East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 10, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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a resident or waiia waiia tor me marge to mane it the most attrac-
past five years and who is quite pop- tlvo function of the kind ever given
ular in society, circles, will be missed! in Pendleton, the tickets are Belling
by her many iriends of that city. Mr. i rapidly, every one being more than
Wallan Is a prosperous young ranch- j w illing to help along the good cause
man, who for the past several years, for which the ball is to be given. Be
has lived on the Wallan ranch near lew are the names of the ladies who
Adams, Oregon, where the happy ,are acting as patronesses. Mrs. Wil
young couple will make their future " F. Matlock, Mrs. James A. Fee,
home. n' c- F. Colesworthy, Mrs. T. C.
Jayior, Mrs. James Kennerlv. Mr
best wishes of their host of friends
In Pendleton.
I m - T A I A Ulna
i-ii i i... ' jura. ueorKe iu ruiuuiiiH auu
vnariea r roeinuii was iiiaue trie re-. ,, , . . T
ninif nf hn i nor. ' Pauline La Fontaine aa hostesses. In
t. w lf M i K'the play. Miss Norma Alloway cap-
Society was interested during the
week n the announcement of the en
gagement of a well known young cou
ple of the city, Mr. and Mra. John
Hailey, Jr., having announced the be
trothal of their daughter, Paralee. to - fn('"h1 tured the prize for high score. Guests
Mr. Charles W Melghan. in honor j ho ,)eslde9 the club momben wer e vi-
of the bride-elect and by way of t- Savaee had been'a Shea, Mary Shea, Norma Allo-
making her engagement known to her th Mrs. Srahavage. had been Mayberry and
. - . . - ,r.;" :7 noon wa among the crowd waiting for her .""
U,'T,,:,, , w.n7 which uil"Pecting son when he returned
gave a 'deligh fu 1" of from work about 8:30. The surprise
the place cards linked the names of comDlete ,, wfl. th. '
mencement of an evening of thor
ough enjoyment for which all were
indebted to Mrs. Tleetz who had care-
Those In
i A T TLTrt A lit.. -
The young Ladles' Bridge Club was' son V ' ' w- Thomp.
entertained weunesuay arternoon at ,, . jjick-
the home of Mrs. George Strand with ' Mr- 9- P- BIhoi, Mrs. Edwin
luai BI1M I. rvi ri VrivKmi-.,. r, i-
- - uuui tin nirK
iy, Airs. o. M. Hlce, Mrs.
Frazler, Mi's Fleek, Mrs
Tlio First IinotiHt Church.
Evangelist J. Bruce Evans
The highest point of woman's hap
piness is reached only through moth
erhood, in the clasping of her child
will within her arms. Yet the mother-to-
preach at 11 and 7:30.
com to all.
A hearty wel- be is often fearful of nature's ordeal
and shrinks from the suffering inci-
dent to its consummation. But for
nature's ills and discomforts nature
provides remedies, and in Mother's
Friend is to be found a medicine of
thn two voune people who are to wed
In the near future. A pink color
scheme in which carnations of that
t 1 1 Af,1 OTtOA A.
nue were P"u," ""7" , " fully planned the affair,
ncautuui eiiect s the surprise party besides Mrs.
aat at the tables Those at the ng(j were as fol,owg.
luncneon Desmes me tn .....
guest of honor were Mrs. George Mary Hargrove. Lena Beale. Ethel
Strand Mrs George La Fontaine, the Odel!. Alma and Freda Eggerth, Ed-
MImm' Bertha Anger, Una Smith, na Hogue Gladys Hayes Ethel Haw.
Pauline La Fontaine, Iva Hill, Edna O'ady,, and Verna Satterlee, Mrs..
ni,mn.nn Tn. Shea. Edna Zlm- Ma-y Byrd, Daisy McPherson. Fern
merman, Mary Shea, Elizabeth Saw-
telle, Norma Alloway ana
Harrison, Verna Anibal
- Edith B'rd, Vesta Boylen. Ethel Freeman,
. ana the Messrs. George Freeman.
j Walter Freeman, Will Brelthaupt.
. Harvev McPhersnn. Wnr1 Ttlnp Trvtn
Foremost among the society events Bt; .,.
at the coming week will be the Elks' - "u"''-
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moprhouse left
during the week for Los Angeles
where they will remain for several
weeks In the hopes of benefitting Mr.
