East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 10, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Ladies' Home Journal
Patterns and Monthly
Style Books NOW
Large quarterly style book
5000 illustrations only 20
cents and any 1 5 cent
pattern free
F. ,E. Livengood & Co.
.The Ladies' and Children's Store,
Burroughs. Main 6. Fuel.
Main 178 for coat and wood.
I. C. Snyder.chimney sweep. R J8U.
The Melrose System.
Tou should have the Melrose Sys
tem. . For dressmaking see Mlsa Sommer,
301 Perkins avenue.
Man and wife wants job on ranch.
Address Echo, Ore., Box 14.
Phone Koplttke & OlUanders, for
dry wood and Rock Spring, coal.
. Everybody goes to tne Orpheum to
see the best and thn clearest pictures.
Great cut-price sale of Oriental
rugs now on at Baker's furniture
All kinds of good dry wood, also
clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal
at Koplttke & Otllanders.
For Rent Office with heat and
light, $8 per month. Ask J. H. Estes,
American National Bank Bids.
Lost Scotch Collie, whits and
tan. Seven months old. Return to
402 Tustln street and receive reward.
For Rent Six room house, modern.
Hot and cold water, bath, toilet,
woodshed, etc. Enquire Dr. C. J.
Special rates to horses boarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
Barn, (20 Aura street Phone Main 13.
Also dry wood for sale.
If you want to move, call Penlanl
Bros. Transfer, phone M 339. Large
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 647 Main street.
For transfer work, hauling bag
gage, moving household goods and
pianos, and all kinds of Job work,
phone Main 461. B. A. Morton.
Save yourself fuel troubles by us
ing our famous Rock Spring xoal and
good dry wood. Delivered promptly.
Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main E.
Livery Stable lor Sale Owing to
press of other business, I am forced
to sell the Pioneer Livery and Sale
Stable at Hermlston. W. W, Stelwer,
Jr., Hcrmlston, Ore.
I will take orders for a few settings
of eggs from my Golden Buff Ply
mouth Rock chickens that are good
winter layers as well as show fowls.
Early hatched ones are the most
profitable anl now is the time to or
der. W. I." Qadwa. Phone Black
2972, or at yards, 213 Bush street.
AKnlfa Hay for Sale.
Apply to N. Joerger. 417 Eddy st.
Fort Gcorgo Farm Lands.
An opportunity to get a farm at a
very low figure In Fraser River Val
ley. Call and see or write us for
particulars. Teutsch & Bickers.
' For Sale.
Now No. 10 Smith Premier type
writer at a sacrifice. Apply "M" at
this office.
Nolle to riiblle. .
The electric current will be turned
off tomorrow (Sunday) from 9 a. m.
tp 12 noon.
The employers' liability law also
stands a welcome decision to work-Ingmen.
We both make money.
Wt give you advantage of
our cash discount, also bargains
in GOOD GOODS bought for
Special This Week.
Popular Candy, guaranteed
under the pure food law, 10c
and ISo per lb.
We pay 10c for each delivery.
Send your boy, any purchase of
BOo or over we will give him
the lie
Special sale on Druggists Sun
- dries all this week.
New Laundry Department.
The Domestic Laundry has added
a rough dry department to its al
ready well equipped and up to date
establishment. Patrons will please
have tholr bundles ready Monday
Pays to Advertise.
Only costs 15c for shave at Patton's
barber shop; 5 barbers employed; no
long waits. Plenty hot water, clean
towels and the shop that does not so
licit the trade of Chinamen, Indians
or Japs. Give us a trial,
Combine Harvester for Sale,
For Sale Daniel "Baby" Best
Combine, practically new, only used
In cutting 500 acres of grain. In per
fect order. Good reasons fcr selling.
Apply Peter Tachella, Pendleton, Ore,
Thero Is a lawyer In Chicago, for
seme years a police magistrate, who
was a natural peacemaker, and al
ways endeavored to smooth over any
slight differences between the persons
brought before him.
Once, when the charge Involved was
for technical assault It came out in
tho course of evidence that the par
ties were neighbors and had former
ly been on the bet of terms.
"This Is too bad, too bad!" com
mented the Judge. "And between
such old friends! Is this not a case
that might be settled out of court?"
"I'm sorry to say that It can't be
done, your honor," remarked the
plaintiff, seriously. "I thought of
that myself, but the coward won't
fight" The Green Bak.
P. F. Countryman of Ontario, ls
registered at the Bowman.
Rev. Nathan Evans returned from
a trip to Athena this moning.
