that the engineers examined the rails mi croscopically. They found In the steel a dirty gray in color and about one numberless worm-shaped creatures, a dirty gray in color and about one third of an inch long. Iron rust was found In the animal's Interior, so the engineers concluded that the almost impalpably fine podwer it produces by boring into the steel rails is its food. LIFE DESPAIRED OF; NOW 103. Man Alive 78 Years After Doctor Pro nounced Him Near Death. West Royalston, Mass. Seventy- eight years ago Donald Davis, a na tive of this town, was dropped from the Boston police force on the ad vice of a physician who said that he had but a year to live and if he wanted to die at home he had better return there at once. Mr. Davis has celebrated his one hundred and third birthday and he maintains that he hardly yet begins to feel old. He backs up the assertion by going al most daily with his gun into the woods and it is seldom that he comes back without game. His wife, whom he married in 1842, still presides over his household at the age of 95. WRITES MOTHER HE'LL HANG. "IKn't Worry," Says Yonth Who Ex- iwcts to Dlo for Murder. Marion, Ind. Believing he will be hanged. Cecil Fordyce, confessed mur derer of Clarkson Willcutts, a mer chant, sent a farewell letter to his mother, Mrs. Elmer Fordyce of Der ma, Miss. He signed it, "Your Dis graceful Son." "I had no money and no work," wrote Fordyce, who is 22 years old, "and I came here and did this hor rible crime. They all say I will be hanged. "Well, mother, I brought this on myself and have been a disgrace to you all my life so do not worry." YANKEE DOES EUROPE ON LESS THAN $100 Chicago Student Spends Seen Weeks Visiting Five Countries on This ' , Limited. Amount. : London. How to see Europe for $100 is a problem that has been solved by William Grant, a Chicago student, who has just left London after visiting five European coun tries. ! ' ' "I guess It could be done on $50 if one really were careful," he told a re porter before sailing for home. "Any how, I've seen London, Paris, Hol land, Germany and Switzerland, and I'm still able to pay my steerage fare home. "I had six weeks to do it in, and it will take me Just to the end of the seventh. It has been a good holiday, and I have learned a lot of geo graphy I had forgotten; but of course, I had to rough It a bit." Like many other American stu dents he saved his Atlantic fare by sailing on a cattle boat, and this was really the means of making the tour possible. Although the work was hard, Grant admits he enjoyed the trip. CHOKES WOLF To DEATH. Lono Rancher, Unarmed, Lays Ani mal Low When Attacked. Meeker, Colo. A report comes from Pyramid that Adam Johnson choked a lobo wolf to death. This species stands as high as a yearling calf, weighing as much, and has al ways proved more than a match for not only the range cattle and horses, but of any other predatory animal that roams the forest. Johnson is a ranchman of that sec tion. An unexpected meting with the animal, when he had neither knife nor gun with h!m and immediate ac tion was necessary, sent the ranch man on the jump at the wolf's throat. Johnson succeeded in getting a hold before the wolf could snap and killed the animal. BRITONS VOICE PROTEST. Mavs Meeting In London Approves Attack on Persian Action. London. Three thousand persons in fashionable attire packed Ham merstein's London opera house at a mass meeting to protest against the British government's attitude in Per sia whhlch allowed the withdrawal of the American treasurer-general, W. Morgan Shuster, and cheered themselves hoarse when Ramsey Mc Donald the labor leader of the house of commons, attacked Sir Edward Grey, the foreign minister, declaring him to be the greatest enemy to Am erican arbitration. CAT COST OWNER $5.30. I - It Devours Sparrow Heads He Was Saving for Bounty. : Lathrop, Mich. George ; Brits of Lath r op is the unproud owner of what is probably the most valuable nnpedigreed cat In Delta county. ., In actual dollars and cents this unusual feline cost the Lathrop man exactly $5.30. Taking advantage of a large number Of English sparrows about Lathrop, and the fact that the state offers a bounty of 2 cents on each ' one Mr. Britz had been putting In his spare time recently In killing the birds. He had accumulated the heads of exactly 100 and was planning to collect the bounty. But the family cat found the box where the heads were kept and de voured 265 of the number. Thus Mr. TRIO. ; Mi -4- rrrr -J. ' d 1 u -T- 1 t 4 -F- iLj t -H- -r- -to- -tar bm- gp" : ji y : 1 1 --r -t - - . S tt 5- res. I T I , , . J A y A A y A y A - A -fr ategF&zzzTzzzEk& (ggTrri Trr Frf 3 1 1 ' 1 1 : 0 1 ' . ' . 1 i r m fz jf I , t 3c fee A. xz p-2 : ' The Gridiron." app 24 p Xo.SQ. Brltz possesses a cat that cost him $5.30 and that has saved the public treasury a similar sum. OVERDOSE OF DRUG KILLS PHYSICIAN Vancouver, Wash. With his hat drawn over his face and a handker chief saturated with chloroform near. Dr. J. D. Scanlon for 10 years a practicing (physician of this city but lately of Portland, was found dead in the loft of his barn at Twenty-sixth and East B streets, this city, by his hostles, James Anthony. Three bottles of the drug, two partly empty, were found near the body. WALLA WALLA CONVICT MAY PLAY BALL AGAIN Walla Walla, Wash. The prison may furnish one recruit for the Spokane ball team this year. Ralph Frink. who pitched for Athena and in the Washington State League last year, is the man. After the season he went to Chehalis and was sent up for trying to rob a store while drunk. The Jury recommended clemency and Manager Cohn of . the Indians, hopes to secure his release as a result of this. "Turkey Trot" is a Crime. Des Moines, la. All persons danc ing the "Grizzly Bear" or the "Tur key Trot" or the Moonlight Waltz" in public dance halls in Des Moines will be arrested. An " ordinance placing the public dance hall under police regulation passed the city council. Men and wo men censors, employed by the police department, will attend all dances, eliminating those that are regarded as Immoral. The censors will be paid from a trust fund which the dance hall own ers must pay the city weekly besldei their annual license tax of $100. Lumber and Building TVJ a 1 A Large and Complete Stock Al PlaiCrial ways on Hand and PRICED RIGHT The Best Mill Work to be Obtained in the Northwest Let Ut Figure With You on Your Next Order Pondlofon Planing Hill and Lum- hnr Yard J- A B0R,E LUUBER CO., Proprietors UUI I dill PHONE MAIN 7 Hid Bos5 iroodi f Sadis ! Before buying it may interest you to know that the best producers are bred and raised right here in Eastern 1 Ore gonit will pay you to investigate. I have at the Commercial Barn in Pendleton a fine lot of Jacks, acclimated, bred ad raised in Eastern Oregon, on the "Eastern Oregon Jack Farm" in Morrow county. These Jacks, are of the best breeds and best producers in the United States. Jacks that stand undefeated In the show ring In both Oregon and Washington. They have produced mules that have taken all first and second premiums, with one exception, . for the past 13 years. I have been breeding and selling for many years, and can say - what no other seller or breeder can truthfully say, that I have .never yet sold a Jack' that has failed to give satisfaction. I have with these Jacks the largest yearling mule in the United States. I will pay $500.00 for his equal regardless of color, that will make a mate. This mule was sired by Black Night, Jr., that heads my herd of Jennets, and Is. also the sire of. all my. - young Jacks under 5 years of age. All prices are right, and all Jacks guaranteed and registered In the Standard Jack Register of America. v B. F. SW AGO ART Eastern Oregon Jack Form ,4. &.