PAGE TWO. DAILY EAST OREGON TAX, PEXDLETOy, OKFaIOX, W F.PXFSPAY. FV,BRlTARY 7, 1012. EIGHT PAGES J, - - -n i i ii ' ' --- T Tii ii nil W I li ".. RUMMAGE, SALE Ever rummage around in an old trunk or a drawer of a neglected bureau and find one, two, three or a dozen unexpected treasures? The simile applies to our BIG RUMMAGE SALE. All sorts of treasures here we, ourselves scarcely know what they are-but they are NOT OLDchiefly this season's goods which quickly accumulate in a large store. Odds and broken assortments, small lots and remnants that were side tracked behind counters and on high shelves and thus escaped the pleasure of bringing higher prices during our recent clearance sales. All now on Big Rummage tables at a trifling fraction of their real worth. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME and RUMMAGE AROUND. We can't say just what you will or wont discover, or precisely how much you will save, but every time you find some thing that "Looks Good" to you and buy it, the saving will be big. Come and see for yourself-that's the only way to find out--youU be glad you did. UNDERWEAR 1-2 PRICE. Winter weight underwear, fleeced and wool, separate garments and union suits for women and children. Odds and ends, but good gar ments. Rummage for 1-2 price. Corsets 25 c Odd lot of corsets, corset waists and girdles, formerly from 50 to $1.50 Rum mage price 25 35c Infant's White Silk Afft tens 9c Infant's white silk mit tens, soiled hut washable. Rummage price, pair 9 $3.50 16-button Kid Gloves $2.35 lii-button kid gloves in grey, ox blood and green. Rummage price S2.33 Neckwear 9c Women's stocks, jabots, Dutch collars and tailored collars, sold regularly from 23 to 50, soiled and mussed. Rummage price 9 XO. CO FAIELE AND TAFFETA RIRROXS 12 Xo. 00 Ribbon suitable for hat trimmings and rossetts, black and colors. Rummage price 12 $15 to $20 Men's Suits $2.85 f This is indeed a snap for any man or young man who can be fitted. There are about sixt- suits in this lot. Mostly small sizes. $12.50 to 17.50 Men's Suits $8.95 A complete range of sizes. A fine assortment of colors Values you'll not find elsewhere. $2.50 and 3.00 Men's Pants $1.49 Of course we haven't every size, if we had we couldn't sell them so cheap, but what we do have are good. Mostly heavy weight. Well made and good patterns. A real snap for any man needing an extra pair of good serviceable pants. 5, 10 AXD 15 LACE AX I) EMBROIDERY 2 A lot of odds and ends in .embroideries and laces, many good values. Rummage price 2 25 WHITE FOOT HOSE 15 Women's black hose, white feet, regular 25 numbers. Rummage price 15 15 BLACK AXD TAX HOSE 9 Women's seamless-hose, either black or tan, 15 quality. Rummage price .. 9 20 CHILDREN'S RIBBED HOSE lid Heavy ribbed hose, suitable for children's school wear. Rummage price H$ Get Your Table Supplies from Pendleton's Cleanest and Best Grocery In Our Model Sanitary Basement Phone Main 17. Finnan Haddies, lb 25 Fancy Boneless Codfidi- packages 25 Fine Fat Mackerel 2 for 25. Salmon Bellies, lb 20 Preserved Cucumbers, pint jars ... .. . oop All other depts. Main 22. Kippered Salmon, lb. 23 Pure Grated Horso Radish pint jars .. .25 Chili Sauce, tattles 40 Tomato Catsup, put up in gallon glass jugs... 81.25 X'ice Ripe Juicy Oranees, per dozen - .. 23 Free Demonstration of M. J. B. Coffee Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. Free Trading Stamps Tomorrow, Thursday, we will give absolutely free, teru, stamps to every person who visits our premium department on our second floor, regardless of whether you buy or not. We simply want you to come and see what we give away with our trading stamps, inid will give vou the ten stamps for vonr trouble. .. .ailgldliCIl What 9c Will Buy Fancy Hat Pins, each . 9 Women's Tailored Collars, each 9 Women's Stock Collars, each 9 Women's Jaliots, each 9i Children's White Silk Mittens, puir 9c Women's Belts, each 9 Women's Belt Hose Supjortcrs, pair , 9 Women's Black or Tan Hose, pair 9 Women's Black Fascinators, each 9 Children's grey Fleeced Vests small sizes 9 White Waistings, yard 9 Silk Waisting, yard 9 CORSKTS 19 One lot Corsets, medium lengths, sold formerly up to 82; Rummage price ' ' 49 The Peoples Warehouse Save Your Trading Stamps Where It Pays to Trade AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orpheom. February 6, 7 and 8. Announcement extraordinary. We lake great pleasure in announcing to the patron- of our theater that we have been able to arrange, at great exper.?e, an exhibition of Seng's greatest moving picture masterpiece, "Cinderella," in three reels with picturedom'a greatest star, Miss Ma bel Taliaferro, Oie dainty, diminutive International idol. The- production beautiful, pronounced bjr press and critics everywhere as the crowning triumph of moving picture history. Rich, costly and gorgeous, this pro duction is one of indescribable picto rial magnificence. There are ninety nine scenes, or over 3003 feet of ela borate settings, superb costumes, per fect photography, wonderful effects and the action is incomparable in Its dramatic elegance. The story is beyond doubt the sweetest ever told that of Cinderella and her silver tllpper the story that Is ever dear to the hearts of old and young alike. Don't fail to see this wonderful picture. Bring the children. "A Gay Time In Atlantic City." Lu bin. Hubbies try to fool wifies with a "nervous-breakdown have-to-take