rt'i tTiimn ri"T- rriirai) Wi wimiih i i - . . . . PAGE FOITu DAILY EAST OREftONTAX, PENDLETON", OREGON, ' WEDNESDAY, FETHiUATtY 7, 1912. EIGHT PAGES AS INDEl'EN PENT NKWgFAi'EK. Published Pally and Jml-Wwkly at Pea dletuo, Oregon. br the EAST ORKtiONIAN 1L"BL18UINU CO. sukscriition hates. Pally, on y-r. by mall '5 ?; tally, ail m.mihs. tj luall 2-5'-' lailj, three months, by mall Dally, ooe Donih, by mail -o l"aliy, on jr, by i-arr.r 7 ...0 Daily. ai month, by carrier Ially. 'tare montt.. oy carrier 1.85 Daily, on month, by carrier . Feml Weekly, on year, by mall 1-50 lnlUfrk i. aii muniba. by mail .... .75 fcheml-Weekly, (our months, by mail. Tb Pally Et Orecoolaa U kept oo aala t th Oregon Nea Co.. 3K iiorrlaon atreeu Portland. Oregon. Northwest Xea v'o, PortUnd, Orefron. Chicago liureau, IK"J Security BuiMtag. Waahins-toa. U. C. Bureau. 601 tour taentb exreeu X. W. Entered at the postoffloe at Pendleton, Oregou, at eecund-ciaaa mall matter. THK INDIAN' BROTHERHOOD. Member I'nited Preaa Aaaoclation. Telephone Main 1 OrTlclal City and ConnO I'fcper. a STALWAIiT. of I like to see thee tread where others pause, A pioneer where pioneers are few, Fearle.-s and dauntless in a holy cause, A man of purpose, cowerless, and true. Too long the pulpit and too Ions the cross Have sought to foil and cru cify the world; Beneath hate's ban and super stition's dress Their tongued anathemas curses hurled. Thou are a man; a free-born son of truth. And loyal to the cause human weal; Thy faith brooks not a world of crime and ruth, Which only might can end and death repeal. But with the fervor of the ear nest soul. By force of truth and by con viction's creed. Thou epeakest the words that never ceasing roll. To yield the harvest of the righteous seed. Keep up the faith! with never faltering tread. Plant thy firm feet in free dom's rock secure; There thy full soul, fixed on the Btars ahead. In nobler luster, endless, shall endure. William Hoffman. There are great possibilities open tr- the Indian Brotherho.nl of which the Umatilla reservation branch is now duly organized and which made honorary members of a dozen or mere white men yesterday. The general purposes of the broth erhood are to protect the Indians in their rights afid to advance their wel fare. The Indians need an honest cr.d ablv conducted organization to guard their rights. The rights of the rcdmen have often been shamefully .50 imposed upon largely because the In dians in themselves have been Ignor ant and helpless. If the head officials of the Indian Brotherhood are inspired by a sincere desire to aid their fellow redmen and are willing to serve them zealously and without thought of self interest much may be accomplished. They might be able to do much for the Umatlllas Just now by urging the gov ernment to proceed with more vigor and earnestness upon the task of es tablishing the rlshts of the Indians down on the old wardrobe, smashing j it to smithereens. "Gone!" yelled the', auctioneer. "Gone to General Grant j for $1000."' Philadelphia Record FAIR EXCHANGE. t" water upon their allotments. The Brotherhood may also accom plish good by encouraging among the Indians, especially among the young er members, a spirit of industry and a desire to advance. White men do not stand still and do as their grand fathers did. They are constantly im proving themselves and bettering their conditions. The redmen must do the same or perish from the face of the earth. Kind o'tired an' hurried; Kind o' lost his grip; A feller sat and worried An' watched the minutes slip. Says, "I think I'm gettin" A deal I don't deserve." He jes' kep' on a-frettin' Cause he'd simply lost his nerve, Like a disappointed kid, So he did. Snowbird came a-hoppin , On the window sill. Mongst the snowflakes droppin' From the cky so still, So he did. He didn't have no cover. Nor no cozy place to eat. But he didn't chirp an' hover In discouragement complete. He looked mighty bo'd lnstid. So he did. An' the feller saw that sparrow An' he chucked him out some srumbs' On the window ledge so narrow, j An' thought he. "That's how luck ; comes," I So he did. "That sparrow sort o'trusted. Though much forse off than me. Just present I am busted. But, the same as him. I'll see Luck step out from where it's hid " And he did. WWW THE NEW OFFICERS. Upon the shoulders of President elect J. F. Robinson and the members of the new managing board will soon devolve the task of handling the pro motion and development work in be half of the -city. It is work of im portance to Pendleton and to Uma tilla county. How it will be conducted depends very much upon the presi dent and other officials of the club. The Commercial club is usually just about what the officers make it. The membership is always loyal, earnest and eager to work whenever the chosen leaders point out something good that can be done and arrange the work In such manner that prac tical results can be obtained. The