Moorhouse's health. Mrs. Koy Alex
ander and Mrs. Clarke Nelson left for
the same city today and will occupy
apartments with the Moorhouses for
a month.
On Tuesday night Miss Lecil Evans
entertained her Sunday school class,
"The Upstreamers," composed of
Beatrice abo"t twenty boys. The day befhg the
blrtnday or ueione waiters, a mem
ber of the class, Miss Evans took her
guests to his home and gave him a
delightful surprise. . The evening was
very pleasantly spent and was con
cluded by light refreshments.
Carl Peringer, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Peringer of this city, who has
mlntitrcl show on Thursday and Fri
day nights, for which a large cast of.
lor-al talent has been rehearsing for Mrs. E. J. Sommerville was hostess
. . .. ., . r ii.. -. i . I cuio ici
several weeks unuer ;ne uirecuun mo v.urreiu uieramre ciud altne.pen tut0ring in New York under
I.- E. Keefe. Jr.. A large number of last regular meeting. Sweden was, Prof niIev matrcuiated at Yale on
the latest song hlu have been secur- me puujeet that furnished a delight- Pebruarv r an,, 9 now pursuing his
numoer or snon cmen-uus i""6'm mi: auernoon s al"!BtudieM al
eil and a
. . ... !,.!!.. AW ,a Vfrlnn fP.rt llttlA mif.1 In c...n.i..t.
nave Deen wriliuil cai'tritiny w ......w... --. ..n.t iiin.us ,u ot:ujii
show and It is said that the perform- costume met the guests at the door:
arices are fated to outshine anything and assisted the hostess In serving j
of their kind ever undertaken in the dainty refreshments. The following
city. The purpose of the show la to program was renilered:
raise funds to assist In sending a large A Summer In Swodon: Stockholm,;
delegation of local Elks to the B. P. ho Lakes, the Goetha Canal, the'
O. E. convention In Portland next dance or Jiiu-ummer Kve. Miss Una
summer bo that the world may know Smith.
that Pendleton is fraternally alive as The Reigning House: The Nort
on the afternoon of February 8
the members of the Thursday after
noon club celebrated the twenty-sec-oml
anniversary of their organization
V club- The function was of the
nature of a Kaffee Klatsch suppli
mented by a impromptu - progran,
by the members. The principal tZ
Ure of the afternoon was the in-t-resting
address made by the prel
After I T VV'th mucn Pasure.
3.a n,un Table talk on the past
ear s work and the making of pians
bvthe8 the affalr terminS
"ml embcp wl'"njr each other
many happy returns of the day."
Miss Fay Warren, of Weston l.
nva warren, 300
Main street.
Church of the Redeemer.
There will be a celebration of the
Holy Communion at 7:30 a. m. Sun-
. j ............ v j j .it. 1. 1 . iiii. n. - ... . . ,
vice witn sermon at 11 a. m. and 7:30 . '"'" ivv.jvAja!.,.,
p m. Mr. c. W. Meighen will be the 11 1S. aa 01,y emulsion for external
soloist. All are cordially invited. application, composed of ingredients
Charles Quinney, Rector. ) which act with beneficial and sooth-
ing effect on those portions of the
Christian Science. I system involved. It is intended to
Sunday services at 11 o'clock, Sun-! prepare the system for the crisis, and
day school at 10 o'clock. Subject of thus relieve, in great part, the suffer
lesson: "Spirit." Wednesday even- jnthroush which the mothernsually
onon 1 V , p, r V Passes. The regular use o! Mother's
open dally from 2 to 4 p. m. Corner . L-A i
j comfort it affords before, and the help
ful restoration to health and strength
Presbyterian Cliurrfi. it brings about after baby comes.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; sermon Mother s Friend
by the pastor at 11 a. m. Christian is for sale at
i strom, the Royal JPalaces. Miss Raley.
Court Life and Customs since Ber
ncdotte. Mrs. II . Bickers.
Rise and Fall of Charles XII, "the
Madman of the North." Collapse of
the Swedish Empire. Mrs. E. T.
(a) When
at Seventeen. Swenska: (b) Man
dom Mod Och Morska Man. Hanson.
Mrs. Thomas Vaughan.
studies at that Institution.
