r EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OKEGOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON", WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1912. PAGE FIVE PERSONAL MENTION Just Arrived Our First Carload 4lTirtMCMIHtftfUMlllmWU '."fl WNTt WJWM WWiWA.N1 fcHWSWtfWiVli 1-:rriNrf,'-iti MHHtoJm-cifaWm -W vW Extra Special Sale of CUEITAIIM MATERIALS. All this week 20 different Pat terns in Madras and Scrim. Values to 35c Your Choice, yd. a SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. " F. E. Livengood & Go. The Ladies' and Children's Store. J) LOCALS Burroughs. Main 6. Fuel. Main 178 for coal and wood. The Melrose System. I. C. Snyder.chimney sweep. R 3812. You should have the Melrose Sys tem. ' Phone Koplttke & GUlanders, for dry wood and Rock Spring; coal. Everybody goes to tne Orpheum to ee the best and the clearest pictures. AH kinds of good dry wood, also clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal at Koplttke & GUlanders. For Rent Office with Tieat and light, $8 per month. Ask J. II. Estes, American National Bank Bldg. Lost Scotch Collie, white and tan. Seven months old. Return to 402 Tustln Btreet and receive reward. For Rentr Six room house, modern. Hot and cold water, btth, toilet, woodshed, etc. Enquire Dr. C. J. Whlttaker. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13. Also dry wood for sale. Wanted To learn alldess of Mrs der. W. I. Gadwa. Phone Black 2972, or at yards, 213 Bush street. For dressmaking see Miss Sommer, 301 Perkins avenue. Girls wanted at Pendleton Woolen mills. Apply at once. Man and wife wants job on ranch. Address Echo, Ore., Box 14. For rent Modern seven room house, nicely furnished, gaa and electricity. Will rent for 60 days. In quire "A" this office. Alfalfa Hay for Sale. Apply to N. Joerger, 417 Eddy Bt. Combine ilarvester for Sale. For Sale Daniel "Baby" Best Combine, practically new, only used in cutting COO acres of grain. In per fect order. Good reasons for selling. Apply Peter Tachella, Pendleton, Ore. rcndloton Lodge B. P. O. Elks. There will be a regular meeting of Pendleton Lodge B. P. O. Elks held at their lodge room on February 8th, 1912, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Initiation, followed by a smoker and refresh ments. All members are requested to be present. By order of the exalted ruler. THOS. FITZ GERALD, Sec. lion. Terms. 8 months on approved notes at 8 per cent, or 3 per cent off for cash. Fred Eiffert, auctioneer; P. C. Sanderson, clerk; Sam Wade, owner 28 Mules 28. T.. n.mtln a ItrnDrMa'a Sam Vinson. Anyone knowing her barn, Athena, Ore., Wednesday, Feb- BUUruas y il.uoa nnvg - -- ui y 11, j. . u v , i . -c Hughenden, Alberta, Canada. mules, 4 and 5 years, Oregon bred, If you want to move, call Penland ! choice stock. No culls, 1000 to 1200 Bros Transfer, phone M 339. Large J pounds, halter broke, in good condi- dray moves you quick, iraaii once a week. 647 Main street. For transfer work, hauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos, and all kinds of Job work, pnone H..n - j ,,lT ,iIMIT ox CANDY cave yourneii iu - . Ing our famous Rock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly. Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 5. Lost Saturday on the north side of the river a ladles' small gold rope necklace with rectangular Jade pend ant. Finder please return to "A" this office. Reward. Livery Stable lor Sale Owing to press of other business, I am forced ' to sell the Pioneer Livery and Sale Stable at Hermiston. W. W. Stelwer, Jr., Hermiston, Ore. Pnys to Advertise. Only costs 16c for shave at Patton's barber shop; G barbers employed; no long waits. Plenty hot water, clean towels and the Bhop that does not so licit the trade of Chinamen, Indians or Japs. Give ts a trial. vmu Tjjiuulrv Dennrtnicnt. The Domestic Laundry has added a rough dry department to Its al ready well equipped and up to date establishment. Patrons will please have their bundles ready Monday morning. Fort George Farm Lnmls.. An opportunity to get a farm at a very lour figure in Frascr River Val ley. Call and see or write us for particulars. Teutsch & Bickers. "I will take orders for a few settings of eggs from my Golden Buff Ply mouth Rock chickens that are good winter layers as well as show fowls. Early hatched ones are the most profitable an J now Is the time to or- CAUins MAY EAT Must Buy It nt Naval Academy Store, Sl'iuimg x .More mini 91 a Month. Annanolis. To regulate the char acter of sweets bought by the naval cadets and to discourage lavish ex nenditure the authorities of tho Na val Academy have forbidden the ca dets to bring enndy Into Bancroft Hall, their