manner In which the presi dency of the club came to Mr. Rob inson makes it an honor indeed for him. He did not seek the place at all. The position sought him and his elec tion was due to the fact he is person ally popular and is known as a very loyal and aggressive worker for the organization. Older members of the club still recall with pride the time when "Jack" Robinson was secretary of the club and made things go. Therefore they were glad to see him p'aced at the head and so were the young men. In taking office Mr. Robinson will follow a popular and aggressive presi dent and he will get the benefit of much that was done during the past year. The membership Is about double what It was a year ago and the club has a paid secretary an official that is very much needed in any live organization. The fact that the club has a paid secretary is due to the good work of President Smythe who made that reform one of the first tMngs upon his T.rogram. With enthusiastic support from the membership and with good councel and aid from the excellent managing board selected last night Mr. Robin sen will be able to accomplish a world o' good for Pendleton. There Is al ways plenty to do. , nothing Short of Perfect Health should satisfy yon. Then you must tone, Ktrrngtlien and re build the entire system by tak ing IIOSTETTEfl'S Stomach Bitters Good heal ill is assured It la for Stomach Ills, Grippe, Malaria. A SERVANT, NOT A MASTER. Public service corporations shoull be public servants; not masters. They are supposed to serve the public not to rule and the result of the Com mercial club election last night indi cates the members of that body take this view. However, the fight was close and it should be a warning to those who do not want to see the con trol of affairs go too strongly into the hands of such concerns as the light and power trust. Of course Dr. Smith had opposition from other sources than from the electric camp. If such had not been the case he would have had an eas ier victory. But the fact that the most open and active work against him was handled by Dr. Vincent, manager ror the Pacific Power & Light company Is very significant. It indicates that concern not only has a desire to handle its own end of af fairs the selling end but It wants to dip in and handle the buying end also. It has no business on that side of the fence and should be kent wih. in its proper territory. THE OLDEST JOKE. La Follette intimates that he may withdraw from the race but wont do so unless the colonel rnmoa tn tv.a front and allows the progressives to look him over again. This Is the open season in the north west for wildcat concerns of all sorts and there are indications it is time. Xow that the club election is over why not use the hammers in fitting up more suitable quarters? MISSING TREASURE. What is said to be the most ancient joke is re'ated In one of the Berlin papyri of the sixth Egyptian dynasty about 3200 years anterior to the Christian era and la to this effect: According to the papyrus a certain scribe who worked in the Temple of Thoth occupied apartments where his neighbors on either side were a cop persmith and a carpenter. These honest artisans were industrious work men and made such a nols all day and most of the night that the poor scribe was almost driven mad. At length iy a Btroke of craftiness he buttonholed each neighbor separate? j ly and bribed him to change his j lodtrines. which thpv did with each ! other. This tale has kept the world amus ed for 5000 years. London Tit-Bits. Absolutely Pure HAKES II0L1E BAKING EASY Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts The only Baking Powder mndc from Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar i York is a tremendously expensive en tity. Like all great cities In the world, It is extravagantly governed. Most great cities are. Extravagance seems to be universal in the manage ment of cities. Some day, however, cities will be conducted along busi ness lines, just as any other great cor poration is conducted. HIS SIZE SAVED A STROKE. THE SPENDER. According to official figures ' sub mitted to Mayor Gaynor by the fi-! nance department. New York City's total debt at the beginning of 1912 was $1,037,811,718, or approximately $20,000,000 more than the public debt of the United States. I During 1911 the funded debt In creased $71,432,485 of which $44,200,- William W. Price is one of the big gest newspaper correspondents in Washington. H's physique is equiv alent to that of President Taft. The two frequently compare notes on av oirdupois and whenever the president reduces a few pounds. Price is spur red to emulation. The president is an expert golfer, while Price Is some thing of a novice at the game. A day or two ago some newspaper friends invited Price out to the Co lumbia Country club links and he pro ceeded to astonish them by getting away with seme terrific drives. In driving from the sixteenth tee, i. .iii.