Mr. and Mra Sam R. Thompson
and daughter Thelma, who have been
spending the past month In Los An
geles, are en route home and are ex
pected to arrive here within a few
Miss Lora Perry's piano
were entertained "Wednesday
noon bv Mrs. E. B. Aldrlch
home on Madison street. A musical
program was rendered, among the
numbers being a . Beethoven sym
phony by Miss Perry and Mis. W. C.
E. Pruitt.
Mls Flossie Penland. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Pen!and, Is
entertaining a number of her young
friends at her home this afternoon In
celebration of her birthday.
E. Webb and Johnson
a'e cordially Invited.
streets. All , '
, pupils
well as commercially,
Announcements were received In
the city this week Of the marriage
of wo former popular Pendleton high
SiiVinnl ofmlnnta HorvBV AfnT)11t AYIll
Mls8 Hazel Means, the nuptials taking " ",ue- , ,
nlP. In Tnrlnn,l n Wortnonrlnv The Swodlxh Folk Songs.
wedding was the culmination of a ro
mance oegun early In their high
school career. They were both giad-
. uated with the class of 1910, the
bridegroom being at that time presi- At high noon Wednesday occurred
dent of the student body and the a very quiet wedding at the home of
bride secretary. Since finishing their the bride's sister, Mrs. C. L. Wood-
nrhnni wnrir hoth lmv llvtd awav ward of Adams. Oreeon. 'vhen Miss
from thn citv. Mr McDlli having ta- Maxino Elliott of Walla Waiia, Wash..! evening at her home on the south hill
ken charge of the Alnerta farm of his and Mr. Ciaude Wallan of Adams, and an enjoyable evening was spent
father, Joe McDill, and Miss Means were united in the bonds of matrl-, at play,
having taken up her home In Uma- mony. Rev. A. M. Meldrum of Athe-
1111a with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. na. Oregon, officiated. Only mem- That society will turn out en masse
Henry C. Means. The happy couple hero of the family were present owing in Its host humor and prettiest toil-
nro now taking a snort honeymoon to the illnfsa of the bride's sister, j lettes on Tuesday evening next, to
trip, after which they will leave foe Mrs. F. C. Wood, who is at present In attend the annual library ball Is a
Alberta to live, and they will bo fol- tin? Walla Walla Hospital. Miss El- foregone conclusion. Everything is
Jowcd Into their new homo with the 1'ott, who with her mother has beon being done by the committees In
Mrs. James A. Cooper was hostess
to two tables of bridge on Thursday
A $350 Watcli
u'Ln0tabIe,eVent ln tne ht3try of
watch manufacture in America is the
announcement of the p ir ,
iv-.-u r , ne E- Howard
Watch Works of a new watch that
will sell for $350. The watch
ed "Edward Howard" In honor of the
founder of the American watch in-
nn, i most anguine hopes
and labors will doubt'ess find full
ru.tion In thf3 exclusive timepiece.
n referring to this watch Royal .Saw
telie. the jeweler, says that the watch
buying public Is demanding more and
more a higher standard of watches.
1h0 Howard is used so very much for
presentation purposes, us a present
to a young man graduating from
school or as a parentiui girt to the
on on his twenty-first birthday.
Woman Drives Burglar From Church
"in f-aves Communion Silver.
New York. An armful of plates
hurled at a masked burglar by Mrs.
u nun, wnne not preventing
the man from knocking her unconsci
Zt 8Vt?ie an aIarm that bought
'"sim-nfu me ourglar
saveu tne German
cnurch in Harlem
Endeavor at 6:30. At 7:30 In the eve.
ning the pastor will give an address on
the lifo of Abraham Lincoln. AH
cordially invited to these services. The
bible normal class under the leader
ship of Rev. Cornehson meets every
Thursday evening at 7:30.
First Methodist Episcopal.
First Methodist Episcopal church,
corner Webb and Johnson streets, N.
Evans, pastor. The pastor's theme
at 11 a. m. will be "The Fruits of the
Spirit." Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh.
siate president of the W. C. T. U. will
speak at 7:30 Sunday school at 10
a m.; Epworth League. 6:30 p. m.
You will find a cordial welcome at
all services.
When Noah Lit That Candle He Made the First Arc-Light
The end men in the mammoth Elks' Minstrels shown In a very melodious pose. A free ticket will be
given to the first person who can toll which of these tar-baby-Bills is Jack Watson. Address all answers to
Doc Blakeslee, or Phone Main 72. '
bed of $1,000 worth nf
First Christian Church.