headquarters, or to have It pent there by Annapolis store keepers. The cadets nro limited to a dollar's worth a month, and this must be bought from the academy store on an order issued every thirty days, the amount of which Is deducted from their allowance. Tho cadets are complaining that thn stock of the academy store is lacking In variety. Thev also say thev are competent to regulate their own consumption of sweets. W. H. Boyd of Ec'io spent last night In Pendleton. J. D. Kirk of Ukiah, was a visitor In the city yesterday. Joe Bailey returned to his home at Echo this morning on No. 1. J. R., Cannon of Long Creek, came In from his home yesterday. " Dr. C. J. Smith left this afternoon on a business trip to Spokane. C. H. Lorenz of Ukiah, was a vis itor in the city yesterday. Ben Bro'wn a Conway rancher, Is transacting business In the city. John L. Vaughan, the electrician, took the morning train for Helix. Bert KIrby, the Adams merchant, came in this morning on the local. Rev. Nathan Evans returned on the local this morning from a short visit at Athena. E. E. La Hue of Vansycle. was an Incoming passenger on the N. P. lo cal this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Webb or wana Walla were guests of the Bowman hotel yesterday. T. L. Cbilders of Freewater, Is here today planning for a county prohibi tion convention. H. Zoller, government trapper on the north fork of the Umatilla Is in the city today. D. C. Brownell returned to Umatil la this morning after spending yes terday In the city. Attorney G. W. Coutts has returned from Kendrick, Idaho, where he had been to look after his farm. Frank Griggs, we'.l known employe of Gritman Bros., made a business trip to Pilot Rock today. Mrs. H. G. Newport came up from her home at Hermiston yesterday and is a guest of one of the hotels S. J. Campbell of the Milton-Free-water country, county fruit Inspector, came In this morning on the local. Gay Hayden, well known employe of the Boston Store, left this morning to spend a few days at his ranch near Stanfleld. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moorhouse leave tomorrow morning for Los An geles, where they will remain until about April 1. John P. McManus, editor of the Pi lot Rock Record, returned to his home this morning after spending the night in the city. County Commissioner H. M. Cock bum came down from Milton this morning to attend tne monthly meet ing of the county court. District Attorney S E Van Vactor returned to his home at Heppner this morning after attending the session of court now drawing to a cloe. Claude Clark ami bride, who was Miss Pearl M. Hendricks of this city, lert this morning ror Arlington wnere the bridegroom is engaged in the mer cantile business. Douglas Ball, district manager of the Blake-McFall Paper company, came In from hin headauarters at Walla. Walla this morning and is at tending to business matters here to; a ay. Miss Josephine Cameron of Hepp ner, who was the guest of her sister Mrs Tt W Fleteher for a. week, is spending a few days with another sis ter, Mrs. Eleanor Redfield in La Grande. Ed Buhrer, roadmaster for the l'matilla-La Grande division of the O.-W. R. & X. company, Is expected back today from Portland where he has been for the past few weeks to receive treatment for his eyes. Bartender Is Aeaultted. TTnrrv Britt. tho Helix bartender who was tried yesterday on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon, in u.-iiuii iin u. iunbciv,us iti"iiions. jn an, thirteen men were piac was acquitted by the Jury about 11 fe,iin the field, as follows: G. M o'clock hist night after deliberations Rice w l. Thompson, Henry Col- lasting about two hours. The trial occupied the entire day and was a hard fought one, Deputy District At torney Nerberry representing tne state nnd Carter & Smytho the re- fendant. - Joe Bannister was the com plaining witness, alleging the defend ant struck him with a "billy club." Brltt put up the plea of self defense and evidently impressed the Jury. . DONALDSON RELIABLE DRUGGIST OUIt POLICY WE PAY CASH, WE SELL . , ' FOR CASH. We both make money. We give you advantage ot ouuaih discount, also bargains In GOOD GOODS bought for tash. WATCH OUR WINDOW. Special sale each week . High Grade Rubber Goods this week, all guaranteed for two years. We pay 10o for each delivery. Send your boy, any purchase of B0o or over we will give him the lOo. Special sale on Druggists Sun dries all this week. California I-'.ditor Murdered. Nevada City., Calif., Feb. 7. As a sequel to a long .standing feud, O. Doyle, a prominent citizen, shot and fatally wounded W. Smith, editor of the Truckee Repullican ':oday. J. 1 ROBINSON' HEADS CIA'B. (Continued