a-rest" yarn. Oh how foolish are those men who think they can out wit their wives. Tte Patljne. The home of good pictures. Tues day's change of program: "Paid Back." Sell. Single reel feature. The Intense dramatic recital of a modern newspaper scoop, found ed upon real Incidents in the life of one of our great political factors. "Papa's Sweetheart." Edison. This Thore Is Only One "Bromo Quinine" Thai Is Laxative Bromo Quinine UMBO THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A OOID IM OKE DAY. Alwmjt remember the full name. Look nf thai signature on erery box. 25c, film i-i beautifully played and ade quately staged. It is sure to make a strong appeal and to win many friends. "A Bird In the Hand." Essanay. Yes, a bird in the hand Is worth two in the bush. Don't neglect to see this great big comedy scene. "The Alpine Lease." Kalem. A story of the oil fields and the rescue of his sweetheart This story Is founded on an actual occurence which happened In the Bakerafleld oil re gion, a few years ago. Musical program for Tuesday's change: No. 1 On the New York. New Ha ven & Hartford. Schottische. A. Von Tiller. No. 2 Somewhere's She's Flirting With Someono. Waltz. H. Orlob. No. 3 On a Junetlme Honeymoon. Schottische. M. J. Gideon No. 4 Let's do Out on a Jambo ree. Waltz. B. Deely. No. 5 Every Moment You're Lone some I'm Lonesome Too. Schottische. J. D. Richmond. "The Kid of Roaring Camp." Champion. A prettily told western child drama of the gold camps that grows sweeter every second till the happy end. "The Way of the West." Ameri can. A rollicking comedy in which the two young folks with the aid of a hired "bad man" taught their re spective dads a les.-on. "The Sixfold Duels of Foolshead." Itala. Mr. Foolshead had many challenges to fight duels and con ceived the idea of covering himself with electric wires before fighting. The results on the day of the duel are marvelous to behold and very funny. Cosy. Wedneaday and Thursday feature, Ib.en drama, and lots of good come dies. "Lady from the Sea." Thanhous er. From the powerful dramatic production- of Henrlc Ibsen, a weird, mysterious story so far from the gen eral run of pictures that It stands in a cIbm by Itself. All the wlerd fas cination, the witchery, the strange at mosphere of mystery which appear In the original story are enhanced in the film story. A feature film. LIBRARY XOTES. Today has been recognized by a world wide celebration, since it marks the one-hundredth anniver sary of the birth of Charles Dickens, one of the greatest of the English novelists. His keen sympathy for the poor and suffering; his flaming anger against injustice and cruelty that resulted in so many public reforms; his descriptive power that makes the reader actually see everything he de picts are traits which make Dick ens an unquestioned leader of our modern story tellers. In honor of the event the library is throwing wide its doors and most cordially Inviting every one to Join with us this evening in paying tribute to this great man of the literary world. Beginning at eight o'clock there will be a very short program given by the pupils of the high school. In the words of Dickens, "make a note of this." xkw wiri:i,i:ss rixord. licet ut Honolulu Talk to Washing ton via Mnro Inland. Washington. By way of Mare Is land navy yard and Key West, Fla.. Admiral Thomas commander-in-chief of the Pacific fleet now at Honolulu, was in communication with Washing ton, the entire distance being cover ed by wireless messages. The original message from the Hawaiian Islands was picked up by the wireless tower at Mare Island and relayed across the continent to the wireless station at Key West, which promptly telegrapher It to the Navy Department here. The signi ficant point was that the transmission was effected in daylight over this dis tance, 2,089 miles from Honolulu to Mare Island and 2.205 miles from Mare Island to Key West. Heretofore day wireless messages have had a comparatively short rango. riding that it had i,P(.n extinguished, he went to examine it, when the charge exploded, Mowing him several feet in the air. Ho was brought to his home hero In a serious condition The' physician says there ore no bones broken, nnd ho may recover. Buys l'riwnu.r lYnlt RaiM'li. Freevvater, Ore.J. H. Hclkes of Sunnyslde. who v recently sold his ranch for $10,600, purchased a fruit ranch at Locust Crossing from A Avery for $10,000. MAX IJIiOlVX VP WHILE BLASTING STUMP LIVES nervals, Or. John Adelman while at work on the farm of Peter Prantl, 2 1-2 miles south of Gervais, was seriously injured by a blast of giant powder while blasting out stumps. The fuse had been set and he was waiting for the explosion, when, de- Unique Name ilany People Cannot Pronounce Nam oi wonui Most Famous Catarrh Remedy. Hlgh-o-me that's the proper way to pronounce IIYOMEI the old roll able demedy, that has rid tens of thousands of people of that vile and disgusting disease. HYOMEI Is made of purest Austral ian eucalyptus combined with thymol and other effective antiseptics and is guaranteed to be free from cocaine or any harmful drug. HYOMEI Is guaranteed to end the misery of catarrh, ashma, croup, ca tarrhal deafness, bronchitis, coughs or colds, or money back. Breathe It. that all. nn init, v. stomach. Complete outfit, including lndestructivle Inhaler, $1. Extra bottles of HYOMEI. if nPAdori it cents at Tallman & Co. and druggists everywhere.