-ji. uih. hiiu me new waier sup- nowever, trice landed his ball In a ply system. ! pool of mud and water, where It lay These figures show mor convlnc- completely submerged. Be viewed ingly than any other think could, the the situation with disgust enormous magnitude of the great met- ; "It is unplayable. You may as well ropolitan centers. A city like New lose a stroke." "Never!" said Price. He boldly straddled the puddle, took a mashle from his cadle and poised himself for a stroke. . At that instant his feet slipped and Price sat down With great composure he rose again and remarked: "An unplayable ball, eh Oh, don't know." There was Price's ball, balanced neatly on a little tee of mud. The puddle, under the Impact of his pres idential figure, had vanished in fine spray over the nearby landscape. Brooklyn Eagle. A QUEER COAL MINE. What is perhaps the most extraor dinary coal mine in the world, as well as the smallest, is situated on tiny island in the Japan Sea, near Nagasaki, and has just sufficient room upon its surface for the shafts and the hoisting machinery- The workings, which are very extensive, extend in all directions under the sea. Wide World. Only an occasional doctor is tried for killing a patient. But remember that most bankers are thoroughly reliable and honest. Louis Francis Brown returned the other day from a trip through New England, Bays the New York corres pondent of the Cincinnati Times Star. On this voyage he had a number of interesting adventures. One night, for example, he was sitting in the box office of a theater in a' small New England town, chatting with the tick et seller. They were M friends. By and by a Yankee framed his face in the ticket window. "Hey, mister," said the caller, "did you find a satchel in. the opera house after the ow last night?" The box office man did not know whether a satchel had been found, but promised to inquire. In the meantime, he wished to be told what, if any, distingu'shfng marks it pos sessed, and all dips, spurs and angles. Aw," said the Yankee, "it was Just a common old Boston bag. You'll see a dozen of 'em on the street any day. finely they were all made by the same man. It had brown cloth sides and black leather ends and either one handle or two. I can't tell you any more about it." The box office man promised to set an Inquiry on foot at once and the lankee turned away. Then he came back. He seemed apologetic. "I really wlsht you would find that bag," he said. "You see, maw left the top set of her false teeth In it and she feels she really ought to wear 'em when she goes to the church social tonight." END OF THE BIDDING. Governor Mann of Virginia, who possesses a fine stock of Civil War stories, told the following recently at a dinner of the New Jersey society in the Union league. "When the Union army was bombarding Petersburg a number of cool headed citizens were watching an auction sale that was go ing on at the corner of two streets. Among the objects for sale was an old fashioned wardrobe, bids for which had reached the sum of $999. That may seem like an extravagant price to you, but you must remember that this occurred during the war, when prices were high. I know on one occasion I paid $240 for break fast. Well, to continue with' my story, the auctioneer receiving no higher bid for the wardrobe, cried: 'Nine hundred and ninety-nine, once, 999, twice'; and -was about to knock down the furniture for that sum when suddenly a Yankee shell crashed 'htt Music in next Saturday's edition East Oregonian of the F1 ( March and Two Step ) HP As played by Arthur Pryor and his famous concert band Printed by special permission the publishers of Composed by Arthur Pryor Watch for it! Saturday, Februay 10th! 3 CREAMS A SPECIAL FOR Chappy Skin Weather Cucumber, Almond, Edelweiss 25c a Bottle Koeppen's The drug store that serves you best. The Pendleton Drug Co. . la In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN TOC HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS! OR WANT PURE MEDICINES Two Old Maids Anna, What do you think Mr, Ea Iund charged me for sewing on a pair o.' soles on my shoes T Clara Don't know and don't care Anna, he only charged me (So and did fine work too yes, but I don't like him. Anna Well, well, you evld ntly do or you wouldn't care. Men's soles sewed on for 99c ( Full line of men's fine shoes. ) A. EKLUND Main Street BRING IN YOUR PONY . VOTES In order to avoid confusion as to standing of contestants in our big Pony Contest, we would like to have all votes cost as soon as possible. Standings of each boy and girl In the contest, are now dis played at our store. Tallman , Co. You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the QUELLE Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakes Good coffee Every day We Invite your patronage and aim to please you. A clean kitchen, t Regular Meals 25c Gus. La Fontaine La Fontaine Block, Main Street