North Main street, J. B. Holmes,
minister. 9:45. Bible school. There
is room for you come with a friend
and a bible. Mrs. Ada WalUce Unruh
president Oregon W. C. T. U., will
speak at 11 a. m. Union men's meet
ing at Presbyterian church, 7:30;
song service; Wednesday evening,
Bible study class. Everyone welcome
to all our services.
Write lor our
free book for
extiectant moth
ers which contains much valuable
information, and many suggestions
of a helpful nature.
Xo CKlds How Sick Your Stomach;
How Hard Your Head Aeliea or
How Bilious Cascarets Slake You
Feel Great.
On discoverinir the hiiririn i ,t,
Sunday school room of the church, of
which she is janltress, Sirs. Wolf
loaded up her arms with crockery as
ammunition, opened the door, and
Jet fly. Two men. working in
other part of the building, heard the street. Williamsburg'
u"'" OI "'ling plates, but arrived
on the scene only to find the burglar
gone and the panitresy stretched on
the floor unconscious.
"I hit him," Mrs. Wolf said when
she was revived, "but couldn't stop
l'ini. He hit mo with a crowbar."
ret Wolf Roams Streets.
New York. A young wolf, born in
Wyoming and reared in Williamsburg
now runs wild through the city streets
every day.
He may be shot some day because
of some Western Idiosyncarcy or may
live to die a natural death, but just
now he is allowed to roam as he will
with his friends 3 11 the children he
Any day he may be seen playing
with the children in the streets and
he looks so much like a dojr that the
children do not know the difference.
John Pchveck of 31 South Third
received the
wr.lf by expreps from a friend in Wy-
You men and women who somehow
can't get feeling right who have an
almost daily headache, coated
tongue, foul ta3te and foul breath,
dizziness, can't sleep, are bilious, ner
vous and upset, bothered with a sick,
gassy disordered stomach, or have
backache and feel all worn out.
Are you keeping clean inside with
Cascarets, or merely forcing a pas
sageway every few days with salts,
cathartic pills or castor oil? This Is
Cascarets work while you sleep;
cleanse and regulate the stomalch,
remove the sour, undigested and fer
menting food and foul gases; take
the excess bile from the liver and
carry out of the system all the de
composed waste matter and poison In
the intestines and bowels.
A Cascaret tonight wl'i straighten
you out by morning a 10-cent box
from any drug store will keep your
entire family feeling good for months.
Don't forget the children. They love
Critical Condition Result of Accident
With Buttonhook
Santa Clara, Calif. The 10-
'tnonthss old child of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Wilson of Cupertino is in a critical
condition at its home at that place.
The child, while playing, got hold of
a buttonhook which she placed ln
her mouth. The end got caught un
der its tongue and the tongue was
almost torn from the mouth. Owing
to the excessive loss of blood the
child's condition is very serious.
oming seven months ago. From a
cub the animal grew rapidly and as Cascarets because they taste good
he seeinel tamer than some of the do good never gripe or sicken
dosrs of trio neighborhood Schveck
allowed him his freedom.
The wolf gets along splendidly Diseases caused 'by a sedentary life
with the children, but he doesn't like; can be avoided by walking away from
dogs. It.
28 Mules 28.
By public auction- at McBride's
barn, Athena, Ore, Wedne-day, Feb
ruary 14, at 1:30 p. m., 2S head of
mules, 4 and 5 years, Oregon bred,
choice stock. No culls, 1000 to 1200
pounds, halter broke, in good condi
tion. Terms, 8 months on approved
notes at 8 per cent, or 3 per cent off
for cash. Fred Eiffert, auctioneer;
D. C. Sanderson, clerk; Sam Wade,
In Society.
"Hello! Hello! Central! Give me
my husband."
"What number "
"Oh, the fourth. If you must know,
you impertinent thing!" Judge.
Do not teich your child what you
want; teach It what it needs.
Known For Its Strength
First MiSiona! linli
RESOURCES $2,500,000.00
What Is It?
Curtain at
Direct from Los Angeles on their tour East will
open for four, nights, starting
In Comedies and Comedy-Drama .
12-PEOPLE w,BJral2Stal effC,s 12-PEOPLE
Popular Prices: 25c and 35c. Reserved Seats SfgEj
What Is It,?
Curtain at