Dave Osborn, the Myrlck rancher,
is spending the day In Pendleton.
B. F. Renn of Walla Walla, Is visit
ing with friends and relatives in -the
J. A. Numbers of Helix came in
this morning on the Northern Pacific
Rev. Sprattler, German Lutheran
minister, came in from Helix this
Dr. C. J. Smith returned on the N.
P. this morning from a short business
trip to Spokane.
Joe Casey was among the Helix
people aboard the incoming N. P.
local this morning.
W W. Wiley, superintendent of
schools at Athena, came down on the
local this morning.
G. W. Knight and family have re
turned from Portland where they had
been for some months.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred A. Lieuallen of
Pilot Hock, were in the city today,
having come in by auto.
A. Kupers, well known Helix resi
dent, was an- Incoming passenger on
the N. P. this morning.
Jim Hill, well known young Helix
rancher, came in this morning and Is
spending the day here.
M. L. Morrison, prominent Helix
merchant, is making Pendleton one
of his frequent visits today.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Grover came In
from their home near Helix on the
local from Pasco this morning.
Mrs. R. N. Stanfield and daughter
left on the local this morning to vis
it in the west end of the county.
Frank D. Carruth, principal of the
Stanfield schools, is spending the
week end with friends In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Gibson of Pilot
Rock came in from their home last
evening and spent the night here.
J. ,T. Mayo, superintendent of
bridges and buildings for the O.-W.
R. & N., Is paying this city a visit,
O. A. Cannon, Echo pedagogue who
is well known In county school cir
cles, Is spending the day In the city.
Mrs. Manuel Frledley and children
came into the city this morning from
Helix and Is spending the day here.
The Misses Ghormley of Helix were
numbered among the people coming
in on the Pendleton-Pasco local this
Mr. and Mrs. John Nespaugh of
Myrlck were among the crowd com
ing Into the city this morning on the
Northern Pacific train.
A. G. Long, owner of the A. G.
Long building in Portland and dealer
in fire department equipment, is In
the city today. He is an old time
friend of Mayor W. F. Matlock.
With the rapidly passing years an
appreciation of tho life of Abraham
Lincoln has taken hold of the Am
erican people as that of no other one
character in the history of our coun
try. Soldiers and statesmen have come
onto tho stage and passed on only to
be forgotten, but the life and work
of Lincoln are as an inspiring bene
diction to the hearts and minds of all
people who believe in the Inherent
goodness of man.
The following list of books and
stories about Lincoln --will be found
at tne public library:
Juvenile Rooks.
Bolton, Boys Who Became Fam
ous. Baldwin, Abraham Lincoln; a
True Life. Butterworth, In tl:e Boy
hood of Lincoln. Moores, Life of
Abraham Lincoln for Boys and Girls.
Xicolay, Boys Life of Abraham Lin
coln. Adult Books.
Arnold, Life of Abraham Lincoln.
Brooks, Abraham Lincoln and the
Downfall of American Slavery.
Andrews, Perfect Tribute. Bachel
lor, Eben Holden. Churchill, The
Crisis. Eggleston, The Graysons.
"There's no question about it," said
Scribblelgh, according to Harper's
Weekly. "England Is the place for
an author to live in who wishes to
write perfect English. We become
merely the expression of our environ
ment, after all, and I wish to do my
work in an atmosphere In which the
language I ue for the expression of
my ideas Is spoken in all its pristine
purity. Do you not agree with me.
Lord Miggleston?"
"By Jowee! you're bally right, old
top!" replied h's lordship.
A c'.ork in a Washington-street ho
tel tells this one:
VMy firt hotel Job was In a Texas
city. Ono morning a guest who had
been celebrating unwisely the night
before swayed up to the desk and
asked for some information. His
name was Colonel Hawkins, and ho
was the soul of politeness under ill
circumstances. And th's morning he
was looking worried.
"-'Frank,' he whispered, 'my mem
ory of last night, I regret to say, suh,
Is pretty hazy. Confidentially, now.
what did I do?'
" 'Colonel,' said I, 'you got drunk
and shot a man.'
'"Anything else?'
"'Gee! Isn't that about enough?'
' 'It's unfortunate, yes, suh. But
I was afraid I had Insulted some
body.' '.' Boston Transcript.
I take pleasure in announcing to
the people of Pendleton and vicinity
that I will be here for three days,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
February 12, 13 and 14, with the
largest stock and the best assortment
of Oriental Rugs ever shown here
The prices will be cut so low that it
would be a chance of a lifetime to buy
fine pieces at low prices. I will be
glad to have you call and Inspect the
stock and the prices and decide for
yourself. N. S. SARKIS.