from page one.) organization of their opponents and. as a result, many of the Smith sup porters were absent. They, too, had printed ballots, but for some reason or other were not circulated. The anti-Smith slate was nominated by W. L. Thompson, president of the Am erican National Bank, while Leon Cohen, the well known merchant, led the other contingent and read the list which included the name of Dr. Smith. In explanation, it must be stated that a number of the candi dates were nominated bv both fac tions. In all. thirteen men were plac- Dalo Rothuoll 1 Optometrist Eyes examined by the latest and best methods. Glasses fitted, lenses duplicated and frames repaired. With Wra. Har.scom THE lins, C. J. Smith, R. Alexander, W. J Clark. J. A. Borle. C. M. Bishop, A. J. McAllister, Leon Cohen, L. G'. Fra iler TTnrrv f?rnv Ami T! TT. Wllrov. After the vote had been counted it was seen that the anti-Smith men had been unsuccessful, the physician havlnir been elected no the ninth memher. thouirh hv the narrow mar gin of four votes, having received a total of 48. Mr. Cohen, before the ballots were cast, had declined to ac 1912 Ford AitoiiikSes High Priced Quality in a Low Priced Car IT ' ' t ' " .i.it 'i.-; ' w , .s. ...... ........ ,71 .... . 'K COMMERCIAL ROADSTER $710 TORPEDO ROADSTER TOURING CAR FIVE PASSENGER $810 $710 1000 POUND DELIVERY CAR $825 The, Car that you see wherever you go and that goes wherever you see it. To tell you all the superior features of the FORD would take mueli time and space. The cars are on display at our parage in EAGLE-"YOODMEX BLDG., and Ave are at your ser vice. Call and see them or telephone for a demonstration. FORD TOR CAB Joseph N. Bob!, Prop. niOXE 4C3 MAIN. 212 EAST COURT ST. cept a nomination, but 44 compli mentary votes were cast for him. G. M. Hice, president of the First Na tional Bank, received the highest vote of .any one member elected, his total being 79. llrock Declines to flnn. When the nominations for officers were opened, W. E. Brock, who has served as vice president of the organ ization for the past year, was nomi nated by A. J. McAllister, but posi tively declined the honor which would undoubtedly have been accorded him, giving as his very good reason that his connection with the school board and the city council demanded all of the time he could conscientiously spend in public work. He is chair man of the city council. J. F. Roblnron was then placed in nomination by R. Alexander and was unanimously e'ected. V. J. Clarke placed B. J. Murphy befcre the asso ciation for consideration as vice-president and he was chosen without op position; F. E. Judd nominated Jack Keefe for re-election to the secretary ship and the club went on record unanimously In favor of him for the office. Royal Saw telle nominated Roy Ritner to succeed himself as treasurer but the nomination was de clined, whereupon Mr. Ritnor placed the name of John Dickson before the club and he was chosen without op position. Other Business Taken X"p. Following the election of officers, a number of other matters were brought to the attention of the asso ciation, notice of which appears in another place in thoe columns. Prize Birds to Seattle. Milton, Ore Mrs. B. F. Williams left for Seattle to 'attend the poultry show. She took with her 27 prize winning Buff Rocks and. eight birds belonging to her son. Earl Williams of the Columbia Rock variety. These birds won two silver cup3 for M'rV Williams at Pendleton and Walla Walla. Wilson and Harvey having made up, Watterson must be madder than ever. New Arrivals lor Spring at the Golden Rule Store Mercerized Voile, new.'Siprinp; shades 25 Soudan Mercerized Toncee, a silk finished cloth for spring wear, 20c, our regular price 12 l-2 .Striped and figured Mescaline, pretty pattern for waist $1.50, our regular price OS BLACK TAFFETA WAIST. ' $1.00 Value, our regular price .: 2.9S $3..r0 Value, our regular price S2.25 WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW. Our Big Solo of Men's Clothes to Continue FRIDAY and SATURDAY of last week were days if unprecedented selling in this tremendous clothing event. We an nounced that we were going to reduce stock and would sell our famous A. B. Kirschbaum "Cherry Tree Brand'' men's suits below cost in order to accomplish this. The established reputation of this store's doing just as it advertises brought the people they found the greatest bargains they were ever offered and as a result, many suits changed ownership. , . : .ai-s i 415 J The Sale is still on. We have Suits for present and spring wear that told from $12.50 to $20.00 all to go at one price 1 lnJoDtCuniiginniein)''s GOoiLIhiingj (Do. Jeweler, Pendleton