Baker's Furniture Store
Held Knoli a prisoner Till She Con
tribute! Ono Ess a Iny.
Asheville, N. C. When Archibald
Greer pnd Hall Brown started in the
poultry business here they had very
poor success until Greer suggested
that theyput their bulldog's house in
the chicken yard and have the animal
sleep there to ward off thieves. Late
ly the poultry farm has been produc
ing -twenty eggs daily from twenty
On investigation the partners found
that when n hen came out in the
morning the bulldog chased nor Into
his house and kept watch over her
while she laid an egg. He then chased
her off and chased another hen Into
tho dog house. By 5 o'clock In the
evening the twenty hens had each
Greer has been offered $500 for the
bulldog but has refunsed.
Proixls for Colonel Who Is Mis
taken for the Son of Hetty,
Los Angeles. Colonel James Green
of El Paso, Texas, was in Los Angeles
on his way east. "Too many leap
year proposals," he said, "made me
hunt tall timber."
"I hadn't been In town an hour,"
said the colonel, '"before I had re
ceived a proposal from a girl who
thought I was hetty Green's son. She
was a telephone girl. Then two came
close together in the hotel lobby and
again-on the mezzanine floor I bump
ed into it. Besides these, 1 dodged at
least four more. That was enough.
"I'm not married and don't pro
pose to be, but its certain that when
I learn Hetty Green's son is traveling
again I'm going in the other direc
tion. You should have seen one of
these women drop her eyes when I
told her I was Just plain Jim Green
of El Paso and not a son of Hetty
Makes delicious home
baked foods of maximum
quality at minimum cost.
Makes home baking a
The only Baking Powder
made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar
No Alum No Lime Phosphates
Aluminum is now being used exten
sively for light field equipment. Sup
planting the canteen and cup is an
aluminum combination frying pan
and meat dish, which, with knife,
fcrk and spoon inside, folds up for
hanging to a soldier's belt. The
fork and spoon and the handle of
the knife are aluminum, while the
knife Is made of a new non-corosivo
and rust-proof steel.
The canteen costs 78 cents, the cup
29 cents, the canvas cover 68 cents,
the pan 57 cents, the knife 11 cents
and the spoort and fork 8 cents each.
Denver, Colo. "Excuse me, I
didn't know you were at home. I
merely Intended to burglarize your
house. Since you are here, I will no,
attempt It No harm done, I guess,
good by." .
This is what a polite burglar said
to Miss Grace Maxwell, at her home.
He opened a window and had entered
a front room and walked Into the
Miss Maxwell, thinking that her
brother was looking out, arose and
turned on the lights. She did not see
the burglar, nor apparently had he
heard her until they stood confront
ing each other.
The man lifted his hat and passed
quietly out through the front door.
Aluminum For Soldiers.
Washington. The ordinance de
partment of the army is about to
place a contract for 60,000 aluminum
canteens, designed to lighten the sol
diers' equipment and for use over
the canrpflre in emergencies.
"Spun" out of solid disks of metal
the new canteen is so difficult to
manufacture that only a few concerns
have been found willing to undertake
the job.
"Hold up your hands," commanded
the robber.
"I won't drop these pies for any
villain like you," she replied.
'I don't care what you do with the
pies, but don't move," the holdup
man said as he turned toward the
cash register.
The young woman saw her oppor
tunity and hurled one of the pies at
him. The soft part of th pie struck
him squarely and the surprised rob
ber dashed through the kitchen and
Housekeeper Arrested for Cruelty in
ruiiistiing nwee-xear-oiu.
Johnstown, Pa Edith Ford
housekeeoer for Adam Sheets of Naz
bv-Glo. twelve miles from this city,
was committed to Jail in default of
$400 ball on a charge of aggravated
assault and battery. She Is .charged
with having seared the back of
Sheets' three-year-old son with a hot
poker. The woman admitted she
burned the child, but did r.nt know
the Implement was so hot.
Some rare souls are well appreciat
ed only after they have departed
from the body and then by but few.
Here are some symptoms of ca
tarrh; if you have any of them get
rid of them by breathing HYOMEI;
It is guaranteed to banish catarrh.
Is your throat raw.
Do you sneeze often
Is your breath foul
Are your eyes watery?
Do you take cold easily?
Is your nose stopped up
Do you have to Bplt often?
Are you worse in damp weather?
Do you blow your nose?
Are you dosing your sense of smell?
Does your mouth taste bad mornings
Do you have a dull feeling in the
Do you have a discharge from the
Does mucous drop in back of
Complete HYOMEI outfit, which
Includes inhaler, $1.00, extra bottles,
If needed, 60 cents, at Tallman Drug
Co. and druggists everywhere.
Popular Husband of Vhlnn Gould
Atiolnkxl to Lend South Irbdi
London. Lord Decies has been ap
pointed colonel of the South Irish
Horse, to succeed the late Marqulr
of Waterford. The appointment gives
great satisfaction In southern Ireland
where Lord Declcs Is recognized as a
good Judge of horses and a splendid
rider and polo player, and where Lady
Decies Is exceedingly popular socially.
Mrs. Martin Tells About a Painful
Experience that Might Have
Ended Seriously.
Rlvesvllle, W. Va. Mrs. Dora Martin,
la a letter from Rlvesvllle, writes:
"For three years, I suffered with wo
manly troubles, and had pains In my
back and side. I was nervous and
could not sleep at night
The doctor could not help me. He
said I would have to be operated on be
fore I could get better. I thought I
would try using CarduL
Now, I am entirely well
- I am sure Cardui saved my life. I
will never be without Cardui In my
home. I recommend it to my friends."
For fifty years, Cardui has been re
lieving pain and distress caused by wo
manly trouble. It will surely help you.
It goes to the spot reaches the
trouble relieves the symptoms, and
drives away the cause.
If you Suffer from any symptoms of
womanly trouble, take Cardui.
'Your druggist sells and recommends
It. Get a bottle from him today.
N. B. Write to: Ladles' Advisory Dept., Outta
ooe Medlcin Co., Chattanooga, Term., for Special
hittntction, and 64-pate book, "Horn Treatment
tar Woman," Mat In plain wrappar, oa rtquast.
Hits Htm in Face With Custard
Pie. -
Denver. A masked bandit came
to grief when he was hit fairly in the
face with a hot custard pie while he
was looting the cash drawer in a
downtown restaurant. The robbery
occurred about 4 o'clock. Just as the
robber entered the place Miss Ina
Mouat, in charge of the place at
night, walked from the kitchen In
the rear.
In each hand she carried a steaming
hot custard -pie.
To Tho Public.
I wish to announce that I have dis
posed of my millinery store to Mrs.
Myrtle Moller who will conduct the
business in the future, and take this
method of thanking most heartily my
hundreds of friends for their kind
patronage during the many yeare
that I have conducted a millinery
store In Pendleton. I will be located
at Mark Moorhouse's office for the
next week In order to collect my ac
For Sale.
Holt Combine Holley Harvester, In
first class condition, practically new,
cost $1800, hitch cost $250, total
$2050. Will sell for $1100. Call at
Room 4. Ronan Building, Walla Wal
la, Wash.
Oriental rugs at reduced prices, .
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, at
Baker's furniture store.
For Sale Umatilla Ccunty;
Maps at E. O. Office.
CtjtKi if f
Tender Us
Cut right
Kept risht
We will choose your
phone orders carefully
and deliver promptly.
See our patients testimony, Dec. 1st, 1911.
I am glad to tell the public wha the Chinese Doctor did for me. I
was nearly dead suffering from abcess in the stomach and three Am
erican doctors told me there was no hope for me except an operation
which I felt would kill me. So we called Dr. Leo Chlng Wo ahd tried
his medicine and in two weeks I was out of danger. Took hta wonderful
medicine four weeks moro and am nearly well.
I can cheerfully recommend hi remedy to any one who Is In need of
a doctor, for he certainly saved my life. Mrs. Ida Herring, 215 West
Alder St., Walla Walla, Washington.
We' receive testimonials from our pationts daily who have been cured.
If you want to be cured, come and see us or if unable to come, write
and enclose a two cent stamp for symptom blank. Write without delay.
14 E. Slain St., Walla Walla, Washington.
! Listen! Our iig Suit Sale Closes Tonight
It has been a grand success, establishing a record at this store for fast selling
of good clothes.
The established reputation of this store's doing just as it advertises brought the people they found the greatest bargains
they were ever offered and as a result, many suits changed ownership.
The Sale is still on, but ENDS TONIGHT. We have Suits for present and spring wear
that told from $12.50 to $20.00 all to go at one price
Woo-Eiiiroginraeini's (SflottDuioiiitg Cc